Barrie Examiner, 15 Jan 1954, p. 15

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flth YearNo 75 $25000 Loss In Little Lake Town to Call Tenders Bolh Ways On Fire Truck CustomBuill Job Preference Volunteer Brigade Darrin Town Council decided Monday evening to call or mud ers on lrc ruck bulb of cus Inmbuill standard Class type and with Class pumplng unn mounlcd an commercial chassfls The former would cost In the neighborhood five or 51 thousand dollars more lhan the cummcrcial type which wnuld he Aimllar to cm now bclng used by he Barri Fire Brigade The tire and Hum commnlee of tunnel Is to bring in definite recommendation ancr tenders have been received The pros Ind cons of buylni piece standard equipment such requested by he townl Volun leer Hrc brlzlde wen argued the council meetlnl lollawlng lhe hearing at dcpulaunn represent lng the firemen Spokesan or the deputation were Chlcf Raly ll Irwin and the asslllam Hrn chm Wllllnm Slcwnrt One 01 UN mnln nhjccllmu lo the purchase he mare expen slvc plccc cqulpmcm came from mmm 120 INDIAN IIMIIIIMN lu cludlnu 40 to mlMlmmrlM nlul Xndlnn lrlbnmnrn mm nll ncmnn Cnnndn mum Hm Mnrlyrn flhrlm Mldlnnd nn lhumdny on lhclr wny lo Cnp do In Mmlvlnlne on Mnrlnn Your pllnrlmnuv Included In the nmup were Cree hullnna mm HumM mm Nurmom Onlulo Nn Hum lmd lrnvcllcu Iur mm Inyn by mmoo In mdnr lo hcglu llm Junrucy lnklnu lhun humlrcdn 1qu away from home They pnmu to Mldlnnd from North Bay wnm they were julncd by the mhcr group 1mm chlem MONDAYu WEDNESDAY FRIDAY single copy Indian Pilgrims Visit Mariyrs Shrine Th cuuncll has duty he claimed One mm way to keep workmen cunlnnlad to prnvldc mom with good and proper tool to do job of war The com mmm type 71 equipment cm ploynd chiefly by mull commun lllnl he Idde gating gnu th rlument was £35210 lrowlnr palnL Reeve Eldon Greer who could no see why the fire department could complain as Ion as us ruck would go out and do the work It was expand in tin Ald Hersoy fell 01 the main conslderallon shamd be he re bngade He reminded the council that the volunteer brigade was Having the lawn 20 or 30 thousand dollars over pnld brl undo lie all that there was no corn pnrlson between the commercial the truck and he smndnrd mach lncry hul hu mnln consldernuon shauld be he re brigadn was not as hrlgdu warn nxm la page lwo phase Czulndn to brain Ihu ntcohd part the Juur my WhlLh nlm lakes thrm to Oltnwn In Hm Murlnn uhrlnc Enalvluw lo Illumld Qua and lu Jnmlha uhrlno Mumrmll Cnp dc In Mndolclnr they lulu over 00 In IIan from nll 1mm Cnnndn who um Inuklnu Hm mmrhnnuo accumpnnlm by prlcnw and mm More relurnlllfl lo the north cnunlry July in they will qull 11w Annedu Ucnupro and nurml crmmuhy Mum Inlnml mnlk Hm 300m mml vnranry the Hm Xndlnn trunnion In Cnn mm Eh 43 arrivér Examittvr OLD MAIL ROUTE The um rallway mull service In the wcs smug nvcr the Win nlpngdlrandon line In 1m Kiwanis Peanut Day Sajyrday Proceeds Welfare chl snumay July mg Klwlnls Club Bart lurucmln It In Annual Pea nut Day ranged ln eoopu Illllll wllh lb Planter Ilalml Company um um nluh ynemhers and belt mlpen wlll In busy emvmln the Ian meets and nllrlencu lclllnl bu nr Mn 01 Hunter Innuls Prnnccda mm the sale at In pelmlLl to be usul by the Kimm Club or It work on hehlll crippled children and local wal hre calnre ol the dlyl Pro curflnu wIII he lam mul lell Phlflu Punull all whlch will carry the IMnut Qntcn um hcrdzncinx Peanut Men on our Ibo lawn In cnnnzcllnn will file oil guessing contest hclnx cun ducted In which pennn pur duslng pelth In entitled to to guess mlu the number yumls an III float The per Ion nasaan nearul nmount will wln vulnnble prlm BAERIE ONTARIO CANADA Nu sub commiuccs the 14 surc Time Survey Cammiuce re ccmly organized In Barrie were lorrncd at an open meeting last Wednesday evening In em board mom DI thc0nlarlo Department 10 Agriculture The first which is under the chairmanship oi Jamc Gilmore will conduct pcrsnn4omrson in krvicws by mean or question naire which is lo be unswch by 1km person npproachcd in he sur vey Thu imcnuon and purpose of this seclion ad the survey will be in sample Barxvie and district k009 ing In mind and considering oc cupaliun neighborhood age eomc level and residence in the lawn or the surrounding