of at tho orn was the on by over ark Few People RememberThe Past As WellAs Strouds BillReid By BRIAN 3m STROUI Fe peopio vae can more or remember more of the early dim cram the early been of Hill century back to th lea twos than William Item stroud who at 9t still Mtg good health and still docs outside choral around Ibo Reid borne on Victoria Street East two when he and Mrs Reid live He evrd beeps the snow ebeveiied out of the driveway himself Mr Reid la the older railroad pensioner In the Aliandiia can Blvulm and has ccr tiflcatc for 00 year of service from the Brotherhood of Way keeperl Illa actual service in cluded yellI WOULD WALK ta way keeper It wsa his duty to walk all the way from his home then on the 7th Line of innufll when he was rais ed thmutth Stroud to tho Allan dnlo yards checking the track Ind for cracked rails every day summer and winter even through Lho worst bliunrds At night honnuid ride back home on the thin By the time he Itnrted most engines were mat fired but he recall that than were still few wood burner with their huge mole stacks Inci farm to pile up wood cord wood the 7111 Line crossing and again not north of the nth Line dgo Irlcka and rail were not so In those days and one win or found twenty one rails broken by frost laid Mr Reid 0n the auction Ioutb of mine there were number of derailmlntl Once just north of Loiroy tbcre win derailment will called out to help 25 can all piled In heap with one empty car sitting rightiide up right on top One night In other train was derailed near Gllford and tho next morning II welwero climbing down through the caboose down In the ditch when pair of boots swung down over bunk and lust voko up brakeman Itited lVllatI going on homt Sometimes from smoketacks started groan and grain fire unite frequently cowe strayed onto the tracks and Irgued the right of way with fatal results and still IINP in laboriously hand dug grovos besldc the tracks CHEA TRAVEL in those days when stroud was called Cralgvnlo you could buy return ticket to Barrie for 25 contl remarks Mr Bold Everybody used to ridc in By DENNIS REDMONT ACE CIRCUIT lost control of the car after another racer AP Vlrcphoto DEATH STRIKES ON THE Ii lrrcht seconds after start of race It the Fortaleza cimlit near moods Anson recent Tbrco persons including Felt Pinch Of Tight Money Policy priming to Invisorate the econ omy Expand the money sup ply increase government spend Ing through deficit financing lower taxes and make borrowed money cheaper through lower Interest rates Now however new school of economic thought Is develop lng around tho current tench Ings of billion Prchman Uni Varsity of Chicago economist Iiu believes the money supply should Increase regularly at the rate of countrys longurm growth In production of and Services States this would bu per coat year an the two in air were killed and nineteen were injured in le The driver who was ed iniurcd claimed he Ivm poieons fly through the air altar Porsche driven by Portuguese racer Joan Andlt ado Vilar plunged into wad Millions mishap keeper between the Altamiqu Yards and the 71 Line of In nisfli Baker Photo 112 now retired with the Cnidian National Railway William Roland mixed itcd the hi former BILL REID of Stmud Icrviee roud of his so year of Ice award relating to his with piece of rag for wick commonly used as portable Iizht like todays flashlights When he was boy too the woods wrro filled with deer Ind game birds and the cracks were well flilcd with fish At night the mnumfui bowl cl could be heard In the surround Ing bush One night his sister went Into the back kitchen and was horrified to find hrrlcif al most face to face with black bear at the outer back door Mr Reid than teen agcr grabbed the shot gun but in the oxcllcment the sun went right In the house The damage was patch of plaster blasted off the wall In 1915 ho helped build railroad Into the sand plain wilderness that Is now Bnao Bordon Woodrulters broke this trail stump blasters come next followed by tho graders with horse drawn scraper and gru vcl wagons foilowud by track Inynr who handled tho roll by hand twenty men to carry each roll The soldiers came In mid Mr Reid At that tlmn It Iusta camp of tents inn Negro the mortar and he stones as easily as if they were masons were Albert train Into Barrie and all over Station platforms would be pil cd with barrels and bags and reduce Farmer used to drlvo their cattle and begs to the sin thcm by rail to haul grain and wheat in wagons to send to the etavnton In about 1805 Mr Guest from Big Bay Point shiv cords of hardwood to nnd had It all lenmcd Into SIroud Station In one win hollow George Webb BIG Bill MAST Of all his curly recollections his most vivid is that of accind tho biggest lnIl ships mast ever to go out of SI when be war 1335 The mast to be was huge pine tree cut on the farm Ibcn owned by James Duncan Inow owned by his grandson John Duncan on tho ltb Line of innlsfll Lot 10 In 1865 When cut to size tho in art was four feet In diameter at the base and hundred and twelve Fitting for was possibly the biggest must to out