Barrie Examiner, 20 Jan 1954, p. 1

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Dalston Institute Will Hold Picnic In Barrie July 24 Mm Duunlus KHDCMHIW UK 111 lord rnlrlluhltd ill Irons an In on Wminwdn Jun 10 In hnnur of Mr dnuuhlrr Gwendolyn Marla wlmsc murrlnuv lu Jmnm Thnnunun Hum llulll 0ka mm uu wmmmuy June Eblmlcr Unlhul Church Durlnu uu IImnmon the mum Durlnu lwu mu The met4m cInsud wilh the linking Canada and God Save hr Queen Lunch was served by Mrs Wllllumx nnd Mn Forbes Dalslnn Womens Institute me In the church basement on he ev enlng of June 10 Eleven mum bcrs and Your vistlurs wore pres cnl It was drcldcd tn hclp with he National Sanllurlum Chest Xrny on Sch 17 Mrs Handy Sn ncxcd n5 sccrrlary In the nbscncc Mrs Furbcs thank you card was read very inlcnslinu program ImpML with munlm mum hullnz two mlnum at cmcnain mom June Bridels Entertained at Tea Showers The meeting opened mm the 1m slllulc Ode allowed by The Lard Prayer and Mary Stewart Collect Niall cal was Muwcrcd by nnmlnfl Emmy Spul 1n ammo mm mum mnuancc Begins Home was commented on by Mrs Handy Jr Plans were made or pcnlc be mm at VIMan Park in Bar nenon Jul 24 lr brown gave rcpan an lhc dlslrlcl annual held at Ard rta MINESLNG STATION SCHOOL PUPILS were first prize winners in the competition for the tidiest school grounds sponsored by the Vesprn Horticultural Society with 87 marks The pupils with their teacher Mrsi Ninn Wattle are front row left to right Dwight Tracy Nelson Tracy Joseph Cnvanaugh Mary Paine Curoi Stewart Patsy Atkin son and Sharon Davis middle row left to right Margaret In All nnl In rlur our rumplrl nm MM Mann mm chmu hum In mlfly IIylrI my In mm up Minesing Station Pupils Win Horticultural Prile forTicliest Schoél Grouticls mm nu no mmlnmumn WOmens Institutes 500 DUNMH ST lllllllMI 1M VALUE THIN IZN ONLY Collon Blouses SPECIAL Mm the lllllA Kntmhuw Glllord and Mrs Taylor 01 Ear rlu pnurcd teal Scrvlng in the dlnlng room were 3m Mlsuu Isn bcl Knccshnw Duds Bclllnd Mary Glbbuns ln charlc the lrmflseau mom was the brides nl lcndnflll Mlas June Thwallcs wllh Mrs Allnn Brown Mlu Narcm Kncuhflw Mn Gerald MncTnvlsh MLE Marlon Wortolk Ind Mlzu Dorothy Turner In charge 01 me other moms In he evening MISS Kalhlccn Tnylur nunl at the bride and Mrs Chnrlu Brown Bond and pre sided he ca able whh the Miami Isobel Knccshnw Mary Glbbom Doris En Enn Brown and Murch Kfmcshaw scrvlnu Mon than 200 children sang the opening hymn with lusty voices and Cam Campbell and Healhcr Lackle Allnndalc canducmd dc vnunns Lynn Bird 1ny aid the story Rulh lustmtlng with cutouts as she progressed Olhlrs whiting wch Mm Ernest Knccshnw Mm Harald ncll Mm Joseph Inmbly Mrs Kcnncm Slulflcan MN Mallhnw Knemhlw MM lkncsl Dnlu Mrl Herbert Huzhu Mrs Evanll Kncuhnw uni Miss mean Gardener First Rally for Presbyterial Mission Bands and Explorers Groups is Held at Hillsdale Barrie chgbylcrinl held its first rally for Mission Bands and Dr planr Groups in Hlllxdalc Pm mcnan Church on June 12 un dot the able imdership Mrs Campbell Strand Presbylcr Inl childrens secretary Wm guest at hnnnr at mkccllancom nhowcr mvnn by Hm Dccrhunl Womens mlllulc 1n Glllmd Cummunlly Hull nml ll kllchcn xhuwcr Elven by Mia Junc Thwallm at Mr llnml The member of Ebcnutr Unlltd Church mrl the hrldca home nnd pmwnled her wllh beaulflul wmuuhllmn anLc lnblc nnd lrlcleIon lump CONDITIONS OF SALE ARCADE STORE ARCADE STORE Ncrrnsllnlrn lhpoml STOCK JONHISIH 0F It Vmurnn nml Illllalmns ltrml Innln lvomlh eru IIMI film Wnrk nml Drr thrln Hhroln lllluw turn Riven mm mm rhlhlml POINTS REORGANIZATION GOODS SELLING AT COST PRICE LESS In hut rrnrnnllnllon lnr chumsour ALL 10mm 80 FOR CM HM HTMITfl lllllMl JULY TIIANHIZ IN POLICY NDINU junurn nlnck on hnml Ullllrlll Dry lnmln Menx lirmlyTmWrnr Mrnn HullI Ilnh nml Yum Underwear Ilrln Tthrln etc Hm llréuru llmlrry lnr wo while number 01 groups were not represented ln he roll call other groups had large rcprcsnn ration The cxccque was special ly heartened the number 01 boys prucul