Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 8

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The mlll ram for the year was struck in special muniing of cnundl Ill was not discussed in open council and only the council areawure as to he reason for he mm must be same mlsflef is the general comment heard about the big jump In 1nwnship uxes Many micpayers are up $100 or mprc over last year which was combined peak Qne lakcshore ranpayer claims lhut the Iaxns on Ms collage ex feud mm of his large Tumnm refl dence There the rates include wa ter services sewer paved streets and Other Incilillcs that gn with my dwelling Another group at ratepayers who are considering calling meeung at their association as sonn as they gei in residence are sug gusting that an nudiior be asked in mnkrI cumpielc investigation inia the enlirv financial siluaiinn the township Taxes The Big Topic large incrensw Baler Twine Amlcrsnus Inwalnnd Mu rlrml5 llexnr HIIIU wanllnl YulMM Illll Ilrr malt ul lllrnllul Wflllll tlr Mllu HI Ivr IMI unrlhe IIHIINA Ill In MAIIKEI HQUMIE PHONE 20 Llulin la mm Al Im luv Rtllnnll Wuflur Fourn optInn Hrllum Egbert hunumuux Slrnud Kelly It Uunslnlxlc Archrru Mldlnnd Dulwlon IllNfl llHHlIlM up mu ln Ira nu ma IHlllnz Fnunnll mmml Iny my luul mm nu lunuull umm mull In mun Hun nu rmuNA mm ran run mwu Ihe mum mm um lnnnnll wlll Iw mom pH 1111 In Bale lab 40 per Halt for Nzw llullaan Mastey lmernnllunnl Balers tlc For flu Allls Chalmers Balers 600 lHlIIler lwln In In file 1m we per um on TM is ion qually Balglnn livlne in stuck now Same wtlglilii sins and halal ns um ma inn1 Twine aim in flock ni mum prim Vlllltun lIlmvnlc llmulll rm 40c nm In 10 Dale lulk Phone 2429 COOP Innisfil Notes 1000 35 By no1 AVIHIMI At 3001 DEALERS lncllnllfl ALL BRANDS JO01 TWINES BARRIE FARM SUPPLY BARRIE WILF CARTER SHOW IIMHHIT ARENA THURSDAY JUNI hlmnwml Ily North Hlmrnn llmlnr lnnurn Newton llnblnsnn balu 51100 Hr Burn la Allrlul Tlm BAKER BINDER lttroy bindex and ARRIVE TODAY Th undo the mm and Iar not tabled II and Mg ulnr council meeting copy of he rqaom available at the flce Nh amen In con IidenUon had been KEVer the contents or hesummon made there Summary Of Report Township Auditors LLm mméinnmu by Mic Julln Debentures and expenditures spread over future years amount to $49352 The firetruck cost lmMing deductinn pmvincial sub sldy of 3490 amounted to $16400 Park expenditure over levy nmnumcd to $804371 which was incurred by improvermm or the toilet faculties T1ha auditors Say this should be included In the 1954 budget Amwugh Council did hm draw detailed hudgm as required by the Department of Mun ipal Mfalrs the auditors were able to prepare summary showing com parlsnn 1953 expenditures cor responding 10 he levy of mm year which shnws as follows aumy mm mm expended mono underexpended $23095 hmmu 13 um Thu your ma mrmmm uny nml lr In yJGnu T0431 taxes collected 1953 $255 597 N31 uncéllecled and year $30572 Percentage cnllenl ed 787 The nudflors recommem reserve of $5000 be against Lhasa arrears crease over 1952 is $59025 Township levy $16958 expend ed $13823 underexpended 134 DESJARDINESOn June 20 105 ln Mr and Mrs DrsJardlnu Clnpparkm 5L Harrlc son PICIlOflAdcnn nnd Ed Plchum nroadwny Ave Am 10 Tm unlu urn hwpy la announce he birth heir Dnvltl Ilnlfilnn CARD OF THANKS DICKENSONMr Wilbert chk mum Thnrnlnn wlshls l0 lhlmk ull Hunk llrluhhurs null ulullvfl lur Um bemllllul WE card nml Laymrnlhy uxurus vd Ivy lmm uman vrz Vrmvnl nhu Roads and bridges $5127 lX $34081 overexpended 32x Schools 5mm expended $100 505 51er and charity $7191 ex pended $3972 overexpended 517 nubmturcs 5991 expended $994 Garbage $6664 pended $41 953 0v 0a vy being $255445 and the ex pendilurnx $733977 Uununnn ML Mr lnu nu lnwmnu pence $5753 expended $7527 warexpendeq 51 Fm firbcemafifmm expended $1644 undervexpcnded $19m The hudlhm wlmed out that the regulations or the Dopahlmehl ol Municipal Affairs requlrcrl mat dolallod hudgcl he prepared as basis or each years expand lurrs and levyl Cnuncil should ar range that such budgm be pre pared early ln the your and ex pundnures should then be made as are prnvlded or in lhnl budgcll Etréel lighting 52m expanded 527159 www As Kn previous years we wer unablu determine me comCt rc cords of monks conemed in the park from me Intormnunn receiv ed We sunneg rocnmmend um proper procedure or recording each cash receipt Lhe park be cstublishcdr 500 In axes was wriucn of In The puwcr ll wrllc suth fluxes toms with he mum of revision on application as requir ea In the Assessment Act in 1952 we were unable to verily lhc corrcflnm and mlthcrlly In the assessment ID as he mlnulcs the court of rovislun were nul wrll lcn up uulllnlyiz the amuunls nmuwmwu Xuvinx mrmmy my lrnr nunmm Itilunr vmnus commmnos are prepar ing and submillins ms of expend Hurcs or councils nppmvnl Only general once on several ac cuunls are referred 10 In the min uks ns nmnavcd We recommend that the Symm recording the nuLhurily should be nkun undur review The approval for axpendilums durlng the year is mu being pm pmy carried um in accordance wilh mu regulations Tm manor being mcnlinncd In quusuon nmre we dopaman un June 111 IN MEMORIAM MIKE BORN recommended that hr Mr and Mrs Frank Garvin Ind daughter ms Doria at St Calh arlnu have been visiting wllh the Inrmerll mnlhcl Mrs Anhur Gar vin Zfl McDonald 51 Barrie ThomasT Crawford Mus and MN Crawford 91 Toromu havc recently Iaken up residence in Barrie They are slayln at lhu Prince Edward Hotel in Wmd stir for 10 dan Mr Crawford XS In Windsor us an examiner for lhcfioya Cunsurvalnry at Musk Mr and Mrs Howard Hurbidgc Cundles announce the enguggu mom of their youngest dnughler Beverley Anne to Sydney Pearson Roper son or Mr George Roper and um late Mrs Roper 01 Mount Dennis the mnrriage in lake plane quietly on Salurdny July 72 Mr and Mrs yernnn Fleicher will be at home in blends and neighbors Von the occasion their 40m wedding anniversary mar scvnn oclock on Saturday evening June 23 fill Mounlnlesam arm home id Thoran Walls was guts at he reception am dinner tendered the King Edward Hotel Toronto by the