Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1954, p. 16

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Tina BARBIE Ekamm wnbnqsyg JUNE 30 1954 Special Hulldny Damn Pino Cmst Wednexdny June 30 Lucky 5pm balloont tun EloreDancinl 10 pm unuunm Admlmnn 75r Dance mmtun Oranza Hall Friday July 01d tymu and modem dmdnn 9130 Beany Orchestra Lunch counter Ad mission 50 75 Dance Butler Friday July to the musico Paxhnnn CKBB Huylan Party Dancing item no 10 130 Elm 515 Leavn for Cilllomh Mr and Mrs Roy Jack entertain ed number of relatives on Satur day evening June 20 an the occas ion lheix 35in wedging nWe sary Mr and Mrs Tom Calhcarl and children Los Angles were home on Wcuion with their par ants thls llmn Mrs Jack is luavingfmesday 01 um week wilh Mr anders hthcnrl for holl day in IniAngeles finelvuNnmrcap Mr and Mrs Grose and Mrs Marley Grase were in Toronto last week allcndlnz he Molhnrcml llospnnl gmdunuon and presen tatlun on tap to the probation clan Shaun Rclvc wm among muse wfim received their caps Our slnccrc congratulauons Shana mlnms mun Alberta Mrs wm flow has mumca hnme nlm spendlng momh with her daughter and family In Cni gary meell Human List Sunday 0v Mur rls preached hLu arewcll sermon the ccngmunuon gnlhcrnd In the muted Church hue He tank or his man he wellknown lines Finally brelhrcn whatsoever Mugs nrc Hut He lhnnkul hlx nliknzzbllnn or the many llnppy nnsudaliam with lhtm Ind alum mldnu with prnycr of Mm lnx In all He made klmlly rc hmncu In me new mlnmer Rev Mr Waning and lmnlly and hap ml or frlandly coopemlion wnh lhnm mvlng lrlbule ML Munlt In hull Ihnxm boys uumld led the inning and mu lhu hymn The Llllle llmwn Church in the ann during IE service The pannu here are vny urnlclul Mr Mmrll or the In terest he look ho younu pcnplc 01 um cmmnunny and he Ilnur Ml well whhu Kn whh hlm lu Ill lMW pantomk In Aurora Nunmenu a1 Bpllun Mr Monk wndumrd he Hurra mm Bomlsm un Sunday Iur hmuh Kllhryn IAw Inlanl unuxn IN Mr Ind Ml Ibu lnw KIhhvmr lurmcrly or urmy Wuncsunx lhn impugn wrm mnny rrlnuvu Mr Ind Mm lhmmnu Hem Pawuuan Mn Lhnrlu Sllwnfl Klpllnl Silk Mm Whom lilo finnl man ma bully Judllll 1w um Law pnlrmnl Indium flunk Il mm 1mm Ind grandam Hum William Innun and Mn lnurnm mMchl undlnlhrr III Jmllnb nnd Min Wnuun mmln HM vulm lcs Wch Vhlml ptndlnl he menu wun Mr Try ulovh on on vannl WITHIN IMI no nul WI ull ml nun hum MalIon lpnmly ulna Id or man mapum Cull TV GEORGE m1 mm um Ma ulmlamu In my ulvléc nu al1th lllllllum ITELEVISION rlmtml TV In llmue Cnmly MONAMm IlfllulflAllON cn Ill Dlnlnp Blunt PHONE 2059 6131 LEFROY 7578 Town to Call Tenders Both Ways On Fire Truck Continued from Due on lncmclcnl or paid and shnuld be glvcn ghu pumpfl requested He polmed to the fact that Harts tender on acnmmerdal pumper was slxcyllnder job whereas the amine in standard model was at 12y1inder¢ype wllh twin Iznillon allround Th1 was when the five thousand dnl llr Lllllerencc came In he SMELL saxinz mat the commercial 9b was made to travel highways not to turn fire pump Eeovo Greer said in answer to Md Herseys statement that hen was that much more to go wrong with 12cyHndcr ermine and painted nut that it would no be possible to flat pa in the local municipamy with Class equipment Welahlnu these thlngs up Mains each other ls lt lenslblc or us to accept that place far that much