Barrie Examiner, 9 Dec 1971, p. 30

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Www WINTER SCENE NEAR MIDHUBST Winter Home on Willow Creel near hildhurst Exam lner photographer Peter Northcott captured this sccno on Hard TIPl lllm It 145011 uccond and III Downer Will Begin 10th Term As MPP Sopn IIUNTROON Slam thn 10 Ontario Legislature Is open on Monday Dec 11 for Its uesslon alnco Premier wll linvlo won recnoorsumont the polls on Oct 11 Rev Downer will be starting ml term as DullcrInSIm iilcnlbcr Viral clcuicd In October 1037 the Dunlroun Anglican church clergyman will be dean ol mom bcrs oi lln leglnluture In yearn at service in the House The late Mitchell Hepburn wan On tarlu premier heading Liberal government when Mr Downer won first elected In his itccond run EIGHT IIIEIITIEIIR During hln years In aliice Mr Downer hull nervcd under oinht premiers ilo hos sat on the gov ernment slda at the House ilnco George Drow led the Co ivo tlves to victory In Angu and aerved as lormcr peak er and liquor commissioner Another Liberal premier Conant followed Mr Hepburn In 11112 and then Harry Nixon lu ther at present Opponltlon lauds or Robert Nixon took over brlotc ly bcIoro George Dva led the Conservatives to their iota vic tory which marked the atan ul record upon ol Conservative ncdy Leslie III Frost and John iiobnrts along with tho Incum bent William Davis Born at Lcluivos Camera In Tiny township on May Itm Mr Downer lived at Egbert In Essa township when lad lie attended Cookntown Cunllnuailon school then Alliston lllgh School Kind Unlvcraliy oi Toronto llo afuuolod Irom Wycllllo Cullcgo FOURTH FOIL EVANS All threo rldlnga wlih iircuit In Slmcno County will be repre ncntcd on tho uuvcrnmcnl niiic In the new lchHIuiurc Inrmcr slmroo County warden Di Arth ur Evans Mli mumbcr or Contra Simcoc will be starting hin mirth team In wua Iirnt elected in byelectlon in Sopv lumber mm when he once ed the late George Johnston on riding representative The Bradford reitldenl WTto aturted when Lenllo liruut Willi premier won tho rldlnu uuln or John linliarts In the low pruvinelul election and re peated in 19m and In the recent voting As member ho Itll served on illiterent elect cammlttocn Ill latent nppolnlmcnt wait vice diulrmun ol the Ontario llydro Gordon 14 smith mm in Sim rule extending to tho prurient lilivis regime Premch alnce Mr Drew Included coo Hunt will heal liln nceond ed the lqu Lloyd Letherliy ol Goldwater as member tor the traditionally Conservative riding which hadnt elected Llhornl member alnco the 30s CROWN HILL Womens Inntuto will mcol at the Iinmu in Galen John son on Dec 14 731 pm Roll call Where would like to pond Chrliitmns Littles lIlIl Womena liuitltuto mumliera will lie gueu for the evening meetlnit Program wlll be In clinruo OI Mm ll Newson Mra lluycr and Mrs Tuck Ilnstoanua Mra Miles lllckllnu Mrn Iluycr Mrs Gouith Mrv Ollvo Flower broke her lelt wriat Iaut week when nho allpped and tell In her driveway Frank Illckllng had the min IUrIIinc to lull and break both WrIlLI wlun the ladder slipped whllc ho wiin hanging hln outxldo CIIIINIYIIIJII IIRIIIH llu also Mus tnlned broken nose and III patient at Barrio hoapltal at time at wrltlnu Mlav Lillian Clurk underwent an appendectomy In Royal Vio torin ilnipltul on Friday and In reported doing well Mm Gordon Dunamore In via Itlng In Montreal with her Hon term lie wua Ilrat elected In October 1067 when he succeed nnd duughterInlaw Mr and MrnDon Dunnm ml family lIGHTING UNLIMITED TOWNE COUNTRYE SQUARE sresars AVE AT YONGE sr WILLOWDALE illRGE SALE OF PRECHRISTMAS srocu EVERYTHING IS on same INJAN FROM inc spawn 10 T0 60 For The Bosf anuoo Join our all year round aavln club Its free for all your discounts All CRYSTAL CHANnELIER CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS CRYSTAL CHANDELIERS it me lion to Sales Sta and mat P5 2345 Now 995 P5 2050 Mow 1450 4500 Now 2850 2910 Now 1995 5250 Now 3995 TRADITIONAL BRASS TABLE LAMPS 5500 NOW 4300 TRADITIONAL TABLE LAMPS FINISHED lN BEAUTIFUL DIFFERENT COLORS VALUE TO 6500 NOW 4400 NOW 2995 SILK TRILITE SWAGS VARIOUS COLORS AND DESIGNSvSMJO 011 Purchase more than one of the above Items We will give an additional 10 discount Due to hauler ol departmrot justice Am and mi costs to the provincial govern ment Simone County general ad ministration levy has dropped over 8230330 during the past tour years It was shown by compam county gures 1m general levy nhidi Included jail court nssusment and other costs now met by the since with the changes in irisdictlrn amounted to 534 064 George hitKay who was Oro Reeve was then county wardm For 17 the general levy was calculated to false 8352354 ROAD LEVY The county share of the road levy or the curmnt year was $815155 while the 195 Ide levy mounted to 9751100 The pmvlnclal government meets equal sums plus extras towards bridge construction Comparisons are perhaps In teresting but they do not tell too much because at the changes in administration suggested spokesman County figures or 45 years ago lumpshotvcd general levy at approximately $50000 and road levy of about 5100000 There not only has been great deal ination but also cs since then It was pointed out At the beginning at this year the honorarium or county war den was raised lrom 35000 to $7500 car allowance at $30 per month also was authorized along with thn per dlcm pay all the councillors which was raised 35 to $35 THORNTON MRS HOLT III Ilennett lolt