Ontario Deparununt Travel and Publicity or Aha Unit ed SL210 newspapur editors at he concluslon ol the 10day tour 01 the pruvincu Mr and Mrs wnliam Jennlngs Toronto announce the engage ment at thclr daughter Maxine Francus In David Ralph Gordon Candy son Mrs Cnlnly Thornton the marriage to lake place on Saturday July at eleven ocinck In SL Olavu An gliczn Church Swansea Toronto Clunn Ehtnuer wnxs um wm Encnucr mum nlmso lo mvmhcr nu wms mmllnx mun 1m bison July 14 Frank Bayes Loishmnn Fr MaCankey andJlnyner Mc Cul uugh 01 the Burris district at ice are Jasper Park Lodge Al berta this week muendinglhe an nual underwrilers meeting file Imperial we Insurance Co Mr and Mrs Al Liberty and family Barrie were Friday visitors at and Earl Dales Mn and Mrs Ernest Daics were Thursday guests UK Mr and Mrs Chm Bowdcn Cnuktown ML and Mrs Harold Dales and John and Ilunnlc Mr and Mrs Sam Fletcher and Tmy Tornnta Miss Allun Gartlunnr Ilussoll and Howard spent Sunday with Mn and Mrs IL UElHurd Thum um and aucndnd anniversary scr Viccs Church Unllld Church Coulsoqfiy Church Supper Ms Laura Balms spam lhe wcvkcnd with lwr slsltlV Mrs Fred Ritchie aml WMh hLr IlstLr nl landed Ihc supper at Pauls Anglican Church Cqusnns Ill lurrlll anlly mumnn The IUrrlll rLunlun was held on Sunday his home Mrs Puma and buys The day was spent 1n vlsllinx and sports The 0111ch person urnsum was Jack Madm nnd he ynunzrsl Handy Dnvls In Churchlll Gursls WEN unscm lruln Cuukslown mull uranch Thlslluluwn anonlo Id chnW Muunl AIMn Hzlnlc Churchlll Glllord ionic Sheets vHIu mm Shrlhmm STEELES CORNERS Mn and Mrs Everlon and Willard DI Barrie were visitors last Friday with Mrs Menard Sluvold Anniversary Vlsllan Those 1mm here attending Chur ch11 UnflLd Church anniversary services wen Mr and Mrs Duull Kncoshaw nl Ken Sturgnnns Mr and Mrs Ernesr Knmshnw and Robert and Mrs Edwin Knecshnw Edgar Slurgcons Weekend and Falhnrs Day v£s llors wlh Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Wllllnm llunlcr Mr and Mrs Ellmr Dales ENGAGEMENTS Jul umm Imn uru uyunm ml ynn Ill lmw ynu rm mumy up an umv Iml um naym nu nun mm mm HOT HOT SPECIALS cu ll MODEL s299 15 Cu Fl Model$399 mumm YIZW Summer Special CflflP HOME FREEZERS Blinker To Non Scull George Dull Ind Dough Baxter Ire an mntor trip to Eureka Nov Senna rMn Annie Th werkend with her daughter Mr In Dobson 1n Angua Return To Barrio M19 Margaret Bales his mum ed Ia Barrie aner spending the pan three week with her parents Mr andan We Bates Mrs Wes Mumbersun Barrie is vlsmng her son nnd daughterin law Mr and Mrs Mumber sun Mr and MrEIen Show and mmny spam the weekend In Hmnllord Susan remaining 1m two weeks Mr and Mrs Jae Hawkins Grnvcnhum span the wagkcnd with Mr andMrs Douglas Day Barbara rolurncdwnh lhem for weeks holxday Waekend Vlsllon Weekend visitors wllh Mr and Mrs Jack Lgnkhnrl were Ewart Imkhnn1omntb Miss Margnrnl Lockhan Angus Mr and Mrs Nell McNamara and Inmlly Newtonhrook and Mr and Mrs Breckenridge Ripley CORHEflSuddenly at the Roynl Vlclorin Hospim name on Monday June 21 1954 Sporgn Corbuu Murmur