Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 7

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GTIIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JUNE 23 1954 For Man Living In Barrle Area The man we want must be aggres sive Under bur nxper guidance and supervislun will be possible for hlm I0 cam $5000 or more year This is permanene gosh lion The man Belgntcd will be paid salary plus commLuion Apply Bux Barrie Examiner 17273 Sher nrdgr Kitchen imlfi 400 Highway LWLNG IN BARRIE DISTRICT For Personal Intcrvicw Kn Bani Wruc Cumplcle sales lralning All loads suppllcd dlrcct mu sick health and qccldent benc ONTARIO AUTOMOBI ASSOC AT ON nummomsr and Shnmphi glrl Inr Hairdressing 33 pug mi St Last Gull Work STRAWBEilRIES Girls wanlcd lur slrawbcrry picking anlcy phunu Shuud 72 Snack 1m 3150 wnman Iur 101ng Apply Mm Hill Oruby Lodge 0m umh 17213 GIRL look after chlldrcn while Inulhcr wurks Live In preferred Box Ilarrlu Exzunincr 17273 YOUNG Man In loam th romll him busimun Full llmu Salary ml cununlslun Apply Agnew humzm Shut Slum 17273 UNDERQRADUATE or cxpnncpcfd Sfificnl nurse for general duky InnL vod Lodge Phone 12108 73 FEMALE Hpr or snack bar Must be rullnblc and huncsL Apply Thr Ihan Put Shanty Buy Dad 01 Ilium Tcrral 172 GOOD Man or woman Iur cooking as and chips gum wan Apply George HunkL Lrnmms Munch lhum 0er Slmutl 11273 nunvn Iumnm Reply mum uxpurloncu ry uIlulnd flux HM no qunmm 171772 nunum mulem handyman wh nu family nlllnnulhflfllcs far lmuwwmk um gunk uuud home your mum mplnynwnl to flu mm person Apply Mr Sheppard Bar lr plmur 420 17273 fibkaEn ramble ulvlnq IHACHIIHS Wflllllll lur Srhuul Ann lh hklalul Hill ulul xlhm inlury UINHIH $2100 In $2700 per Innum wmn npply hug Muh wine or lur nwr my ml mm minum Juhn Lunlr ivcy Slallml UIhIANDING uplmrlunhy tom mull illCm drllnln nl mnkllv pmgrm In In mm mm ll lxlmcr orxInllunun Thin pm Hun Illluhll arluucv In ruuu mum and mum to nmlvrlukn clrllcul wmk Expulrncv ln Hug mwnvr Ihlnl nn mud Nuxncrmn pluym mmvnlm null mumu In mm cunndrnrv Apply In wllmu mum cx mm rdu nllml and um minulc hung SALES OPPORTUNITY Local radio advertising Excellent earnings Hunefl desire to earn and learn Hundahle All 0A employ cos nre Banded Ambman to permanent emphy mcnt Willingncii to serve the publlc Luk mude aulumubilc OPPORTUNITY FOR SALESAEN Box 81 LONDON Onhria 17273 lunxmuc fur Copy530 xuu wrck dny pnctdlng lune ADIHI MAY HE TELF IIONEI TO OFFICE PHONE ll ml Hamlin 4c word minimum 80c Following cmmccuuvc luncrtlona word minimum 10c CASH RATE 3c word minimum 60c 2c word mlnlmum we MUHT rAIn vnu 01min 0X NUMII or rtpllrsl dlrtutml to in ofllrn Km extra COMING LOUAITH 4n word mlnlmum 3100 AUCTION HM NOTICES la word minimum 00 Following culmnullvo 1mman in wordmlnlmum15c IN MHMOIHAM Mllll 0P TIIANKH IN Al llHUMTION word nglnlmum 3100 HNOMIKMENI NOTICE SIM RMES FOR ADLET COLUMNS RESTAURANT HELP nr in person June 2125 restaurant nnernonps no lVM mm mum mm mm n1 Mm um mm Human mm In um Ile mu