ISA115 mil1533 DEC If your christmas Warm wishes to top fulvouriie ladys list With removeable ber foot and non resistantnylon leg step strap and ice and snow Siz Best buys fro pullover collection your choice each Just few from our wide and wonderful assortment of smart swaatersali in easy care acrylic or polyester and sizes SML Short sleeved pullover with zipper front mock neck eyelet trim on collar and sleeves in variety of wide horizontal stripes Random rib body long rib sleeves mock neck zipper front and lacairim patch pocket in number of colours Acrylic short sleeved with mock neck and fancy stitch top and sleeves Stripes at middle and on sleeves Lots of colours DShori sleeves with button plaquet front crew neclg in all over rib Assorted olours Fashionul pu long sleeves 100 acrylic in all over rib with scoop neck in popular colours Wcmens blue nylon Snowmobile boots pair alt liner Moulded rub slip sole with water Adjustable leather in drawstring top to keep out as to 10 in re EXPLAINSi Pres Secretary nun Zicglrr tdis White liausa ncus brief in President Nixon vetoed tho bill In establish massive federal childe program do cnbin it radiant rear attery legislation which would promote communrd rather than familytcntred Ip preaches tn cbitdrearinz AP Photo NY is nuts JENNETI warn orrtcans The December mectin of Prcsbyterinn W115 was had It the horrid ui Mrs Don Cochrane Mrs Gordon Cochrdno was in charge at the meeting and sev eral readings and yearly reports won given 11 ofllccrs for tho coming year are Pres 3111 ii Gibson Vice lt Pres Mrs Clev Patton Sccy Mrs Gordon Cochrane Trans Mrs Ross Guyanese Expense mil Mrs Jack Cochran Home Helpers Sccy Mrs Lotno Carmums Friendship and Service Mn Earl Reid Press Reporter Mrs Hoggarth Pianist Mrs Arnold The Prsiiyuinl an nual meeting will be held in Es sa Rand Church Jim 11 WJ REETING The December meeting at lvy Womens lnstllutc was held at the home of Mrs Herman Jen oett and took the form of var icty night each member contrib uting demonstration on no ranging table bouquets puny readings on Christmas and drum mnioretto display Sharon Pat tan with accordion led carol singing dainty lunch was uric ed by the hostess and cohortcss new Downer Colangwoao Visited his sister Ester Downer at M1 and Mrs LI Jdtinkfl an ad rm Kcnnlthnith and Helen spent Dec wilh Mr nd Mrs Norman Tindnipwuib Banting in patient in Royal Victoria Hospital DR WILSON RETIRES Cungraiulnlions to Dr Wilson who has been niamed or the ilrst time an honorary mero her at the Fur Employee As socintiun on his retirement otter 19 years at service to the PUG lie was presented with silver tray and four silver goblet by the Commission and with an an grayed mug by the employees Mrs Wilson was presented vim bouquet at roses Soverni of ourynum map rierl couples have loincdlha fqunre dancing group at Thorn no Mr and Mn George Davis amended tho vast ninnlcns ban quet held in Barrie PARIS EXECUTIVE The Parish executive meeting held at Liiu rectory Thursday Dec was well attended and many plans made for the win ter months All church banks will he closed Dec 31 and members are asked to not this The man ny in envelopes provided at ristmns and silver collection always goes to the rector as gift Rev Osmond plans to send his to Primutcs World Relief this your Mrs Osmond served lunch Mrs Prqu and ion Butcholdcr spent Dec in Turlt unto PROGRAM STARTED PICION Ont CF Amos education program has been launched by the Ontario division of the Canadian Cancer Society Patterned alter the highly sue cessiul Vumnn to Woman edu cational campaign two years age the new project called Forum to Pcrsun will tackle the problem at trying in reach everyone in the community men as well as women in an el iort to teach them about cancer its prcvcntinn detection and treatment Canadian made All prices in aficct unill closir time this Saturday vservo lilo right to limit quc ller People new road no ads rordo they AA 1= ratv