employee IlCAlF Cmlnp golden ngsung GLOVERAl Privale Pallcnls Pavillun Tornnlu Gunml Hosp lnl on Sunday dune 20 1954 125le Mlldred Ealemnn beloved wile 01 Joseph Emerson Glover turmerly Bradford dear mother 01 Bully Mrs Ingle dcw Newmarkcl Wllma Mrs Willard Ul Brant nrd4lary Mrs Joseph Camp bell Jose and George all Toronto ear sislur ul Mrs Banting Schumherg James 01 Toronto and Edgar Balnman 01 Welland Resting all the Trull Funeral Hume 270$ Yang Scrvlcc in the chapel Wednes day ml pm lntcrmnnl Sl Pauls Angllcan Cemetery Caul lSDnS Hlll on arrlvnl at molohy 310 pm FRASERSuddenly at Caprcol on Saturday June 19 1954 Allen nohm Fraser bcluved son 01 Mr and Mrs nnnm Fraser 01 lilllsdnle dear brother of Wllma 0mm and Ricky ln mg ml year Arrlvlng at me Jennctt Funeral Home name Wednes day mumlng Funeral scrvlcc Thursday June 24 at 2pm ln leimom lllllsdnlu the hon mums cmis Uuwdrm MncKAYHAl flu nnlswnnd Lodge laianltk on Monday June 21 1954 Juhn MncKuy sun If tlu lulu Mr nnrl Mrs Dunuld Mm Kzly Cunml ridge HumShlfl Scullnml dmr bmnm Luna mm John Mitchell New Tur nnlu nnd lhc Illh Cfllhnnnu MncKay mum at me Lluyd nml Slcckluy Funeral llmuc Hurrln Ur Mrvlm In Wldnm My MM 23 pm Inlumwnl zumm Cunmry MEATEEHM the we llmnr nnnlu 1m rmxduy 1mm 22 mm WHILIm McAnyr In hL nzml yIur Ihmm Ihc Jonnuu rumml Hmm Hunk Fumm survim hlnny Ium pm mman Hunlv Unlun Cumu Hulluwl LYLEm Slmcoc Manor mum on Saluxdfly June 19 34 LHliL Lyle furmcxly Midhur 1n hlr 74th year beloved 01 he kale David Lylc and dear mulhur of Mary Mrs IL How ey71idhuml June Mrs chlurl mnccmn with Mrs fllnrqullm7 Dranlfom Hugh and Bub nrammd John mus dale my Lundnn also 21 grandchildren Inlcrmcnl Trlnlly Hnllud Cemetery Beulah June MARSHALLSudden at her humn 5511 HI AVl Vancou VLr On Fndny He 1954 Harrie PnyllL Fnslur beloved Wm 01 be late Hurry Mur shall nnd dear slslerXnIaw 01 Mammal Mary and Jean Mar shall Darrin Inlcrmcnl Moun lain View CemLlery Vancouver June or he Barrie Service on Wednesday June 23 at pm Inlurmenl Angus Cemetery 22 cu ll MODEL NEW IQWELL $499 IIIZUILAIK GM 00 Hummrt Sprrlnl DIED Thme spent the her sonKnIaw and and Mr Murvln CKBB PROGRAMS DIAL 1230 Pu 030 communuy omen mu moo vxuu nun Nan mm apart 1045 am Vluu cant use The human Touch mm 3mg ann scon néifiimu 1205 mm on mm in In Tulle Quail X0 Mulls ShDDDlnl cums 101w Tndlnl Past um Nan nos mumold mnu ILIS mann En an Unilerl Church Ananefimy Large congregations attended anniversary services in Churchill United Church bn June 20 when Rev William McRoberts EA MTh at Conkes Presbyterian Church Toronto was the special speaker The theme of the mnrning service was the pride King chnkiah and his failure lo put his house in order when the Lam commanded Today the big Influences in iii art education politics church and homc The minister warned against pride selfishness and greed cndlng with command to set your house in order for the imc 13 short and God is calling for an accounting Thc sumac or ID evening ser vIcc wus BackslIding which he chumh seems lo have inst sighi of and yet it Is very real in cvoryday me