un ED mmmmmmnm tints BOIlNDlIP Thomson iBuY US Rm MOUNT NC AP Newspaper Inc has purduiled the Roch Mum 57min Ind Sunday Teleclm nus minder ot the 59yearcld newspaper Josh Hume an nmmced nlursdny the company will ink control at the paper lurch Th price with not arr paused St Clair McCain executive vlciresident ct Thomson Newspapers said than will be nu changes in cditorial policies et in persmnel Vernull Sechrlest IS cditnr at The Iekgram which has circulation at nearly 17000 The Thurman group was nbaut papers in the United StandMoat are In the Midwest but the cumme use has inter est in Virginia Arkansas and dauisialul llorne said the sale to the up laniLatinn is guarantee at high standards at journalism lur Ihe Telegram It Thomson president nf Thmnsun Newspapers Ltd said we make it point not to inter lens with local rdilorinl pali cics nI newspapers thc group own To Leave Post KINGSTON CF The WhigStanan says Commodore William Iluycs 50 commnnlt dam of the Royal Military COI lcgo since September 1961 will leave his post In May The newspaper says it learned in telephone Interview mm OtLlwa that Commodore thtu native oi Swiit Clirrcnl Sash will tnkc over as senior Camp dlnn utticcr aoat Atlantic suc cccdillg Commodore Noel 00g dcn 47 oi London Ont The WhigStandard say Oom modorc Cogdcn will become div rectorgeneral at maritime op erations at Canadian Forces hondquartcrs in Ottawa Succeeding Commodore Hnycs at MIC will be Brig Gen William We 51 ot Otta wa nlwg directorgeneral oi land vperntions at CFHQ 11 news paper says the appointments are dlcctive May IOUFoot Pall NIAGARA mus NY AP man reported ill and job less or year plunged 100 feet 1to his death Wednede in the Niagara Gorge just beyond the American Falls Niagara Frontier State Parks lolicc said hvu oltlccrs respond In to report ot suspicious man at Pmspect Point were spotted by Robert Donovan so as Buttalq Donovan cllmbed over fence and leaped Into the purge they sald His body struck boulders It the base Dairy Hearing UIIAWA CF The Su prcme Court of Ontario has set Monday as the day for hearing an applicatian for an injunction restraining union adivities in thevcltys current milk delivery strike Lawyer Jnhn Tavel filed writ seeking the injunction on behati at Dominion Dailies Ltd in agreement with Clark Dairy Ltd and Borden Col Ltd The writ names Stanley lilil Iar Earl Jaseph Smith Glen Kavanagh Donald Cleroux and acques Bulenu of the Interna unnnLBrotherhwd of Teamsters Ottawa local Crime Rate Up HULL Que lCP Hulls crime rate nearly doubled in nine years while the detective force to deal with it increased by only two glen the provincial police canlnllsslon inquiry into Papers Finn nulli petite lame was laid Itunday DebSp Rater Duquette told the inquuy um In use null had ve daeetlm who handled complaints invnlving m5 000 earth nlen foods In 1369 urea detective handled wt complaint involving 3951000 wnh of gnodx result at the persnnei shortage the inquiry wu tnld that major complaints take as long week to pm while miner complaint oiled sim ply tiled away DetSzl Duquctta also said that perusallet shortages an weekends may mntrlhute to In creased mimnal letlvlly 1he inquiry continues Dismiss Plea SUDBURY CF Judge An thony Fallen Thursday dis missed plea or suspended sentence and sent Armand Lb llewe OI Hull Quc tn jail or three months concurrent on end at three dint2e at passing worthless cheques totalling 75 Igtlcvres lawyer said his client who tins wire and child tnllull is wanted in Ottawa nr trial on similar charter llnd pleaded that he should be given suspended sentence Crossing Guards mnoxm 1cm cuisin iinn to give schonlcrossing gunrds authority to control trai tic may be introduced soon At tomeycncral Arthur Vishzlrt said Thursday hill hope to have somethian early in the session he said Thu legislature opens nlesday Toronto Aid Yin Hope who has advocated such law comA mulled that at present dsor Is the only Ontario municipality where it is an offence for driv er ta ignore crossing Kuards stop signal OFFERS REWARD NEONID CF rm OI Insurance adjustan Is hltcring 35000 reward or inlnrmntinn lending to the conviction or any ane mpunsihle or the Nov 11 fire at Lakcvicw Hausa in Jack gn Point out Private inves tigators said then were indica tions at