In numm HELP WANTED APPLY BOX Y1 EARHIE EXAMINER vuung to help wim huusc In mm hume conveni Phunn Ul2r2 17273 WE GIVE YOU YOU GIVE US mm Emu zllulllffll mly DblIn Illlnulh Thu lumlnn mufllllnl drunklam cooks Waltresses or new restauranl at Cooksmwn 7243 Ph 6331 HIGHEST PRICES FOR SCRAP IRON METAL We also sell wipes beams angles channel and xelntomiha rods POULTRY IIIGHFST PRICES PAID OUR TRUCK WILL CALL McLAUGHIJN Phone 77W Allistnn We will pnyftor he phone call when we buy ynur paulsry Dunlap St West Ferndnlc Phones 6331 or 648 112mm SCRAP IRON METALS PURE SIDES RAGE BATIERIEB FEATEEEB ROWBOAT Punt wanted Phone 4350 372 USED Furniture We buy or sell nnylhin at Mr price Shuiman the centre at North Slmcoc Elmvale Phone 30 Mldland ID FIGS appruxlmalcly 50 lbs onch Seymour Humhimon Ora Station Phone Cm 1811 97273 Our trunk will all mm mm pald Spec pflcu plld leuvercd Phn 19 PIGS WEEKS old Phone 3618 Lorne Orscr 972 WW 3er yr5hrc chfc 10 mm vaccmated sired by Maple unll Rnbcrl Campbell Churchill Highway Phcnc Lu fray 124 73 ALCDNA Bench large mum with budruams nunr snndy Imam 1n sldc conveniences Available June 26 lo July July 1731 Aug 21 5m Phone 287273 AND COMPANY Yard and Office 166 mm at 315 COTTAGE fur mm Alcunn Beach or July and Augusl Slccps Insldn canvanlcncks screened porch clnsc In sale beach and playground boat Phone 43524 AUTHMTIVE Cullngts Darrlu 01k will unjuy lhclr mlldnya our beaumui collage resort Edga wnlcr Coltagm on Orr Lake 1511 wuy 93 Inside cunvonlcnc sum sale butch noted fur nslung mlx Accummndnle or more Cunvml cm drlvlnu on gum highwax RLIIv sunablu mics $35$05 wnkly Gur Xun JamJ 73 Glunvnlu Ulvd Tur cnm l7 Onlmlu 72 SHLD Huck Whunt or sale excell Lnl uunllly Muurlcc Mxllcr HI ANNA lhlme flrl Ivy 1072H Barrle ngaifSalvage In mum 1mm horn 560m munch um Lima 107273 lurvballng NI Ihlmu Lclmy ma STANDING Hny Iur mu um Inv var and Timothy Apply Mnx 11v llmsum phone 021 nexus or mind My min Apply Stinky Lu Cum Innlsfll 1072 Wlll tullul mig fuizn cmvnu llny slnndlnx In mlmbll llcnry KllnlI nnd Sum lholwlun lhulu thvnlr mm 4D ACI Timothy Clovvr ml Aliulln mlxnl nr xnh Mmk Hull nr HR Harm Ilmm mu 10724 Imus mlme hny Ahuullnu may mm ma John Lawn lor ll NI llanll innhlmu Hquu HUIZI IU 173 AL 31 filllmllllu IHIXNI cluvrr IIIIy In lflh Wll 4er lu m1 uunnllly WHHIIIII anhm Ill Lllu Illlillfll lhnnr 51mm he LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MAX PUSHKOFF SUMMER COTTAGES Industrial hon Metal uvs 7011 3112551213 LIVE POULTRY SEED FEED WANTED King Churclmi 10A 73 Ph 6487 267214 1071i71 311iii PHONE 2W BACKFILLING EXCAVATING DEMOLITION 0F BUILDINGS TOP SOXL on nu Phone 5082 OFILTKR QUEEN HEALTH UNIT The lines Hume Sanitntlnn Systtgm IJUNO FLOOR POUSHEE MA The Sewing Machine ozme century 34 Hayfield SI SEWING MACHINE saws on buttons make but on holus docs hundreds or sum of embroiderwau with standard equipment NO ATTACHMENTS TO BUY For Information and demonm on Mudcls $12400 Desk Consul Pannble Types 766105 ROBINSON HARDWARE