of Eastern Canada this the forest was hauled one sweating teams Lofroy Station where It was rolled by rope pulled by the oxen up onto three flat Alpine tlona fo thi Toronto an wolves pod 700 Toronto supply do not include federal government chartered hanks governmrnt normally keeps ba ssoopoomo mcoe County boy in about was only about 15 per cent This compares with an increase of nearly seven par cont durins 1060 and Is indicative of the stringency with which the con trni bank has been applying Its antiInflationary tight money policy MEASURE or SUPPLY Another and broader measure of the money supply is the total of currency in circulation out tsldo the banks and all char tcrcd bank deposits This flgurc again on new salinityadjusted basis also rose by 15 per cent to $31580000000 In 000 In January Illch IILWOMWNM In By JAMES NELION OTTAWA CPI If the pinch In your pocketbook doesnt seem to square with the countrys booming prosperity anly one of millions of adult Cn naulana experiencing the some in Bank of Ihow that the rcndllynvaiinblo money supply was rcincd In during tho last half of 1000 while incomes prices and lust Ibout everything also went up The bank regards the amount of currcncy In circulation outlt link the chartered banks and the amount in demand deposits In tho chartered banks as tho most Iigniflcnnt measure of the money unholy guroa adiua deposits in chcrui He remembers that another important rail freight to Totem to was field stories up to good sized chunkl which were ooze crly purchnlcd by the town of Toronto to build up Its notor ioluiy muddy Itrcotl Fatmars particularly from tho strand of glacial boulder pnvamcnt east of Stroud would be at the sta tion In stroud at daybreIie with horse drawn wagon nagging with rock The old Push to poaito hII prcaont home or ginolly built In 1804 an remembers that In about 18 was raised and all the surroun farmcre donated for tho foundationl ben beemu Launch Peace or to God which took the form or confession of humanity Lord the prayer be an lwoun 000000000 banks to facilitate Its daytoday opcrutions Economists are divided on the Importance of controlling the money supply as major factor In managing the economy The majority still adhere tn the principles advocated by the John Maynard Keynes mathematician and cconomist who bcllevcd restrict intl tho monvy supply restrain ing lgovcrnmliit spending mli IXOI all 1110 rates in increase dependsup ployment can and brine no productive capacity TEACIIINGS POPULAR In times of depressionand Lord Kcyncs teachings gnlncd popularity In the late isdastbo converse would act on pump you are chartered Canada statistics king by twenty of oxcn to For the AMI rim or Canada ytcrian church IT an is am In mm Govor told the At this time log cabins were in mm on up and down the opulIr kind of light of pork noun we The peak et Can mu loiiowinl Kcyuealm Friedmunlto CDnbrnIc nor Louis naminm Commons finance cemmittc Jilly be In not man who briirvaa thn central bank nccd IO do In Slt tho thermostat and so own holiday very comm lines One you Invert ted far seasonal fluctuations show that this to tIIIId 93000000000 in July but the supply was trimmed to $3 830300000 in Novomhcr In Jun unry I060 It was 50114000000 For this year as whole It Is expected the Increase in th readilyavailable money supply country vulth in 81300300000 lie romom term and In January4m tico deposits which the bank rtr pants us less significant bc cnuso they are Intended to be longterm holdings not ready money supply all hi Pope May lief agency and flew mi The larger figures on money of the major owcrebore the chi pcd brunt of the lime Caritne Iilons of dollars In BUSINESSMENS VATICAN CITY AP If Pope Pauls New Year plea for mop In any Indication be Is These actions have led some observers to conclude that the be rovortlng to the medicine and supplies to th the wounded and homeless in those areas our hands are still ood stained from the lost world were so that not all peoples have yet LUNCHEONS Iry an exciting Italian February Crucial Month Pope may In two to continue vigor ous ersonal gestures to help and worlds ware mic of critical ofscrvcr rather er than that of participant In mum noon he world affairs llinny however been able to take each otbara Pope Paul travelled for the band In friendship first time to Africa Uganda he met 5a are In AntiInation Fight tcly with one gesture may be symbol ic peace trip to Hiroshima Japan site of the atomic bomb explosion or the ontlff may WARNS 0F DANGER He warned that the terrible increasing dungcr of conflngrntion think he will not give up the personal diplomacy marked his ellyear reign Peace loaders $375 Different menu dolly Blntran and Niger an delegates In an effort to get negotiations started again Ito obtained only vague promieca from both sides that has being drawn out of tho coo IIOIIIIC putso in federal taxes thun Ottawa is pulling back Into Commons committee on also is preparing to study Issued by Dr OIIAWA GP February the most crucial chr In the prices mouth of the New reports make new person efforts to pot Nigerians and