mm Barrie Firm 5W6 the terminals lorvlurd 10 find Assistantmanage Jim Slim it Accomplubcd lunseil with only Payne to bear handled die coaching duties dur not me asly mm pcflod mar er defeat the woman Ms coutcst nan excry indication of regular Flycr coach was unable la attend due to lilacs in his Smnag tar IImvalc lloml er Barrett mm hat tr cgtlt tally pllmll inligzug huus season the 1113 vlngareco oonew one loss and tie to shor or his isnr as famous as Huronla Cup our Root Beer or action puttln stun new and Mmstggtogether to of giants Ric liltysdlv um anmwm Rams cc On toll 59 battles Barrie mlgedetccgrcl Mfr shot all eraliens raci season mil be mmm only Pm in mm mm and held January and lsttl ai on Dec zsln Barrie 19 this was due dimily in the arms Jon WEEKS BEATS aces TOM MERCER srcouo PERIOD KTSTXJ three 02 +2 and 51 1111 try at the deluxe to clear the ur no no JCC KL ll lcature me top professional drivers and company luctn nu gonll mat goat an 95 csecon an wen om Mercer without protection ahead 44 at 1319 or the thlrd home next Sunday evening as 0mm mum 5L Cm Dan um um mm hnc MM Bloom Dunne 1w minutes later the iiing when Campbell nutmonucuvercd the Gall llounliglrvlgttmlhc An in Black nan downed Ot goaLx as the llnrlnorus mud and We Simon so the of 1mm cnn amt IS her ve been lxylag to do all sea ll The Flych tlleso younx 900mm demand the two clubs during the rogu schedule whlch are ghllnl wt along with Oakvitlo Oaks By GERALD ALIAS Hzlmhrr Sports couldnt have picked the hey my who also are school Wars and normative crow have lyers Finally Find he Way To Beat Aces lo Iccomp either Six hundred avid noisy of mar than could bccn anywhere complied with last cnnlLSl bctwccn fourth lth and sixth spot lhe OHA Senior stand wo minutes lzllar at similar station pntle time Acu llugtl Harvey be The scar was tied 22 and the TEE BARR EXAJJLNTJK MONDAY JCRY Elmvale Ties 2231 33 Parry Sound DelvJAG lapse on weak dLiz resulted an no he bemoan FJZWLc Matbans tn Emvalc Stmday Baltic led the end ll the Lust hu Wire outsmred abciag called by Xeleru Blalr in lit mm Parry Scqu Graham lye cl thgm la the lanai lmme in the gnml Joe me the lziln Al Smllh lm um Stu Mc with two and Den Turm er family For short it marked the third time he has coached the team Our Chubby Chicken cllartsr lhe Flycr as in whole play ed more solid game delenslle ly than they have in name lime limiting the opposition to to Here On Weekend The fourth meat in the un teams uho Illl be tlllllpCll or trophies and pnzcs totalllna in ctrCS5 of 9000 It is upch ud that the cumpuutiun will draw 00 nicer and 5000 pcclulurs As indicated C37 was lhe out standing Flyer on the lee colV locum goal and an assist lie nlnng riLh Adnms and Campbell continually ttircaluoed the lung ston goal Campbell and Purim Larry Gould Scores One MY CY The cxullellt truck utilities lnaulnn currently is in mm lice with 30 polnts while Bur llth it two points last eve ls only one behind with 29 Game star Ray Cyr opened games scoring at 501 at tho st period complctlag beau ully xccutcd passing play twccn ha and linemntcs Cor puck pus loo qluckl b4 ccn the three players as to at the Klngsion dclcacc cam on team still unnerved by the al gave tho puck nway to er coptnln Peta Panagabkn hn promptly drove alupshot gh It Will 20 for tha home am Is the perlod ended wlth aver Mercers lclt shoul possible repcsl at Friday nights contest in Bcllcvll when the Flyors alter rushing to two goal loud in the first loll to the hlglitllying Mo hawks But such was not to be the case lon lcciis incl pass Acus goalie cleanl The Flycrs continued to play aggressively liavin outshnt