Barrie Examiner, 8 Jan 1954, p. 1

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22 ff gym gym 91915131ng 1191954 there problem In this on lhal scans ID amuse contra 5y jug quIckIy as It Emu lens Is Ihn problem what In do In our leIsurc time thn cum lnmee lhal Karl of grow llkc Top sy aocordlng lo 115 ariglnalors me In Barrie thIc or so back It was thought at as group primarily in Icrcled In one thing for Ihe town The mccllng was an excellent Iden because It brnughk to gm In of counter upInions suWus hose supporting me ian of icipally sponsored communin cn IO and those whu ILII that Ihn town could nnl aflord cIlhBr The hes lhlng du seemed tn be In ind out whal the people cl the Inwn thougm about the matter and lbs 15 whal the cummilkc hm planned the meeting this chncs day evenlng In the board mum of the Ontario Department oflAgri cuflun on Cnllicr Shflcl Wanls to have fume ml al the sesslan Ilhovc an the profile of the town are being asked to rpnlizc that ths Is not closed thing The people of the town are being glven chance to pause ind see What Is really nccdrdl The survey commlb ec hopes Io do real Job scion llfic research lo find om What Is wanted in the various age groups ram loans to Lhc suvcnlics hr varlous incnmc lcvcls and ln lhv Vnrlousnclghpcrhonds Every so lian ol the communltv should be rcprcsenlcd in the findings All thal is bcinn asked ul you as clllzen is to meal the chulknu and take part ln the survey lel is being launched AI least vnicr your uplnionfl Allhmlgll chué have bccn enough slmwbnmcs around to make it seem as Inc season had came and gone again it seems that they are Just coming in and recipe mm has provided nus donarlmum with what she terms nnlproul sol The cnmmum In charge or ith cqunlywlde an exhibition hth Ms srcodd meeting in Midland on Jun ID nlan the details 01 um flnlcr esnng project Members prescnl mm Midland were the chairman Alex Dochcny David llalg Miss May Wllklnsnn Hugo Magoo and ms Shirley Ruby whu is laklnu over the secretary wnrk from Mrs Somcm Mrs Spellmnn rom Slayncr Llcw Beaver and Mr Robcrlu Gilbnllk mm Mr Mrs Penr Thnmsnn Jr Irnm Alllslon Ind ML Louise Culley DI Ihu um and mm umdaflml The nurlh annual cxmnu n1 lhc Slmcuc County Ana and Crafts Assnclmian Is to be mm In um Midland Armoury on on x5 and 11 1954 County Art Exhibit to Be Held aT Midland Th0 Mldlmul Armuury ltlml ur Such Show ll ls cnnlral and WIN good parklnxv faclllllcs nnd he drlll hall ls large and well llghlcd smart lfllalUKllB bL lnx dcslglud lIlId ll win dccldnl to print llrkuls and hell htm throughout Hm munlyl The cxhib lllon In be upcn Frldzly Salut lay and Sunday and mm pru ver of much spuukurs lllmu nnd musk ls balm planned nmmc Um available space mu mr mu mm 11 lhc up purluully mm mm mlnllnus and one Mark and white mm llcnrmvmmlvrs 1mm mumm mm le hr nskml mum nu pnlnllmu Irmu mm Illslrlcls or they may mn rcntrnl Ic pol mu bum llu txhlhimm lurannn clrculun mu onlly inrmsnn 1mm mum and are lw mm uwryunc lnlorcslwl Mud nu Emu Izwry mlmltur ur prufrstmml mm In 51mm is urgvd My plan on Anmilnu ullnm In bl nn New Splllproof Tumblor for your baby mm mm Sun ml lInh mm Iny lltlm Ihhy rmm lldnfluul Huh Illut mm II dru Buy mm um uuluuun UnL um AROUND TOWN Mms dirvclions or milking strawberry jelly and jam It is herewith pres an as the Recipe ut gu chk Yncllx about 1ch indium glass chcllyade 10 medium glassy in flcqulrc about two and halt quarks ripe strawberries lhmu lem ons four and hall pounds sugar and one bottle liquid mi pectin first prepare me mm Crush lllorquuy about We and half quarts fully ripe strawberries Ada hrccqunrlcrs of cup water and ix wall Place in large slcVe ncd with double thickness cheesecloflx Drain and measure lWfl