1m mix vdm wrrledxnm Ii uiid he loved in and believed MEL Now cuts atch Holes hiHushorici ingot bul you iv wru wlin Mimi icr no in would ferrite Ind tell you ctr Laura in line one tnturn over my knee and her In rapportin hammer with hehhnuh in ted he hunter rim the tanninureter wed lied when new din omen undhhtedthe bnby ionnifwmcm in we slim brush dams cl drew it would his could never giro her up be no watershed to the ow lm working two Job hairhitush has kept our mg After margin in Ind beiievrme iv r3 new muntiy W176 on we mm izens or Barrie iii plans pd nowlin going to tqu remember W118 an or the inrthoonung eke Iain um letter over tenurn no the about ili bet hnndel Di 1mg plel besides Ethanol inn end their mouth way Now wbntdoyouthinkAnnlAn to be heldoo April it in the canteiiyouhowehcleehebm Army Navy Air Force Hell on it sincerelqu Dunlap St West Card games Deer Annmlen You are wrong about withennx Henry spanks me when need it Im glad be it the good eohvliissani Ilhauldteu WM nuamiltlke What rhould MMGiianddGiw wankmeth idxumymeetingdxiw win provided mack at the piano ilir Orr with the nutolinrpvand Sidney Rowe Vim1 the rock in your head match the holes in his Please keep my nddrers hnndy when with the harmonics mm mm can an yourself Mrs Smith out Women with child ntroducee herself as Miss Smith hangs sign around neck that says Kink me KITCHEN KAPElis Cooking Course Offered TEA BAKE SALE AND Biiz mm mggs my married 1123 delnils nobodys business lni not sexing you 11 but recom mending that you keep pcmnol hitory to yourscit until you are well enough Representing Barri NorLil the helm will and banner on Mrs Hubert Bull and bird District mun Guides and Saturday lituran in Collier It Perry we converter Brownie or guide Jeanne Street United Church the event it is the tint ten Hunt 12 ranger Monica lehi Fellowship hail Barrie North end burn to be held tor 00E NAUva BALL Winn Grand Mil social dub hid their inaugural ball on Saturday evening at the Elegant But Bury the title One of the recipes to he derrr in and trim Sitcomr the open at time week cooking couru ensirnted in Weinutjtuticd lug Place hen on rotinrrie dastpied or the bride to 420 Gnrnt Hens insert prongs into hens tight boumb 15min We From gistrilct Emomrmsiglltlg number at yenrl nnd aiisllhe HA Rod ow cy were ll nryl an tree trons was made by the rlr 1m dim and the young eeroer women en screw es in as de lish to only three of Ike girl who United churches Serving tee Examiner Photo valve VIEW is beingoffcred in Barrie by max3 Sum1mg gm oven or one hotn nirfviaamfrft wmwxg mu mm smewemAsw 21 pcund Colnigh gun mu 45 ml mmmy cm Mre linear is mum cm Cm Marinade ii mp hot water E1 of treasurer ilerv Wm fzph chit cup soy Inuce guy pm Condential to in lave with by sports Io erley undoin Collier st United Church lull heat over low merlura 09 el the rumor 6C mm zng 3pr hgaarh l111l mad highland 55 $11213 we lxjcuyng$ no exam Amalia ogged eroded the ball wining Mr comm ingredients Allow c0 sum or ad the we we van come lien nourot Marks ON Branch Annual Mam or ii ironies iiuiiliiim ly with spec course for gt Wm mg and men slated Mn Eleanor Mae Wmr awn1N5 MrsDauglnxAllirvie oi Col eriliir tecend vicepresident Barrie Dr Turnbull mills Home Senice Supervi rlglychqaped tnuu 35 15 er I011 ilngwood wan reelected presi 1m Alice Bull Collingwood Mm Walls Dallas muck mom Vlsrr ear who will be conductinl the any oil Wh dent oi Simcoe Couniy Brunch was choeen as secretary Dalian Mrs Jackson Charles ii Mr and Mn coune in nu eports Activates 91 ee Victorian Orricr oi Nurses when Black CA Barrie treasurer Tierney Jack Wniiwln Arch of Strand Gourde Pcismdt or Three hundred people are ex wt poultry qasmlng the annual meeting was held in Committee chairmen are pub Brown Hunleta and peeled to take you in the comic Westminller Weldon Wo 0f Royal Victorin liesvital board licity hire Walls Bar Coilingwood liirr iiar iliintzi Spears or Shelhurne vie which will includevcooklnz dem surf henn with walnur mu mm Grounmezin the church room Feb 21 The branch riu Nominating Mn Delbert vie Lune Gordon ch iood Nickoisnn ol lorultn onstrntieor mm and door hall in the regular monthly umcignmrung