Slims COUNTY NEWS Willis KB DUKWORm Mr and Mn Alex Robertson Wmtunenloftbesr bro her in Rod wotBid in Ospreol newtly mymnofuadcnmt Christml with N1 permits MI andllfnAiex Sobertam LlrJodurLHmey chkand family Altman visited Jan with MIL McCulllgh Brents34M ntmnnnietlorsburghlsbome mm Roza Vrctorlh Hospital and is with be dlulhter Mn limsterCoulsanMe tirnetohelp 06215ch afthetree Holiday visitors with air and hmMarsbieOouismKingMrs Hard mil were the St is spending the ulster with be and son in lAII dzuter 3k and blrs John Tcrubuil Codnng ton St Barrie Mrs Blame New and San ford Page spent with lLklr and 1111 Jack lienioa Ban NEKTON ROBINSON The annual many School atrium family aim was held SOBdd evenn Dec 11 in use basement of the church It var iety program of duets mils lions readings and carol stage was enjoyed some films were shown Santa Claus arrived in Steer family for and the Cmaeli lamlly It New Years Sir AM Mrs David Council of Sarnia and Mr and hits hlax ames and of Aurorl with Mr and Mrs Conneli the Halbert family with their parents Mr an M11 Gor don iialbert 31 and Mn Rm Colecrun and family of Emits ville with bll and Mrs Chen der llrs llouchton had her family borne for Gum the Capeland families were with Mr and Mrs Russell Copeland dur tng Lb holidays lad Bin RAMA West for the holidays Mr and Mrs Herb west Barrie Were with than for Christians Day am Russell Rm rettxncd home on Sada after the out two weeks with an inlawnaddausbtzruraad Mrs Jam himDenali Toronto hit and Mrs Walter Andrews and Mr and tlrs Lloyd hasten were in Guelph on Friday in Mr and Mrs Gordon Mad tll when they celebrated fur Acdms 77th birthday LEPBOY ny arcs MAURICE nun blr and Mrs Ken West and Miss Glad Ardill Toronto Sun of Woodstock were with hlr spent week with hirs Ross acidic and Jim 115 Shaw and Codes of Zephyr Ice guats at Mr and Mrs Pu kits and trashy lax week so Olga new Barrie spent the holiday with Mrs Marjorie um 51 and Mrs Geese visit ed in nor with Gordon Eros over the holidays hlr and Mrs Earl Gilmore Susan Ind Douglas spat New Years Day will Mr and Mrs Italold Bell Ferment and were dinner guest of Mr and Exits lawnrice Wiggins Barrie on Saturday Stephens was able to be home for New Years Day and Mrs Comer entertained all the family Mrs Stephens to the Natal the mam union MONDAY JAXUAKY evening Cmgnuzlatims Lo Hr mil Mn Dun Liceby lace pm limlmthcbinh descnlsrx to Royal Victith ilcspitai Barrie Best wishes also so to err Lrs Jolt AltInlll on the arrhul of their chosen 512 Wil Larn brother for Kathy GUTHRIE By AIRS CALIF0N WMS MEETING falls Rabat We Was be less for the January Wits meeting and also took the study on Reconch The mem bers were tied into two gosh fr on Bo La one with aural and others Ind 150 the dbl23 m2 pix with the church emudays Reading were given by 511$ Robe Campbell Ind htrx Cameron The scripture reang was by Sun Caramel Thinkyou mks were read from those remem bered at irtation The mun meeting of WAIS cf Barrie Presbyterian Clutch Tucsday Jan 11 at 10 Lin 1112 hostess scned lunch SKATING PARTY Friday Jan is is the date set for the skating party of the United and Prcshylerim Chur Men With newiobs gt Lets suppose that three years later you be come father and need to provide more war young age early everyone agrees life insurance is necessary but some people put ostnrt in program until they marry However there are some practical and economic reasons for starting your program as san as you start to earn living Start when youre youno You can make an excellent start when youre age 21 for about $19 month This gives you $15009 Jubilee policy to which you can add variety of options to suit your needs as you grow older You can include adoption that guarantees regular incomeshould you have long illness or serious accident You can arrange for London Life to pay your premiums for as long as you are disabled Another option guarantees you can add further 315000 of Jubilee insurance at age 25 And up to age 40 you can add another 515000 every yearsregardless of your mallx or occupation Extra protection whanyou get mauled Lets suppose you do marry when youre 25 and that you use option above Your London Life program $15000 plus 515000 