Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 5

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Mincsing emludlnx last nights results rested in second place In the Banit district section three palms behind Legion and with game in hand All this has hnen accomplished without hc servicms nl Laban who joined the puchlng 15ml of Canadian Genera Electric current innenacts Well one month of the scheduled season has been entered into the records and Mlncsing have laken back seat In none In incl only one team carries better and and ihals Mllun Itrnas been longllme slnce Minesan fans have whonped tor senlor softball contender but ghls may very well be the sensgm they throw bouquets along the champlonshlp path FIBseason favorites were defending champion Barrie Legion in the Barrie district group and Bradford in the South Simcoe section But even when likely contenders were mentioned Mlnesing didnt get nod with the excep tion of rumor that righthander Leo Labine might wind up on their mound Two reasuns or the early Mln cslng challenge are pitcher Ken Glenn and second baseman Georgi Miles Both are former players on local teams but Mlncslng swung heir slgnnturcs last season when Ihc interlocking sebup was brought into cltccl Glenn has never pushed balm ball in this dishcl than he haa Inr Mflncsing Probably hls best nerfonmncc was against Edgar loppcrs In hat teams first delenl 01 he schedulc Miles veteran of many soft ball campaigns has been the man with he cflcctlvc weapon Hfls dangerous but almost clalmcd victory over Leginn and there probably isnt more respected balmr In he Minesan ordekthan the bespectacled second sacklr There have been numrs Ian on joying good seasons thus hr such as lhe Downcy twins Win an Wan Wen has won his only pilnh Eng slart of the schedule but has played lot of third base sinzc his hilUng Is too strong to leave out Harry Adams has shown iuls power nL the plate and younx star who Is definitely at home in the circuit Bob McCartney has been mnm than an extra 1m MineSing Mbve Into Queens Park Tonight With Impressive Renard Mlncsing have subucd CGE vdgur Fennclls and Brnnford while mm onerun decislnn chlon and mum rough mm um hands Edgar Mosl recent victory was 107 rounl over Eradlord List Week rinh In the Marsh area Kcn Glcnn was zlvcn mamnmlh 100 vnd bclorc nmdrard broke nut in rash In the final seventh or well runs Bruce Edncy doublv Carters triple and Joe Muganis ouhlc key mews The rally of mum proved run 03 as Mlnosing has measured 51ch Simone or lnur uncarnrd simply dust on your mm or ham lonr um wllch qu BROWN Cl Phone 5000 ONI OF Sill IIESENIID IV CAN LICK ANY MAN IN THE HOUSE LIMIT new Ian VIwlo mm pom wumK hwyv94 WW well ll Tonight Minesan an at Queens Park or meeting with Canadian General Eieclric who are unde Ieaied in their last four ans winning three and Heinz one Anxinus in keep the pressuru an Legion andiaiso consolidate hmithy piayou posmon the vis itors will1ikeiy shoal Gicnn he CGE batiing order hm his mound rival wont be unnnunccd unm game time by manager Bob Maliion runs In the first two the mm and our mum in the seventh Regardless of the nutmmev Min estng have earned the rcspectnl all senior opponents this year way considered am of the mos rugged to deal with there isnt pitcher in the league that wnnt say their but can give 1th ruugtk outing And those cham pionship bouquets may go their way sometime in the month or August TONIGHTNyncslng at C6 Quccnfl RCA Fennclls THURSDAYEdgar Legion Queens FRIDAYLexinn at Mincsing Funnel at Bmdlurd Mens Senlor Ladlcs THURSDAYGreets Onllla E134 Slmcoe FRIDAYColdwulcr Bl Smrgoon