dierIfl The 1351 census Inmfimlun will be u5cd xndruwlnz up name at most to be micrvlewm Individual and Organizational interviews to Be Conducted By Leisure Time Survey Committee The Ieoonrl sub mmmmce undnr 1hr chuirrnanshlfiorkar1 Yennéfl will nlchILw executive organ lzaUunx in Barrie Team ink1 vlnwcrs will mam wllh executive mcmncr at each organization to find out what is already 60an done 10 pmch rccrcnuoml lull mus In the mwn This will Me In with he flrsl mmmmocs Investigation Into whni prople of all age groups etc would kc do thclr lubum mm and whal may an already doinzl The wardan he questionnnlre was discuss at he meeting last wmk which was attended by mm 120 cnmmluce mamch and lnlcr mm cmzens Council Votes $25000 For 11w lnwnx vrry wrlnus um cullk In krcping wum prl vulc prupvrly ml some he lrccls were lln cuth rumm urnhln dlscuwlnn at Monday ev cnlngn metUm town wuncll Il wnl llrmld nun he Hrcnl source tllscunlcnl by Md llrrny Curbs Sewers 11r mnllrr wm hmunhl In In nllllll count whrn Drpuly NW ll Glmwoml muvrll Ihnl hylnwhu hrrpurml nr mm In In lhl nmmlnl nl $11000 Ur mmlmrlhm slnrln mwcrn Ixul wva HYM Hmpluulllng lllnl Inmmlmc nrllun mu unwary ha mm In lhn mlmnn urnnl mild mil vvrn Inkl Ilnrl IIH Iluuplmz um Ilomlln nwm warns Nnnnuu mum dum l0 nllrvv llll rummlnn tx rrpl ralm dvhrnlmu nlul Ilu muw lhlnq nlmul ml yrnr Am llrrsuy um um hr mw ylnuvq whrro cull won numlml varlu Hull rvrry llmn mum puhnc wutkl Mn wnuunln when lhcu luv ruth nul uu Itlvewnyu rlc and mm Mr rlmllxumlly lwiuu mu um rrpnlr walrr dnlnnll Twrnlrllw Dunnml mum In only mu mu drflnlluly Iwcrnlly m1 yur nmkm nu lmnnl wka Alth Khulu Illlml Um cmnmulrn an II wu mulllully mull Ivnrhlll and lhvuxy mm mm mm In rumle ntllklm Ile wlllc hr Lullrlmflull letul In nlm vny Ind MI um the xlrlwnllue mm wuulnl mum lrmd Mm In mun or Hm wont nu Alll WHIIMHI Irwllulml wuntll mu 1pr mull wn nnl III Wnnl In Warll ll lu mmm lo Wllllnm fumlwrlnml uqu and cme rum which lmnm may um um um lllmnl unwmuu Ihlnk lhl Hille would rpqu nll uvu luwn pqmlly We mqu In an nur than mane ivflmnl Kiwi Run Olnlwwl It Anolhez meellng has been called for hlesday Ju l0 Whlch each represenlnLivg as been asked lo try and bring twn murc peoplel ll will be held ln Lhe board momol the department of agriculture be ginning at clghl oclock ln the ev ha lime the survey commu tec expects La receive reports mm the two sub cammluee chairmen regarding their progrnss and fun alums or the start survey The open meeting on Wednesday began wllh resume event lead lng up lha gathering and the development the lelsure tlme survey commlllee It was polnted nut that mm careful lunldna hzd been done ln connccllan wlth the miller wllh the hel 01 people from Tomnto who all dad meellng on Jun mum mum and Were Miss Eula Tnuzell ammo mretnry he Community Welfare Councll Onlarla Lelshman and Jack Ellbeck 4m communlly program branch ol the Ontario Depaanent Educnllon MLu Jme Campbell mutant exmutlvn sec Nlary the anlonnl Council of the YWCA and Bob Torrance ex tenslon secretary or he Nallénal Councll the YMCA All at these gave btlplul suggestlon and guld nnce explalnlng lhc mmhnnlcs dolng survey The commlum has been Kohl nlonK wllh lhclr lul KCSUOHI wlLlI the helnlul slal nnce 11 M13 Duulse Collcy Slmcoc Counly rmrmllan dlreclor Collingwood Child Crushed Beneath Gravel Truck llolurnlnl 1mm lunrrnl Mommy Lynnall Dolly Juan Llnculn wtl nut 11 mwnls cur Int path or lnruv umvfl ruck In 1mme cruth Ln dvnlh mum um wlucll Imrrlllvd par lllx nlnml wnlcllhm 11w nrddcnl mclurrd In mm Inc thmlnx hmuu llumn sum Srvrml urnvtl lrurk wtrr nmvlnu 14wa nxmm he arml to mxmuucunn on wlrrlronL rm vvhlclrl wrrr lunvlly lunlfil and mm lhv ulrlwr won nwnrv HIM he nuldcn Ilzld Mu plan Iullce Invr hm mm mm which hurk mml rhlLl lhal 7llmlwrllnd fllrvrl Wu Iml Ir lllr Innan In mn All Hmry lmwevur rud nnl lllnk Win Iml ll lolqul lruuhlnl and Thus III only lvlrklu our mm whnn lhgu wu nod up Mllyvr Hubr It Bmllh utter In no money nu l4 ha pul whtn 0w hllll VIII Md WII Hum ml unuud In dandy um that gum mu wum pknl Wmlh mm WEDNESDAY JUNE 30 1954 Eclipse Clouded Some Warmer Possible Showers Mnunnlm noun Hymn Um um mnmlu mu mmmm mm mm mm Iwmm mm lam um mun mumnm rm wm hm hm mm hum um uh nn Nnnflny lm cm mumlnl In mm