and very much enjoyed solo by Gordon Cowrm 01 Slmud and chorus by group from Stayncr Mrs McClung of Hillsdalc warmly welcumcd the many gum mak ing reference lhclr presence In Gods House and the conduct which that entailed There were several excellent ex bums cl handwork making Lbe task judglng moat dmlcuu Mld land Mission Band and Aanndnln Explorers were flle wlnmrs In ulcl respective groups Mrs Mc aaclwm Presbylnlal pruldcnl presented the awmu Both Mrs McEnchcm and Mm Campbell slrcswd by importance chnraclcr building Mrs Man son of Midland expressed gratitude Io Hillsdalc IALHLS or their klnd hospitallly and to all other help Im with the many pans or lhu rall Without doubt the hluhllghl of he rally was the mgmm presented by ML BEHIL MncMurchy ml slonury an furlough mm India using wldc Vnrmy at Indian cus lumc and giving some mum Idea at Indian cuslnnu Miss Mnc Murchy wns hlghly commanded or ht unllrinx efforts In lhu prtscnlallun The chlldrcn and Indlls ul lllllsdnlc took the Hmr em mm of flu pamm mang 11 ll very Hal Inc childrrn Touenham Band won me unend unnc banner for he year on all was nvtr ll was If Hull lhls rally was very wurlhwhlh Mrs Stewart thande ML Mn MurchY clnslnu hymn nnd mnycr umnu wen enjoyrd an In Hancock Esther Morris Robert Paine Merlin Camntk Wal terRiohardson Douglas Davis Gary Cavnnaugh and Jackie Stephens back row left to right Harry Laohnpclle Bobby Davis Gordon Faimer Jan Cavnnaugh Mrs Wattle Sylvia Lachapclic Barbara RichardsonLynda Tracy and Cheryl Windsor BARRIE BARRII lnwn under group budlcs and chop use were sun by Allandnlc Ex plorm under he dlmHnn ol Mls Lorna Cummings acligmrul End bounlllul mm undwlchm moklcs and have age was cnaycd by nll ANCIENT 81 Chinrsc 50d Inkml munr Irlnlx nx slunnlurcs on datumnu early as he 7m cnnlllry Miss Emma King Celebrated 96th Birthday Tuesday Special congmlulaflnm In exlendcd today by The Exam iner Io fills 2mm King whg celebrated her 95th blrlhday ycsterdny nl her home III royal 5L One cl BanInk oldest redd enu Mlss Kin laugh hund red or name hay ma lrls Ihelr ynun years Sh Wu an he first teachers an old Cenlral laler Vlclnrll Schooly whlch was demolished couple of yuan In Ind which stood on the me of the new Barrle Post Olllce she slatted teachln before Iha at mm min leaching for 40 yea when she retired In 1917 Danlhhr he Mr Ind Mrs MI Kin Barrie she wu the flnl womfm to be member or he name Public Library unua Her mm su lled In the Barrie distrch on lhelr Inlvll In this country mm Bullnd whtn nhe was Ihre yen old Sh hes known or her mamlncent work as prlmary teacher Ind or her musical Ibllllles For Ion mt Ihe Wu oonlrillo In Ihe Colllcr Slreet MelhmlLd Church Choir llmlrluluhl rmnpnmnr unnnculnl cllmnlo tuner ilwallmml mlllr pcnmnwm nllur nvcynnr warranty litM luv htut Hu Ilny wny wllh nvw Hm RCA Rum AlrCumlluumr Enjoy nmuntnln IUUI rnnmlrl ull num lmr Imm Youll mm wmk hlurr Irrl ncum um ll runla JIM wnnlvn my Only wmldhunuun RCA uvr¥ yuu nll Ihvm xulvnnhIwn pImhMullnn contra Push Button Room Air Conditioner IIKNJill AH LOWAB NI IT TODAY AT YOU There Ire two schools at thouth There are then who think hll reading is ltrictiy cold weltheri activity and turn in thelrlib rury card In soon as the warm weather comes and there are thou fair weather leaders who cease to borrow books one the taunt tn the library has ceased tarbe summer eveningo stroll and taken on the character oi an Arctic exi pedltion In between are the fence1 sitters who regard reading as something with which to all in the hiatus between the hockey and swimming seasunu These diflering reading policies seem to prove more than onylhingelse that any time in reading time the opinion held by that aithiul group of hardy perennials who would as anon start on their holiday with out toothbrushes as without generous supply oi books And why should reading he seasonal activity we do not starve our budim at any scasnn the yearn though we niay iced them dliieruntly as the seasons alter their specialtiesturkey at Chrlgtmas