Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 10

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By LASER Th1 Human the Royal Can adlnn Army Medifill Cams am cal hraung thelr 50L anniversary Camp Borden cercmunlnl parade and malarial pageant deplcflnl the progress of the Corps over lhe 135 live dwndcs will be staged CKEBS Spam Events departmam was on hand and spccm bmndmsl being prepared or lumenaw nrnoun at 130 TM evcnlng John Van Eruch cms Hollnnd Calling program dedicated In the Dutchspeaking rc sldenls Slmcne County will Qu ch Spcclnl program in honor of he vcwrnns 01 World War Trwm John will take listeners back lo the days when Canadian Forccs libcr uted the Netherlands Ynull hour Cnnflned To Bed Than Kenny has been confined bed for the past week Hope he will suon 1001 again ML and Mrs Ralnuy Den nis and Brian at Hammon and Mrs mm 01 Barrie spent Sunday wilh Mr and Mrs Cough Mr and Mn Percy Fnrlrldgc and Gloria North Bay were Sunday visilurs with Mr and Mrs Carl Drury Returns From British Columbia Mrs Edgcflnn McLean has re mrned Idler rip Vancouver Womens Amclnllnn July Womens Axsucialioq will meal Mrs Carl Drurys on Wed nesday evening July at oclock Shanty Bay WA and the Evening Circle arc lnvllcd alno any other ladies the cummnnlly new tlnnal wlll he glvcn by Mrs Chappcll Roll call in hummus madlng Grlllln ul Barllrl will show film Bermuda and lnhrcstlng slldm CBLTTV 4mm mum yam Icy 1v Illllrllmlnu un happy lo preum um uhtdulc ul IIIIIT lmgrlllls men In Wall or III con vmlrnce ul vltwrn In Ilanlu mu murch SUNDAY630pm uo 5147 Dunlap SI 15 Phond Bunlo 8442 In mm Wm Haulh In Mlllunl ul llnl IIIIL hm CROWN HILL no my loam no InnII In no In mum Iw wna mu um MB It GIILDWOOI nrputy new cl Councll the Town at nanle In nu vmm ulavly $24995 I7 Admiral Tolovilipn Modal T822 Rng Excluslvo CHOSEN TH Disltllmlou TODAYS SPECIAL AT EPLETTS Channel Toromo SPECIAL 17995 SATURDAY JULY SUNDAY FRIDAYJULY CKBDI nldni program file Siory Eookt which get an airing each Saturday mvrnlng $0 slill going strong and is winning mar nvid tans among the young talk The program under the able direc tion Dick Munghnm will cole brale ll HILh nnnlvtrsary on the air next September Wlih Ihe warm weather here ihc program is cur rently origi from the band stand at Queens Park and nnyona listening can certainly apprecinlc the mm mm the klddieg nanny have Miscellaneous shower Mr and Mrs John Gflbson nee Edna Thompson were the guests honor at mlscenancous show er in Midhurst Hail Saturday The evening was spent in dancing Edna and Jake were Called lnr ward M15 Audrey Andrus read an address 10 flu newlyweds Bulh Edna and Jake replied and in vited everyunc tu visit hem In their new home in Ollawa Best wlshcs this cammunily go with them SE11 llama Bnlhl New nun Mr and Mus Lloyd Spence have sold their hnmc in Mr and Mrs Brown and Iamlly DI Shanty Bay Lloyd £3 busy erecting new home on the road leading in to MidhursL onlhutpot recordings mad durlnz thue turbulent dnyl John ha been anng bangup Job 01 Hnllnnd Calling nnJ we suggest you tune In In show hm me Air Wave II no lhh cvenlnm themselves in enfnyabic mi nnd rs irncsl