mm wu um law lnfllu uuu rlnmly wllh nhnw mx um um luluMm uul IIu mu mm womluvul jun Jun Juno Inn Juno RoadiFaramLéITire Last Night mwnlluu mly Illxh law In lullr qu lhn Barrie May Soon Have Stdfi Light At Five Roinis mm liEhLv may sonn be in stalled at the Five Palms and Maple Avenue Icllnwing rcccipt by town council an aulhurlzlng Keller from the molar vehicles branch at he department high way The letter was referred Monday evenings cuuncll mecling to the tram cummiflla Md Mrs Marjorie Hanlim was in Live Ind green zfld amber lights at the two points In be syn ehronlzd Those wcru to he tried am as bcglnnlng 10 see it they would be Sillslanlory Th araflic cummmee chahman Ach 04 Williams told council hat Walk and Walt signals would ml be Installed as ycl Op position to palm of vlcw was cxprcsmd by AldrW Kinzic whn all that council wm making big mistake by Just Installxng stop mm The hnznrduus pan the crossing he clnlmod was for the pcdcstrlu Th1 palm of view was upheld by Ali Paddlson who also advocath walk and wall signals the present llmc pflchlrians have 10 take hclr awn Chanel3 Ald Hersey palnlcd out um the present proposal was for 11mph Hth um with cnnlml ax which could be nddcd Whlk and Wan The mayor wnmud the lime comran authorized In act or We will have Another summer with no Ham llghls He sald he won zolnu on hulldnys from July 310 and he hoped Lhcrc wuuld he lighd III In Flvc IoinL when he came back ch its only red flllndtll about 26 Inclu Illuh at me Ilmuldcr rm mulnlnlncd on game msunu In England lInhL summits OUT Two long months uummer tuu nhund or navcn nnd hull yenrfld Kenneth Unuldry 0mm lllll cm Public Bohoql and hundred of other Wm who PM 4m hool hutKannuth II mu boon Schools Out In cl Av nounm mqu In mu man elmmun And the Long Summers Ahead The blaze thutdestroybd the large double burn on the the farm 01 Leonard Cumming Littie Lake Road last night also destroyed about iour head oi cattle 25 pigs and over 500 chickens loss of about $25000 accordihg to estimates oi the owner of the pmperty Andrew Cumming who works the farm and his own adjoining farm on the 4th line of Ves pm Township with his son Cause of the 1er is still unknown heifer that had been out to pasture andlran back to the flaming barn dled this morning bringing the known cattle loss to four It went terrifically inst said Leonard Cumming who was over on his iathers mm with his farm helper Ray Ribaikin when his young wife noticed the tire about 10 min utes to 10 oclock She was talking on the telephone when the whole dining room lit up with the light of the blaze She called the operator to notify the Barrie Fire Brigade which rushed to the scene An unknown army captaln was one of the first on hand she recalls and nelghbors Arnold Demmttr and Donald Flrlmmer alang wlth Mr Rlbalkln helped get some 01 the llvestock out or the barn Two cows two Icalves and about 13 plgs were saved Zombme valued at about $3000 belonging to another Cumming son Bruce went up In the blaze The replacement value of the burn alone would be about $20000 said Mr Cumming thls momlng There were two guudslzedpams ln the building Hls insurangu will not nearly coverthc 10S Inonard Cummings 80 acres adjoins the 160 acres of his fathers mnin farm The driving shed close to Lhc barn which was still smouldering this morning is badly charred nnd Just escaped being burned down as did the farm homei where he and his young wile and their two children Susan 1Z Md Cflfl 3V2 Sidc Knmnr llinlnl by nmo nonrde Tuny OHara leslr DLII of 32 Goldwater llmncn and lholr wlvrs rnjaycd cruise on he Srvnrn mvur Sunday with Coldwaier Firemen Enioy Cruise Then Fighi Blaze IIWR untll next Hrpmnber and mum nlmm school or the long alurlous dun UK July nml August Dames flclnoutary schom Clolcd umr door yuterday tor the long vmuun Au nmmnum mum Sawing THE TOWN 01 3mm AND COUNTY OF SIMCOE l6 Pages Two Sections Since 1864 mcnls ho Tower at lhe Losl Channel and on an island in Glou teak1 Pool Home Ihc puny arrived back Ihc brigade was call rd to aid 1n the nlArl Thlflaulln home on llle Port Severn road pumpcr was um um by Art Cnmcll nnd Bill llwasunl bu wns not nccdnd The residence was cxlcuslvcly damnucd mun ml hull gemmx Wm

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