Jesus Overcomes Temptation ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ByAliredIBuescher Following the special besto oi God bike 112 In wal of the Spirit upon Jesus the wildernzs Satan tempted after His baptism and the Jesus with food urging Him works from heaven John to new He was indeed the Son liaisu into bread so that be God Answered Mankinds Letter By 1122me TON blaszlspgti his whole llklfeaaln he pt never via an st Gllel Ansucan Climb Xiaownfg pt 01ml W11 wanted football suit child ing letters to Santa Claus ask In for some gift which was In dngW in very pinnacle of our desires Wm VIC have just been NW ddcra glove and baseball Most of us in our chi account written few years age or the hundreds ol letters to Santa made each year by Banner HAND SATURDAY new III EliT Hilarity Eirrrinrg EWBSNBWJW mght rat and Satist His inlt tense hunger bike 14 Satan next lppraled to Jesus His diniviLy by turning pride uttering Him the glory and splendor at all the worlds kingdoms if He who accept his Illth and worship him Luke The third icmplniien was to test Gods faithfulness by Casting Hm cl from temple tower and YIving unhun through divine intertcnlion LUKE Golden Text Luke wontln ma No thousand year ago the little chutains in hospital in world was in mes Most Brno sine was started for vol the un donors to ill the requests uni fallod CHILDRENS PARTY could save mankind trorn The account tells of the little this mlre that he seemed to be four year old boy who want sin into People began to ME Nutmeg Ind bum ed pair of brown shoes Ha look orward to someone seat dinemrs 0550 Says Christmas Now Counterfeit of ldreri without families ononn Iv CORNELL Ra Catholic clergyman people knew the kind of life should be living but contin liirs iii hllnard Dr Hone wood Mrs Neufeld and Mrs awlerd met at the com munity cenim Monday at pm The childrens community Christmas party will he held Friday Dec 17 at pm The 5050 draw will be held at this Come and bring your Rev Francis ziclinskl who says the holiday has be come grotesque counterfeit gnf3dgalm of its intended moaning gm Wily alumni reasons sad much the with him of them something commented lnmes dh Dunn Sharon Mass awitc the date The suggestion was put 7th In an art cle in the US Catho lie Chicago monthly Rev Peter Riga says the Christ rnsIs season has been porv ems so Freon that It Has beams is tbroat to mental and emotional wellbeing The modern commercial pas gans have destroyed not only the religious basis 01 this cost but also the human warmth and rncrrincss that grew up around it he writes As Christians we should have the courage to leave this lifeless carcass to tho vultures of conunuciallsm and to choose another date on which to ecle brate the true meaning of Christmas OPPOBE DATE BIIII sampling Oi readers showed that most at them agree the hol iday has been seriously blighted by materialism but 75 per cent at them definitely dont want it shifted to another date There are too many good things that happen said ScheloIs Waite Park Minn MIDHUBST By MRS MONTE Congratulations go to Russ Uncles who entered his six beautliul chestnut horses draw lng the Santa Claus float in Col lin ood Saturday morning on in the alicrnoon in Barries Parade it was beautiful sight to see COMMUNITY SUPPER There was community pot luck supper In Mldhurst Hall Saturday Dec under the leadership of United Church Wo men Mrs Elmer Pratt of Stroud led in the community singing Mrs Dolng of Barrio apokoron the missionary doctors work In hospital in Nepal and show od slides Mrs ngbtboarn Bar ric talked of Pakistani emA brotdory and sold over 510000 of their embroidcrl proceeds going to Pakistan women Saturday Dec ll visitors at Mrs Monteiths were her nephew and lamily Mr and Mrs Bill Brown ot ana pardon COME TO SING There will be community Christmas carol singing In Mid hurst llall Sunday evening Doc 10 under the leadership