Bouncy ol Crown Hill vlsllud Mr nnd Mrs James Crnyz anuSunday 71am Emin Tormnto spqu he weekend with Mrs George 5mm Sunday Vlsllon Sunday visllon at Dan anhu Mr and Mrs Levering and Mrs Hawks CQldwntcr and Mrs Lister Mltchcn Squnr Mr and Mrs John anh 01 Car lay and Mr and Mrs Nnrmnn Nash Orillin Mrs Howie Bereaved Sympathy of this communuy ls extended to Mia Howlevin the passing her he TmEM WallerCrnlgElllle and Terry spam he weekend at Thunder fly Bgnch WI To Omar July 10 There will be no WA mccung on Tuesday July but shnrl businm menllng on Saturday July 10 When In mtmbcrs are asked help NELr In the Coulis Reunion 530 pm lWIhu In uc II no Iqu nonu moo Wuulmu mm film may Am uw lmplrl nlm Arum uauw lnlllnll Ir ml JULY gm wm mm Ina flul um wk cu nm amuhllmn¢hvu Sunday pm MIDHURSTA OPENHill Ellllflllll ATTEND THE Phone 7652 QUEENS PARK On Wednesday June 2L he Shanty Buy Home and Schonl Asr suclallon sponsored the nnnual1 grnduntlnn party ln he commun lly hall Among the spcaknrs who addressed the gathurlng were Archdeacon nghlbourn Slmcoe County nnd we member of the Om School Board Camp bell and Jack Taylor president of me home and mom msnclntlon ShanlvBayHome And SchooIHold Giaduale Parly Mrs Dc rim enfmmnea with 052 deiggmm mnngloggu Vlhro firliesrwcm 51 nd by the taxpresident at the Hnmn and Schonl Mrs yelyn Murghy Members of hp graduating class who received sterling silver coffee uoons and pocket knlvts were Jo hanna Andersen winner or the Mr Kellar Trophy um year Joan Herbert Barbara Tqrry Ross Cnm Eton Brinn Rccvlc Allen Bow mg and Donald filmymrg Olhers receivi prlles were Campbell Iltendance Shlrley Campbell hllcndancn Lynda Mun yhy spelling Jnncl Dlngman al tcndance Donald Simpson lwo years perlcct nllnndnnu nnd Mm FlJhelV two years pcrlcct al nndancc The presentations were followed bansmum scrycd relqcshmcnls The whole Enmmunlly regrets loslng the principal II schnol Pclcx wixnmun whn xs leaving or new poslllon at Penctnng Bu all an glnd that Mm Gmcc nub ins he unlor room teacher slaying to carry on MRI her tenchn Ins dullc Grade 11 Grade In Ib 5mm Grade Grade Grade In lhl SpLclal Grndo Grade Grndn Undn lbt Special Grld Donna Jacob5 ans Sclljoélllhqom Quin and Ovrr lbs lo 1h Umlrr lb in the IIva Hogs 83350 quoxed by Hm Coopémuvé Tucker or Ontario Barth Mum lry lrlrvlllnn an lyuwul II NOTHING DAY no mil Wu nll only nlma hum rltvhlnn mun Influen nl at In um nupllnn cm mm mm MI lrhnlrluva my mm Alrvlllnn Innmum TV GEORGE We munl And ml 0th la nul your own pcmnml reqnlumrML Use of Mudlq ll vmdrd For rule and In lormnllon Lama Mcdlum Small TELEVISION RECORDINGSERVICE MONMlC IlliFlllllEKllllm III Dunlap MINI PHONE 2059 6231 amend TV In Bllnrnn Cuunly TIMI IOGI DIAL 4l26 $2000 Mm GHA Robertson n1 Shanty Bay returned home lust wetk alter amending the graduation or nur ses of Ottawa Civic HuspItanDn June2 Her daughter Labs Habertson was one of hegradu ntes aha class 95 She has passed herficgistemd Nurses ex amtnntiou and going to Fredcr Ictun New Brunswick at two months Mr and Mrs Harold Amnld oh Ivy announce the engagement lhclr daughter Lnrnn Durolhun of Harrie tq Keith George Vanul sun at