Harbor at Warmmslur mm vunlm FRIDAYCrnlghursl Anton Mxlls Mincsing Guzman Bay THURSDAYMounsmnc Ell Vnscy Allcnwoodnl Elmvnlc Phclnslon at Wycvalc Ilbdalc at McNicnll North Slmwe TONIGHTBank al Orillla THURSDAYOrlllln at Midland Sou Slmcue TONIGIITNcwmarkc nI Dccloll no Allislon lHURSDAYThcmlnll III New mwcn Suoud Evcrcu LACROSSE TONIGHTAlllslun 11 Drndlurd 000 TIIUILSIAYJinlunnds 0mm 4630 FRIDAYErinan at Orlllln FRIDAYLisle ai Ivy Allislon nuuuu Pnlurnvc Newmnrkcl LIVING The glnuko Kru ln VIII Inssll nml has exislm unchanged lur mlllluxu years nccurdmx he Encyclnpvdln nrlhlnlllc SOFTBALL Edgar at Newmarkvzt IM ALL urbéxland Edmvnxc Midhursl al Grcnlcl Edomfllc MIDGET AUTOS RETURN JULY AT PINECREST Those mlghly mldgm will be back again or anclhtr allernpt All showing heir warcs at Pinccrcsl Spcndway come next Thursday and July Thals um 1mm gen mm promoters Joe Cappy and Norm Smith of the No Highway spend factory In case youve lnrgouen the pocketsized IndlannpolLi racers were all 501 to 100m llmund Ihc qunrlurmllo concrete oval the cv cning of June 12 when the rains came and Washed out the show The July rMurn engagement will be an ancmonn aflair with he llme rials slated for one uclnck and the qualifying heals carded for pm sharp The Inner wm Include mm loIappm we lZlnp scmlJinals and then the 25 Inp nature The July relurn will be an ancmonn the time rials 5m uclnck and the qua 0r pm 5th Main nurncllons Of course will be me Amcrlran pilots Thcyll be headed by New York States Vern Harriman last years lnlcrnauonal champ and such as Buffalns Doc Hector Brndlnrds Bud Juhnslany Furl Worlhs Erna Wrigh and ban mu mcmcman However heres one Invader who hopes to keep Canadas banner lying hlgh Hos Dick Mchsx man the cxOslmwan nuw cam palanlng in the US Kuchnncrs Hob loud and Ilamllluns Elll Gremhnad lhc onelime wrcsflcr mul urtscm sluck car use are lwo nlhrrs expected mnkc lhlngs diLKILull ur the Yanks Mcanwhiln things are gvlng along cupncclic Human stock our way Guclph Dill Unm Hlun blcflmu MISX lwnllmc CMUIE whmcr 11ml thlrday whcn he slapped Ivan Munros vlclnry skcln at lwo Bul Ivan SCCOHdplfltc Iifiish allowed Mm slny In from the Cnrllnu Tmphy palm scramble Drsldrs lhls mumsv Saturday 5qu program than nlra will be me nuulnr chncsdny nluhl show Junu 30 Deluxe Hm mldxou Innvu In on lhz llUlldny nflcrlloon So you can we mum no rush sun fur you and the family stay In lhc cny nnd halllc the MM HS llncrml IELUIHDHMNS lwn nungs 11 am your lmmdlld yuuuul Inr drlvr and the luv Ilcs of cluur lhr Muck Jocks ur hr midgrth flH guaranteed klfp lhrm um ymmuslrrn out your hair Incldrnlully the In or mu Ialklnu nmplu and um and medhrlxlncn mu Vllsnn who rhulhlld In hrm ML Inlrl my Mum In May mnl mxlnrny cunlml wllh Um mm ymlr volr lmmllllvg mm nulsunre mnnm Ilum um um mm mm mmly nnmrl rrwrl Ilmy um dvvmlrrvl Immlmh Innhwln mm nu me Mum um mu 0va Mac wm ML Ilmum NQIHIHIIZI ILAUIYII THOMAS ICI Ililtllfl KEN GLENN Ivy Maple leafs Turn Back Stroud Ivy Maple bean who no Iwny How start In South Simcoe bncball common haye given evldcnc moflng Into north dlv Luau contention 51 last week behind me Lhrcehfl pitching veteran Clarenw Enz mnh stunned Redmen luper ers looked on And Hmanh les than weak previous was tuned to vacate the mound due to arm trouble The win was the Leah second In row over Strand who dulln Hely mus he diamond punch 13h Bavarian homers Austin and Robin Wriihl and Dave Sander son shared Ih Iledmcn pitching duties with Sandurson worklng brilliantly ln ranL lvy broke in from in sccond lnnlng wflh three runs and added lwo more in the Mini before Stroud plated thallr