nrrric Orilliri Jncbw Barrie Mcdicui itt Mrs Aiicc Bull Vincent over the woolrmd prius mewIr FebtieDevom were Fm WK Coliingwood and including the or Boss 111mm Barrie Flynn iStnyncr Moi iiicliron ST SAY led by Mrs toll ecu Wheel of Rotary was new South Simone group has Branch directo are town council nvpointtcl ermine oxmda included re completed its at your oi poor Allistnn Mrs Gouriay 01m mm By manner11 port on Verleiir activiliu mmbe Wm ntlon successfully Lune Darling Dr Gripper vaudabupgm wmlum Areport iii thncurrent turn berm pm we 1me Coliingwood was elected rim Mn Lumen Mrs cm Mnw eon TOMORROWv arm Wm new on Mrl union and Mrs viceWidmi Mn Cain inn and city council munrum to II twig3133 as cchii oi the Pnlhyterinn fgmwfh Emmi be named ti youth viitkzi the pm my was REPORT mng grianglnlplg tting lg lmlnisitfrr eta Limp was rem bugu HAMILTONKDD m1rmmmcmn omurnewlu those who rhnre cussinn mlcls Power 1m umsmu Christensen nuru in charge your cnihuelonms nndwhoso eny laulil view on tho varieiu lndl yeefgcmag pmi giggduucst gsmhvfgflggcgiir couragenient is inspiring ings ol the report on March to mm be an 11 ch FDR rim BIRTHDAY Wilmer concluded tha lormetion meeting Member mm our is our one region gamer minimProof with mrxfe grmgnggf$onda$uxg gen and Key Mdeod nod to answer questionl lt mum rant de Wm make use Mi Rang Egg e5 In oppmume to unuv dismay rem 1zlligiu om u1 your palpation mums In Trinity Anglican Church Ber was Miss Sondra irwin of motion to discuss the work 51 Emmi WW advantage rie was the scene tor the wcd Thornton They both were tull each group was able to help Along them linesnot only ding Sally France Kidd length gown 11 pink crepe eechother to maintain high ihroueh your own erm but Oplc anue pe daughter oi Mr and Mrs Cecil mulching Ihou ond nrricd quality oi nursing care Illa throuzh the help at inuen Kidd oi Durilep St West to bouquet ot ink and while can The Victorian order at Nure milleonl Wm mack Wm or Mum conference Arnold John Hamilton Mary st nations The henddrcllel were or iii in agency providing on be make the most of this dutifu og durum muked by hm nmndmm 3133 rand Mir11 andcliirs pink carnation torsional 17iiitilicwiinolgic nursinlg galod period sinmce your ICCDH Mignon Amancu chmch 1n pea from ma mu 10 mm on Ircon Belt mnn Richard And 5ng ce mien pom pilhmentlby and oi MIN anrrla was guest apcaker at ms preside Mrs woe uvu Scotln Officiating drum Barrie and the usher null uegzllilegrg ll February meeting of the wo Smuh thanked Mrs Black iui Juw and throughout my marier onury ocie Em her in emotive message we Archdeacon Reid war Pmriclli Kidd oi Toaouio in 1399 thcdle we H210 The bride van in ma recent on war but at the amt vsils ma an ncronro by her nu1mg wan Elli Parllh Hull Leaving tin their of 362 or 58 per cent over the length gown oi nylon chiilou honeymoon in Huntsville the previous year manual Baptist Church freshments concluded the Jar 17 yam below their Mum MirMom Leona Brown calient aunonlh cycle beginning on Oct iwilh Imeemeption Ally zretliying recognition of or Fnstor and Mrs Black served the mission fields in Ethaoin Russ TOPIC with cmbr lder bride wore it beige lime dress mama and antiBa 932 write gd co urdlnun1acc0ligrics Tk 112230 oneh netpromised in late De beaded tiara twin short veil MWYWC coup in at cm or 0m Yum 80 00 Midla lilh til whtch matched dress She JB harliord 5L Barrie ELVgJfdm313 0n the linenclei More you glides shown by the Ipenkor 13M fngazgfpf carried bouquet white car Out ni town guests came domed mm cc mum air will hlve to be oxcovtloneily fainted up the mnny contrasts Brown med mm mun Wm whim Ilcphanouu from ittxzkwood Markham Top My mm Mum mum comorvntlve until May 20 Birk nvthe lurid mountain scenery be ms and Wm AHFNDANTB mm mchmmd amount ill received mm gov mm mm kl bu mmm light her address by mid hm girlish mnl British crnmerlt eourccs or patient grove ertmmmdgirtnmtni to trlhcr on barren sunbnkvd earth rimlimo experiences gm mm mmm mm Gmmhur and whoec iinnnxcltiil circumstances cmsugflglighfngg git ingrfgizliimslirgg country wnr nt dccfzc Brunt irom legecignx yizilorcirimfducgril wgfl iiiirmsi attack rude grin the municipalities Mr Black