Mr and Mrs Bruce McVanel Ivy the marlagcto Inku place on Saturday July 17 LII mm oclock ln Ivy Presbylcrlau Church 10 BRIDGESPusst away In Bath En land May 25 1954 Wfinnllicd Erdics only daughter01 he lulu am Alicia and Charla Col on Eddng 01 Manor Farm Shanty Bay Survived by two brothers Guy Jn Edmonum lu bcrlm and Trnvur In Fenuclnn British Columbia RULEM lhc Royal Vlclurin lip phal name on ThuudnyJlIl 11954Jhruld Rule Sn his 70 year beloved hmhund Manu Ilu chkson and dear bmiher Cflfilgr ale csllhghrb and Sleek cy numl om Wurslcy SL name for scrvlcchnn Saturday July at 1030 am Inlnrmcnl Barrie Union Ceme icry WATSONM lhe man Vlnmrln Hospilnl Barrio on Thursdn July mo Bruce Wnunn nunuh yum Dear brnlher Roy Maude Mrs Donald Bun nay flex Mrs Darn Ham and 1hr Inn Janna Helms Ruth Lloyd and Slackloy Funorn mmmeninwifinfldby mum Ind IISILH mu brnllwrs 7U cuuxlanIn luvlnu mnmnry helmml umur mu umndmlmr who um nwily July CARSONJ luvlny memory our mur sou um rullwl mum Canon wlm mmu uwny mu llMy Junu 29 mm Weve unlluu nwr mun unmu slum uh null mall mm Hul we VIJr wlll gut uvur Iv5l mung yl hm kind In nll hh Wu Unrlu nm juul to 1m ml am Slucum uml klnd In mum and mm wvm lwnullml lnvmnry lu 1m willqu 4me mImII hy le mu Gor hm dnuuhlvrinluw Juno urundv cmm cmryl Lynn 70 ELLIOI lelull hllw Iusi In our hm ynur mrmnry llnuorl wrclly lrmlcr um and mm Hun llnl Ilny llur Mullurr 1an wv du null Ihluk you VMNAln Invlnx mrnmry my Auu wlm nnsml nwny My ma Muy um Juyl ynu mum nu ma hluhwnm up mind In hm unnlvn 41mm 4m mu mun Mill rill mind Klvwmm Mm mun Tu xll and nl wll Mm WIN Tn rlmp rm Imm In llw mm old VMIL In way Wuuld hr my mum wluh 1me Evrr rrlunnlmml lrlfl MW EAL M0th VOIIKIUN Cl llflllfl In Hm um pound hm lrrIIIIIY nnl dlllvlrl Inlmer nunmlml lw luwnl Iflu mulmllll Ulrnuull lhr mud wlu mr Mum Loyd and Slacklo Funonfl Home 30 Worsley 5L nrrlc lor scrvlcc on Salurdny Jqu 130 pm Intormcnl Dalslun In mun luvlnu mrmury tlrur InnlmmL WHIInm mm wlm Wm nwny July m1 l2wr mnmnhma hy wllu vn Eéhclcry win Ilfil ENGAGEMENTS INWMFMORIAM null inhik you mxmmmm by In luvlmx nwmnry lmul who Imsml nwny July DIED 6539 all Replace Hydro Poles Coldwater No hydmlep which blew down 1m weeund Coldwue culling all power until hour were rzpllocd with new nnes by acrew lith empllgyuJ pole one any run lnrmer were located the Inter szcllnn of Ruth Slrcél and the Sturgeon Bay Road Temporary service wu providedunlll new pair were pIIEEd umumu nuuwm month3 Nnblc Hnnnl RR Barrie lZlh llne cast Innlsfll 9111n HARRISAl the Royal Vlclnrla Huspltnl Barrie Jul 1954 In Mr and Mn numb 97 Feel SL daughter Patricia Lynn MUlSEAl he Ru a1 Vlntarla Huspllal Barrie 1954 In PM an Mrs Herman Muke IM gurton Ave dnuzhlcr Bren mung7m hm Hardwood SIAM Sonwmd sulm Slwgd wide and Dunn Moran phone 2m olzw HARDWOOD DURHAM Heuer calfhood vaccfi uuun dun ln reshen July 13 Phone Elmyale 75r4L 076 PUREBR Bull month3 nd Nnbln Hnnnn REGISTERED large mum white saws due in August crvlceable aged boar and younger hnars Harry nous phnne 55r23 Cooks Inwn 97511 11 wémmm weaks 1d alsn unnuty Alfihn Hay A8271 Miler Slroud phnnu 21 FRESH Holstein Heller second holler cull