the Mercer utter taking pass mm Adams and Cyr However the Aces were not lilshcd and at 1537 scored with each team man short Tum Carly gelling the goal assists going to Jim Geblulrt and Fred gtka nlsn collccud coal and an asslsl whlli Adams hlld two assists the Kingston scaring nob Clay toil played an uutstandlng game Though he didnt gure in lnr his team Payne twlcc mak ing spectacular savcs dlo keep him all the scorebo ln other Scnlor games Scum Crescent downed Belle ville Molinuks 65 The next Flycn grime ls at SUMMARY rlrst Perlod Barrie Cyr Adams Climpbclll 501 Harri ranngabko Penalties Olnjos lK 1921 By HIE CANADIAN PRESS pmssion um Montreal lllnlor Canadch wouldnt be hall as strcng without their captain Gilbert Perreault Niagara Falls Flyers in On tario Hockey Association Junior action In WingsPetes 55 Tie Somettmes you get the im Pcrrenult scored 1ch goals ms and mi cngpbcn mm Punguhka 5m in llc Oain deleal bet It was picturca It snw lone on lllclccr and beat the un ay Sunday nlghl and added two us an Mmonnugu mer hrcc ed WoodWk sists as me Cnnndlcns trounced mssrcgfllgg1cortfhitlgc 03h an 5L mumu The mm ml ulltlcr na tgt lawn 675 106 Toronto larlbarus edged Kitchener Randell Knights llclcatcd 05h wa Generals tH and llamllton lied Wings Poles bullied to 55 tic llcnl scared lur Niagara Falls and smiling arrangements the Fair Ground ensure the snow mublin enthusiast at in lxCllA inn mnlicnd lull schcdulc of stock und modied races ill be hold and in addition the drucr and ruc ing team will be competing tor lhc Canadian Lund Speed Chul lungt Record lo the Barrie Aron shoh In tht final 40 minutes to score their tulllcrlmmbchind iclury Slmc smut as the other Tumult murbmulL Duhu Crcxulnn and Gerry oliahmy nun two goals rucn and Don Kudutiu lintl JDL Surls roplicd lur Kitchener Rangers 75 and Pctorbomugh Scott hlathuil Bobby Lul strclchcd its unbeaten string to clghl gumLs Marvel Dionne nntl Bnnn ML cnlic added tlvu uruziy Jun at am again Sundn ill at This racing out is being sponsored by the Kinsmen Club Gary Crosby Gavin Kirk and Canada Continues Curling Problems In Scottish Match Pete thlramboisc and Connie Forc replied with two such and Hard lcCtrnilck ntltlcd the oth Cr 01 Ottawa Dnn Maloney scored twice for liontllul whllo Darryl Slllltr llnvo Gilnlllur Torry llolhruok litl Bllllqillllc ROI the nth llc curs betwch Kings we ovum MS iv box serving minDr my Barrie out up mm Second ruled 11 WW la Olllll battle surged buck and Snnrlhdecsgllg wnrlgllentctxlnglgn FSM mm mm Md cumrshggoailsmmus Lllllghliglll DIN till Canadian Rib mglmvng rm unulxlngstun took advan efforts the Ac Em name Harley ill scsslnn nga ns mmpc play 51mm was 13er ml George Fergusm were me Hch lComcrl ma lltlon Saliirduy and lcllbnckum km by mp mm Um mammm or 0mm CuileuMudv lliuk llaeuisn led Pclcrbor IN SK WEEK WITH go at dntenslve lapsumn tho Iyers part Eddie Long indV hlmsclt complclely alone be to get clear drive on tho nar rlc goaltender It was cleanlysnlayud coll Culllnlwll and which am his rink clltl and loud allnr maul rim Barrio Week 4Pnnaguli k0 lllcClocklin 3122 other 40 palms in play tar inn Strutllcunn clip align with three nails Skip F033 tor and Brian cunnick alltltll BM alley lo onls Terrv llyan with do Barrio goalie Ken Payne old And Shropshire Have uh Bonspiel Win Hugh Mnrlun at the host club pmentdprlm also to last only clght mlnnr pellaltlcs Fennltics McClocklln 12 Thu Canadians dropped all at Thlrd Pcrlod Barrie Camphell Adams Cyrl 13 KingstonCarly Gebhart ODonnell 37 Pondltlcs Thompson Smllh Senlor 1413 Campbell 3111th 1711 Stank 0n Goal thull maltch ngalnst five Perth rinks most