BASEMENT STORE cu ft Crosley Freezer rmon IllIMONSIHATOH menu REGULAR smaoo MOHATL burntr Almrkmtlll AILr U000 MOIlAIT TAIIC up Moth14 burner 1500 ACME burn Awuhnvnl lilI wm mnr nwlmz IN nuul Mu mumm hvlnhl Imin ilivpvfi 5n Ilml 172 II AIHHS ly Ilunrll ll Ihmlv MT FLAI JOHNSON Uullnmlll hp 41ml rvlmltllml lhmw Mrll EHIIHHL IUIN ELM runllwl IIH hulul drnlll MU IIII mqu ml umlvl Mummu mm mm mm mm mm nu 5wa Almmu Mnchlml mun Irulall mulnm maxim plmur um BARRIE TENT Ba AWNING CO Hrw Rrwll wnn In llnmluluu In Wu lul Ln vlmm 2100 700 WWI lumIlHrn W0 Mly nr lull Ill lhluu II III llerr nhulmnn ll IM UVIUY leh Iflnmm Valli llmlll 30 Mhllnml VJ 170 USED APPLIANCE BUYS DENNIS MORAN mmrum thlulrr new Ind nml wrlllul rlrrllwlfil mum IN wuLllnx 1mm dly HM Amlnuln and Hum ullvme mm filmurl Mn mm 140 LOADING GRADING DLmnnslralcd 1n ynur home or at he or big wcvkvnd mm GRAVEL FILL AND TOP SOIL TRACTOR LOADING Sepuc Tanks Pumped PHONE BARRIE 3482 Available at one nddreu Astral Refrigerators éach $5900 Now $34900 ELECTRIC RANGES IRONRITE IRONER THREE AIDS 10 HAPPY HOME The VofldG Fines and must versnule ROBINSON HARDWARE STEWART mrlmuumy Illl the lull IIHKI pulllllum In mlr haw Il llvdlll Hlllll Nut Ilulv mu B1 finiale Avenue IIHGULAH $371100 FOR SALE NECCHI hunlup $14900 Visll the 1000 nml Tyswwrll qu mum 1min unafrymwru nllll Emir yhum klh VIIn 2mm Phone 4314 Mulur lvlrv BAImIE 745 Barrie 747 713 77273 741421 7434 whllr Mérl unx 1174 ulnk GENERALiEIcctrlc In good CO lion also Reliabln baby canL grey used or mnnlhs sh bud wflh springs Phone 6719 xon SERVICE an yuur Mash Feeds Frost Fence Euler and mn dur TwineLDqknlb pom and Fnrm su pnu ra am paw for 5a and rent Call leg Hunter Slmud phnnc 535 Hunters Poul lry Farm 16875 NIPISSING Oulbonrd M0111 Boat used unl mumhs ccdnr utrlp wnslruclun length 14 beam 50 dcplh 20 complflc with cars also 2whcd metal boat trailer wllh small whuuls Compkle 3125 Phone In 77073 EVINHUDE Mnlnrs Putcrbnraugh and Lake Cm Dons new and nsurl Expufl mulur repair scrvlcc Tar rams Cunlnclms for your Mnrlne mqulrcmcnu Morrbon Sporllnu Guud Dflph Box 210 Newmarkcl Onlnrlo Phone 158 704 PRIVATE hllc In prlcc $175 Ur Ullllwlllfl llrULlcS vanlly Ira fir Hf Encyrlnpcdlu Grnllur uuk luvL mil walnu bu vlrlmln hand wound In ma ny cnblnul 32x9 upaco for unis Mlllablx Iur Ircrcnllun mum uhmll bedroom chair wnl nul lhh xlfl pucv or brmk nul cm WI 50 mum1y Ihum ZD Tnke mlvnnlnu Hum Imnlnl rudncllun un murnlru nupulm lmnL1 llll $150 wnva No3 MOO wnvu UM Vllvr 111 Cull anr rm $000 $100 00 $000 $500 IIMH IIIHO c0 Mnblo Mu flFUOT Fnul null manly nvw Tlllvmnl Ivy 12m SIDE Mower ur llmnu 21m rnqsrn hun cm MAnJEYllnnh my mm Imlui nhuul 100 hlllm lrlrrll ln Itll Muurll Hahnr nu Nu rum phmm dz au 1271 AHH Mnlnr dvlvm mun wllm hay lvlllrr Ill vrtlrcl lhlpm Vlll wuhunur In rnHII hr Im uzn umml Illum 5711 Hub vuln mluhllm AIIUII Mlllq JD 31247 nulAuf nrw run nu wlwlM wum rumulrln wlm om mm wnm mu lmy lurk lu rm mum mun Muir vlmm Mlmdul fi7I7l vw mm wwnl m0 