can also younger heltcr All anlc branding and vaccinated Hume Guthrlt Ihonc Oro 1724 978 Tenders will be received by in undcrsllncd up 1111 900 am Mon day July for landing and spreading 500 yards or more pl run gravel 1mm Townahlp pll Con an In Bldernnds 15 and 10 Also price for landing Iownship lnxck Certified cheque or 10 lender accompany sump NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE hereby Ivan purluufl 4Q Um mun Act llul n1penom IIVIII III Inlml Hm Ella MARY ELIZABETH CRAIG Into or thchown Darrin in the County or Simroe Marrled Woman whn dlcd an or nbcul 10 um day In March 1051 are requnsmd send particular Ihnlr claim to me unlitalgan Sollcfluu fur the Executor on nr below the 25m day or July AD 1054 after which date lhc Executor wlll dhlrlhulc the mucl ol the Esme having regard onlf to he clnlm which he uhn men have nullcc and will not be responsible In any other DATED Barrie Ontario lhls 73rd dny June AD 1554 SMITIL Ht VMCLEAN SEALED TENDERS marked IO munnu wlll lm Ivcelvcd by the slumd Clrrk up lu noun or hlll ulllln and mum up who lull l1 and cuncenlnns and 10 anm Tuwmhlp mum MM Slnllan The Inn at cm and nu ls 3100 col um Um villmnlud volume cxcnvnllun In 70000 cublc yards Tender lllnnv and Ill nrllculnn my be ublnlncd mm In under Ilgnud Clerk mu Tuwnnhlp Houd Snpwlnlrndrlll than Jun am or II err Nvlmn Squaw nurrlo Enulnur lur Vcl pru anmhlp nmrkrd rhmuv In lnvor 1hr Trrnsurrr ul Vumn TUWILIhln 10 UK lhc hlll mlul accummny the mum nxm nupnrlmln hwny rrzulnunnx In lmnulnx wll an hr Icuulrcd uwm or my mm mu nu mny he lukplnl Ebry LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Hospllal Bunla Juiy 1954 Mr and Mrs GemRe YnuI Strand daughter Lenora THURSDAY JULY 15 105 TOWNSHIP OF VESIRA Tender or Gravel TOWNSHIP OF VESIIIA 69 Colllu Sl yqoo FOR SALE UHF MRNH lIUYB BICYCLES TENDERS FOR HILL CUTTING AND FILLING l6 Ilnyllcld Strut Clerk 15 Owen sn 333nm URRYS 54mg BICIIAfiDSpN Now Can 11¢uonablg Rum Phone 1712 mmm £19 EMU RICHARDSON Cluk ervn TquhHl 15 OwruHl In BORN naadSupcrInucndeht RENTACAR firmer us Dunlap SL 14 HARRIE cg mm Royal Victoria Juiy 11954 to Gcorge annz nu mumn As mun own FOR 7379 10 Box as onuu Piano 4752 Modem bullLln capbaards med alty Call or an estimate 90 Cumbgrland SI Amtranla Floai Coyerlu Linoleum Rubber Ind Alpha Plastic Wall T113 Materials Supplled Ind Inmmd ma qulmum WOLFENDEN Ah uur floor hhnbbyl Rem nur an Speed Floor Sunder nnd rcflnlsh llko new fieamnnhla mlu All type of flour nillsheljvnllnbh FLOOR COVERING 0090 Zm OA mm UmZZm Am mOZUm 0cm 20 Qmzmu Vinyl Anbulos halL In Rubber Slyro mane WnlL YARD GOODS Underlay Plywood Counlnr Taps HARDWOOD Laid Finished CARPET SERVICE Mnmlnl Supplied Inslnflcd Elixifilné call 67nub12umn und Orr phone 4333 57541 BOYDB PAINT AND WWAPER l9 Clapperton Ph film FrEe callmntn grvcrliIXrhonu 3717 57382 MIMEOGRAPHING AND Pub Slcnnurwhy nnrrla Dmlntn Coll cle so Tommo 5L llama Phonu 182 51301 in phone as Hopkins Ivy 7154 57077 Eon runymga and Chimpq 501 Lunm Fm Get our rltn unwd hit or dellvlrcd nnyw mo Fur tru calllnnlu phone lllll Mulr 5001 57347 you mun by cmqnu ynd EXPEfiT lrccrlmmlng or rcynov PMle llnvc babyl