Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 14

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Mn lamp lhrvles art elm as every Tuesday nflemhon are at mcting large number of house wives Ihis year There were art LBLS Literally on all sides of he hmnc on Tuesday niternpon sitting on ihn mg or standing at caicls We spoiled Mrs OBr en Saint Mrs Donald Cameron Mrs Grace Bell and Mrs nomthy Treadwcu among the nulvDIduor skelchcrsand than may have been several not in immediate fight scarecrow wns the sublect oil overnlhi he painters Mrs liar vie snys that she mos 10 get her Jtudcnls in put figure in the paintings hut thnl lhry shy away mm the thought Inanimnle nb not like scarecrow dont frighten hem bu live abject docs Her classrs seem in casual un iaokcr to be chthul combina you learning and inn in the sun twould he pleasure to sit out in the plansml allcinonn sun without Even liming palm leShGl so Bl seemch Tumday MLss Rel larlrrr has been much entertained before lirr marriage in Pater Sinclair which is to trike hlace on July 10 in Hunisvillc Mrs Bell caicrialncd ai ira Run home on Lciiiia Street and iss Enid Cnlrridae and Miss Jana Simpson caimainod al supper party Miss Coleridges home on Park such ML and lllis Ken noui McKenzie cnlurlaincil in her honor at lhuir home on Welling Ann Street We and Mr and Mrs Walls hold supper paniy at ilirlr home on Tncrasa Slrccl Mrs Gcrdnn Roach cntcnaincd dinner nariy nl naysiairs dodge and iilr and Mrs John onkman cnieriaincil ai iliair ornn on Kempcnfult nriva ai vdinlicr an Weiln d1y waning An vening party was held in Miss arkcrs harm by Mrs llarry Car or all lirr home on Thcrbsa Slrccl nnd prescriiailnn was made to her along wiili snvcn ulhur teach crs who an aim leaving inc sin al 5713 plcnic given by Hillcrcsl 152ml Vincrni Park BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY ISM9 THE SARJEANT co mun MARY ST Buy NEXTWINTERS FlIELNOW Enioy Paidup Heat Nch luesdxy evenln Mayan Hawkins and her daughter Jenni er leave on an extensive tour thwugh puns 471 England and the confluent They sail Wednesday July aboard the liner Scythin and will be arriving back in Gm nda at the find of August and home In Harrie around the sccnnd week of Scplcmburi will be the first lime that Mrs Hawkins has been back to her homblnnd Erllnin since coming to Canada and first hip ovnlscaslfur nucr slu am at mum They are planning to visit Paris Brussels the Ruhr and the Rhine cuunirythfi Black Forxi the Junl Mountains the Rhine FallSv and Amslmlam Berna Bonn Zur ich Enppanl micrdnm The Hague Loydcn Arnheim Nimegen Colngnc Dijon Cubism nnd course London Dcvnn Cnmwnli Ram and perhaps Scotland Mrs Hawkins is naich cl Essex and will be seeing scveml relatives during their stay in England Up at Town Cauncu the other evening he fireman dcpulallun ruse In lrcmcndous hurry when me sound lire bulls came into lhn counch chambcn Well thats om way 10 gel rid cf delega mm cmnmunmd Mayor Haber Smith To Germany Exafixc 915mm clauegiam LIMITED BARRIE Think winlcr free of fuel bills Think paying for ynur ton convcnlcnlly yml pny ynur phone mm ThMu haw our lvluc cml Ilmluu Plnn wmkl make cunl lnlyhm cnlkr and to gunnmltc you lhc final home hcminu with hluc conlhc wmhll lmm nmhmcim Start now ond your manlhly paymunll wlll be Ihul much gmulhr Phone us now about our Friends anor CGE BrideSnd Groom HUGH MERRXAM and