at Venncr Lambert Everyone wel come Congratulations to rles Bowdery who will be 84 years old on Dec 26 SAVE STAMPS Midhurst United Church WOlt men held their December meot innit at ImIlOBIIOIIIIB ot MissDorls been or cat was gift for rEiIurziiiIP hospital Alter short business meeting olflccrs were elected tor 1le as follows Praia Mrs Wright Vice Fresh lills ll Coulis Secretary Mrs llussell Treasurer Miss Doris Meson other oitlcera were acclaimed Next meeting will be at Mrs Russells on Jan 10 at 015 pm Memberil VCIo asked to love and collect postage stamps birth isnt known Father Riga suggested that Christmas transferred to the date observed by Eastern orthodoxy Jan Epiphany marking the manifcs tatlon of the Christ child to the Magi it is time to come out or the land of Babylon which the hucksters at were and materl nlism have taken over and leave Dec 25 to the pagan says message of Christmas which is the lit of Gods love for men and L5 visible revelation in his tory through Jesus Christ has long since died an ignomlalous death Christs spirit of seless and unsttnting love or our brothers especially the poor will be held Doc to at pm to which white gifts will in brought daughter andrson in law Mr and liirs Ken Wright at Stroud Mrs John Shannen spent few days with friends in Toronto high score at card partios was won by Finlay Glibrnith and the highest score for week so far was won last week by Winston Downoy with 92 points NEW OFFICERS Church Women hold their meet moIIt where they gathered for can strive to change what Is wrong but if we dont suc coed we can still enjoy what is enduring and good in it Father Riga noted that the Dec 25 ditto for Chrlstmas was not In 17 Early Christians but was adeped in the fourth ccnlt tury by Ioinlng the observance to the pagan Roman celebration oi Sol Invicius the sun god DATE NOT KNOWN since the Exact date of lssus he He says the proper religious Christmas should celebrate ANTEN MILLS By into soon special Christmas service Mrs Sid Cox is visiting her The prize for the November Ino Anton Mills United in Dec in the church base delicious pot luck luncheon which was followed by bus iness and election at officers Reports showed favorable year Each member contributed something toward the inspiring program The group was happy to receive two new members to the organization in the persons of Mrs John Shannon and Mrs Kri Phillips Rev Mr Firminpresiucd for the election at officers They are Pros liirs lrciie ltuight Vice Pros Mm Mary Cur son Trcas Mrs Joan Carson Sec Mrs lleloa Priest and Mrs Doris Knunp Trent and Visiting Mrs llazel Bowman and Mrs Dorothy Wilson Mrs Stella Muir and Mrs Edna Patterson Mary ClIlHoil and Joan Carson r0110 Shepstone llarol powmen and Dorothy Wilson vote of thanks was extended to Luella Scott tor her services as president during her term We would like to welcome Mr and Mltl Kevin Stone and which are used in aid oi leper colony family who have moved to their new home here ST ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Corner 01 Owen Ind Wonk SK Minister Rev Ken Errol Director OI Pnlsr Cue VIII Ermc l130 Lin Fansm Worship 1100 Ln The Sacrament of Holy Communion CELEBRATION OF SAVIOUR Seller Church School 530 lam Pml Church School 1055 nrn Speclll Christinas Services 700 pm Family Enrol Service 1115 1111 Christan Eve Communion Como Worship with Us 51 JOHN VIANNEY ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH LOILIER INNISFIL BALDWIN Lt mankind peau and happiness is largely negleclcd by men and women Could we make con scious cllort this Christmas to or the Christ child valuable gilt oi all iii no Ens2 WESTMINSTER Presbyterian Church 110 Steele near Punt Minister Ilcv Hill the stage set for the rst Christin gift in the make me ry of mankind loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son ray ol hope source Thus was so the most Confessions Sat 415 to 515 