Barrie Examiner, 18 Dec 1971, p. 5

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NEWS ROUNDUP Indian Band Io Appeal Ont Court Decision lelt an aisle died 0d wort1 9501 ll mu Iliad lur prams kmu the entire estate In bu wife Mary Dorolhea and his our childrcn Meier componan or the rs tale are Slacks and bonds worth his Toronto horns mulled in by scelvay olflc the lrslll be The Seaway olllcially Dec 12 but was krp open In clear the Isle rush oi unlilc BRAIFORD band well the SL2 Nations Indian reserve near here has decided to appeal Supreme Court cl Ontario ruLni Involv ing reserve woman district supervisor for the lcdcral de artmcnl Indian allin said closed uszsml worth mow country born In the luskokn district Worth another near Guelph ooo anomal in Coil ingwmd Township loans Donald Cassio said In an in tervizw that the decision to ap peul the ruling involving Yvonne Bedard was made at mccting at council Thursday $5000 7125 Hearings Slated OTTAWA CPI The Cans dian transport cenumsslen has taken action which clleclivcly prevents Bell Canada Imm In mduclng an interim Incrcmc In telephone BIC5 by Jan commilon it Ill hlar argument Jan IO on Bell Canada mollon concerning the proposal inkrim increase which would yield SILG milllon in Icunut In 1m Bell Canada Illcd motion lor an early hearing on iLs rcqucsl lor lhe inlrrim Increase hcuring in Ottawa will only con sider the Bell motlon nnd will not be lull Inquiry into the rutcincrcusc The inqulry may come lalor Councillor Richard Isaac denied Friday om such decision had been reached But Victor Porter an Indian who al Icndml the wading ayecd with Mr Cassie hIr Justice John Oslcr ruled this week that section 01 the Ind In Act disqualllyinz woman Irom indlan band mem bcrslup If she married white conict wiLb the Ca nudiun Blll oI Rights man Is announced Hlda Grand Jury TORONTO CPI grand Jury recommended lriduy that Rochdale Collage be closed he cause It Is la distribution Lculre or drugs The college residence or sludcnls and other young pce plc lrcqucnlly has been Iha scene pl drug raids by police Eycahold Toronto woman was Iound stabbed to death in room at Rochdalc earlier this month Pollcc believe that death was drugrelated The Erund iury made its rc pcrt ultcr inspecting Rochdulc ll Is very clear Rochdalc Collugo on Blocr SI is dislribullon centre for drugs and Is apparently inhabited and run by persons ol criminal nature the report suid Last Vessel niccdny asking REPORTED ILL Maurice Chevalier Elfcar old singer remains In critical condition Friday ullcr being admitted Io hospital with serious kidney allure He is hung treated at Neck Hospital in Fans will on nrlilicial kidney machine ICP The Jan Sunday request THE THREE GBIICES mythological slslcr goddesses of charm nnd beauty and are the local point ol walcr Sculpture lounluim llghu ICF Photol inlcrim sculpture outside now On arlo Govommcnl nIIlco com plex In Toronto hlduy statues culled Tho Thrco Graces Toronto sculptor Gladstone central lcalu lrom bchlnd name as ho super vises the installation at $65000 three Igure bronze Committee Is Studying Changes In Legislature NDPThlultlcl Magazine Sold TORONTO CPI PublIShrr Michael Sillon said Friday ihrlt ho has sold his voyeurold To ronlo Lilo magazine In Grccdy dcpIct Grcclr Large Estate TORONTO CPI Slal ord Smythc Iormor president Lon Gardens who do Pcnclor Publications To Purchase price on the deal cllcclilo Jan 10 is re Maple Why not preserve what rononm CPI Prcmlcr Mr Davis was replying Io on Stokes posed In be under maa Gnnly Pemzrr publishes ArcLlccrm Canada