mnney7 Ald Mrs Marjorie Hamilton and Deputy Reeve Glrfiwoad both supported the tlrnmcns rc quest with Ald Hersey Mrs Hamlllon ccllng that councll should settle the mullet at once accndlng to the wishes of the brlgadc pros and cans ol the matter should be studied little bit mare lavaring recall fur tenders In the hopes that council might get better pricc Representatives lwo cam panlcs tendering on standard equipment and Mn attend reprlzsonlaflvc or the company supply pumpLr or his truck were all mostm at lbccuuncll mceling to present their cases The motion 10 call far under both ways was made by Mnyur HEbCr Smllh HE 1011 that truly competitive price migm be umalnod In this mmnn snylng that he realized council should cnficur wflh the fire brigade but that it was his diucrcnce in money The deputation mm the Ire brigade scaled hat 2c of power was being lost by the present pump muu commercial truck has nw days guarantee wllh years zuumnkcc on lhc pump lee the standard equipment is guarnnlcod or years Fin ChlL Irwln 1e Hull standard pumpcr was the best piece cquipmln or file lUWn according lo spcrlflcalluns made up by he ofllccrs the brigade and himscll The humup Job wll do in air Jab but buying pumpor we should gel um has Job We need and we Med bad Bum pumpuu wm ml cd lodny and the older one Is lhnky and very uni councillor gnda was ruck no Aid and MM Shphvm wrn Um form Lrs Klfilvr nml husband Mr and Mrsl Lhnrll Laney III Owen Sound and lllchnrd rpm at Wlarmn Cnlllmz on Sunday Wm wLn Mr Suvhum lllCCt Mrs Dnvld at Mr daughters um um lnlnw Mr nml Mrs Huh Cmmhcs ammo and Dirk and Mlss Eva llumur TOIIMIL um mum mm um wll uvr ynu munry mu ynu lounuu rumlall hrmu or rultau Thrym pnhcl nor my lllun dullng mu mum mm In $4350 W$ 38 BAYFIELD ST rr lo quuunn Irnm he said Hm lh brl xalng In nml Xaddrr In the mar future In SUN COTS HOME FURNISHINGS Klnzie felt that the IONVENI NT IIUINHII TERMS Lawn Chain $325 to $1595 Can than 1mm nur Mandnlul INrm rnloflul Ilwn Hull hnr II Ilyle to pull you L0 vrlrr Mn FOLDING TAIIHHO mull ll llMtl nllll Illl Im anlllI 75 HM lmeK nme ml rrnl lwm l1ln In IHML Idllul Ilu Ilfll AWN UMHIHZLIAH uly PmmIIm mm mm HIE MISS GRACE LAVALLIE 21 graduate 01 teacherS col lege will return to her home in Tome Basic with pennant of the Martyrs Shrine to remind her tier visit to Midland There were four members the Grey NunQ of the Cross hem iieved to be the only Indian nunsln Canada on the Canadian National Marian Pilgrimage HOLDING SOUVENIHS oi the Muriyrs Shrine are Miss Rosie Tom 20 len of Wnison Lake in the Yukon and Miss Joan Erasmus 1991 Fort Resolution North West Territories The piigrims nuendcd mnss on arrival at the shrine had dinner at the Shrine Inn and attended special Marian Yen devoiionni service nm on many ymrs were gain to have have nnndwr nrc mu Inn The chnlrmnn the fire and mun wmmllhr AM Ind Hsun mm mm invnr mmmru nmchlnu mm nenrnm tor npulrxvmul nlmauom um Im all has bum uwplcd mm or 327mm lhu man Wnlll In nnly snurco II bunny whlch mun mos Uml um um vvonumllyHmcmnv um up supplied by mm mm Help Kin PHONE 2843 the hr uml AM ll Ind 53 THUR FRI SAT JULY Eplrfln Electric your Croxley TV Illnlflbulon no happy to pmlnt IhLI Ichrdull CHI2 Imgrlml Ich ma vtckly 0r Ihe tnn vellltncl vlcwtrl In lhrlle Iml lllllrlcl mo YulId no lemu an Ad uuc mum mm 100 1mm no Dlnlh um uNlc no