TE sum mm YBIDAY JANUARY AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY THEVISION PROGRAMS T0 GOOD HEALTH 23mMInemommoroumo 1mo What Sluggish Dec1L ovumnzxilsrnnhkrndmaeoruwh Extramurame Wandaold materrims and AY MARY Reexes mm LairAm world ms Am 371 were gamlcgpowm mu Efuent rag CourNauru CI ammcuvncu NOTE Dc ml mm 17mg wattsr mw W54 usesonurolrerrleen Im 1me WM 1mm caiMe Kikiim Hui mum Mp Mwdhmm54l mnmwmm WNWMW 13ktirudhlr Dims amin II as It manloltliehnnhorrlum ClevePutthternnmdper mnmm at mean sadly whundoctor uranium authmwuw gig IHI 11 In Mg Am undue Arnold 3min enter 5155 HOLLOWS renew nndrherlrlnn dry Ind mnmwlmml nge mmudthoir luau unlis Ekumm PM mm umu =14 mur ten mm Pawnx lt15 rv 31 Be It IKS nownm VW and mould liDO Maserul am hut member 1711 ML Wewnhcm he of 11 555 mmmgm Wm mrgunuw will If Vuitorse with Mr and 3m 1m nmi intAided Lml 52m um my my W5 um pm ML 5m end sin our linrrio Mr Gtrr included Mr and urn 5P 3i =1 Wm Sar Iannon Emmi cm bentF 5m le Imnnf Ehrledgd rm inuirim mi iiX Wm min bur pr Mull me miiydocortedwltnugnted tree am Mr noun John Hum Cleo LI Lande stunner to me nDIt IIIiIILIIIiIn If 313 be m8 Want 3mm Mimi 5m and mm mm mm mm 31 lime atylhrir home nor Mr ic 3W sLu on Fur Ind cudia HW and Mrs Arthie Bath te no Wm 51 IId lure crowd mended the mm mm their son ind n3 inLiw who 2i hmtmhmmnmm ammonium WMWm Mnn 35 wifm Mr mi Ker nonun SIZarn mm b2 idea duhmgzhdmrs illsmmtfffli with A3331 his ii Contain hum no an in my husband is lutile Tartan Poizrarc Mr nod tlrs rm EW hzdtninldtlnrwgtlfrl ml slur 3malmw2a 323 arm snore on nlmninfy E535 wmc LMi bud to get in ma patients type ext 135 wen in Iltondnnco mama mahm Daman Mi id Jm Smiih 1115 wuihu oItIStlemm giglam Talia the IIoltIlIlIuish im Ib um The mice or ennuimotion why iii nmgl II sen enernr he cm owner ndtdrt mama frlfolfrlfnirz Suiirlfsui it mm me Dun and mum Hm rust on that th thyroid gland thould not think tell prevent can dalr 35 51 Fem MIXI in HM bXuvln ma he be averuh dam onto con Control public school closed Gray or mmrmu mI 31mnBdb IIiIgIInmr no to mg needs lrfiilzhenl 1y mmmmeelin cl i2 1mm 31 hi 31 Price end inmmllyr frrnmrirmidnnvemii mi 32th um Elde owever tie on may ARI Sven mums av wt their INm BAilllgnlp tion Next step is Dunne anuyszl rluidf 3e we we Ba Du mm WW1 mm Ch mcm cmmm 50 and daughmwnw and lGlornngkzlrroer gig Irunlvcnliy or the thgkievernl lusts now available When or even whether yo In Moisae lIIorontank ed parents und lrlIenId in th By ants ARMSTRONG Iamliy$il2ihand Mrs Allen Bow Wm gm endame nun rs lirry at an new gymnasium wit uric on at urnt aArunnAY JANUARY momma AND AHERNOON W31 eimronrn3$m2 mi 59 mm VPmm DH cimm and day Visitors with i3de Wm with um ii is true that relinxcs genui pmum anscvillo tricnds sluts Air and Mrs orrlln IArmstrmg ilr Ind turn Bav no align Weed owmro ii mime to nerve nativity as You should be dredged by Mr and ME Wilmer Wibun 1d Wxiiiam Gill 0N Kati to mend Idunnmm dammde IIII yQEIEyI taut mg thyroid at magnum um mm In andh 513mm spentrI the uoelrend vggfngg Imam wIII airline and ammo yIIoIiI slutt Shekiucraly ofIiliItir aunt tilts to axes ccuuse muscle so on the ends ij an rs Ayers 3L gincourt Iogomcgcn Hmmm I13 mom mum Iggyf $3 afjuig TEEN mm cows fnhtlngIaIn girl theInIorne or and Imng ntnICIIgryinn lure All mm pm ten omntollrnrld Hana can investigate its well LEF tau soon yum netr Dr rhostuon hnve it sometime tn The Christmas concert