an Deaelopmcnr Haganre 31 ne wce News Ind Quill and Qinrc Toronto Life is rncnlhll my laser $3000 Extortion car outside lhe bank 10 and odollnr bllls about 35 years old nzlppcd men In mix rommumly Bay said his constituents were concernrd by lilo commlllccs proposal to abolish the drone mcnls of mines and Northern alluirs and lands and lnrcsls felt were particu larly attuned to the InIcrcsIs pl Ihn Noth The premier SLIM no final dc clsinn has been reached on Ihu number at ministries nr their specic rcsponsillllltlcs lle too was concerned that tho govcrlv Idcntillcution complaian commlltcon proposals appeared to Ignore the role of Ihc IogisIa turn In Iormulntlng public pol wlllllamI Davis rmneg pcslllnn gage reergnnzng On torio government at the cabinet yo cronhng by and dapnrlmcntnl luvcl told the legislature Friday he also plans to make proposals aIIchIng the IegIslaIlvo assembly He spoke during debate on one oI scrlcs ol measures Im plcmantlng proposals committee on government pro ductivlty rcallgnlng cablnel re sponslbllltlcs The bill ST CATHARINES The lost oceangoing vessel or the scuson cleared the Welland Cunlll Into Luke Ontarlo lndlly and was cxncclcd to be through romainan St Lawrence scuwey lorks by late loduy Thu Millloot Akru mun will Ihe lost OI about too lcrcign vessels In dancer thrco weeks trapped by Ice In the scnwuy system Unreasonn good Estate Planning Business Ind Penonll Llle In lllrnnco Euully and Tax Ex erupt Pcnslnu Plnns Nuncorn ccllablo dIsaquly Income PROMISES 0105an no soil tho commlllcc com posed ol prominent buslncssmcn and aim scrvnnls was not the nppmprinlo body Io consldcr he opurutlons of tho legisluturo but that the government will make some proposals not too late In the New Your Nolhlug In the commiltcoa re niIchcd lrcIshlcl REG LA CLU North Amcrlcan Lila Assurance Company 89 Dunlap En Barrie ago of being whlch rcccivcl sec and and third rcndlnz provided or the crealllln oI tillco ml Is Icrs Irco oi departmental who would be concerned policy development Speaker Reiects Shulman Motion Nixon raid that although he was In sympathy with Dr Shulmans house precedent that such motions hull lo hc put dulIng private nlpmbcrs hour lquIn Phone 12I5MO with the North bly warm wcalhor mid In aroundlllccluck clloll ties organlzallon proposal ith the governments occounlnblllty lolho lcglslnlurc Owlhlo Atllractvlon Tomorrow IMPERIAL Km shill romnelincnmrswmn STANLEY KHAMEHS funny and frightening film campy comedy Devastating anmln GalaIlla Anaemia Pun TORONTO CPI enkcr Allun Ilculcr relcclcd Fr day Dr Marlon Shulmnn INDYToronto Illgh Polk to have special lcglsluture com mIIIm invcsllgute hls clulms oI election llroguluritlcs In three provlnclnl rldlngs The ruling sparked wrangle rocodurnl culled conluslon but with the speakers decision being upheld without vote When Mr Ilcutor said he had no authority to rotor matters to committee Dr Shulman asked Ior ununlmous ransom of th house or motion that Would aceompllsh thls step llouso Lcllllcr Eric VInklcr rcluscd on bchull oi the govern mcnl members Oppnsltlon Loader Robert NDPs Attack Govt Program CF Ihc Ona Stomllllon request bId by REVQLUTJQN STAN LEY KRAMER mm 10 Rillinglon Place um Davis Announces ERCHSEGA Select Committees TORONTO ICII Prumlor wlllinm Davis announced tho appointment of lhrco select loll commlltces one to report on Conomll and nutlonnlisnl possibllitics oI lncrcllscd school bulldlngs and one on company which TONIGHT Recommended as ADULT mmIAINMENI COLUMBIA PICIURES Fmseu BENNETlMIRELLVAN FEEBLES Produclxcn Islaturo lllllny Lady