lonc cuumu in me fourth Rescheduled Game An interlocking snniur soiibull game scheduled im Wednesday June 30 between Minan and Fennel at Foxmulls Park has been postponed until Friday game conflicted with the an nual FennzllsEradmrd exhibition lame at Bond Head held In con uncuon with he Icslivnl Another rcschedulnd comesl Is the Bradford 611 Canadian General Elcnlrlc meeting which was sub nltuted by Mlncsing on June The game has been set by Ihc league Inr Quécns Park Monday June 23 Weatherman Hard On Senior Sked The weatherman has hcen uny h1ng but conperéuve with the senior sollball season as no less than six postponement confront the head own In the tirs1 mongh csl hil has been Canadan General Electric whn have figur ed in tour ralnudout games Drud lord naked or postponement an ulhcr scheduled fixture with EB and ths meeting has been reur ranged or Monday June 28 at Quncns Park Altogether CGE are five games behind he schedul ed pau Olhnrs bchmd in games dim min are Fennclls and RCAF 01 Camp Borden Lwo each Barrle Legion MIncsing Edgar and Brad Lurd one each Rural Field Days Friday Afternoon Rural rpubllc school rack and mm meets will be held Friday algrnoon In My townships The annual Om school area field day wlll place at Om Falr Grounds and the annual Ves prn mud will be had Agricul luml Park Barrie Z33 BRADFORD Sl MNGEBFIELD MOTBRS nnnnu nus TERMINAL USED JAIL DIVISION PHONE 55 LIMITED ALLOWED ON ANY cnn lllAfl nuNs ON CAR woo on mom slllll TRADEIN ALLOWED ON ANY ml IIIAT IIUNK ON All 500 III MUIHL BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT Whlle Emms record live Bolllnn had In switch anchor in strikeouts Ind allawlnz only three the last of Mn sixth when McKay hits was banned by hls monent took foul Ip on his hand and was Bruce Wallace who colleclcd ll unable do continue Jack Wood slrlkcouts and allowed only twv shined from monsth lake Wal hlls ll was the Flyers excellence lnces pitches tram the mound Injhfl field was tuld he 510m Chuck Edward and non Chrlsllc llvers Edge Bolton 011 Errorless Bull It was mud pitchers battle last night at Agrlcultural Park as Barrie Flyers with the aid at two unearned nins defeated Bolmn 31 In squth division South Blmboe base ball game Pnul lmms strongshouldered ace of the Flyers mdund sum posted his seasong mp performance Only five Bolton runners were allowed on base and two of those were erpsed later on the paths Flycrs didnt make an ermr whllc Boltons tour miscues led In an Banks runs although one run considered earned veteran flyer horlstop was the batting star 01 the gIlmLI WWI vtwo runs bautd In 061 snarlflcc and single Thé Flycrs hit the score sheet in lhc third inning with wn unearn Bd runs as Hear and Pan Emmi both lived on errors Chuck Edward wlbh one out dropped sacniflce bum to score Emma unm Elear counlnd on wild throw In the Ml Inning walk to Thompson and an error to Shear dDwn a1 second on Paul Emms grounder sat the shage or Edwards who singled home Tharppson CGE BUFFALO $945 ST LOUIS $3240 VANCOUVER $9315 nonoKéimck back lor one xunv In he sixth as Shutdown walked and scored on Carls twoqu sin gln unih disufci éouih 51mm Bradford RCA Fcnncus Ladlel Newmnrknt Harrle Grams OrHHa Elmvalc Edgar Darrlc Crccmnrc Huvu more Io mend Inning Iho xlqlm lulu your Big CH7 vaculion by but Fatal are low Barrie brmla harm Midland North Slmcoe mm mm Mldland Crccmorc Mom 9mm nnulud 11 mum In mm $150 CGE Lu NIKM Green 13 Barrie IA SEBAIJ SOFTBALL Dlfll 4981 WL Pct CGE PCL 50 857 800 57 43 16 Chuck Edward and Ron Christie wnrc the one Flycrs to safely while Roam Instchuck and Shah down collected Boltons three