As Joseph and Mary after losing Jesus In Jerusalem had rclmcc their stops in he lempici so we must go back when we lost Him In ocdcr that we may regain HIm Hare conIcsSan each sIn and asking for rcmiuance of them we must not lack back lo experiences we once knew but mihcr iook nhend to main lhlngs to Come In rmwnkcnlng and re vilnlIzIng ncccsmry to nil Chrls Hans Ihnt Ihrouzh rndcdicatlnn we may not backslldc ChIIIIWIIII Cholr Aulsls Much prnISc dun the ChIllI wnii Junior Farmer choir undevj the Icadcrshlp him Gordan Tudd wiih Mrs IL Sinclair as ur gnnisz whn conirihnicd to lhe spin llual nimasphcm ol the services choosing as lhclr nnlhum Falrisl Lori Jesus We Would Dc Diilld Ina SavIcur Axnln in Thy Dniir Name we Raise nnd Jubllnlc TIiL hlilIWHll male quancuc were much ipprlcinlcd in thlr rendition of Loanlng 0n Jesus and Abide With Me Weekend vmton Weekend visitors with Am Km wm Mrs Colllngwu Mr wnuunv Mo Ilm unann un cmzy In on spam 530 Nun no Bulltun Baud 700 Hunhull An apart 70 laminae 715 nuu Bum Ind mi 30 am mum um new cumu rhn mud rnm uunFmuun 61 Munul Clock 51 Non 700 Nun nndnnu 115 New 115 Plrm lawn no REL mum lumrl no mu amm man no New PitAnna v00 Nu mdm nu nu ma annu Shaw v45 Mlfl Mama yumm ma my mama llb Yolk Pl no gumm mum YWmnnv 010 mm on no 11 3334 3nd Weekend vlsllnrs with Mr and MIL Kcll wvru Mrs Law uc Colllngwuod Mr and Mrs Gibson and lmnily with flalv EPLETTS menus Izpmr 121mm your Cmmy 1v Dillrlbuln nu unedule cum xromm lhue unm vwlrnc vlmm 1n lhnle um llxlrcL 145141 Dunlap SI Emma Innlo H41 In OIIIIIIJQ Went South In man an Inn lnul nan no um um ou mum 9mm 7mm in cue1mm mm mum no mm no DIRn In mulc nunIr In In men HAVE MANY EARGAINS IN NEW AND USED TV Soc page mm for money saving lpoclall on Admiral Cvoxloy and Gonoml Elacnic Tolovilion Call in and no the many bar gain throughout iho flow CHURCHILL Exclusive 61105113 IV Distrflmlm Evening Servlcn CELTTV ChunnolB Toronto WEDN ES DAY THURSDAY JUNE 24 EPLETTS FRIDAY JUNE 25 IamLuohnon In an we um Dunn Hum Mon Inc Jun Loo numb lam mumn 115 Eddie 1mm show no mum II work no 1mm v00 Nun Ham won Doubt mm 910 mm 11mm moo Vim 1030 um um 8mm mm 91 WW camd mu nm mum mm mm mm anon scum ma wmner 12 as am on an fun us Plan Mum Report no yum mm no 54 Puma tn mnnu us mu nun Mo mu umnnu 501 mum now am an sumx rnuuuv nu ms rum hunt 105 mum wnum nu ma Plnn mmm mo Tlml on no you Llh hul 1m ammok 533 11911 Tu Tu mm 00 Uhlb 525 glmq nnmen spam ma 5mm aha Dun Mlllln Shin J10 Ne Mr and Mrs Ear Awdsloy Toronto spent Saturday with me nlgers parents Mr and Mrs Dun nld Cnuns ism Sandy Dumpster and Shlr lcy at North an vlsitud Mr and Mrs Nell Dempslcr 115 week Sullered lnlured and Elwood Miller injured om hand at Camp Borden Thursday and will be home for law weeks Utopia ll Cnokslmm Utopia Juvenllns played Cooks own at the park Frldny nluhl with both teams showlng good ball Scum Ulupia flCookstown Clvle allay Plan Plan to spend Civlc hollday at the park for the annual baseball lnurnnment Full partlculars in Cumlng Evenls this week shms Mr and Mrs CGibson with Mr and