my Imu In In 71 mm no In mum lo llvll Nan 1m mum 145147 Dunlap SI Phqno Bnnlo 6442 In OrlllIn It Wm SI Houlh to Millml xln mm mu uluvly $14995 l7 Admlml Tolovillon Modal Tl822 Rog Exclusive CflOSLEY TV Dislrflmlors In Bani TODAYS SPECIAL AT EPLETTS EPLETTS mch CBLTTV Channel Toronlo SPECIAL 179 WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 THURSDAY JULY FRIDAY JULY each day WKMSMENS CARNIVAL SEVENTEENYEAROLD Daniel Kishane bi St Phillips Saski with the reconstructed Fort Ste Marie in the background same the Indians in the group represented tribes from as int away as British Columbia TWO OF THE YOUNG INDIAN DELEG ATES from Northern and Wesbem Canada Wlnnle Lamebcy 1811 at Fort Albany and Amy Hudgson Ham Hobbemn Alta re LEAVE IT CLEAN New Hm the Summer scuson getting underway and most of us wlll be out enjoying our bcnull Iul countrysmé lcla make some rcsolullons about kccplnz Ullnus clean and cutunz down on the hesfiucllun mm Ihln show nun 7mm am am loo Ympm In vom cmm mm on IMum Io Mm mm konld uioo cm wmhlllu noo cu VII 77 Yhnm um mm llmne 75M Irmllllonnl floral and mo dern mullfs In wlde nrmy culorn 82 Dunlop SI PICTURES ARTIST SUPPLIES MIRRORS FLOGLAZE PAINTS AND commas Follow your decorative urge with WALLPAPER and from many places In the mm 1m eluding Weenisk 500 miles north of Fort A1 bany The ranged in from eight months old to 18 years or age presentlngthe firmlnfigkln indfnn School vlslt the site of Fort Ste Marie situated across mm the shrlne DATES ADMISSION FREE Ilred of lookan at the some old wnlls7 Want qlmnge or scenb thnl will make your home sparkle will new bcnuly Come In and cast your eyes on our slunnlng collection ol now wallpapers more are so many fresh new dcslgns to choose mm mm you can glve your lmnxlnnllon lull swayl Youre sure to come up wlth just the rlgm dccornllve answer or every mmn ln your lymch BARBIE Prysons Grill Reopens Wm 28 Thelr many friends and patrons In BarrIc and district were greatly pleased to note Ihe reopenlnl nn Monday June 23 Pryson Grfll the pnpular resort at 38 Dunlop Street West owned and operated by Roherl and James Angelou The Grill had been closed for about one month following tire which broke out in he klwhen through the night of May 24 and was conilned Ju that xmtion but 11 came just 10 days ailer the enure interior had been decor nledand was discouraging as it meant that the wprk must be done all over again But consequenxly ithns meant practically new interior with fitting in blonde mahogany and with upholstery in pleasing mi km red verging on tan Grneral tinting is pear with while and the same afloat in Ihe iioor sur lacing 1n nfidlUOn considerable new equlpmunt has been installed ln he klcheny all elcctric lnclud Ina stove Ireczerq and new 1pr 01 hm ray which not nnly k8 nod hot but also kllls germs An Ice cube maker In cluded both or grill use and or on and best wishes number or snle an expression conzmlula lovoly baskets of Ilwwcrs were re ceived tram business Inns and rcprescntauvcs includingh Wcay months Bank Store Frans ladles Wear Radio Station CKBE The Barrie Exnmlner WHllnm Nullsan Limited BarrlcAanndnlc Dairy Emms Eleclrlc Petes PIECE and Dale Company Insurance BRYSONS srnnwnznmr suunm 25b 22 DUNLOP STREET WEST PHONE 55 ICE CREAM CANDY LUNCH AT Phone 3270 FRESH

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