now provides sound nancial safe guard for your wife And it gives you guaranteed savings program that includcs dividends Proteellonforyour ehlldren protection for your family No problem at all You can take advantage of option again Or you can consider anotherfcature thats very inexpensive This makes sure that ifyou die your family vill have regular income until the children are lsoor any age you choose This income is on top of your total amount of insurance These are some more examples of how your original London Life policy can be tail ored to provide just the right amount of insurance for the right length of time at reasonable cost LLomlnn Life Jubilee Ifc policy with premium payable How young man can build flexible program of life insurance to suit his changing needswith London Life ads Wlxcn children an bnrn you can add rptc a1 lowcor feature whlch tn guarantee your family all Income until theyve grown up You can inclrm the amount oflue insurance protectmt alter you get married ndon LUZ progrom can help you retire ix lump sum in cart or continuing praifw mormbfy CAB 12 um Lt km ti pm mm vnu he progressive cadre at In hall for uses hd do not $12 and 222 Ill there too Jtm Graham Carrie pe several days sx Nev Yexxi unlit his pacdparecxs Sir Lad Mrs Alex Graham Air and Mrs FL of Peterborou$ were weekend visitors wuh bit and Mn Cauxbell EmY TRANQORT Tannin andmmtreai were the first Canada to use burst cars for public tramport introducmg them in tan OD $5 In emu of your dualt Your program becamrs valuable callarrraf should you nerd lo bormw money to slur your own businm help flu children through muversily or In case youre faced Will nancial emergency Mortgage Insurance Now youre 30years old and buy house Your insurance can help you borrow money And you can add insurance to cover the unpaid portion of the mortgage if you should die This ensures therell be money so your wifo can decide in her own time where she wants to live Reduce yourlncome tax Although retirement seems long way off now ibwill cross your mind more frequently in your 30s Youll probably be earning higher salary by then and you could add further $15000 of ubilcc insurance and consider registering it with the government as Retirement Sav ings Plan This could give you handsome deduction your income taxi Valuable collateral for loans In fact you comborrow considerable sum of money without any problem This could be useful if you decide to take ad vantage of business opportunity or ifyou need money for an emergency Your program can be adlusted As your circumstances change the amount of insurance you own can be changed If your needs for insurance are reduced the amount ofinsurancc can be adjusted On the other hand you may need more insuranceto protect business investment or new home special dividend option lots you provide additional paidup IBSUIRDCO without increasing your premiums Valuable fund for Iotlroment You can use your insurance to help you retire early Oratvagc 65 you can choose between these options You can continue the full amount ofproc tcction with no further premiums to pay You can take out lump sum in cash And if youd left your dividends to nclt cumulatc they would add substantially gt to your retirement fund You can choose guaranteed income to supplementtbe Govcmmentlcnsion Plan or other retirement funds you may have The flexible one There are many ways LondonLilc program can be tailored to provide the protection and savings you need at any time The important thing is to start your program when youre young and in good health It doesnt have to cost very much And you get solid nancial foundation for the whole of your life We suggest you look into the exible one from London Lifewhereynu gctmoro than you expect from life insurance FREE booklet called Plaln talk about me Insurance describes the man ways London Llfo program can ho to lorerf to You now have an excellent program of pro your Indlvldual needs erte to De anaJ tection guaranteed savings and retirement fund ntfon Llfolnsurance Company ferln Avenue London 12 Ontario mt age 65 Dividend arc pald on this policy and can be left to accumulafv compound Intern turd purchase additional insurance fakenfn cash 55 Duf