Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 2

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90th YearNo 72 The idea in Slmcoe County might do well to consider cent raumuon of wellare schemes In the manner allowed by larger cillcs was brought back mm the Annual mecflng and conference the Assoclauon of Childrens Aid Societies of Omarlo by two am CenlralizaIiOn of Welfare Schemes In CounlySuggeinon Brought Back From Annual MeelingOniario CAS anht 01 Collingwood and Calvert of Pork MCMNH delegates rcpurlcd very success lul provincial cunlcrence at he DR GILAYDON KNUIP OI aronln was member this years graduating class In the Fac ulty DI Medicine the Unlvcrsfly of anunlu Dr Knupp is Ihc sun 01 Mrs Knupp of Barrie and the line Chflord Knupp Min cslng He attended he Bank DIS rkl Collegiate Inslllmc The medical canvouion took place on June 16 Medical Graduate RVH Employing Nurses Aides for Second Year The Royal Vldorinnnsplln is again Cmplnylng II and 17yearold high school girls as nurses aides lurlhc summer menu The Hrs 01 lullr classes or to nldcx was mm yrslemay morning and they will be Hurling III to wurk Monv day morning There are 21 Durrlc Dlsuicl Cal lcmnlc lnxlllulc sludan mnploy ed he hnspilal m1 ymr They will work lmurs lay slx days week on UlrLt shmsfnflcrnnlmg lhclr hours Lutym Hm um ian um mm mm nidrs syxlvm was mm lhn lwwllul mm wen to 411 an lhc fiyswm will Kn Mule cxlunl nllnvlnlu Hm Mn mmluuc at he hmpllul whlch Ix IHCITIISld during um suuunur hum sum The shortage nlmlunlr was mznunnul llu mum museum by MLs llklcn Shnunllnll hmpl xnl suprnnlvmlnnl at In mnth 1y nmulim If the board nl dllcc on Mon cvvnlnz Jacobs Vision Compared Io Vision 0i Canadian PioneersbyPromineni Churchman Rededicalion Service un Lammu Wu pxmcllrr nl swilnl mm um murkld lmmlrllull lrlmvullnlll In min chmrh whhh mm 111tu Ilrrllcnlrll In mm nmn In In In pan or Wm ML lhluk nhrml mum lhr mm up mllllrurxl Lupin cunurcnlhm um nnm Ihv hrle Irmxnlrxl chum Ilmwlllg vlmm wlufl ur mum mum 13cucunurnunllouwith vlslun Rov Uzmlnmn DD ncclvInry the lonoml mud Mlsslunn the Im bywrlnn 7mm In Cnnmln mul Inumdhlln pzml Mudvmlur of 1m firmml mbly uran thv 1mm of BL Amlruwn lnnlwlvrlnn Chllmh the rrdullcullnn Imrvlco nu Bnndny mornlnn mm vlmm wlm ur mum mum wvnk ull hrrr nlnl nhlum In Invv Um 1m upumlvrly lul luwluu my wlml ma IIm mth lev mum ma nw Hme mm mm rm mu 1m 0m mm AM mum nlnl 11 MW mmmn un plmr mm mm lml humw and um nw ah nl huven Tum wnm wrlr mm by Jntnl mum whm mmlm Away hm hum mu Mr night In pm llrrhlrd mu luppy Nu mu lmmr lhuuhl all wlmm mm hm Imm um um mm he hnd vlllml 11 humu mum lvrum lhn Mun Xml Ind Nu nu luvnn nr rmwmn unpule Jmm Vllhm In he villml Ill flle mm who lull Iumln lanflIu hmuuxmx who bellnwl um mm uvwvlunlly In mo Wm lur llnlr chllvlnn In 1le MONDAY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY 5c single copy rclulnr mecflng or the board of directors the Childrens Aid Socioly the County 01 Shane held in the Com1 House Banh Dqlmesday evening tt was reported that Miss Dorthn Jacksnn managing dlgctorfi the county society had can ap pointed to the provlncial board 01 directors and later was made chairman at that board commmcc an legslauon The sicarliiy increasing demand or services irom nqnrcsidnnls recently arrived in the counly