homegrown strawber rlLa in June Must ourmlnd starve because the gardening sca son in upon us You cant garden after dark Must we miter 1mm mental malnutrition during the whirl of midwlntcr activities when the atcrnest demands are made on body mind and spirit The Barrie Publlc Library makcs summer toning easy even you are gum away tor the whole In the childrens department any child who wishes in do so may take out six books iii time during July and August Time bnoks will be due Sept 10 but may he changed as oitcn as the child wishes This policy is an ex periment Many children in Dar rlc live quliu long distance mm the library and it is tell that this arrangement will save trips to the library in very hot weather and will take care at those children who going away unexpectedly tail to return their banks thus in curring fine The pnllny the adult depart men ls sumowha diflcrcnl Each adult may borrow slx mum and any reasonable number 01 new ll 10 pcrlod al slx weeks Visitor spending the summer in or near Barrie may enjoy the ser vices of the library by paytnz deposit at $150 which wnl be re Iurncd to them when they leave lILSS twentyflvc cents hr each month they have used the lib rary For one they may honow DHIJflCHOn and reasonable num her nonActhm at one tlmc NEEDED QUALITIES Hard wan determinallon and Lngcnuuy Overcnt gm nbalnclu lor our early sallérs and IL nmc mgrum will bring the same suc css today Agasslzflamsan BC Advanp 269 llcluru hy rum Exlmlner Ila pholulnphnr um Ip pm In gm newspaper nvlllahle In Hussy 1an For lull lnlnrmzllun nhoul lho plclurc you warn NOTE The Bunié Examiner Phone 2414 Hillsdale Couple Celebrate Silver Anniversary Over 100 friends neighbor and rellives culled at the hm Mr and Mrs Joseph Lea Hillsdale On th Farm on Saturday tumor and evening June 19 to we comminibus and gnnd wishes in them on heir 25m wed cling anniversary Among the many card received were telegram mm friend and Mir congratulations and mod wishe mm the council at 03 Township 01 Madame Amnnz the guests were the bridesmaid and grumnsman ans years ago The same HIllsdale baker iced my anniversary cake ME did the weddlng cake BLOT 0N FAIRS We feel impelled to mnnfinn those games 01 chance that seem to he nccmary chl in every glamorous midway with thdr lluent nrn1nry and practiced art the operators hue bomb have mulcled gm pupliqpr ngltimc wllh seveninch wing sprcad was captured by Sflmingion on 5L Camwines street and taken in Ms hotel to be led on sugar and Water diet The creature had wing 01 grey whuc and rust on lginch body ANCIENT ART Pottery was bclng made in line paflcms as long ago as 3000 DC in China Thus pouring ea were Miss Myrtle Brlltafln 01 Toronto Mrs Tyson Rowen 2nd Line Flu and Mn Bawman of Barrie Many beautiful gins minis flowers were roceivecL HUGE M011 ST CATHMIINES CPlA mulh 114ifnqnlofi 55min The Inc bedroom sultclyouvc dreamed 01 phcnumunnl price you never cxpcclcd Heres bcnulllul genuine mnhugnny kn the populnr nu Innm llnlsh dumth conslrllctcdnllgllly polish ed Asfie$MT mam Ifi Lachutn 7Quc Waluchman and TIIE BARR EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 195 Seven Children Baptized Sunday At St Andrews Seven children were bapdlzed he 11 oclock morning service in St Andrews Pnsbyterlln church last Sunday The sacrament ol bapllsm was administered by th mlnlsien Rev James Fergusan to Linda 10m daughter at Mr and Mrs Ruben ESGare Paul Genrze son 01 Mr and Mrs Wllbcn James Wray Le lle Scan and Timothy Peter sons of Dr and Mrs Leslie Wllmu Barbara Christine daughter Mr and Mrs Noe Pancrson David John sun of Mr and Mrs John Delibfbiis sand Differan Spring filled mullresscs mm 1995 SPRING FILLED MHTTHESSES Bunio 3750 Molaw and Gordon Dangle son of Mr Ind Mn Georze Mcklm mn Im llrl mum at mu In Inulnlrlrll In lall luy Mum um llruy Illl muk rlul In yew wlm IIIr mumy runI1 IUan III mnl van Iml mm Inn rum MI Mu IhlI lmIIhII lllll 18950 Vllwlouu ficflfigfw DIGESTIVE Al Phone 5557 921a

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