Mrs Sinélalr Mk Jean Davls England Mlss Jenn Ncsbm Mr and Mrs Murray Wur nlca Mr and Mrs Sinclair Sar There was splendid crnwd at 11 benefit party In Ivy Hall Sat nla nn ma cu In Immanu rry televlslnn nn nppruval NOTHING DAY no met We only nama brand lelevlslan npeclauy englnelr rd rlnp nrc receptlon cu Gill Guru uni III Lchnlrlalu or lny Illvlce nn Itvlalou Inslallnllon moo cmma all IlaMIC nu clnn emu uw cl Mm nu Ill um JUNE TV GEORGE nny vnhn In luvlltl TELEVISIIIN Plontcnd TV In Slmcoc Cnunly MONAILCH REFRIGERATION C0 nunlup sum PHONE 2059 623 UTOPIA mun Nun mu Tenn cum 1013 mg 9m wm 1105 mum mo Round 1m 1m 1m mu Isaunna 12m Luncmnn run spam mm 1215 Hum mum 110 nmu emu no sun an no an Imus upon an mun and mu Inn 100 Nun Hanna In Plan 1mm lam 140 4qu upon Tndlnl ran nu ma flkellm an ma Mom Ml happy In prennl wetkly lhn mn 105 Re 141an vizmu nu Bun 1mm mumm mu Time cm 200 mum no Yvu un on shut 111 mm nook Chm man camp Bun Nun Fun Mn Mn yo gullan npufl Phone us Mum Rana Mun no noxden spam Ovu 1b Special Grade Grade Grade 15 to lb Speclal Grade Grade undue Undtr lbl Special GradeA Grade Grade Mr and Mrs Hector Turnbull were in Mlnden Saturday nuend in nleces weddlng IKE BARE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY NINE £3 WEI1 Over lbs lo lbs Under lbs urday night or 0110 and Mary Olson 01 Knnnrn The cummlllec in charge or arrangements are very grateful to everyone Glenn McCann Guelph OAC was home or the weekend Gnda Cum Zn on 139 Ibove prlceu Hogs quoted by mm Coonernuvé Packers of Ontario Barrie Baby Cereals sum 21 WAX PAPER CAKE MIX Corn Salmon Ritz Corned Beef 12ollin39c Arm Plno Salad Dressing Moziu35¢ Tomato Soup 2Onzlin123n GINGER ALE 2MB OLD CHEESE Ketchup BECAURE Vukon Club Conunh Only ANTAlOUPES and 17 CnlifnrnhNo Livuluul nllnu SEEDlESS GRAPES BECAUSE BECAUSE Economy vy SMNiHI Whit AAP Che Crum Style Camdlnn Ann Plu Aan chy sapw Cnmpbn le Crap No klRum No fillmon Fluh Jumlm Pick em Round Steak Roast Large Medium Small Gublrl or HInz All VIrIllu Huflard RUMP ROAST Hound Em FOWI LIAN SIDEV BACON 01m Gun find In lb Anna Ihlmvoek and hlu Mlld Cu BACK BACON MINCED BEEF gum mm mm BRISKET PLATE 17c Ell Ln PRODUCE FEAIURES POTATOES ISE ALP uvu you morn with florzwidn law priu wary day IRE My many axclunivu cos len um eamparhl qunlily mud ISE Evumhina in Am mm mm mm with menu back nulrnln DEEP CUT SPECIALS SUPER RIGHT MEATS flog Make moms 10m BOB RED OR DLUI BRAND BEEF Sow $2106 2001Hns 25 801 PM 1ozblll9 lnx lin uwmumumvu It Will Pay You To Do So 25 NEVER SHOPPED AT AP 33c TO YOU WHOVE flungeflieldIMolms LIMITED Slmcae Connlyn Large Dulu USED CAR DIVISION 233 BRADIFDRD ST Dial 4981 Dark reen llnlsh Alr can Illllonln hula owner Market Square Iy flu Pint lb 93 Buy Wm Confidean AI DISINFECTANT 1951 Palm cnncn BARBIE FARM SUPPLY POWERFUL OCLOCK COFFEE $123 5363 89500 141 Ian ALLPURPOSE CUGTOM GROUND MILD MELLDW Dal Enrichcd 4149 DAILY DATEDI JANE PARKER BPECIAL JANE PNlKEh WHITE BREAD APPLE PIE 29 J45 m3n79 1602 Fig ION roll sLican 55 Ib39¢4 Barrie

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