cups Juice inlu Large saucapun ch juice or mnkmg jcuy ugc tum remaining in sieve or making jam Swami make ch jelly To two up hurry Julcc sallccpnn mm bloc and llall cups sugar and mix well Squflozo and strain It luicc lmm one mnllum 1cm nI Mcnsluu two tablespunns inlu uuccpnn wllh berry juice and sup Ir Place over high hunt and bring ball sllrring constantlyl am 51 in hall balllc liquid rull prclln Then brin ml lulhng boil and boil hard one mln lzc slimng cunslzlmlyl Remove from heal sklm all cam will rutb 11 spoon llndpmlr quickly lnlo flusscs Com Jelly at once wilh anccighlh Inch hul pllraflin TIln makn the jam Measure three and IILEYIHIIHLYS cups berry oulp into my lam siltopnn imlcczc llic juice rum We med himsized lmmms liloiisum 0th Inner cup Juice lnlu snuczpnii with berry pulp Add semi cup sugar and mix well Phcn 0ch high heal bringing lo lull rallin boi1nnd boil lmm one mimilc sur lln cnnSlalltly ROthL lrom hNL and al once slir in hill ll home liquid mill pmlin Skim oil loam with mini sponn nmi stir and skim by lums or five minutes to can slightly lo pruvrnl flaming mill Ladle quickly lnla pln cs Cnvcr jam at nnCQ wilh uiicciiili inch mil pamrin Horse numbers in Canada db clinud by 14 per cent or from total at 27EE000 in 1941 to 2355001 1951 according In census reports cuvmng his lEner per lud slates he Ilcnnmnlcs Dlv sion Dcpnrhncm of Agriculture Ottawa In their hnparlancc lu mun grasses rank first In the plant kingdom CU NU llllllll WHIHHNH IMUI tullowhm thclr Jllnn nnplluln In lrltu Anullnnn Churuhnrn Mr ml Mm lluuh IIlflll MVHIHHL The hrldc In Lhc mnurr Cumlnnce Whml ml Lawn duuuhvr of Mrn anu uml lhv Iuh Arthur la ann Hurrh uml Ihv urnum lhv mu Mr mm Mm II Mor rhun Mznktlulv Mllr wnldllm lllp l0 Nrw ank thlc zuul Mmmvnl HH uuplv nlv muklnu llulr Ilunm In Hum June Wedding Of Wide Interest HORSE POPULATION two add and It BURTON AVNUE UNITED CHURCH Barrie was the set ting for the marriage of Miss Phyllis Evelyn Grier daughter of John Grier oi Torontd and Lewis Ernest Morrow son of Mr and Mrs William Morrow RR in early June Alter wedding ier to Sudbury thé couple will be making their home in llully Cami Blualo Miss Phyllis Evelyn Grlcr daugh ur of John Grier ul Turunlo wt marrfiud on Saturday June 5m IDSKt two ocluck In It after noon in Burton Avenur United Church namm Lewis mm Murrow son 01 Mn and Mrs Wlll km Marrow 1m Barrie The murrlagc ccrcmnny wnu per armed by Rev Eugene Beech MorrowGrier Nuptialsare Held AT Burton Ave The brldc who WIS glven In marriage by her father was It WEEMMN488 kndcd by Mm IL Hall Edmon lunv Alberta Chrome Mcrrow RR Barrie wa groomsman A110 reception at the home of he grooms parents in Holly the bride and gmnm Icflun worl dan my Sudbury On huh rclum they will be makng their horn in Holly Miss Constancrwlnnurcd Lawn daughter at Mrs Lawn and the late Arthur Laws cl 1mm was mar rind an LILquFYI June 5m um xhrcn uclock In may aflcrnuun Tnnily Anglican Church Barth to Hugh Human Merriam Barrlc sun of Mr and Mrs 1L Merriam Mnrkdmc The marriage cure rnuny was parturmcu by llw George Shunmg Given marriage by her uncle thunc 01 Mutant he and was wmmg saw Ivory mm hlylcd with in Hull lace boll Ace will Queen Anne cullar and mm pulnlcd sleeves rne bouuum avcxxkirl 01 not all tram the waist mm mn Imin and mm can 01 late mIa tunlcnglh veil mflkhhu ml She was currym cncaldu bouquet ur pink carna Hnns wmle llly the vallry nu flophunolls Constance Laws Becomes Bride Of Hugh Merriam ucr nllundnnl Mm anmm sm vcnsml Hmckvlllc was wvunng wallzlcnulh guwn ur mum blue ylcd wllh slmplvss bolllcr mu mm sluvcd bulcru juclml ucr milkn we 01 Whllu nylrm mu she was wcarlng halo mum uI lily me mm She turrch Imuun ynllnw Uuus wmlc lily the vullry