pm 715 to ms pm tobo FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLAPPERTON at WORSLEY 10 lo 10 Bible School 11 us CHRISTMAS snrmcn swan music by Junlar and dealer Chain CHRISTMAS CDSTLY COMMITMENT ltlr Bernie Smith pm Bible School Family Dinner followed by CAROL PARTY at 520 1000 gm Church School and Mankind letter to Santa was wasrs urn sum answered WANTED ro WALK The little boy in hospital want air of shoes because so much to walk The nurses thought that owning his own pair of shoes might give the lucrative to keep up the battle towards total recovery So many adults fail to recognize the need or the gift There is an oftrepeatcd story about the heckler at Hyde Park Corner in inndon England The and grubby hecklcr the and charged that Christianity ad been in the world or two thou sand years with little appar rent elfml The clever preachers re ply was that soap and water had been in the world tor than two thousand years even less apparent effect Is it that the one Christmas gilt which could bring to sick GOOD ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS CARDS Board or Individual 0100 on 0105 Holy Manes Sunday 830 am 10 am roln God someone superhum with the strength and pow that no mortal seemed to pes sess Like the little children in hos pital men and women began to 3511 at roller skates look for sign ray of hope wanted to have symbol of recovuy Man 700 pm Family emI Sing want You Are Wrimm PDDI TZSWT ET MARYS mucus Roman Catholic nuxnoxam AMEIJA 7302185 SUNDAY MASSES 300 lrn 930 am 1100 am 500 pm Saturday Mass 700 pm WEDNESDAY EVENLNGB 730 MASS FOLLOWED BY NOVENA DEVDTIONS IN HONOR OF OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 730 mm 730 pm NORTHSIDE BIBLE CHAPEL Can Peal Sis 0110 STATION By llmS II CRAWFORD ESSA ROAD Presbyterian Church Opposite Barton Avenue Minister Rev Pattisort ES Organist Mrs iii Morten ARC 00 pm IlOLY COMMUNION AND WHITE GIFT SUNDAY Christian Faith 700 pm Sunday School Christmas Concert Sundly School ve dirt ch ens The chairman Norman FAITH MISSIONARY CHURCH 223 rnwinrd Strrrl 930 Im Sunday 1100 arn Morning Service 700 pm Evening Sarvlco Pastor Alan Hopper 123460 ALL WELCOME trcasuru Emma secretary Everyone ercoma FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Bl Vinctnl Pastor Rev II Esbull All Codrlnon St Phone 1305035 wonsuir sermons 1000 111 lilornbag Service pm Afternoon Service 11x0 mm Sunday Morning BACK TO GOD IIOUR Tomato CKEY 90 Everyone Welcome more School 2h par chil ren speedy recovery is wished out It Mich aid In our sick especially those in hoc 3fo Eng that catInf pilal lilrs Clara nsley Is Ew ram phonay commercialized iicni in RVH an larnos Rog Christmas back to the pagans er underwent surgery Monday and unhealih but the idea of mm another daioyfor it will have about the some street as all 945 intermediate Senior and Adult 11sz 11 years and up in Barrie hospital Manda Dec 20 is the Christ when there will be extra prizes and special lunch Scrooge though rebany for Evan PAR Coogratula tlo to Lloyd Schram who won the Christmas coke and container at the gen eral store draw and also Won the one drawn at the Pines RIDING AWARDS The um ClipClap Club shows hold their banquet at Guthrie recently when their annual as wards worn given out Congratulations to all these re calving awards and those who did not better luck next year Congratulations especially go to David Graham son of Mr and Mrs Gordbn Graham who was champion in the Mtl tor challenge tropb points awarded big point rid er in cqultation and game class es held at any at the Clip Clap Club Shows during that current year He was also champion in the high point luriler rider with at oinls awarded by Powys Hal to the junior rider winnln the most points in the curren These riders an trained by Miss Barbara Lloyd at quya CROSSROADS Oprn 510 Sat 910 asscasaa miles north Mldhnnl Hwy resson mas cuc PLEASE All