Put on in Rim 01 it nd Mn Ernie Wrioy and rmly ROY itlrxlifh 25 mii IIrIIeIItrdIgat gmlreque it on IIIlIrIosuuty cm xisetfgieritmig in gghNEIIIDCIIIX gnmg mug gfgwsmd SAri mun mill ti mm and none be wet on 35 Jy evening cc no on it aul Corner nnd it wrung more il1=itlllii if itsiilmlflfllii132$ WW id tildsl dim Chum at Ix uu In on route on ch pmvtnt mas scrvtce wlt roll or normuI Mr and um Iggmkgu will noegirdu ghtIII pregnancy Md mm mu people dosurvcalnt at credit tor young peaple prosonung pageant almond Mrs Ronnie Douglas Graham imd Mr and Mrs Barry Hanna other moot to charm the oertormnnce they out on It oitho Christ Child horn in Beth nod hrlb ol Ottawa were Chri5l Lotte nnd DannyBell mm and Mm mo Baking Soda mu relle to ill th mas Junmuu IL III III II chc ghl sometimes mm was In keeping will the old trad Io cm scripture read at oi ay vsuurs with his Mr and Mrs Rely Corner nnol oun about 331 nutmen srune WWW gm Chsm 1mm by Mm pmm mun mm wm dm 383 wgu tNth Nibu concerts Thanks guts to the 5i by Miss chy Bell of DWE Brian Pete MitS Mr and Mrs um qugIIIIII Wm mam Tom meld Mary Pinkerton imd carols led by the minim and slaughter of iinwke Siotvnrt and daughters and rum mi nn 97m fNFL Ellen Gibson snntn nrrivud and choir sum were Visitors with nor par clwlcs 5wva New 5pm magi Wound ui 10333 ell the children received treat Schindinr was stricken will 23I1IIIsggfyirfIIzgigcg god the weekend with Mr and M11 ohm nrne izfizagogm Billy nudol By JAY BECKER liirund Mrs Dims Arnold and ti stroke Dec 21 and as IIIIIIII Comer Sr To 54 33 IIWIMII mm mended Greer 11 sun in smvmmn Memorial II Mr and Mrs JIzlck Miller and sAwnIDM You are dechmr Wm am you mm mm In IIIIIII gun wedding tn sumo snt Hospital iiII and liirs William Gill end tnmliy spent Chnstma JANUARY EVENING lest hand nt Six Clubs and by discnrdinlz your lost diamond WW Mr clad hiss Jack FinleyI TI Ignacigmgyggmsstoh rbanIdIMrn Clark and family alzl3overiy no orth In hrarln lr homo rum crsun site on Dec 15 uh 00 5mm femrlt sui lrii TNnix South toilloving Zulrnw $3155 in mm Rh Texts nlurctlm holiday snrsnn the iatiers mother and six uner gem II Ac omit onnrvivon is bound to he stymied Hakkgmvn nqnomer Pyle you piin the hand mum dimundI dumI lure Norris Cochruno de Mcllnstcr and IIIJSS mnwgrr gyIIIIFwIIIIIIII my mm mm Mom ter pinychnovcrnIhsclgctiosslun me OFFICE HOURS 190 AM trick if he leads anything in CC PRESENT PLAY ntiw Whllhh $50 mm smdny Emmi Wins People of km Winn world at no room am 753 ME mm nxnmAy and community presented nn lm Mg mm mu notoi mgm it South covers the queen el congratulations to lurs ltiilry misin play To All People mo rmil heart with the kill rull lnr ted in oari Um 13 in the auditorium oi litunsrnoire hm toward dum birthdzl Christmas Day She is 0W will Public school We and mmi um lli no it me ll North lollown ult lt ml no ion depicted on unwnnt norm um this mailings nun is most mlggu 35le Au II YWI hi Him 3955 mai irom broken hiD EcgtilsmIIIhfsifrawgfii ii IiIiie Ttlolrorld All unum 31 on lllcrznilggtgltlllzngflgs ii IrhIXIlhnoal um ihe inmiiIs wne urge Im dim fbmr MW in th oilrffrlniml son Christmas PM mm ght we 1x Wenth owlyo com clue to too en cAtz mom ArArl iImnm Ill Th cult cm IVSIIPTW Mr Ind Men Archie and trlre llnlid re r0 mm Wm 01 2Yeu unrtoy nosurmnetndt mccivud surprisn hnn out iron Konx milking the slum it the North und Miss Knowles Massachum North has the king oi spades iiorn Julian