TV Collier aker said The balance oi iunds is PRINTED PATTERN Mifwlig chmfel by nlunoin the midst oinn open es provided by nubile comprian or 33 gf Eli who Urduii smith szcoununoiiiniimlinmiioii United litipczti Our sincere rm M362 Hm rim of in missm station comprised Common Kidney or Bladder County Unlt Servme predation goes to all those who SIZES 0V in until AWL but ofettrective little homes hos gothawoke 23mg merlnnnscx iiupporl our man wrmhwhlle WI 17 umW pllul school and church ale ulrc fty immiu Plifillc lie d1 int mm mmugh mm mum grilld ihgiiiii GOVERNMENT Balloons markgr 3hgxtgml mm sir innit ii nadirin the vc is the cam licypiiniii 03113 033mg u22fi and my good tor Iinnncor The growth ot the government iiiegriihgiudogggg new or Lms cmmy health mm mi win manamgm MWK WWW 11 Mo 11001 Imam 0V ll Wm idinfndriuikifcoiincr itde Mrs rimrm Prm mull in the cariuL Pfsfm PM propitioul luriodl ior romance in which Robert Thompson up cdsrnxuummu may riuthi Swim iii aim Mm iluii21m utilize iii out it out rm 14 301 0110Et Ude Ef el maxim rd the Colic iiica orriotnrrco lilrvirli3iJ by 332 gums ummifmdm Gym Decmber for trrwei July OC ruhoeln are training ground or United alum Women churcth locally to lomlilor re TE vim labor and December etudcnll irom revert to 20 years animation this mm Mr leired to am by the lionlih mgga mug 43 iv curved closer to the body zip up the bgfkMQITS in hm hm day Wm More mm olrd Wkm to new branch served ll population and Emmi hill Wm calmly n1griiitiidmi1eitorlcix limo he endowed with tine mind inow Imilhui is Mine mnwrchlun p510 lucimgriziwmfwIM if approximately 117000 with ed lookthats the now Print fl ammo Miner 5m unusual versatility and worm iICtd Hindi and him M1 and the ammo mm cw mlmd mm 15 um in chum m0 mud or $1 nitlorn waging toyill 10 51 mm porrenullty rig oi notional Chr stlnnl and intian 0mm or this age the lazi mi in taking me mm llllmu 1fo mmnlzhamd requires yards 55inch Elm cu am the MM ML MJ and aim ml in nurscii survin out at Culling in dw Lauri obi1c Send one dollar pill gt =4 951 limit out in ii now rialtal rommr ZNer alum am cm clrmc plamicd rm mum on Pawarty item Within to attend much gmmf gm 3gglgr torn Degnmnnl Kim 51 THIE mraron Wouid We or red by the 13min Minimum mm $32 at um wmim look no WW PM limo She also Mmlmlmi and mired WK my mm mm button nro upuruiy decorative pm your um aymgtcmm Wm mme mammal ice and home nursing service qulckm my Md Ityio riu Ill mvymbmz Momwd try Lite The builncrlri mceiint Wns con 53 awxadwirmmiahrcdulo gt mtg$33 held Ky Kriuglngortsdwgcg Mutton Benton Cgolgtfwnel nouao hi xwgmmm uggmmgyfmm iiuiimiilgii iifnwlinl THE COMMENCEMENT on NEW counsas pouicdiy ill or how ditliuiiiy moltan in tho canirvg yenr 30mmoinwgmpgg in hazing rmswm mean Gina wivoun Wei mm mm 0M muff on Private Pilot Course start on Monday March dd gunmani Drew ad mm the school you ll minim oi Simooe Pilzsinwiii mgjnllhbm fin501 0Ceplloli Course stunts on Monday March on 09 um gammy 001 level lid in Oilllil Mm ii liiriiirtl board 01 mmgl Whlfh WDYW health Gumml wgk gyroms room on the View om Nun The courses are available to oil Service persormcl ca gm mice nicriuiil projects mm mm mm mew mm civilian permoi omploycd on nuso Borden faimm Wm MdL Mr mm mm mnmmud iioslstnnce aim the ii ill DnnI Auto may die dmndmlh 51 students Tuberculin that the would be preparer an durum my 54 cu my at tho municipal nnd lownnhlp Ale Tlliin media mu av em mmmmmmw Drugrm ewme wwlkfugm Ma WW 1131331ch lmny wu have received mm To in Ilium that hnv mm 5m MndVMh2 mum nur it mmwm at the writer oiiimns ask in 08 iriinpilriirm liiiicielsllEi can nnsenvo 101m 7mm or armor to discuss health limb az afimwm hnvlmz inc VON oervlcuu ex ACCIDENT 1am wilii Hiram Ermim dlm 6mm mum grimy tended to their men and we are iiiiAiWonn Ilui By Ed harms nro rwiliiriy inmrcwd during um Wm working townrdll mm am rly 7266474 Irrvlce to you pieole 0pm pm Sammy ma man Included ma marrim rcquiro the end or mix we hrlprl truly Tm 10 mm nior brand not in mg to no the Sliniotl County ilrnnth N0 HANGm riioNn mim 160M mo rim Provmi mirth briey my Elioigqlgundizvmw Ans tlin Victoiiu unicr oi 415 WHITE on Lilo Unite connection with