safe tics chndléy i1 Lasachuck 1b Wallacé McKay ss Nelson cf Shear down Zb Sulllvnn If HARRISEdward 55 Robertson 3b Reid lb Christie 21 Rawn r1 Ranch Plea CI Ac ll Faun Barrie OOZMOXJ UMPIRESStan James plum John Bowman bases Although mc homestch led the score or he first five Innings in Ihl sotlhull match at Goldwater they failed In Glam he tum of the udcln Ihc slxlh when Sturgeon Bay gained Iworun lead The final count was 119 or Sturgcun Bay team whlch now is struneg entrenched in the top spot In ll Easl Simcoe Rural Softball Lcnguc Victoria Harbor Surprise Second Place Warminster Vlclorla Harbour in the cellar look lurprkc 70 vlclnry mm the secondspat Warminsler nlnc Slandlng up to ls wnck Sturgeon Bay Warmmstcr Goldwater Victoria Harbnur hoLmNWooas 55 Read an 82 Dunlop St BARRIE Ph 3270 SPORTS CAR RACES ARTISTS SUPPLIES Children under 12 SATURDAY l7 MilesW of Barrio Highway 26 STARTS lpm accompanied by Adult admillnd EDENVHLE MRPBBT FREE n0m 20 mmm ch Zmmm4 vjmxzm BATES SUNWORTHY3 MASTERPIECE Undal Sanction and Rule BRITISH EMPIRE MOTOR CLUB SUNTESTED LANCASTRIA dTfll BARBIE EXAMINER Greer Aces Hand CGE Sevémhv Straight Loss Ban1e Greer Mes handed Bar CGE Ihelr seventh zlnlzht de cnl 1m night at Queens Park Dorothy Miller walled to an 180 twohit vlctnry ln Barrie d15 lrlcl ladlm sum performance with llhll assault on CGES Dorothy Forbes who grow exceptionally strong ln the last three lnnlngmd Miller tanned nlne and walked one while Forbes fanned nur and walked may The Acus plakd must of theflr rum in the early frames with five In the third and six in the Mlh Ihclr henvicst outputs Robbin Lennox Lorna McLean and Verda wuson with hm mu each paced the win Wilson had basesempty homer Kn the first Dot Miner and Dorkm Parker Wm Iwu apiece allowed Dot Forbes heat but hunt 1n the mud and Bcnham singled in the seventh nr GEs 1qu hlls Fielding star 01 the night was Hazel Wright who was Shfllcd ram left field In flll 1h thirdbase vacancy starry Murch Lamb Murlnl has been sidelined with back injury and her batting pow has been mkscd in lhc Acm lineup but Wright pcrIormLd hIlll Ianlly aLthlrd with five wists and 0ch imam JUNE 26 FINE IflOJECT LONDON CmThe Dcarncss ilomE marl modern heme or him aged In Onianio was officially wanedby provincial public wcl are minister Guodiullow Mlending dmpiie am mm was Dr John Dcnrncss vcieran cducali mind bigtyxay BLUEWATEB 10 out cahln culls name or Fflsh Guiding Lake mm tackle sgpppgd sun Pémns Crinslng Leaves tom 01 Bayncld sz mom2 JACK umGllAM 2571 Barrle th0 ficnmiy cclchmlcd Wnllpnpcr succeéSIully creates wall Interest In your home adding new bcallty and charm wherever you need Theres Beauty in Wallpaper WEDNESDAY JUNE 21 1951 min Hnsoiul will deuuhud 1he Scout Word the Insult at itt o1 $775 by Mr Ind Bars in Evans whorexpiaincd to the hospital buarri that they wished their contribution to go inwardu Equipping Boy Scout Ward be cnummlthcir regard for that or ganiutlon on which their son John Miliken Evans had bebn member tor number years Ind who wax Kings Scout nt the time oi his death Lcl hen be mistake Ibou ltplhlngs which are pakl lnr nut taxes are still paid orby he lnxpnytr Thuugh lhe price may be concealed such lhlngs am never free and well to the people who mus pay for them to hike all of the act Pemhrnke 10m ShndnrdOhgnrver Conv any Camdfw PanIk Railway Enjoy nhamn nunMM vhuvl Down Em um yur human hand In 214 mm with flown pumnwL 103me scour vunq Admission 100 and Hm CALL THE EXAMINER FOIL PRINTING PHONE 2414 um JUNE 10 SEPIEMBER NOTHING IS FREE PICTURES MIRRORS an

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