Hull SMlfldlllï¬ all J0 Nada ssmï¬on quasud 1+ In addition to benclit progrhms LGL Jnh dividends include paid statutory hul ixluys and vacations shiit premian and Suggestion System which permits cm ployecs to cam extra dollars by submit ting ideas which will improve our oper ation Last year $1302 was paid out in suggestion awardsr The highest single lhe surn now being hpalll each year in municipal tnxes by CanqdinnGenernl Electric helps meet the costs of services nndeivlc Improvements in this tmvn Similarly the substantial federal inenme and excise tax payments which the Cym panymakes have contributed to Can adas seeinlseeurlty measures lerlmns better lnrlleatlon oi the interest oi Barrie Workslln the clvie and enmmnn ity iiie oi this town are the contributions whieh employees and the Company are making each yearto Barrie welfare or 51mm 3mm my sAundluon at orggm sum 11mm spumn nonsoflï¬ns tsuonmuu auwl1mvawoo annoy amt pnnununuu oq lamI janpoul M0u1amnun 10 an bl Jo Kun mpun an sigma san umpnmzo 10 llamu isles Humn fooooszm paaoxa lqnqomI mm lfllfltd 8179 nun Iman an put ualu pm mom alum Aq péiolqma on 01mm quasoul swam 9qu saaï¬oldula my spuapgnm qof At Canadlan General Electrlc retire ment penslons hnvgekhcen effect for many years The company has already contributed $12430000 Inlo them new plan Introduced last July Inodernlzcsk and broadens the protection offered 10 cllglble employee and theirdependents Agthe samo tlmdhthc Company announ ced llherallzed Lllc and Health lnsur Junlpu unmeuno msnp xa unqr smauaq papnpq iuyld luau sun samum Humn mm uniflnul aauï¬ ï¬‚unan HM Empiuyment at Barrie Works has in creased steadily eaeh year since we com menced operations in tile Fall 1940 Our Barrie payroll last year reached new record at $1035352 We have continued the policy of paying as much or more than the average ior comparable work in this community High wagesand in creasing cnipioyment contribute t9 the ailAround prbspcrity of Barrie 1954 promises to he banner year fur Barrie Wgrks since We feel certain the cmploï¬ccs can produce nppllanccs which le give custunEICIs morcvnlue and scr vlcc than linnarted guéds Iron1 bount rles when aboutrates are much lower 13km pong gp pm damn go qmms 39 snnum an spnpom mu om omnyaujnum 10 an pawn an MA £96 lNJWLHVdid JDNVHddV 11VWS sanuyuon lflMotfl Hound 110301 183N351 NVIGVNVO qu Buysamug nu uulliunu mr our products during the year plus plant layoth changes that accompanied construction of tho new building left us littlo short of elbow room Yet we established new production records As result Barrio Works had record payroll and over million dollars was paid to residents of Barrio topping the 952 mark by $370000 This Incrooso is comparable to new industry moving into Barrie and employing 123 pooplc at $60 week Today some of our products are in great demand For others there is heallhy competitive market to spur our efficiency in manufacture and our energy in selling The populariiynf domestic electric appliances produced by Harrie Works is Iri burerotheskillcd cmnlnvmawr Wham vaVV 11 dw03 on Imnl1 Auumsuoalxgql 1n smoM agung Aq paanpou DI muo sun ADMlgnu Sugpnnq samlpo Jouoq pun 1060 of rho BalficlWorks today far exceeds the oupacity ized by the original plans Now there are 436 on the Ioperation and loyalty of employees at Barrio Works nuinn nlnmlL 3ng smoqugou woqs oauo uinunq mp Suyuosaxd min 0M Luunuuu lso SSHIOM HIKING UHDVNVW NOSNHIOHW new uypllcnccs proauced by Harrie yeés who make them They constantly ful panys policy to bring Canadians liner products at the lowest possible The newaddition completed last all promises larger and better adds 28000 square feet to the south of the main building Railway building to accommodate leadingand unloading The energetic work schedule of the BarricWorks today far exceeds ofthe lOO employees Visualized by the original plans Now there or payroll The wholéhearted cooperation and loyalty of employees at gives us confidence in continuina nrnwth 01D Because we believe that tho opcruï¬ons of the Company live and work in this community we on prcspnting dur informal report to our neighbours in Barrie 01 az lncrcascd demand for our products during the year accompanied construction of tho nowbuilding lclt Yet we established new production records As rcs payroll and over million dollars was nuid In mid lelll lVIlN0 IITINIWV IllllllVIl qmoaï¬ Sugnugwoa ug ayséuiop 07fyopuhoiï¬ aqi