during Christmas if 3311 South cards no loonrnnly at 50qu II mm ctt with Mr and Mrs hell WWI III IhIIIIIIIII by IIIIII suggest you get the mmsmm emu 050 vided for example by me tlm comm with simpiu spade gm daughter and non in law oneothese auggcstaoohungeintop magnum uDon Muur Mi ii=idims by muse You olse assume tnnt Bow miy Evelyn and Nelson Kuhninc 91 our men Idmmys hem Norths seven tn his tourth best mate BnmetINMDfun serving as missionaries tn that tirdtmnmhi D194linitrtho we rapping um km hm Yhiib mm my dol smuuuh 55 up wumry 11 WW nun vuln my urnn entire unit fIIIgIInsgfIggmhiigIcglgmgIggg With hnlorrx he nmsum gifIIIUItIfIiIIiInIIIHGIIIidIId 1ng lishcd in live minutes and com sUNDAY JANUARY momma AND AFIERNOQN or doubleton queen oi diamonds briybuww 32liiigk3rl Smith iur nnd Mrsr Murlr liylnl 3513 school thn Procu ingnsctm However to millde your these three Wslhluueu to go Nelson Joe and JlmPennlton held men Chrlslmn MMMF Tenn um HEr chances you should niny in up Wm mu me Hankioy llir ond Mrs lerry many am my in rm Women ette Silme uconennnl mo roughly the following order 1113 method oi play All in the liaison with Mrs lrene lllrons at tho church Him Win the club in either hand lust clue but duccccds in tho Mr and litre nruno Tidd with an and line Peter Stein nnd BUS Eaton The ita hvnouh fuhthed ca Itll 1de euhw Vmihnu him an RI gc16umnto ailIII pm 5mm and H4 ene NA on urn ummy 11 cu Nort has the spade It an er Orr II um us cnjoycd Christ grimy rzoolvrnv cuu nut noun plny diamond The ettect or rising with tho tnmily with lrlcnds nt Mimic me in llorido ll Trips Evory Day mm cm IIch 133 II sum Eggs gaggdgl IlgriiuntIIritIlilr IiIanvnIIoIIniIttItIIwIciIe gigkgtgtmfsrhnomnh snpon unity rider nnrt as no hp an it on will all ow arc on Ezetntri Him may 33 nonred play it diamond to tho Qx while outicing tho Openinll ull McLean end Mr and lino II II mm 123 ti izrootnnu king and loud lilo queen at heart lend hutmils South to win Burt Mcbcun WlIIl Mr and Mrs in donut LIIFoothIII hon and return it heart thin un lager Bourgeois Ottawa 34533 My m3 iilimlol South IDIImvs low or shown blocking the suit milsth Cogzspgtum MRS ANDY Aha mun mus II 25 3lflll to crawl by TME TAB ckNGE Wu memol Hfanm mm III In mommy Arlunltlr it Annmoou MI Mm MI and me Ind Mm Em CM IIIIII Effudivo January 4th 10mm lluutdaor IMO 74 Ti cm with Cornwall lricnds Mr and cnrlstmns um and other damn mIchIogIf swomn mamI izimpmm LII Mrs Allan Reid and lumllY utiuhs were done by Mrs commER TIMES ADJUSTED In soult 24 ovio It or culled on Mr and to OI gguid You 73 IIgigaIngu on ItlEMy inree son giving WI nangIingZSIRuIIbIIchsIIDIg WcbI gunninsmgrcllrdn thInI gigging IN 50 Bame Ar 10 IfAth wold gummy mrluArtY EVENING lming mom mum sIogi IIfIlIjIIItihfIIhi gym gIIsiigfIgIgLuggynmig Ar 315 am Toronto Lv 450 pm rzwnrldot Irtllovia mm on gt 11m ml anm ot Our LINI 70 iii onI ltll Mr and Mrs Arnol and their families he JQIW renown olitlnrzdr citr Hiighwnr WWW mm Buntirtg Mr and Mrs Earl Christmns visitors INcm Ron noxvlconn renune svlunoon TRIPS To TORONTO EVE DAY II uP we SW uid Pigdin II Raid uud nrinn with Mr and Grenvus or allow Mrs Mr lxuouIe Elli Lilollvwood Quill mootinn gm WW xurlnhtI Yromile Mrs Parker Cnmoron Furry Muster oi Kitchener Mr and ADDITIONAL WEEKEND TRIPS The solrnlclr Yen nlllmu Woioy MD them To who 30 awnudd or Nim Snund Mrs Lucille Cunmng Mrs Dohcrty ol Barrio at tile nation 10 law 551 3339 mum 