nml Muuhnnuus WHMMH Mrrrlnm Harrie was umumsmnn Iur hls brudwr um um HJWXH Wrm Julm LowN and John Morrfll mm narrhn Ircipllun ullnwrd nl Irlnlw vhxv Euan mm mu whch llu mulhcr Thou Mnrkdnll 1m hrldv rmmd In WIL Mun 1m Ion mul Tumnm Guam Women Immute Me on June 13an the home at Mrs Gerald Rattle with an uncudanca n1 The 2ndIvlceprcsldcntMrs Mel Jamimnn was in charge 01 the meeting Quilts and Rugs Topic af Guthrie WlJune Meeting The Insululcodg was sung and the mlnulcs 01 prcvlous meellnl were rend and approved Mollun were passed that Ihe WI wuuld give two $3 prizes 0m Fah ax last year and that as project lnr next year hmbs or trees would be plume he mm of the cnmmunny hall mutton was also passed that the WI npunsnr bus trip to Guciph nn Friday July 1810 at cnd the closing day plogram the Womens lnstflluln Hands Week Anyone lnlcreslcd was mk ed get In Iouch Wilh MIL How ard qampbcll Mrs Jack Mnson rcmkndcd the members that anyqac havlng wool lens or cottons cxchangu tor blankcm tnuld leave them at her home bclnrc the end Much Mrs Howard Campbell the d15 lrict dircclon gave rcpurt anhe district annual at Ardlrca on May which nine members nltcnded MrsJCampbell was cloned 2nd vlcrpruidnm East Slmcoc Dis uIc at ht mccgqg Mrs Wesley Caldwull lnnk charge olthc muctlng the topic bclng qullts and rugsMra Caldwell dlsplaycd the rug she begun at the rug cuuxse hclrl ln Elanlo last Spring It is hacked mat of wool material and the pattern is as clear and fine on one sldc as the olhcr She also showed qulll In the dogwood lluwcr pattern The whllc lluwcr was appllqucd on pale green blocks and la bcautllul plucc 01 work Mrs Caldwell ls also maklng floral emblem qullt and had several blocks to shuw Ihn branch Each block rcpnjcnls the nallunnl wlld lower otonc In lo provlncns Canada Mrsl Caldwell expccls In show thnsc two qullts ill the Quill and Rug Fnir In Orillla 1n lhe lnltcr parl Dl July and they wlll be well wnrth gulnz to see the members all cunlcst and the Mary Stewart Collect brought he much lng to close infirm an iérvcd by Mm Gllchrlsl and Mrs Street Afihual Golf Club Ladies Dance Most Successful wcarln mulchlng cccssurlu and comgc ox yellow baby mums The grooms mnlhtr who alsu rev ccivcd wearin blue with while arccssorlu and Corsage rcd swcclhcan msu Lmvmg on wedding trip to NLW ork SHIN nnd Monlnal he bride wns wearingu lmvcllinu 5qu pchblc C10 ln grey will 11 navy Ink alylltl with mnlfillbnx jac ktl Irlmmcd th nnvy nlmnlunu llcr mm and mulchan bug wen navy and lutr ulovu and MI wurc Cunllinlllll candy plnk She wnl wrnrlnfl curluxn ul pink cnrnfillmlx and WIIHL lin 01 DH vnllry On their Ichlrll Mr Hill MIL Mrnhlm wlll be maklng lhvtr llmne lI Hurrlix The club house bunge was de coralcd wiLh pink and while pean Ica or dancing in the music of thrccpkcc onmmrn under the dlrnctlonof Dob MacDonald and re Irrshmcnls were served luward the or me cvcnlng The annual June danco 01M ladies scrudn 01 me Barrlc Coun lry Club on Saturday cvcnlngwns mm succcSShlL wllh arnund 100 same In MILndancn he wald lnu wcrt trmn Mnnlrml Drunk VHIv Eushuchc Sur LE hm Sl Thom Mnrkdnk lllsllcrtun WL numnpmuick was mnflcr or Womens Institutes Mrs Cnrby who convened the Iickcls for I0 ladlcs draw an pawn lawn mower spoke few words before Introducing nhc prcsldcnl of he mens socllun Clifl Brawn who made lhc drn Mrs JamesSimpson was 1h win ncr he draw ccrcmonkcs fur the dance which was ufider lhc convcncrship or Mrs Frank Bares Mll AND MRS Emll Walter Chelluk whose wedding tdok placefit St Marys Church flame The bride ls the former Miss Verna Noble daughter at Mr and Mrs William Noble Emmy and the groom ls the son of Mr and MrsMlchael Chcllnk St Catharlncs Revl Ollvcr Moloney permmed the mqrrlage