was again onn the main lupin ui discussinn at the June meeting The decision to make known to County Council certain housingand social problems which are said to be developing in the Cenirc Sim cac branch area arose out or rccommundalion contained in letter irom Rev Oliver Moloney chairman oivthc local brénch Many or these amines are mov lng ntoSimcoc County due In housing ditiicultiu In urban areas it was reported Very otten they occupy homes with very inad equate adutles and eventually because at sonlal problems are reicrred to the agency is apparent that adequate housing available employment which would provide adequate in come and adequate material rc lie when needed are pressing needs in the area It was felt As the societyhas nn lunds its own and there are no private agenclcs within the area to give regular and continued relief the Chil drens Am Society as an agency is caught between reluctant mun icipnllty nnd families in distress Thcsc pmbicms are not cuntined to the Centre Simcae braneh dis trict 1n the counin and it was thought that the councillan shnuld he advised of the situatinn so that study might be made at the NW blcm and ways and means sought tobring rcliet to the situation On the first at May his year lhcrc were 43 chlldrcn In care and during he month ll wen ndmlllcd and 21 discharged During the monlh 12 new case or un marrlcd parents were opened and mm was new high tor lhc month of Aprll with npplicallans or limlly services Ith 15 turn mc Ippllcd or hem There wnm six children placed on adnpllun during lhc month and mm adop Hans were complete Mr Ca ver much stunmen prusenlcd he muting shnwcd receipts $17412211 and dlsbursc mom £81182 The realms include an nmoum or over 51000 which came In as result favorable noun dcclslun lnvnlvlng rcsldcncc nl um board mncllm were 11 Fisher 01 Earrlr In lhc chn nonson Mrs nook Mrs Calnrrcn Mrs Drcnnnn Cumberland Mr Wright Schneidcr wngm mm Mrs Mnom Mlss Jackson Mrs King Cullcr and Mn van The board will no hold regular umcllngs or the mom July and Aumm lmd mull lnallcli wm be 1m to executive com Inhlcc The next mccllnx of um Imam wll be hula In Barrio on Supt 21 nrncumm may wanun inv Mllml Ivy lhrlr vlslnn The pmplr wlm Umer Hm In nnllllll vrmll wh am In Iulwml pullrrrn mm Ilm ln llm hunh clcnrlnz lur mlr hum In rlmullu dhl not Imvu hrhllul lhrlr lullh III 70d Tin House Um WM plum In If mqu ovvry mw cmnmunny le In mil UrKIl mm wlm lullrvnl Uml md hml wuhrn ln lhmm nu mnHrr wlml uur IIIIIIL Tlvry hrmllhl lu lhll lnul Ihn vrllullm Wu luvr wrll Why ulld Jumh Imvr vlllm yuyl ll 1mm hi chllllnu vqu mum winn wnlmx ule T1131 nllhl Hum Humihh mm In Jnrulu II had drtflvml ulluv Mu mm wincllnn mull lmw MI Ml um Mm wuqu mm wnr lu lrml wML Many Imu Im an vlmn My NM mm hnpuflnnur Ilmuulm whm In an why nml Imulu 11w lrnlhl mrly Inch hollhl run In hmy Ha nllrll mum nmrh llml 1m wvuh rovul Mm 11 mln uf vhhm urnqu we nml llllul lII Um who II Hmll Villa 11 IH lnr warpuw nmnvnn wran nmnrclullnn lmnur mmmn ml mm In La mm mm 1h mlnlluuuu He rml luulnlm lh rhuuh an Inc mm In mo lwa Nun lullhi hand cm In I1 th Pun any Dulan mun flhvhffiarrivifixamimr mm wlm yuhrn ln mlr IIIIIIL lllul Ihc CHargejWoman with Motor Manslaughter HitRun Deaih RELEASED 0N $5000 CASH BAIL yes terday afternoon Miss Yolanda Dnnko of New Lowell