church copy chan ges must be at The uminer office by Thurs day or pm CHRISTIAN gglENCIL the TRUTH that HEALS 00 Primary Ind lnnler tun to II years Nursery Facilities provided Visitors Welcome CHURCH Or THE NAZARENE st Vincent at Grove st SUNDAY SERVICES use can Remembrance Service TONIGHT 7110 TEEN HAPPENING WITH 5AM DALTON AND BERNIE SMITH Al NORTH COLLEGIATE EIEIY 153 enum Church 5mm Sunday School ll AM Testimony Mchan 2nd ed earl month EM 1100 mas Family Illblo our Sunday School 700 pm Evening Srnlco Strutl FINAL SERVICES WITH SAM DALTON AND DE VERN MULLEN Christian Science India Series C1100 1350 son Saturday 410 p1n Sunday cron mo cycle 34 pm Tuesday with 34 SUNDAY ms am Sunday School moo on Christmas Worship soo pm Sacred Concert Mr Mullen Baritone Soloist 700 pm Victory Rally with Do Vern and Sam Wednesday 300 pm Prayer and Bible Study ST CHURC 128 St Vincent Sh Barrio FREE METHODIST CHURCH rOO nanan 51 Rev CV Dull IIA 80 Pastor DECEMBER l9 CHRISTMAS FIRESle SERVICE 100 pm Carol Singing Play with Christmas message presented by the Young People Fm 830 AM iMPACT CKBB dial 950 MAN El BAPTI Minister Kenneth Walker ALL ARE WELCOME 945 AM FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL 1100 AM FAMILY WORSHIP HOUR Special Speaker Rev Holiday Special Music Choir mo PM THE SENIOR moms ANNUAL CHRISTMAS CANTATA The Story at Christmas with Interwoven massage TO MANY KIND FRIENDS 81 ACOUAINTANCES OF BARRIES IIIWAY Sn for all ages 00 pm Moritan Service Message Ilca lierc our wilhts as congrega tten for la happy Christ Iillcd Christmas The Anglican Church of Canada ST GILES CHURCH TRINITY CHURCH 2A Collier Street Next To Post Office Holy communion uiv Communion non Nslnov sun 11 school Nvmrv Naiv communion Va Broadcast mo pm carol sumo M11 MelII CHURCH msm ALL WELCOME do welcome 7401 Jo Wallau 2342 ST GEORGES Anglican Church Burton Granville Streets Rector Rev David ll Kaye 000 am Holy Communion 1100 am Nlno Lessons pm Pageant The Fltst Christmas While Gl Sunday Morning or Evening Food for Ittedy Inmillrll Money for New sheltered Workshop 95 Cools SIMS Rev llasll Tenks EV MRS TUN 950 am Sunday 1100 am Faml 700 pm IllWAY CH ma pm Holy Communion School The Story of Christmas and Friends Follwahlp Service CRISIS OF CHRISTMAS rent Congregational Carol Sinai HRISTMAS TREE Christmas Eve Service 81 400 Hwy moo n1n Holy Communion moo rm Church School and Nursery HlWAY SINGERS 01R THE RED Friday nno St Everyone la welcome on If WIIOMI An Welcomn ED CHURCH OF CA COLLIER sr UNITED CHuRCH Corner Collier and loynia Minister REV IIIOCTOR ILA Associate Minister REV IINLAY DD Deaconess Miss Sharon 1va Organist and Choumaster nlr Lloyd Tulfurd 1030 1100 Open House for First Century Home Worship 1100 11111 Dedication of Hymn Books and Piano White Gilt Ceremony Sermon LETS 60 AND SEE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE 100 pm Prelude to Christmas Instruments Organ 730 pm CAROL SERVICE Warm Welcome To All Tunka Pastor HE UNT NADA UNITED 111111110 54 Ross Street Minister Rev Donald Jay BA ILD Associate Minister Rev Everlit Ashton organist choir Director BURTON AVE UNITED CIIUIICII Minister Rev Parties BA oreanllt Gnrraway ll nm TIIE FESTIVAL OF CHRISTMAS Como let us adore llinn Christmas Eve Services Friday Dec 24 100 pm Family service 30 pm lloly Communion We Invite you to celebrate Christs birth 1th Marsala ALL ARE WELCOME CENTER yam beuzd Grove st nus Mrs Mr David Wltilck ARCT CHRISTMAS SUNDAY 11 oclock Meditation ITHE SMALL DECEMBER CHILD Special Music AN EVENING OF CAROLS AND CHRISTMAS MUSIC Eaatvlow Secondary School Choir and Iral United Church Senior Choir Directed by David Wittick CHRISTMAS EVE COMMUNION BY CANDLELIGHT You Ara Welcome To All Services Morning Services Regular Morning Worship 00 can 730 pm Sunday School Grade and under it mm Over Grade 930 ass Minister or Art storey BA no The Friendly Fellowship toaturlng 930 pm