am shoe nnlshzd lnveiy kezpnko In Cnrnmlxcd Purcclnln Motheru Prlrl nlmlrnlnd older erle Humnln Enlnrpmct Dem Pon Mnl 0M DNHli cm THORNTON Licensed Auctioneer 10a Naywnsh Street ORILLIA Phone collect on aucuun nle ordlfl in 01min 7M FLOOR SANDERS FERGUSONREID Floof Service TILE NEXT 10 GRAY COACH FREE ESTIMATE Phone 2013 or 101114 Lvy Phone Stroud 53r34 CUSTOM curaomms TRIM wonx Okinawan Nu itsr3 Credit Bumu of 81mm caunly MISCELLANEOUS Flu mm Illa Mlla Huh Minn mul BRUCE CAMERON PHONE 6382 DON BEATTY COLLECTIONS DISINFECTANT DUPONT BARBIE FARM SUPPLY Terms remanme POWERFUL ALIrlUlllO MM 61mm Phone ma 51794 57079F 57574 315 1105 Y105 BARBIE EXAMINERFBIDAY JULY IBM5 SHETLAND Sharp Do mile Ind remla monlhl slated Mn Penn Halgme SL Phone 4324 35 34m lindflq ar we 32 colon Effie4101 BjLEMISfi bljm uh fincTac REO 56 at Athletes Foot Med and proven tunmulao or the relief 01 Alhleles FnDLRlsulL guaran lnnd $100 per jar Write to Ran hemical C0 Bax 415 Simon Montreal Canada 307685F WOULD like my husband Ern est Saunders to leave and stop IL turblng wlle from Ms day on July 1954 Signed Mm Ernest Saunders 307flBZF RED 55 Fur Eczema new 5d untlflcally repared farmulae or the relic Eczema Results guar anteed $100 pervjar Write to Rm Ch mica CD Box 45Slm Hun Momma Ca da Dunlob Mgple Ave Phon Cutom Soflglactlon Guamnmd Pérmanent Waves 39 am Specia GARTsnoiREs 233 Cohdifioiér DOGS PET STOCK Plcluru hy Five Exminlner um pholoznphér um un pm In newsplptr vlllahle In glossy prlnu For lull Inumallnn Ilmul he plclure ynu wlnl We were 071 IVP Lfrk ll HIGH STREET NflTE IIOII Wffef 407 The Barrie Examiner Phone 2414 ORNAMENTAL PORCH RAILINGS Free Esllmntes WE WILD GLADLY CALL AT YOUR HOME PERSONAL 934535 BARBIE IRON WDBKS Plum 11mm or sale Brownfield Ole filth he cemetery an the Angus 3376 STEEL FOR SALE goIsm HQ man uhoufillng Mal and humid ml Now no how wonderlvl ulna and enrich Inanon uh oh rmq l9 RCA Kean Cwndlllom Vuu can Ilup bum uni bum qu hum Inn And Iv mm Hula Iu mud tnmlnm Duh Ham on FOR SALE to nyprnved man or woman dalmus alenmlnl rm to Slot weekly Cash invnuxxent at approxngle $2500 11 um 5e cured Buslnm can Ya mum ed by nun or woman in mm rigmiles no Reply In con 11 ence giving full lgnlculun in Box 30 name Exam ner mm FOR SALE to Ivvroved man or wnmnn desirous of Earning 57010 3100 weekly cash Investment ot npprnxlmmcly 51300 13 fully se cured Businm can he mam ed by man or woman In spam me regardlm use For lurlher In ormqugn cal Marshgllhflgp resenwflvu Eautu nu E3 nt Broker Owen Street Dial 2377 2975716 Ind Dqlildl Dutch and Belgian Twlna savlnp up Io 5250 per cw Cn op L6 whnt counls in twine Our Eur opean wine is superlnr qunluy and equal to any twflno Well hack ha slnlcmnn tuily youre not salls fled well exchange for Caop twine youve proved les far ycnrs Hes what he makers label guar nmcos and the guns aqua or ex ceed dmnnsllc Mintm Bdtlnm Oppoflulyifiel Bales 22511 per 11 40 Ill per bale 325 lb nan lens llunflh IO01 BARBIE Cohp Quality It Cqmpelitiye Puces per lb so lb per ml so lb mum test Phone 2429 PHONE 5046 Qualify Binder Phom 3105 am

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