charged with motor mnn slaughter the hitrun death of Karl RVH Graduation Committee ls Congrétulated Thanks was cxprvsscd in all can ccrnvd or Lw auleanding 1954 graduation mmiscs at the Royal Viclnrin llospilal me June mul ing the ward dlrccmrs Mon day cvunmg nus years gradua llnn was considered tobc most successful 1mm cvuy slandpoim and all who had assisted with ar rangcmunm were congratulated Thc ha um ward sendan lcllrr Barrie Town lmpruvc men nnd Horucullunl Sncluly thanking the members nr ho hum gwon thls year In pumng fluwcrs around lhc 1105mm build ing The society landscaped the Amunds last year and has plated mun lowers In the area this sum DINAIHIJTV MUM Aihrmn and ullwr rhcumullc disk ml mo artamt IIHKIC must Dl Alsuhllhy ln Cnnmln Lion Variable Today Mostly Sunny Pleasantly Warm Fullnwln warm wcekend Mumlay wu allghlly mm mu nln mm mm he um dny 11 uumlnrr and Ike lunxtst luudny mmwm mm Ind tady xlvmlndkallnm mum and moderner mm wllh pmxflrln nhmnn Inn plenum wralher lullmv wua mm fin lllnom min ml mry mm mwlnx weed unec nny Jlllll 10 Jun June 22 JIllr ZJ rally FOLLOWING Tlll 70Ml ON Mn chlnl vlnlLu to the 41 cluhn In Dlmlcl Hon luvmwr Wllllmn Onmcr WM hoh um hy Ihc pmnnlnunu 1mm Hm lem Club Ilnrrlc which he la cllnrlor member nnd pant picnldcnt hnndxumo rcmperamm vcm Governor William Garner Honored by Presentation um My BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA WEDNESDAY JUNEVZB I954 Thimku In Ill wnlrn my Muh Wu aqmnnmm llw hluhwnyn or Uluurin xlrc nurrllufly he llu 515 comnmn yum KIKVIIIII null lDllHlHIXI In mme imvlncrs GLASS mrs lrom broken hcndllgm nnd pnlnt scars on the body of her nuto led to the arrest of the pretty yvfirold member of II New Lowell tobncco Inrmlng mmlly by Inswclur Alex Muclcod or the Outurlo Provinclul Iollcc Crlmlnul Invcsugullon Bureau EflY Haydeh36 or Bari1e early Saturduy morn lng comes out Slmcue County jail where she was taken after arrest Monday even ing clllnn mhlnot In mm to lmmzo mo mnny um rrcclvcd In the other clubs Pres mom llbwe mule tho presenta llun llchlnd hl In 105455 Prenldenl rluul Ii MIC Icy whllo Hon Tamar 1mm llmwn L1 mm whlch block scum mm null mu mm In hlumd lu public mlcly by ululruclhm Hm mw nr by lnklnu he ulhulluu II driver rmu 1m whul llnlny mm mm Hccnrd Hayden BEycarnld ccmhraH palsy ylctlm was killed shortly alter mldnlght unSaturday morn Ing nn Highway 90 ahnul 200 yards from Ms home and was lound about 10 oclock in he muming In waterfilled ditch New Lowell Girl Charged In HitRun Death Karl Hayden ReleaSed 0n $5000 Bail He was inst seen making pur chase at nearby service station nnd was walkflng on his own side of the mad when car IranHing awards Camp Borden struck him and hurled him more Ith 20 eel Matches were strewn along 50 fom distance on me side the hlghway at hp BC Miss Yolanda Dunks the pretty 29yearold member of New Lowell tobacco farming family who was arrested Mon day night and charged with motor manslaughter in connec tion with the hittun death oi Kari Haydenoi Barrie was remanded to Juiy 21 on $50U0 mu yesterday aiternbon Inspector Alex Mnclcod of he Ontarlq Provincial Police Criminal Investigation Bureau made the ar rest shortly nfler seven oclnck Manday evening alter pullcc had traced lhc Danko car ln check afrgaragc Glam bls from broken