of them by wldc murglns Scottish experts salt the Forth players make up the toughest compelltion the Cunn dloxis will meet in the three week tournanwnt Attho end or Saturdays play the vlsltors trolled tn175 0L lowlnz throo bonsplols The two ends Penn rink recovered to win and Gun my on Clinilc and Larry Gould at Boc Blll PM Ga kept Wm lnn were the llamiuun marks with Bill Mulrhcllds Scoulsh mm champions in the early stages and was leading by one after three ends but the Scots pulled ahead or Victory Polar llauey defeated Randy Shedd Saint John Na 1243 SPEEDY GIRL ALMA ATA lmxdmila Fcchlnd of Moscow sot WtId record of one mlnuto $09 scc nmLo in the cmtn 1000mclm ERNIE megawatt Bluejlllolmtdfnllnrk Blue Mountaln Resorts Limited RR Colllngwood Ontario Phone Arno Code 705 4450231 th odd lav time lllgmsenvrldo snowmen ill mllsottlomlillt A3536 at on an ht ficiency bum ura gas urnaces dVC cwcl illovmt pnlts to glgosgwsagm Adios vns worry about rind servicing is avallable24hoursa day Did you think you had to sulfa through the rest of the winter Put up Cleanhness Natural gas is the clean lucl doesnt pollute the air or leave dirty deposits on walls and furnishings It gently circulates Hormerly ht llb mm Auto Body no Tlllln 72mm Dependability Natural gas is piped directly to your home Why SftffcrThcrc Sa lot If wmter ahead but you can still get almmxxctelzatiyo lnivn so whatever the mamaas doing outside you can depend on natural gas that mccwanndfccm 1fyou change to natural gas heating ACC DENT heat warming your home throughout the entire winter season nature won er ue Now clock draw Austria Takes lMlthcl 3010 ol lrancc was second Sunduy am Norbert Wmdiicl orAustrln was third The event wnsxa Scwndfale gory ruoe count my lowal the won the sllllom fvcnt ln uthe Moraine nternat anal 5k rig Grand Prlx Sunday mill also mini the Austrian spcclnl sin lom chnnlplun had cumblncd Lllllc ol 13396 over Suliduys wrmmwg no recgame winners ln ii an fufm Mk firmva tournament ends Jun 30 with am nei overwhelmed 53b Ar mrllng Club Mens Open WSW 1317 the cupnow held by seotland scncnu of Salnt John 13 and sncwisignung mm the bo plcl Saturday evening anrlsh rink Awnlm for hlsh agfgljayxmw mm iii $01151 mgggituntfglmtl Scott nggusoln Fatwaul Ben ism nnrlclgtgnllczlhnsngggilglp here note oodsac 355 mwmkmm day up to the Lloyd rlak Max cola ot Elmvalc won tho two amo lllzh Blll Bnln ot Barrlc g1 lllaxFlsk of Bose Borden was ccond to Shropshlm ln tho lll Moraine Ski Race MORZINE Franco Reuters Burlith lel of Austria swept the combined title which lncludcd results from down 111 race Saturday World Cull For Canada Jiick Creed of Toronto was 34th on Sunday and 20m overall SPORT BRIEFS Wle FEATUllE PACE WESTEURY NlY lAPl Mighty Battle closed wlth rush to lvln $2600 Early Clos ing Paco scrlcs Saturday nlglit by thrcoquancrs of length But It our oxpcnu cun bo ol uorvloo to you plcnsa stop by and get FREE ESTIMAT ln 201 25 Mighty Battle won With that old cranky heating system that leaves you freezing on the gt coldest days Think again You can get natural gas heating installed right nowl Yes nowl Our experts will come and put in brand new gas furnace or convert yourprcsent furnace right nulv And theyll doit so quickly and efciently youll hardly have time to shiver Heres what natural gas heating will give you this winter and many winters to come freshly warmed air through your home supplying the heat you want when you want it LOW cost There are no hidden costs with naturnl gas and your annual heating bills will be lower The more uses you make of natural gas in your home the lower your gas Cailcnnsuinarsicas7266558