Blafrnna to be negotiating table In 1900 the Pope renewed his banishment of war from the the economy through Its spend Ing on goods and services Finance department officials said recently tho increase Mr hoso Invested with responsibility ho said again on New Years Day during mass celebrated in especially International usr YOUR DINERS CLUB CARDI Fine ItaUnn dishes Youngs commission report on its study of steel prices and coals ls nearing completion now but brondcr report on the sub WUSTMATION EIIOWS governments antiinflation bill tho holiday season axlltcascd In several closed the prayer with vI niena of wow in tears chil dren dying rclugoos and prison During Paul Finance Minister Bcnsun ion landlnx offers to help in ac evlnf what he called rc conclllato Is to meet in Qucbcc City Feb to with provincial tronsu rs to discuss Ihn economic outlook Roma church He ended his New Years ob servations on peace with prey jrtt of Inflation generally is not likely to go to the committee bee fora the commission meets his Firenze Restaurant imlstic spcccbce his frustra not achieving results more monument budgetary may not 00 matchcd by an or crushed by the weight of pause snlltudn and suffering There has been considerable surplus in Vietnam and tloll World loadersespecially those the Mlddlo East Hill Vatican rolt and inflation will be the No SI Illano 1280850 Open Daily II umlt 1110 Sat Sun 12 an mm business The meeting wiIh business Is to get agreement if possible for voluntary restraint on rais ing prices unless corporate prof lls am seriously impaired llfr Bensons last budget was ted to Parliament Juno lie has not adhered strictly to any calendar In pro cr budgets It op ow that his next In March cqulvaicnt Increase in the accounts that surplus is still significant not your that apeclllntlon In the it to Iron Paul will in 1010 to mark the 25th anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion as another way to translate his concern for peace III has been Invited to the worlds fair at Janka and to Ili roshimn by Its mayor It will also be lending topic nomic surplus when Primo Minister Trudch mchs provincial prcmlcrs born Feb 10 to 18 And nomnllmebolwocn those John Youngs on commission twa meetings lg prices and Incom hopes to have conference Cnnndlan Industrial loaders to Igloo on pnlicy of price roar trolnts Depending on the outcome of those meetings Illr Iicnson to limit his 1870 taxing at The course program alront prcson paring his otll punra liker ti one may come HARD TO FORECAST The governments fiscal year ends March 31 and forecasts of yourend gowrnment accounts are difficult to make boloro the books are closed Mr Benson has said how over he expects his abrpius next March 31 to be some higher than ttl forecast nimos ago for that date Tho 8015000000 surplus in the governments count In rent of 11 $51503000 Academy Acquires Prize Paint Colt ALLIsz chase of paint stallion colt at Kitchener auto for $1010 has been announced by Sllvcrlvor riding academy Cnndono twoycnnold was bred by Wilmor Prcazcntor and was rutod second in color and In the Eastern Steffi Pub for his spending Iy has been laid down tight restraint on any In creases beyond ices and fighting regional eco omic disparity While those Intergovernmen industrygovernment the Com IIIoo will be menace mouww IIIIIIBI MIIIIHIIII BIBIGIIIIIII cactus any MIDIII IIIIIMI reclotlcotom SAT MATINEE 115 Chlldren 500 Adult 25 TIMES 9110 dult Entertainment IntltlD essential surv 531500000 tni and seven months talks are being lch moan fillnnco Cumm delving late Mr Bcnaonr prolt pnsnis for Income tax reform conformation Canada show last year Paul Berghnmmcr manager said the colt will be used as head sire at tho Slivcriver acn demy budgetary ly the equivalent surplus In tho federal governments Impact on the national economic accounts It amounts to more mon NOTICE TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS TO CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT directly call 7266539 830 am to 5t30 Mon to FIL and up to 200 pm Sol BARRIE EXAMINER Dennolly Circulation meeger USE DAMP CLOTH Velveteen and corduroy need lIght pressing with on the wron brushing wit ruiso tho plln ROCKET ATTACK The first recorded uao of rock ets as weapon was when the Chinese ropcllcd attacking Mon got In 152 damp cloth oy followed by soft brush to IILM CAN lulu not out IIIIS IS THE BEST ACIIONIIGIION SFORI CARRIER MISS YOU If your barrio Examiner carrier be not arrived by pm please phone 7282433 and ecopy of The Examiner will be delivered to your borne by mm VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS 8f TRUCKS Thom II no charge for this service In Camilla Span Gina Htckm AW Anuu unutamuml WINNIPEGS CENTENNIAL FLIIIVII name in front of th Vleglsln MATINEE TODAY mo van EVENINGS FROM pan CONTINUOUS BAT FROM st Boldface The ame will Philip Peturuaan minister In charge at 1070 Centennial celebrations In Manitoba Wednesday lit the Centennial throughout tcnniel your GP Wirnpttoto tlvo bullding In Winn pol with the help of Georges Forrest loft official Voyageur from Ii30 pm