head light and palm scars on he body lions Dislricl A7 34lh Convention Held atNorandaRouyn June 69 Was Ouisianding in Clubs Hislory Idul Convenflnn Ccnhe The unique Hunlionyl the lawns makes for an ldnnl convention contra nundcd as my were hrnugh minlng Iner and capl nl mouth the requiremcrfls hose not only making their home here hmughout the ynar hm also bccmlsc 01 the v15 at company chccuuvcs nnd although the mgul on Nora An event long to be remembered by those who had the privilege of attending was the annual and 34m convention of Lions International District in the twin towns Nor anda 11nd Rouyn Quebec from June to inclusive with perfect weather all through The Lions Club at Barrie was represented by Mr and Mrs Rny Horn Mr and MunAnthony 5350 Mr and Mrs Harold Darch Mrnnd Mrs Bruce Brown and Mr and Mrs William Garner was only 9672 in 1051 and of Rouyn 14533 mm are some large hotels In In lwocommunfllns The Earth delegamj were quar lcrcd 1n Alhcns MelV Rouyn with he mil nccommudnll They arrived Lilo nn Sulurdny cvculnn June by molar Eight hundred in all rcgblcrcd 0r Um convention The main cvcnls were held In Nomndas mammulh Roc muun Ccnm probably one he flnml on UN nnllnvnlV and erected cw your mm at an 05H muled 05 nl$1500000 ln eludes Uerc shoot in on cnnl lama In hockly skilllnu nml wrung mm the oncnlng ceremony ln me Immense nsscmbly centre was maul hnprmlvc was held II pm an Sull duy nllnwlnu olhcr cvrnLe Marllna wllh lcxlslmflun 10 um me Dblrltl uvurnnr CountH um lunchwn 12 Imnn lhe Dlslrlcl Governms nnurd minlan pln nll llvrrc in HM Hocrtulinn Ccntrr nml ngnln lhe Hoard nl Govcnlcrn hnlmucl wllll the lad lrs whlch WM Iwhl II he Nur Inlln Hutu The convrnllnn mman IHIH nnllJ MIL In Io murmurm ccnln wrrr undrr llu IIIICIIKHI I75lricl anrnmr Vlclnr Irnkrlrk Iclrrlmrnllxh Clullnnnll Um Fulund Hpukcr HH llmh 11 lnvllmi lur lhh tummymu mu 100 pruplv wow xmnwul prllkrm wrrr Ar mnlnl Dunn nmnlur Ur Vlrn ruw luvINT llh Wurihlp Muynr flunllllr lluuyn It Win $1111 Mllvur IIIIvrll Ntunlulu va 1mmqu MLA quhrr Mllll url Krlrhmr III IInl ClrdlL IM4 Ilrnl ur Llnm Inlrmulhnul nmulm whlrh lmlmllI rum le rumm In Iflnmh llr Hurry IL nil4mm Iulhmml III Inlwln llhli mllunlurr Hully flmpvr Dlrrclnr Illhllc llrlnllmu IM rnuv nml WIIHnm Vllry Dun ng Yul ihnllmml Illmnl ul Inlrnmllnunl IlthIHImI Ollvrr WW th wlui Dr Ilnnllm Tullnln lml lnlrnulllmml Imfl tlml mm Ilnvnm Culm Wullrr lthnlnlm rilfifimnnumml lllslhl HI IIIIIHIHH lllll mumy rowm nr lllmnlm mum na nut wIlm Xrtollllrl and hr 94th mm main mm many um n1 rnnucnmuu luchldlnfl lIlnm Mn mm Lnumm mm hum lvllwr Hun nulnhlu Imnuuuu nu MhIrUrnenl IL llny Konlun Chllrmnn lnr 0m uurllllll mu DIMIICI Invmwr Vltlur Flvdrrirk nl lumlmrnum In IIJD Mn In lmmlflv menus urnluv wu hm wlm Chnlrmm It Juvk In chum In memory 70 mom Imp numb mm nth In all dlllrklk Vlhu Md mud in lhn real beyxnu nlnr lhl unvluul mwnllnn Imlnrfl In th 915$ fin luv co 15m munumcnt pm memnry la uu ln cherub no service vm Madam and um Mum em mum emu nl Nagmu noun Jim IIAq fit lamb cm umuun cww Ana lulu Innu clramhnu at her auln led to the arrest Him 01 shattered glam had been ob tained at the scene of the accid ent and police were also told by Camp Borden sergeant that Ms car had been smcswtped by ana flun near the palm where Hayden was struck