lwnvly my hIHu Turn ml lvmwlnl and Inklnl am nuInn mm mm amnylm llnml lyy nrvo lenm mlnmr had In ml quemllnfi Klu wwmn 54 hr 50 mum urn7271 HUKK AK mph1 In In lruvk wm pu rr Iakw Hm luv In TrmLvIlull IIIIVIIIIC lund nvw Cum Julmlrr and land WC lwnvly um my mm Nnm mm mnwlnl le Inkln Permanent Waveé am Special real buy or summer co lage nr sman store Nam n1 lhose glut Mn last so mil early nmi save money 293 Innlsm SL COOP OrlPhone 2429 mu TRADE IN VALuis QUEBEC HEATERS at $1000 at $1500 or thnsc cold collage nlghls Burner 12 Iup mndem 31 BURNER RANGEIIE Grnhamette heuvy duty Bumm FARM EQUIPMENT with Oven Thermometer Hardware Appliance STORE 01 CAMERON ELECTRIC RANGE ELECTRIC RANGE ELECTRIC REFRIGERAIOR Exceptional buy at $4100 Good Conduion $10000 FOR SALE PERSONAL Dear Universal COOP $7500 $2000 xemgcramr In good condi baby canmgr mnnlh gl Tnnl lmclnr sonvowr yum bump mérflmmw 304273 Ph 2429 lllymp ml noqlwni VB Bnyflgld St Ph 529 m9 pm MannySaturday Reps Carson Rose SALES LISTINGS APPRAISALS Sldlng ronms Full prim 800 Down pnrment $2500 $40 pm monlh wll carry balance Cndnng tun School area Two storey Erick roomsnnd bfllh large 10 Full prfice $7900 Duwnpaympm $25m Close to bus llnn school and shopping qu nnd halljtnrey bays e9 SHANTY BAY ROAD Rug brle bungalow rooms Ind bnlh 5mm fireplace lnvely land scapud lnL Full price $13800 Down payment 55000 131 554 Phone us or call in and see us re garding you hnusing problem We have an excellent selection oi homes in all parts 01 Barrio to choose from you are thinking of ueilinz your home we invite yuu in list your property with us 1672 Specializing in he saie of Barrie homes and nearby Summer Pmp erlics We invile to list your property or suite GORDON STOUIT LTD RenlEsme Brokers Aurora Barrie Oakvllle If you are lonklng Im homo to build on summer colmge at business give us call Llsllngs Invited LOT 70XHO FENCED low and dry walcr nvaflnblc Phnnc 4059 167273 mums 0N Lot coma em 01 Gnmubrldgv near Bolsovur Phnm 514 nncr pm 104072 comm muxm summrch 50 lukflmnl cumn Illld Lvdur block gimme ChLau ule 10 phone 109273 noom uousn Lvlruy 500 um mm 31500 dnwn lurms Apply by mu IIlwnml nmlnl Enule mm wmon 107249 VACANT35000 mu price law mum sumidmchml buck laruu 1m Cumrul Turn Immcfi 1100mm nousr wllh we 1m Allnndulu ArkL 32mm duwn Cnnlrs 52 monthly us mm HIqu Tvrunlu emum 2795 107 IIHOILE BUILDING Lab 120 Llmu park public and Mluml Gum TV mm mu so cnmm mwum Hurrly SL Dank Illnnu 2mm wunm KEEN LANTERN In Wm KRI DC Inkuhu um null cull Lnhlm Illrnlllml lrkc Tlrnu nmmumL Apply unnnn Junk 13 Hurle Nunnin bunk llmm my mm rum mm Murry room mum mm um um own mur luw Mch rurnl wu pmu Mrfrlhull llrmrunl nllvo lellw mllnr Owrn Slrlrl Inn 2311 147071 NEW noomnn bungalnw nl rumnm plrw mm mmhvmm Hun lull Imunut hm nlr my um mumm Mumn In 10 My lrnrwl 3mm xlnwn mu vrht mum Ilnlnnu mu mu Mum mun75 Inzr nun hm hulrunm um wnlvr mum mll qu rm Hnrhlru ulllcr cvm mun Inm hum XLdrl Lnop ml LdnlmJXA Cuulll Owen Shrrl Illnl 2111 104072 