an amen 324 ea semi baalt83 1v 2319 dirt re sure human Hears sun4 Ituzerlctmlmrhzv waniev5 mnmumiw mnWN T0 GOOD HEBLIB Sons Coughing 511 Winter Long namwtowm be bug set It be ad ange rutxx mplymgerm me ar 33 my rm him Inca mddbeueamcflisngh ism notan innate cerammmem mytaasedltgitocu0gt nag mega nut L153 I=1rr Emmi be allowed wxhzuzmgtm W21 CW 11m TD and nix2d gem constantly 15 um tiQLm have hard that It sied be trviied by unsur gee but am give me my tn lmllx 1C It mid ht Km at narco or arcanml Lmecr that Ire other es thyroid lo laxity ndrittO thorough on by your or Internist 113 neumloisst tt mvs rem Dear Dr Is cad Her 05 good for arthritis ll in an empty btumnch at may Would tt lupus lhe tim 33 to the joins was told wed nc the ction about cod liver nil km good tor arthritis and lkricatzng the joints is stub bum lonIitd notion but it doesnt work TELEVISION PROGRAMS 16 BLHALD am nunum TORONTO BEETALO 1030510 11 HAMILTON pmnoucn SERVING vuzmc INNDAY FRIDAY atunetn my LoxLzTFrhndlY 44me Nlllnllllu rtzmmm me iv gimme1 WI LXL tzcnu Hvlvm II DI may risen at In ttw 23 it Em Hutu TlYlar um tonMn that INuel ltmm 1mm Xlgfm um INw trliylittf lPmnm my mm land 11 am Aocmut 2canunllllldn VvAII Abdul Fm THURSDAY DECEMBER ll EVENING mu 1LL7lllUWlt AIrm uil em WW 2w Wur 4w WWW rt 13 haywire ray warnae aw W4 2r yaw urm mung ube nag IPlkal innatet awm VMtq 1vxra nwqmar Mmm Lmk yaw um human wt wmt 19 mo viim lmrztlm em in mm Ll vvw me um way My vLVtrr um um we we nur magnum iv Mumme 72 team 14 yum www 1v wana ta am it wa 7VNv Irvv Imus $90 Lng umer at mm vr um 711 6M 957 in 042 We $451212 to ad the cause and harm Anti urge tn anemia little comm =er By JAY BECK Numb PIA West vulnerzhk mom axe Jli 9x5 Luann AQ73 Am VA7E onus Aq 65542 es sonu AAJM vKQs 0J1 oxs Thebiddingr North South W8 Pa Pas Pas has an lowlandtent in say uum nut in against cur beam UTOPIA MES ALLEN MILLER HALL BOARD lnmlay night the annual Com munity Hall Baard meeting was held with belterlttanustml at tendnnce An interesting discus siun took place on projects or tuture activ es in tho hall Mary Mellnster gave re rt Dl m1 and the weekly cue re parties still the succtxslul financial re source at the your The board Ior 191 Is llury McMnstcrfsco mtary treasumr Neil Mor ris toss Higginson Gubcrt Mc llnstur with Donnld McMnster and Jim Koster replacing Tom Smith and Dorothy llllller Gr 11 twoyear termghlrs Dcnlse Kos ter reported on the sucmlul day camp project at the tim servntion area and expressed hope or better nancial assis lance in ardcr to carry mute project tor the children or the area tor the coming year Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller vis Iled fiend In Owen Sound Inst veekcndnnd Mr and Mrs Jim Simpson Port Dover spent the weekend with the luttnra sister Mrs Mccann Mrs Eugene Smith spent few days with her daughters in Toronto and Pctnrbornugh number of rclutivas and old Irionds Irom here were pleas ed to attend the diamond wed ding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Ed llownrd In the Grcntcl Cam 53 it It Thus in the present It stxould t3 obvious mut look ing at my and mlderin the bidding that than is chine of beating the contract unis deemer is saddled with tour card trump suit mm on this assumption you should share your detens aconrdlngly It you pla sale undmtumuspadelbeartnrn club declmr will force out our ace at trumps and easily econ the rest tan tricks But it you return diamond Scull cannot make the 0qu whatever he does Ile can rull In