Miss Danko was taken tom her home qucsfloning and lodged ln Slmcoc Cnunty ganl here until mdmnemonn yesterday when she wns released on hall She denied any knowledge 01 the accident Her mathcrs gar had been laund in Barrie ggrage qr repairs Mrs Jnseph Dankn was quolcd by police was aying hat she and her daughter came out local theatre and noticed that the lull sfldcollhn car had been scrapcd On Monday holy the car to nelensidm itsien imm headligh hag Benn brn 5min Jixive flied Lion membcr Music was by the massed chain Nuranda nnd dircclnr and oganm was Frank Atkinson ARCT AL was an unusual and mikinz lag prucntallun cere mony whcn the ladlcs of the Ens kcthnll Ausoclnunn at Norandn each bearing name at he 57 cuunlrlcs rcprcscnkd by the Lions Inwrnallcnnl paraded wlh flu burnc by color party with Kunrd of honor armed by lhc Scouts and Sea Cnchs The flags were placed all around the huge slam mnklng blaze color Mllllury escort dullus wan hnnd led by the DUI Flcld Squadron RCE Exccllenl Munlule At lo pm an excellent muslnalc lnlluwcd these pruscnlcd by he Ruby Dunn Walhen Memorial Chair New Llskcard under Can luclur Null nxmbull DEM ATLM nnd Wllh MISS Jnckle Arn hlll Iu nucnmpnnlsll The magnum was cnmprlscd mum wcll xclcclml nnd mm nu mun 1mm upmumu 10 11mm clmrnl numbm by 31ch Mount nach nnd Mcndclssuhn Sulmsls wm Mary Carr and mm Arnold The convcnlluu nutmm rnvrrtd wide range or the balance at mo and Im Mummy he key members mm hmka at 115 um an nlvlnu 1m wily smn Im Hm day which mva mm lonnl rulslrnllum nml lnulxmis sculnu Inn In 12 nuon me Nor mlu Thrullc mur Clmlmmn mml Govrnmr Vlcmr mm lLk Muncur Tnuflnnrv At 1010 um Llnlulllul wu rxrmv was held In h1 curlmr Inungn or the rrcnntlnn mun wllh In Hrlyrn leII ank pmmmu llw lmllm mmme wm nl 1230 pm In the Ian Hulrl Ihmyn wilh Mu Mux HIP Inulw Nnrumla In llw lmlr mul llu wrukvr was Armnml huuum Ml hr Vlllrnruvo Llnlu xan lunrhrnn wm Ill Albrrl llhlrl lhr Irrhlrnh md Vltcvlrnlllwm llw Snva nuuyn nml lhr mm 1M and lNMllHII nl lhr Nur nntln Ilnlrl n1 pm pm lllhlwflnl Inn 514le nml nlhrr rnlrrlnlxunrnl wm cuv nyul III 330 Ihc Lnlllrn thlml ihnw wnI rrrsnnlnl nl llw Moullu Ilmuu the Cumlnrtclnl llnlcl llnln Al nan mmulrr mum nvrr li mlhvi 10 hrhl wllh llnnu aml nlInr nnvrIHN and lmml umlrl wllh Ivvlrwn Mnnll lnml nl umemgv hr Ilnlr dolrknh hull lhI hlmu town lhn nu wlh Tuny Sunk Tumble cuuvrrlllxlu In lmprnvlml llvnl Llcmrnlml and mm by Hm lltllrs pull my drm Ilml Iulv llnnquol the Hm lub luxme wu In Alhrrl llulrl wllll Chllnnnn lllnlykl lavmmr le CM uebuc city nnvl Ipuher Inlrmn ldnfl Drmur win nl Tlmmlnl um um huur nlmllnr evenl In Wlmllnr llulel non when clulrmm wu Dhlrlcl hvzmm numn QUWM Clly Ina Ihl walk luI mumHand huldem mum Conny gun nulll mnnl cum byllcnr th Ink Orthu um am It an mm hm nui mlon an mmed ll nu mm 11ch mm mm 1m murmur mum Serving in Town or 3mm AND comm or ammo l6 Pdges Two Sections Sinzo 1864 Barrie qun Bowlers Open On Saturday Banh Lawn Bowling Club hav lng been lnturmcd by the new win or of their premises Bank Lions Club that they can now plan or the present and mum years Mth an assurance ox permanency takes great pleasure in cxtcndlng to all interested persons cordial invi tatlnn to come And enjoy the even lng June 28 at our much Km provcd Greens at the cnrncr Snphla Street