hislbiide the tormer Connie laws were pr seated with chair and candy dish by friends at xheharrie Works of the Canadian General Electric Co Ltd betore their recent June wedding cos Nun Gilford Mission Band Entenains At Strawberry Tea Members of Giuoxd Young Can odlan Wurkcrs Mission Band en tertuincd their mothers thev Mls shmary Society and two specks gun51s on June 22 Mrs lichen MEIen Avcning president Smith Sflmcoe Presby tery and Mrs Gordon Brothelo Bond Read Presbfierial Mission Band surelnry had both brought cnrlcads of lmeresled ladies from lhclr home communities Following he business and dc voiional pan of the regular med ing approximately hundrcd people enjoyed strawberry ple ahd ice cream lean on the lawn the church Mrs Chan Sawyer lhe WMS president presided nl 1210 on labln The president Earl Dnlea was in hc chair 01 the mcefing The hymn Prnlso Him Pralsc Him was sung and lhé Missinn Band Purpose was repcalcd 1n unison Mls Boycs led in pmyu Evnlcen Sawyer the secretary read the minutes Ind Mrs Lou Nellly In made plans or he an nual plcnlc an Tuaday Aug 10 at Innislil Park Cars for Hanspurln lion were promised tor 230 pm at the church Gary James gave the huasurers rcpon and took up the collection nssislcd by Dennis James he superlntondcm Mrs John Kell dcdlmtcd he altering as well as the bhmdays The Junior group under in 1nd cr Mm Paul Russel Iavurcd the gatheran with an anuon sung and Pflcr Holmes road the 23rd Psalm Mrs Brclhct floated the band with cw cheerful and encourag lng remarks and Mrs McLarcn brought mosSagB with Do you know rLpcrt nn mlssium The pmmm spake nll pm out when she nald mw dclighlcd the molnmrs wan to have Wa such busy women wnh mom WMH nclnsinc hymn and prayer cvvryune went out under the mu the chmhyurd whcrc he Mi slnn Band écévcd mgnm South Ammcn Is Im 21001400 Mount Aconnguu Amcnunu BACKACHE MaYbeWarninq numb Ilznr dbyluylldnq mm Wbm Amy pl ml nI Id uml Add And min In in nynlm nun Imh dimuM ml Ila Iimhul And Inlvrbudtd lnlinl my loan lollnm nuln Ihc linu la IMd Kidney lan Doddl nlimuhl IM Iidmyl In Mmu mm nnn uh bell in mum fawn PHONE 2461 On June 10 the 15 Mlandnle Girl Guides met for hcirflnal meellng this summer which was an cnmlmcm new rccruhs They began mclr program byslng mg The Queen and the parents lnined in Thbir captain Mrs Trembiay and District Cammissionnr Mrs McGrcgnr enrolled andlpm senlcd Tenderloot pins to Beverley Furyk Mary Jo Tompkins Sharon Lee Maureen Cox Victoria Saund ers Wlfiifmd Crawford Mavis Grmin Peggy Sandra KinE and Doroihy Saun crs There were many badges given out to the Guides who had wnrk ed hard all year Hastes badges were prcsemcd Jnyce Trelry June Chappel Eiainc Mulsc and Donna Fall The area commlssmn or Mrs Craven presented second calss badges Joyce Tre Iry June Chappcl Elaine Muise Donna Fall Mamyn Appleton Gall Hodge and Llnda Leg Stur gess and Friend to Animulsi badge to Linda Lee Smrgeu provincial pln was prescnlcd to Mrs Cumbcrl and patrol lenders pln to Joyce mm Ad rlnn Fraser rccelvcd sevenyear service star whllc Marilyn Ap plalon recelvod oneyear star Mrs Aw Craven Inlkcd to LhcCvuldn mGuidinxand um progress 151 Allandnlc Company Then wasu shun program during whlch Sandra Kane played the piano and Mary Joe Tompkins gang and dnnccd The bur1 Pray cr was sung by PM Baker and Elninc Mum Ilnd Mrs Trombluy entertained Ihc Guides wiUI an PREFAB HOME BUILDING