either timid and lead twa rounds of trumps both at which you thuId refuse to win but he would then ind him tell up tree You would be In control at trumps instead of him and whatever he played next you would eithnr than or eventually score twb trump tricks to put the contract down one To SKIP DAILY MEAL It LY HILLS Chill API Representative Fnul hlcCluskey announced candi date or United Stules president snys he and hls wile and their laur chlldren will sklp one meal week or the next six months and ddnnle the money saved to rcllol lund for Pnkistuni relu gccs In East PnkIstnn and India McCluskay California Republican made the pledge at new mnlerence Monday ABUNDANT WATER Fresh water covers 76 per cent of all the Cnnadlnn terri munity Centre Sunday alternoon OFFICE HOURS cacti olhers throat DAILY cnosswonn aroma Put in AL 1015 191 147 me 4L 2112 454 DOWN tl 959 $11m 64 Ma mittr was my Mr mm flutter In 21 harmaw 441k mum 13w CPA Iar In way dread retiring through week end together without jumping down tory nbovn sea level My wife and cant even DueHt live at 10 Down will ft Act war mm arizltwl Ykllnlnyl Am 511 at 21 Whm 1mg ltumh ll 10 MW 21 Ta ltu height1 art In gym liquid 12 win matured 14437 Iiuu Mt 22 Tim lilo Immth nlnnrl dig at Mlnmtculn 241 1w ll Inuit City It neck Ell DAILY CRllPTOQUOTEltureu how to work It In LONGFELLOW AXYDLDAAXR one letter Almply xtnndr for another In thll tutmplu In sed im the mm the etc apostropntr thu length llnd lnrmntlon llitt wlml Fifth tiny the Codu luttorl are dltlurent Cryptogrttm Quotation RXBCKVJ GBNW XU ClM RIGXKXFJ MzN Kcr warrqa Kvaann r2 PCSJ OXPQZNP UKBJCIIXFIVuUZNIIKJ Yesterdays Crypluqltntc WHAT unisinc IF WE COULD OPEN AND SHUT 0U EaAIS WE Oran AND suup oun EYESG LICIIIENDERG nu 2+ 1+ 14 44 nvttality hm bvxyxc WM aMavm 13 34 mm Lave 1mm gnu my 191 Windy Cit YBIDAY UYmIZn IV nhott or alvEolVBininii iiiu m1 vn It PD David nth mama mama 312 13owII we alHIIrtorlc sum xunm LIIDICK vut Dyk 70 Period 519 7Lmn Mm but JJonn Ollmrt sTmm ur fr lsru 31Chlncro 3335 tummym aynuty glnandl casinlln 7D 5W cup EdamR acwllched tcnteagrlmn Slti Vlwww 11 Drum at Jrannl 1Bradv Bunch Im meln Cmv cmnn ow an H33 wumr Alrpllm Eh Ant LIZGel 5mm iinnn Massers 531 WI rFrmity Allnlr Jumm 743m 11min or Cunsa mmmmm uwnus Movie lIFlerrn Barton mo Haw Tn SteI An hints Each tutuNews Alrplam tmn Weather spans 4smm seas nMm Lsaurn tar in Ta 7Parlridga Famlly mu Hustler ynirx Vln Dylu lIAdnnl 12 into an Ht 5me um 1Mmsm 7Rnom 6Muvla Mom Rgmw lIundzr Altck Dancing Lady 325m if gotten this Mvmai trim own in vm 4Plewi Matt FMava rraaw Thanrulh JvAll In 1m Famtiy the Black Orchid 9Dr5eusscartoen owmn TV sncwcasl llMavll 7Ltm American 5m Lawn IlPiarr Butter 1071 King Future Syndicate Inc El in 41 JULIET JONES at mum SW TIM um 111 WA SECRET AGENT DONALD DUCK As 9151 and may the htlt tints Village BLONDIE YMQWTDIEAR IMmlNGTDRUSI YOU RAVE LIKE IlIAT RIGIT DOWN AND OVER DRESS THINK OF THIS SHEATH ADVERTISED IN THE ABAPER HUBERT BUZZ SAWYER BARNEY GOGGLE LuIll 12 thIATSTHE Minna WITH tum H15 FATHER ASKED ira Lintr HEAR mm CONINGJ YEva TAR at um Just too my muA mm lAMI mu 513 rsghovwcnrssru BIOHVE Witkgu out IRLNL Lilltll1lt m9 mm mm murm IE mums or m0 wut rtltlltl NImtT mun uutnim umttm atm Mums AVENUE engra vm LOllht wmt CUTTER wt dumb nus mummm mutant ING WIICIW GLAMOR IND tututulta suns unvenwtucmm amatma Love To MELIMSV BUT nor my am 10 um Hill unnutu nnuv llltllgttlolti mg mm v3 1N it in vacuum OOME even an anuvutrr nun ME TONIGHT LOWEIEVH