Nov so to spend week In Marathon dsILIng her daughter Danna Ioninlaw Douglas MacDonald and their woo daughter CHURCH EVENTS Just another reminder of the special nature which Trinity United Church Choir are prepar ing or Christmas Sunday Doc to This morning service In at 1015 am wllh an evening treat at 730 Visitors wlll bo wel come so be sure and bring the Iamlly Also on Dec 12 at pm the Sunday school will he featuring their annual Christmas program along with Family NIBhl ORO STATION By MIIE II CRAWFORD Mrs Goodllil was guest at birthday party given In lltl honor by Mrs Thomas Fletch cr IIIIlI Goodlm celebrated her 89th birthday Doc The neigh bors helped celebrate and dc llclous lunch was revved by tho Imvtess complete with birthday cake and Ice cream Ileluted wishes no la Mrs Good Mrs Paul Ilanacn and son Lawrence upont aeverul days In Oakvillo rLccntly visiting rala Ilvcs and Irlondu cw Genoa Is Down From11967 The members ska approved sso per year allowance to com postage costs and telephone calls ceiling of 813500 was plan ed on the total annual payments to the warden raised mm the wevious 3111200 coiling For convention expenses It was specied authorized county ddegatu would receive as per day allowance plus 835 per day expenses in addition to registra tion and 15 cents per mile mile age 54 MEMBERS Tho current county council has bI members If motion passed by council earlier this your gcts ovmclal government approval it Is the intention to reduce the number 01 members or the 1m term by changing qualication or deputy reeves There also has been discussion at than about cncwraging smal Icr municipalities to smalaamats which would cuect Iurtber re duction in the membership Five years ago committee headed by the then rmo Goldwater Earl Brandon sug gstod reducing county council membership in halt to around 15 members The report was Ilkd but didka receive countles doncmenr throuxh minority vote BEZKS IIANGE Under existing rrgulaums which the council wants disused oi the at moulds paliLlrs is entitled to nt least one member Flneuyr libero man tonsile common their obers list quality or 1701de deputy reevo as well as rem The county has mandam tcr bechanged to minimum 01 2500liiablo voters The existing rules also provide Inr maximumvoting Itxa vatu each or Neva and dowry tar places with 3000 eligible voters lnnlslil withmae than 10009 voters pays more to county col enthan all nine Villages which have 11 mcmbcfs wlllle lnnislll has two change lnthls rulo toward casing this representa lion inequality also has been cri dorscd and now needs Ontario departinct or municipal niloirs npprovnl Changcstoreducc membership Is one at tho initial moves made toward streamlining county ad ministration In line with modern accepts ll tum msnm mar one an NewLook For Movie Fans Seen For Months Ahead WEE16 In Western Canada theatre gum tivu whole new look or the movie In in the months ahead Paul Marlon top executive of Odomstarted Thanhu and John Frrgtm district man ager Icr hm Players agree Lbe day at the skinIliad dominating the movlo market is nearly over We have as always talult rated trend air Ferguson said in reiercnce to the sex Inns Now we are turning corner away mm than ivo films which have served their purposv predict producers will be concentrating on slotIn and good pick rather than shock value of bare skin Mr Morton Bald break through is denitely coming Wn are moving into an era ol good quality pictures which the public will enjoy pictures they can attend with their whole families or change The two Winnipeg men said recent Canadian films such as HIPOII and Face oil are exam pics at the excellent roduclions with vicwcr interest at can be turned out Writeme theolhunightanditralsedmy boon Mr Ferguson pinned Watdung Walter Mstthnu In that movie and allowing the plot made me realize that were no longer running an lixluscry or just one class oi people But you cant blame Holly wood or what theyve been nilhing out Theyve been ap pealin gwauzndandictsnot kid ourselves poo lo have been going to these exp cit films But now Im optim ind that movie will get less and In as the pendulum swings In the other direction Mr Marten said Just about every one at the major film companies has new good Iilms In the shootin stages or ready or release list Is so large that its almost fantastic and we are looking lorward to boom In the movie bushes good as Its product and now we are going to have that product AFFECES WORK More Industrial manhours are lost in lreland through aleo hoiism than through strikes the percentage oi pcrrnlslvo Alter all theatre Is only as jinlsdiction and other during Canada werks Yourcommunity canwo Program The Local Initialives Program IS part of move quickly The deadline Ior applicaons the Federal GovemmentsSpocial Employment is Jan 31 972 Plan It is designed to encourage groups Contact yourlooal Canada Manpower organizations and municipalities to start worlh Centre for further lnlormalion while proieolsllke building arink or providing services Iorthe elderlyorhandlcapped ca or Improving substandard housing uniHumm 0t Immanuel Projecls must give employment to people who mightotheiwise be unemployed and must be of nonprofit nature lfyouroommunlly hasnt applied for prolcct start some oollon now Applications are processed as they are receivcdso Its best Io mum and Immigration ouo ting lawn Otto Ilug utmo Rm Alsmml IIM

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