makes possible big suvingg in PRICES lIIIE THIS Téfachers Fefed On Departure Hillcresr Staff méfibeFox 7m fnpgnsi Scim teaming smu are leaving thl year and to mark the occasion lull pfcnic was held on Tuesday Iner nnan June 22 St Vincent Park Three of the fight are withdrawing from teaching and five are trans 12mm to other bosmons Of the latter James EL Madam and Ruben Agate willnssume prin cipalsth In Bank and Coldwrfler vrespectively To each 01th pighl hackers Nimble pruemmlnfl were made mementos of their stay at H111 crcst School ADDED VALUE BRANTEORD CPD canoe stolen mm the Era Haig 5001 where it was used or wawr sate ty demonstrauons was recovered on an anonymous Up the river some dlslancu away In the short Kntcrval it was lost somebody had INC 19 two cnals of paint NEW POLIO CLINIC SYDNEY CF Cape Bretonfi first arenuncnl clinic or polio BI Sydney city hospunl Ks fully equip ped angl suitei to handle acute cases Iltls he ldtcst three pulla centres in Neva Senna Imitation 01 GraccFlglds There were very deuclous re reshments served by the Gudcs trying hostess badges The evening came to very happy ending with campfire and the singing of Taps Bob 50 mmm 21 Man Ngwgggumm mymmm 1641 he has than 919192 wan EOHCHES FOB CHARTER lrnvtl édnvcnlenlly nu lnexpcmlvtly bymodem charmed Quick rum Grecr Transportaflum Whnlher WI bunccn hockey nmu or weehnd In Monlreal Niagara Falls or Vlnflsnr youll mch your desllmtlon may no nlely In cnménme GREERTBHNSPOBTATIDNcum mum 5941 LODGE CLUB ICHHPTEB GHBIIP THE ENGAGEMENT Is In noumcd bf M151 JoannaMarle thruso daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Anlhony Caruso and Walter Gem1e Kcnynnsnn of Mr and Mrs Kenyon at Ottawa the marriage to take place at ten oclnck in the morning pm Monday July 19m 1954 in St Marys Roman Catholic Cfiurnh Ban1e bu covner swan COLORFUL START YARMOUTH CF The past ofliccwas bedcckcd with Lac and ceremony was held on the Iron steps to inaugurate mml carrier delivery here Kirk parliamentary nssistam to the postmastergenera cm fib bun to sand he slx mail camera on 01721 first wine July BrideElect VAST WC HIST um WINK The Republic Indonglh lonn mun Hickman wu yhe first My ha Dutch Eu India has Nobel winner Melvin the Iwnd Ibou 5000 uplnle Islands ln 1m1ar hh nudlea light Geheratofand Battery failures 33 BAYFI ELD ST nnsums Aurni mums SERVICE Vacation Time nu Pom womunm mo com can summon am blownII pmladlon nu Into pollblm Tm um mk down ordinary lull nu mwu suvnm good nut mumd lulflrlock no cm Conl union v1 um lflolavlnu mu nmcwum mun ponnxal lo llmu nundald nu Only In mu no hul bun wnhlland lanlnv mm ol pomoign and um and wnmn dmquwhlnul olhu um may mum mum mm 1mmbe hurl Iu dunqmu blowuul huxurdl um MONEY um Nylon muman Canaan and mm In you WE ARE smicmusrs IN 11115 won IGNITIbN cAfiathTORs MAGNETos HERES PRflflF BF lflWERTIRE BUST mm Inns Am AHEAD 610 1051 Dropln 19nd sge us igcyouif enrllest convenience EOSTS LESS than you would expect to pay for an Ordinary Tire Save Safely at Canadian Tire uuu Mom ml mm 7101 0T0 Slandnrd Rayon GIG Slandard Rayon 143 nu an ym III llu nonAu um pm In kl 60016 Mu qu III crc mNnAIn IAVON um nIlah Imus symm In hm mu cm ill Mu on 67015 PHONE 2464 11 III Mxvl Im um mm nu unln can an quulI um mu mmnun In mm In Llfellme Guaraniea ROAD HAZARD INSURED mum mum umucui Vim47 cm no on lo

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