and Drury Lana gummenclng at 731 Come prEpared to engage In game 01 lmvn b0 whether you have played below or non The only equipment needed pair rubbersoled shoes and we believe you will have good tlme Refreshments will be served the clnsu the evening you have lrlcnds whom ynu think will cnloy this occasion bring them along the weather is nnl suitable on Saturday June 241 the opening will take place on Monday June 2e at the same huur PSYCHOLOGY 0F LAWN BOWLING Bowls is science thé study of iiiciime in which you may ex haust yourself but never ynur subject 11 contest duel calh ing or courage skiii strategy and sellcuntroi It is 1051 oi temper trial honnr rcvcaier chur acicr it aiicrds the chance to play the man and act he gonlim man it means going into Gods nutoidoors gciiinu cinsc in nat ure fresh air exercise sweep in away mental cubwcbs and genuine rncrcalion the tired tissues It Is cur or care and Int dute to worry It Includes com pnnlomhlp with lrlcnds social in lercnurse opportunmu or cour csy klndllnog and maraslty to my mm an p0 an mama nut nniy phys cal he lth but mural Iorcc own Wllllnm Garner Governor at Dhlrlct A7 was chalrmln Rh purl were rccclvcd ram the Dia lrlctwldc Anllvlly Commmccs Llwn News by Int Coun Gordan Belyea Toronln Sate Drlvlnz Roadco Actlng Chalrman Bud nonncr Toronlor 1056 Dlxlrlct Convvnllan pruprmla came up wllh Exec Soc Bruce Mnxculm An nd dress was glvcn by llarry Cnupu Dlrlclnr Puhllc Relations Llon lntcrnaflonnlr report on the 1054 New ank lnlcrnntlonnl com venllun wnJ glvcn by Sam Colln Brown and Bruce Malcolm Commlllm were nppolMcd Entertainment Venture The Ladlu Luncheon an uclnck was in he Wlndsm llnlal lluuyn wllh Mm Wllllnm erlon Numndn ln Hm chnlr and speaker Snnnlnr Joseph Brndcllu ol Coch rune Ont The Llons ilflfl lunchcun WM me mum hour Um Albcrl wllh Clmlrmnxl Dbl Gov Wllllnm Molt AZ Wnlcrlnrd und weaker Plat Inl Prrsldullt anlcr Fisher An ovlrlluw was held In llm Cam murclal Holcl mlunu lb mines and nlhrr ncllvulr ouldnnn came us Irnxnnl change hum Indoor Ith crimp mm nm wm lhc lnde Ten nl lhr Nnnlmln llnlrl Ind pm llm lnlrrnnllcmll NIKM Banquet Um Alherl wllll Chnlrmnn le Gov CnrHon erls Lnndnn and or Dr namlm Collnm Also nl llu Whldsnr Hum nuuyn when chnlrmnn wns Dlxl Gov Cccll Cnnnrlly Nrw Llskuml nlld SIMI Ivy anltr Inl DIIrclnr Thumlm Hprnktr van wmllm lnlrrnn Hunnl Nluhl Fluur snuw and mm 1Tlm pm lwo pmm Mrs Bufcharl Leaves to Make Home in Vancouver Mn Murmmnn llulrhnvl an wrrk nu mum mu lo lmm mm Um put two and In yrnrn ulnm lhu mum llrnll lwr lunhalul Squad manr wlmm Hulrhnvl whn wM mm lu plnlm rmlh Ill Iluhnll Qurlvrr III Huvtmhvr ID llw lull Ilvflll on Vluunl lnn In lluule Arrmnxmulwl sun mnny and daulhlrr halo lho wlll mnlnr nunu nmuln In lwr mum mm mnklnl flnl llnp Tn Ham whrvn may wlll maul lho xunmxmln mm unnunlly Ilullnl mo flwl wnk Ill July Mn Hullth II MM hum In lawn In ll Wrlhl Sh IIII nlsn Inhl hrr flfllll nl Alrlonlrl mm LII lllmrun am my male hrr Imlm lvvr will In Vunruuver wllll ur Inuhnnrll hm lly wlmnv Inmul Hm plumr mman um up Duvlu lwr Ilny In lllnlu IM ltmk In ullvn pm In many mm munlly Acllvllln and mom bvl he nmlz umullnu Cunn mlnslun um look In mm In fflnllhll In Ymml Itqu Club My thin um lmon nun ndvmmm lhu lawn

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