In The Car eullulul one on TORONTO governments home Improvemonl program come under attack In Iho legla gt luluro Illduy with New Demo crallc Party members charging It doesnt cxlsl NDP Lcudcr Slophcn Lewis nuld Iho program announced by Prcmlcr Vllllllm Duvls In the recent provincial election cum pulgu Is mthicuI iln uulli munIoIpolItlcs have not been glvon details or told ul the pro rum and that there Is no prov elon or an Indlvllluul In apply Ior lundp lor the trudl Ilonul klnds at home repulrs You creulo slomllllon pro rum and then docldo It Is not volkublo Mr LNVIS told Mll nlclpul AIIoIrs Mln Inter Dalton Bales MllllON DOllAR CHOICE FOR You mu Guylm vlm MAXIMINI SKIING 54 SM 50 YD loolonu nmulu lonloue mm blood mm In low on up our only was we do BACK GUARANTEE Ml Imadloom unconditionally gum lo lalund doubl ml you can null lho um cmpol lor lloudlooml lumovi 2t wedloem unrcndlllouolly uuolom who emum with hand vndueurunlquc hut muunlyou not we were we lot our pm at 1176 Ilomolluw or Shvlroa rm ml malewhhno obliualion EMBASSY HALL 308 LAKE 51 Ann NEW YEARS EVE DANCE Icllturlnu Prlu Smlls and MI Orchestra of GI CALL COLLECT mes7471 wmuousr to SERVE vou SHOP AI NOMHIIVKI IslIMAluwml No 0IOA on lunoll IIIMS No LAIIVINO cunolsmunuu vo am or IOWN Cut coIIICI WITHIN 100 MILES FORFREE ESTIMATES 220 BAYVIEW DRIVE Ilullot Relrcnhnlenta unlluun lluu ale lam rulersv In mm lo mm All NOW 7251111 200 per couple collch Tlckrla III Jucknunn GrIII Dunlap and Embnnsy llnll ROAST IDNDON 01 bank manager gave 5000 Fr duy lo nun who handed him note saying Ihe magrrs wile and chlldrfn are bear held to Jack Perry manager of the Royal Bank of Canada branch said he was ccnunrod he man lclhng the truth and handed over the money In me Police um seeking mm dcscrlbld as uva winches lall wrighln about my poems An assistant accountant lo rated Ir Perrys three chu dnn walking home from school and lrs Perry was at her job In another branch ol the Royal Bank They had not bccn TEE BARBIE KAREYER SATURDAY DZCDEIEE 21313 mils must cl Onllil No date Lu been set police pokrnu said the body at Carl Richard Black 25 was dLtovzmd about been alter be was taken lzli custody on Input charge The spokem said fashioned Irom bedding had been usod In the hanging FARM PRICES TORONTO CP 13015110 to retail carton eggs sung Icighlrd priccs quoted by the departmcnr cl agncullmo at Friday large 82 mCdIILBI did small 331 Eggs Wholesale prlccs to country stations lore cases quoled by commzlice at wholesale cg dealers Extra large ls largo LI medium 36 small 2325 325 lSIS um LOBSTERS Available New at BARIJE snarooos nrsrauuurr Air Conditioned Found Hanging emu MV In BRECIIIN om ICPI An mduummo Inquest has been ordoml inln CLOSED MON tho dculh Brcchln man mum 5g Iound hanging many in his all at the provincial police drum Ill In the lradllion el Haminowsv and Bogart ACADEMYAWARD WINNER Geonge Scott MEIRGOIDMILMAVKR mu eaolvms mourning mu nunmum museumIn p342 the nest cuisine Emits View I85 Dunlop 7285l5l PRECHRISTMAS DINNER FAMILY DINING OUT NIGHTS Monday to Friday ROAST SIRLOIN IOF BEEF BOTH DINNERS COMPLETE $255 Children under l2 $130 Complete meal Includes Dessert and Bovcrogo WISHING YOU ALL VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS SORRY WERE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY 726056 lemme mm MGROCIIIOR mu Two Dnyl Only Show Slum pm Last complete show 8130 GUYWILLIAMSimlh maul SATI 130 PM SUN RM ALL SEATS 50 STARTS SUNDAY DAYS ONLY nlmnllrsmr llwoumsun TOM TURKEY op asmmwweml

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