lYEMLULI mum lunch mn humuth 51mm mum and ill IHNI Imllulwm nlnmlllllm mum and mum mm am fully nu ma nrw Mhuul mm Low now mum nnln ml HIM llmlm 1WD Illvnlv NIAqu PROPERTY FOR SALE Charles Rogers REAL ESTATE mmmm mum Vrnrrr hmlw lmlllmlm Immum mum mm nml mqu nvaI mum vhmhlu 1mm mmnlml nu Inuu ln Hut hm nml Inn mu nlllnlvlv IhINu mm mm Trmu lu nnnnunl Apply 1va 1mm nmllwr Ior 7L1 IIOQMH lulufo all Ilrllrvl lwllnuml mum In unnu mmu lmlumlnl Im Gxvlvu lynlh xluwnxlnlu Thur nulvmnllr dIIthhr nml thn1 murhllw In kllrhm In Luhnum llvlnl And dlnln Illvrml Arlrovu ml nwulnu Iul Inmumml nml lurk unlm chm In pawn nu nml luu nvvlu Mm lnml un Lw munl Imm mt oaauwr CLIFF BROWN REALTOR Phone Barrie 4800 or 4835 150 Dunlap St East Member Barrie District Real Estate Board BARRIE DISTRICT REP sterling Trusts Bldg Dunlop St East PHONE 0387 GEORGE WRIGHT LACEY CLIFF BROWN REAL ESTATE Ovnr Sterllng Trusts REALTOR phone 1678 Ph 5298 165890 101173 17174 1645 47 Xzed In gnod condlllon lacing lnlo park three bedrooms large Mug room with fireplace garage Dawn nymcnt $3000 Immediate assess nn other collages nvallnb Ap ply Marshall Representative Coum Realtor Owen SL Dial 2371 167032 SIOEE BRICK Veneer 1n Iulatcd rooms madam thenmu window convector but water heu nm Francis StreeL lmmedlale ussmion Cmoprsdfl For unth nlormnflnn contncl Mnmhall Representative Coulis neal or Owen Street Dial 2377 57072 mums pqmr othgeuwfinlleyj floors and we moment nr rundlunned wlth all heaflnsy leam lng oak flnors Venetian blln and elcrlrical fixtures throughuul At Iachud garage Tne terrace This Li large family homeor could be converted easily to Sncome pm ducer Phone 3349 appointment 197075 cocxm Spaniel xenl blackbeai ly Phone sum 3941 331213 Tents from $4001ka Camp Stovm 200 wk Portable Rolrlgerahns $200 wk Camp Beds $100 Wk Barrie Tent Awning do 34 Hayfield St Phone 1314 156975 FURNlSHED ROOMS PHONE 4403 1574111 1100M gm housekeepingAdults only Phone um 1572 ROOMS unlurnishid 219 Brad Drd SL Phone 2231 542 iuly N3 children Phnne m1 157273 ROOMS uniurnLihed new home Child welcome Phone Q11 ROOM Board dcslred Close bus mute Phunc 6627 1572 LROOM House in Ferndalc Call In person at on Maple Avel 157243 FULLY Furnished new bungalow 1mm July Aug 31 Phone 125 me pm 151273 pFFICEfi or snmplg x9035 Mm Bus stall3n End new i505 01min at 53 Collier St l54flll LARGE nunkeeping mam furn Lhed Single room or gentleman 00 Maple Ave 1572 unrjprwxsuzn Looms FURNISHED apartment large mums brighl nhury cast anL Blake Phone 4818 1572 Ehim bamroorrT Ifiéne call 12 Burlun Ave ROOM unlurnlshcd npnmmnl wflh mg and slave Adulu only By July Phone 2971 157273 FURNISHED Roam in Allandale hm water all close bus slnn Gentleman anInrrrd Phone MUI 157173 ROOM ullhmliahnd alurlmlnl private enhance Available July N0 thildrln lhunc ZHZU Mllr pm 157273 JULY and Auumt Owners um lulud lmmo mums all convenl um Amily Tonys Garage Shan Iy llny 157172 FUIINISI Apurlment uvnllublo July Cunlrnl Sufilablu fur MIILL MILL Hrmumnblc