ccrcmény and the attendants were Mrs Walter Brownlng of Churchlll and Joseph Stangdun1u WW mm IS Mia dance commitlc were Mn Ron Armklmna Mrs 11055 chkllng Mrs Fred Amlurlon and Miss Bratrlcc MLQuudc WELL MilII DUNCAN BC CF Funnul Paul Parsz rnvcrslnu and am lomgn crop growing on Vnnwuvex Island He mum noang but win cr grains and dmml have In wall for 1m spring piantlngs In em nrc one mnnlh lu slx wccks ahead springsuwn comm with arcnlncss mum Innn um bum In hklll ln criIIanmmhlp 1th there at how whn nclllcvt aklll nnd llIsHy Hum nmzncun whn hnvchnd hklllfllluslllwm Uan largely by Iho muunllnu can prolcsslfnnl srrvm Illnhhtnnn winners prile during in ch cnlng wcrcMrs Fm Norris who won lucky draw Jack leg and Mrs Noel Slcphlnsorl winncm the lucky Spul dance and Mrs Ross Uickllng and Don Humble who won the branm dance DOlTYOUIKSIELI MOVEth Mr and Mrs Emil Walter Cheliak Lachute 1mm Watchman CALGARY CmMrs Rubinsun president of the womens section of th Southern Albcrlan Pioneers and Old Timers Associa Han hns celebrated 70 cars In Calgary PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ARMSTRONG MchAIIEN CO cannula AEGOImIANII com In nun a1 Von mi nmmlu DADGLlIY rUlILlE ACCOUNTANT mm Nun uninvmmkfid mvnngnmnr cmmM mum n4 mu Nun rwmwmmn In nuvmu ucvmu yum Inwlmcl an Im ov humIla Inh III run0mm Annum IL POWELL cummm ACCOUNTANT mmln mum mma unmnIy Alluumn IL FLEMING vnlummlm n4 nummm It mmme MELl CA Your Guarantee or OUTSTANDING VALUE 1N Culllltl fume Inn mum mm mm wumn nulmlm rm OHu nunn Tunham Human km mumm cu nun um um Mrnunr Dlml mu xnmm Im rmlnlun ll fllllIllT IIAIHKIB JAACO mcmum fliunn ucmum MUNXCHAL warren um nu ma Iv mum IL nrmnlN Im Quality Diamonds ACCOUNTANTS lllmlillT ll NMITII n0 LIFE INSURANCE RON lMlllllHON mumrum mummm nun no cA Mun Aumu A47 ALFRED IL min OPTOMETRY VETERINARY IL ImuNnnm 1vvumrlan OLDmm mm 1m Mmunulllr llw un PIIIVATE DIAMOND not JEWELLERB nu WomanOf Yefi Speaker Cldsing Meeting Of WA The Junmr Wamlns Assocli at Central Unlled Church we dressed by Mn Gableu rcguhr monthly mceflng The rte resident who wn chosen as 11 ownl Woman of the Year Mu ApDohlzc the presiding was In the chair hr the mceung which opened with prayer Mlmve by the devnHonal pedod The 1nch Ing was in charge Mrs Rey nolds nnd hu grnup $3M ng the cnloyable Jnc pm gram thwgnlhnrlng clascd with de liclous relrnshmcntx The Junxnr wA wm rcsumu monthly megllngs 1n Scptember new elmunm man lo Mona1 lo on 10 um 140 IV mm IL mm um on ml aim Item III III AIYMUI Itll mmnm unmumn xy JENNIH mnmoN KMJ Arum rum Imumn m1 mumv runu muma In uunllvl um Ilnnl emumu nl umer mum III mam Includull 101 on an llflll AtfllVIINIIJ Am munmm Pin In FIUIEDII cm In nu Illlqm id umnut untule In 3m um um ll THU mmvm vmnurm nn It arm mo KINGSIZE apple pie Mighin our hundrgd pounds wu Incenlly bakcd for lhc Washinp loll Slal Applc Blossom Fest ival The specially built alumi num pie pan lhe largest cvtr made mcasured tight rm 0LADNl0NB Made us wonder how his pie youd gel iIall he apple piu baked in one day on regular size aluminum pans were put losclher And lhal brings to mind all lhe dilicrcnt Iluminum cooking niensils used today in homes and hospiials and My lauranil No wonder Canada slcpping up her production of Ihix light biiglil mill in one and quarlcr billion pounds year Aluminum Company of Canada Ltd Mean Mum mnrmu ACADEMY nonu EHAGBAM now ldkllun mud nun cwmnun noun 10 mm on nummom Imlm Mom cumin Mn Mam no rulmor DANCING LESSONS vivr lowly vgu Ln lulfllnu Ium Cumu DEL 1mm vmmlflmf Illllfl llllfllllfllLnu lnlnlmnl Inoul nu mun mm In 1qu IL MUSIC LESSONS JOHN OTTON CHIROPRACTOR nmwv COWAN COWAN OSTEOPATHY NMIT CLEAN LEGAL coo maul un

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