3mg 133ngme hum reroute Wuyno Cunninn home oi the lutters parents Mr is LWm ireTommy Hunchoon mite lelu uan olutle hm genmrvlue Mr 11nd lilrs and Mrs Jensen tips 10 oglLuA EVERY DAY nwrlreno KcIIII IIILIvIIIIcI IIIIII MIII EIIII III MICIIIIIIIII II II WI to 71433 62 mm How Mouton Barrio and Mrs lent in Royal Victoria liosnltnl 39m on Elmer Wcln DmLY cosswom Arnold with Mr ond MH IIMr gngIMIE ivtviIowiQIth COMMUTER TRIP To ORILLIA in me Elwood iennett an far nlth on rW0 or Dimer om Mr nutnm and Moutontit Lv Barrie 815 am lnzwizodl MRS rt mm nndlomllystirrinnnrnechrnt AL 0mm 350 am 413 item With my 153 goldrdlliik sympnthy to extended to failing man with their mother Mm 71mm 11y and trlonds oi Mrs R0 or Mowforth Mike Movldvrth ls nril my man emoonu him 3011 53 on lt3rn5irrm QC Ivhggf 32 133 gmgnfw hi BARRIE TIMMINS Tm 8333 5mm mom iguovie 3m 35 rem JcnnclLS Purim Congratulations to Mrs THE BUSES EVERY DAY EACH WAY Iltlovle 15 Him iW Viimi mnm er Tooth til inf 11mm Hi tuuwnlim Barrio Dec 23 iii pm on urr vu he INHrirlnil mu III EIivlnl rooo pm lltcd here tor tho past ten cont greatmomison who on ADDITIONAL SERVIC 353 in heliufhm SiloInll 3533 mm mm liliifllllll III 35 BARRIE WASAGA BEACH OWEEN SOUND 1W menn Inn vim lute dim it iennctt ternni Errandtmvnts and vtsltino Tu 1W i1M iiMil 103lunder ean IIW 35 Y5 Sun 01 195d mvw Lu cmm PM on creel encom 32$Eynilgggmcfn 33$ mm 1030 am 1000 pm Lv Barrie Ar 550 p11 oNDAY WA mm 13 Erisftrtxtod so Ijlzgevnl do oilan Part ercdit Mist Pluiln Furry Mr and Mrs Dunn spent 15 10 wamg mm 510 in Loon Whom ilegmm mm mm mm mm was with Mr nrld hire Christmas Dry With rriotivos ot 1150 am 1120 pm Ar Colllnngod Ar 435 2111 outt 7K met my mm mm mm WNW Mmldhhu MI cusm 1255 Pnl 25 am An owen smmd 830 Pm iota elldoom you conduit MMWW wmlm 0163 with Mnond MroGornetCamn sisthItII neISVnsnIlIyI Mir uhiic En 310 MIL 3min Men FlatInca orr on mo LEW Mule 28 mm Bantam lgroiIlto aim Ii121 NORTEIOS $RVIVIIIE To Subic vn 11an mt Mrs lien 09 iin EN SOUND Egg05 tzlhlrIlllith cl Idinrnlnurneu $234 Jnmes Mchrmott iri Strand Nit You Bill Furl MmLAND ITORONTO Mi lllilltll mi SEE ME TABLE an III iiIiirgfiiiii M1 Imfm WWW 55 Itdlinoleum we Cl lnnnti Miss llnri Vii 130 uILnur eIIIM 5mm and Mrs John Duvis Tor infant Pm BUS PARCEL EXPRESS in hr Mr eutt mm mm 2iivI VciIiIiiItmti DNow Wu herI nlibm onto Clintlull Henry Barrio Evan undrrt CAN SOLVE YOUR SHIPPING PROBLEMS Menu lgizwsnll Sm Mr and Mrs llonry Davis and We agile ImlItrngrneetm Jlininitk PM aavgrler Donald with iitru listen Davis Sunni IIIIIIII Hrnnc some colloqq Mr and Mrs Curtis Goordo Emu TORONTO AIRPORT EXPRESS senvlca PM 31 gpwum mummy Burllo and Mr and Mrs Tyson conh Mormon RUNS FROM ISLINGTON SUBWAY STATION Inn to SchulyI Thornton were With Mr antistontion aunrnntred In WWW um lm 5m 951331 and Mrs lncir Buntinl Mr and IIIIitIIorey III IvstIIoIidt Iorron drew the 05 Mrs Art Carlson and tomily Mr Tick and lncrmmon milff Tm IIIMd am up fIIInEIEI STrkm EIrIOIlBIISIItIIiItd hm chm BARR Film Vim make ii ltrl1ln$re too lrillflvun one Jiman itind 00 Slim Chm Hells lllrl only Bus TERMINAL lulllflEmm 1313 0th mm and MW Chm Barrio Toronto IIslIiIelnINnotg lltilItIKlIIIull owlmy fml 3332 PM mm 5L EI anin Sinrm strut ltoncnlrotlo roe 75 Frolfmm Ilnrvut snnALl PAHTY in 7185571 1284853 WWWv om ZAM The utopia nosnonll Christmns mm Aral party wu hold in Utopia com cwitnned he Stuu Al lPlonu nerivn tuunorryirrui 143oyoilhoo