waningyuan lnnrn=ni nnrr sennau Moorh maa measure screens all are as inn With Dingoes adjust controls you prelectl utunsd every change gs substance nurwun Slate components also Remote Control is optionally availablealso at 62 Early AmericanTnth in today picturewith time Tile new Matrix Tubeunlike man ding each color dot rcsuliing in 4er bottor Andthe Magn oeller performance and greater reliability UHFVIII sayings Contemporarymodel itcnanoan stylingmodel 6286 Come every Power chassis nus and for mom brightn mammal SAVE on eochof these fine table models withnew and improved TOTAL AUTOMATIC COIOR system Your choice of three stylestodays most beautiful table modelsall with 20 diagonal votive in design as they are superior in engineering oz TAC you Can kick the annoying TV tuning habit ssharp and flesh toms natural Thurcs no more jumping up and down to and theres no more green and purple facesTAC remembers to give the right colors instantly and automatically on othershas black for it automatically icture contrast predominantly COMPLETE WITH MATCHING PEDESTAL BASE Total AutOmoiic Color Model 7120 vwill bring on years of superb viewing on oy ment with all the wonderful convenience of TAC debcrib od above 1ts ultrarectangular Matrix tube will bring you gt clearer shn er brightor pic tures and is Contemporary cabinet will harmonize any do cor VgIiva Magnificcnt Entertain man IMMEDIATE DELIVERY No DOWN PAYMENT 39 mbxznnnmhnmmhnnammaumannhnmlmumw No PAYMENTS TILL wELL INTO Early American model 3672 ltaIIan Classicmodel 3675 Mediterranean styling model 3673 Also in Modern and French Provincial Buy one of these ASTRO SONIC STEREO FMIAM RudioPhonos get your choice of either Soloct from authorith stylos Each brings you the full beauty of muSIc They have 20Watts EIA music money 10 Bass Wooiers and two 1000 Hz Exponential orns plus the Mlcromatic Player Even record storage Player model 8867 has function lever tgr rewind fast for lus cassette eject button Cartridge piny ont loading continuous gram changer track selector and track indicator you get custom installation kit with complete onsytofollow Instructions It takes but minutes to install in yourconsole Connecting cables included too 8TRACK CARTRIDGE OR CASSETTE 10 GRAMMY AWAHD WINNING SELECTIUNS Ilnlmlmpn Koch lulilng on Iny iiohd Shadow Of Your bmlio And Awuy lor load Timon VIIIItimlin llrlduo ovur ironlilod Wiiltl lama Gordon llomao And Inliut MacArthur Park Mrn ltolilnrwn ward pla andstop or mode 8889 has SPECIAL STEREO TAPE onm and power two hi hef Cassette la auto pro itlI either In TOI ARTISTS Percy FuILiI 1on llquIott ClIurllo Byrd Lynn Anderson Bobby Vinlon liliy Gmnlli Johnny Muthiu lotor Nero Ietvr Nero Jerry Vnio Andre Koriiolruielr Produced oxclunivoly for Mugnuvux by Columbia Special Irndtlcitt Nommmorclnlu Nul demonstration tapes Blunt urcut Ilulcnluii Nuihlnu also to lady so come In now and not yours at Ulll low low IIricol llrnck Cartridge Player INCLuoEs STEREO CONSOLE PLus YOUR CHOICE TAPE UNIT$1995 VALUE