rrnl Ihum 2711 Xl 73 HILBODSRDQM niucx maria CAMPING EQUIPMENT SUILLET Jul nnd Auxlm nnly umlslmd munnum lululh 1m mpm Apply llux 72 1mm funnier FURNISHED Hrdmum wnh klb rInu urlehgm Uxmnlrx Clmo Inn and annual nu Cudrlnulnn 01 151172 FURNISHED Iluum Lullablc fur one or lwu ulrls Ccnlnll Mulls prtlurlurl nr llghl mumlu mu Ahslxmur lhunc 527B 15 27 UNFUIINISHEI mom ncumnmu mm mum IHl1lu mm duwmlnlrnnlmmlr ulnmn lnu rvuJlly Ihum 57 157243 on ROOM unlurnhhul myan lurnl In rulrhnlln mum Avnll abln hnn mun1y Apply Cow mmun Al or phum am nuomm unturnlmul uphrlmml KLIIcnnlnln mm hul wuur Imumllnh 1m mum Mum unlx Amlly Turk Dumlmlnlxl 15 PROPERTY FOR SALE Em nvflllllulll WIHI mm DUNr IIL flvlhll IHUIHUH Hum 260 IN pm 15 12 AlAIllMIZNl mmunmm mum lluur Cvnlxnl Comm mm rum lmllmmu klhlwn and nm lmlhxmnn on mm 2711mm Ulll Asmvlmrnl nmmt klh rlwll Imllv lllrl um cnhl Wllnl ulwfln rVIllInuL Imnmllnlu pus ruluu Alhllll truly Inllmlu lu Nil llrllry II PROPERTY FOR RENT DOGS PET STOCK stmav rlment avni MANurAcfURERsLIFE 1547274 iail ur 156873 iAccommodation Wanted PEONIIE Dozen Redd Whites Pinks Fresh cut as required Large supply to choose Xrom Georges Place 250 Duckwflgnh SI FLAT on IEusu wanedl mom unturnuhed Apply Box Barrie Examiner 117273 SMALL Bungalow or rm less than roamed apartment with bath wankd No children Apply Box Barrie Examiner 1171172 HARDWOOD Hirdwaoa subs Softwood Slabs sawed Ind dull and Dennu Mount phunpnzsmm 2500 nib Plne and dried inside or over year Phone 858112 between and 630 672 LOSTLadys yelnw and grey small allweather coat week in the vicinity Queens Par Please phone 5613 at reply 91 Welling St West 1772 LOSTAl Miners Polnc Pavfllon Sacurgay night mans black wallet contamlug sum or mane and val uable papery Finder 9235 con tact Stewart 88 Maple Ave at when 2324 1772 Box on brfium Modern bumIn cupboards spec nuy Call for estimale FLOOR COVERING Anmhnnzs Floor Cavern Linoleum nubbcr and Asphalt Tue Plastic Wnll Tile Mnluinb Supplied Ind mulled Frce hummus WOLFENDEN Cumbulnnd SI An nur fluora shubbyl Hen nur II Spend Fluur Snndu and refinish like new Reasonable rules All lypcs at fluDr finishes nvnnnbh CARPET SERVICE Mnlurln SuupllLIL lnslnlltd Hm ESTIMATES Phone 2013 or 1mm Lvy 50110 Vlnyl Aullmlns Asphnll Llno Hubbrr Slym llzmllc WnlL F0 BUILDING null Irnnlru plume Mylrs 2101 541 13WE vmm moons Undvrlay IIywuud Cuunlcr Tum rummwoon MIMEOORAIHINO AND lubllc Slcnnxuvhy llnrxlo Hullnm Cull rgr 00 Toroqu 5L Durrlo lhonu mu 5130 LAWN Muwm snnrpma IM ue mu Dunlun Wm Fur pickup nnd mum ncrvlco phonn mm 50 mm mm 551 IUHT Anlvnl mln IIHIIIIHI Dulch lnmlluw anhnrr Won chrml HIM pnm ll llollmuL Auk lur our lpurlnl Iammnpn mum nick Juflvmmm llll NLL fillmul mum ZJrll 04176 DOYDS PAINT AND WALLPAPER I9 Clapperton St Ph 5206 blflll DEAD STOCK maven ram your harm pruxnplly for nnlllry dll on lhonu collect Dlrrln M11 ordun Ynunl lellnd bIHW UBHHAN Slnlllun rrldy or Irr Vlcn llnmll De Nltllw lrllslrrrll Nu 1111114 Emuhnrlll Nu nun lrmll IL WIII lw nl Jnlm Illrl xlel wary erlnudny FAlemI lnnll IMMan 5037 PLANTS Er nowsns FLOOR SANDERS T0 RENT FERGUSONREID WOOD FOR SALE CUSTOM CUPBOARDS TRIM WORK CONCRETE WORK LANDSCAPING Nu kulleglion No charge Credit Bureau 5mm Couggy MISCELLANEOUS BRUCE CAMERON INSUIANCI COMPANY LOST FOUND Small Buildings Moved MURPHY Floor Seryice TILE COLLECTIONS THE BEST JOBS am open 10 mm WM Mghor odumllon You can guuvunlno tumor oppovlunhioi or your hildvnn If you plan for their cducollcn now through lilo lmuvunco EAXTER Phone 4112 Alllstan PHONE 6382 Lnld Flulshrd II Fifnne 4752 566 thnc 5185 51194 cam 57075 HDE The average when at any com munfly want lo we the humu business and public buildings Jon ing trash Ihc feels and lanes well kept the fences painted and ma vn 100 clear of litter But sometimes he targets that it Ms drgnm in to come lrue he mm tall upuhls sleeves and in snmething ubnut It 20 AGREE pasture land wllh goud lluul alrcnm Priced osell Thomas Fraser phone IVY IZrlL 227273 PULLETS for um 25 New HumpE shlrlz monllls nld just starkd ln lay Phone 2177 144271 MODERN Hnuse or Bungalow In Barrie Allandale wanted to buy $3500 dawn payment Box Barrie Examiner 3310112 FOR CLEAN AUTOMOBILES Liens paid all and we will trade down 220 Bradford 1946 CHEV goml condlllon Phone 23 unur pm 137273 1951 FORDOR Clulom Fnrd A1 conditioning Phone 4338 nllgr Var 1950 METEOR Cuslnm Station via gun Al condlllnn Phone 5515 1m KAISER swan 35000 orig m1 miles excellent cunditlon good Hm woo Phone 6604 137214 1950 CHEV door radio heater Sacrifice or qulck sale $900 at hen nfler 32l Maple Drive RCAF Camp Burden 137273 1941 STUDEBAKER passcnxcr coupe spollcss lnsldc and am May be seen at 33 Cook Mint pm 137273 1940 FORD Cnach cxccll dltion $ZJ0 or hes uHBI seen MD Brfldhlrd 51 67W REASONABLE Chev Coach custom hum radio sunvlsor air cundmoning undernonzcd ully 1n surcd Phone 2527 137274 51 METEOR men 1tu equipped perfect running cundlllun saw cash Terms or balance Apply Hm 0mm Annus 131112 1951 CHEVROLET Deluxtl Sedan ImllnV cuvcrs dlrucllunal llxhllnx under gun Moo lllncsx forms salt Darualn Phone 2070 1372 CROSSTQWN MOTORS 220 Bradford St Phone 5430 MANUFACTU ED nulumabllc cnglms uxclmng New engine guarantee ma vu to 53 Dodge myumum 53 mm Inmnu Chevrulcl to 52 $179 Immlam mam Garage Anqu Wrdnrnday June an Aucllnn sale lnnu neck lmlhmrnlx hay mm and housuhod mu Inr Gurdun Cnlnulmll Ln Jun Ill Hm Tuwnshlp as mnc mum of lho mm snlmml mum mmum nurlh mnwny an nmu nll mm 310 nnd mum will be nvvr $50 le mnnlhl mun wlll um sm 1X man 051 um Cnuuhlm no Ilunrcr 1110 PROPERTY WANTED Hlmeou Lnlmlyl mu nnm VIII CAI DI IIDN mum at mu AUCTION SALE uvlum rllllo umlrnrfl Infl cr whlle ull Ilvn Ilnrllrllly Dangerfield Molors WILL PAY Highest Prices HONEST JOE 4mm Funks BC Gmue llny Wllh Confldrnto AUTOMOBILES SPECIAL 51 CHEV NEEDS EFFORT PASTURE POULTRY HTTENTIUN FARMERS Cnach Basement can 01 195 any qu be Llhll 1295 Phone 5410 1341510 Ll

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