arson at the building recently converted into nurs mg Ilqu from hotel PLAN LEARNIN 5093013 group of Ontario cducutionisls plan learnin at Cambrian Cnlicga here March 21 to 22 to promutc understanding amnug Indiana and nonindiarls in Northern 0n tzlria Among time to attend are Arthur Blue of the Unilt vcrsliy of Western Ontario PSYchology department and Walter Amie president of the IndianEskim Association of Ontario CURB ENROLMENT LONDON Ont CF Dr Carlton Williams president or the University at Western Ontar io said Thursday in his annual report that the university must soon face the problem at impas mg limitations on its enrolment in the faculties of arts science and social science Vcstcrns ful1timo student 1m reached nearly 12000 last Iali lm increase at 1000 Ironl the prcceeding year DEAN APPOINTED LONDON Ont Dr William Cameron nlllrsdny was Muted dean the University DI Western Ontario sctincl of li brary and inlnrmation science elleciive July to succeed Dr Andrew Osborn who will retire this year Dr Cnmcmu was prolt lesser of Engilsh at McMaster University before cuming to Western Win up to $1000 Hour CIGARETTETOBACCO SEE WORLDS LARGEST PLANE IN Walking on blanket snow in Arctic temperature nearly 501100 persons clad in heavy parkas inspected the Air Forces Lockheed CS air Planc nt Either AFB Alaska iuLJ FREEZE The plane Ih worlds larg St is being put utmugn ex uch cold weather test AP DEEP MacNdughton Legislation May Lead To Power Showdown KIICHIZVER CPt The Rccord says Provincial Treats urcr Ciirirles Maanughtun is preparing legislation which may lead to power shuwdown be tween his monumics and trcas ury department and the depart ment at municipal aIInirs The newspaper says the legis lnuon is expected to he intro duccd the next sessinn oi the legislature and is aimed at de lining the roll oi mgional devel opment councils in relation in provincial programs oi regional gulcmmcnt and econumic plan ning The Record says there is some cunlusian at present in municipal circles in trying to understand how regional devcl opmcnt councils in with pmv lncinl development schemes The Recard says the pmpnscd kgislatinn could give ncw status to the regional dcvclopmcnt councils Exact details were unt available Mr MucNaughtdn has said the rule at the rcgiunul develop mcnl councils is to advise the province in economic planning or local areas TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 ercphotn Car Truck RENTALS Car Anlnmluc $5 Day pin 71 mile insurance 7266474 CALL TODAY BRADFORD TORONTO reports say Atmmycmral Arthur Wisher will recammcnd to the cabinet new Eulaticns In tun the charm Mac and rmly limit the use of rearms nsd whinypin by police The Manila Teltgram sad 111 Globe and Mail said Mr vacant rnel nmscay with top Ontario police otcials to duh cuss the new regldntinm proposals expected to he pruentcd to the cabinet Within the next cw day include ban on use of Since chemical which temporarily blinds and immobilize and has been used by police in the United Sula as riotencirnl ueapen Rerulltic limiting the use cl fillitrm by patientrun Lu SLIJJLDLK an aim cl Lie which an mace LIES gun Rezutlticns to permit wire upping only as lag resort and only upon receipt or pamis sinn by judge or the attuney general Mr Wislurt was no imm edi alely aralhhle tar slimmest on the reports James Renwlck member the legislature Icr Riverdalc and the New Democratic Par Wishclrt Will Recommend Mace Banning Say Reports tys justice said he would welcome the mam but ex pushed fur than pcrnit Mn l9 grznl pertaining to wiretapping feel Very may tits L514 punission 550031 be in th lands at the palitical body be cause they are Immhle to the public he said Sydney limo chairnun nl 12 0mm nnd mm police sea Lieu who IS reputed to have mended the mun with Mr Wuhan and the Rabinch usncu Lian Inn has livnred limiting the me rearm by police PETER STREET SOUTH ORILLIA palis has iuSI become Edelus E691 Yourejnvited to our gala opening Come irl and see the famous Toyotas The Corolla the Sprinter the Corona the luxurious Crown and the Toyota Mark II Take test drive in one of these great cars and see for yourself why Toyota is now the second bestselling import in North America Not only d6 youget to see these great cars youll also have chance to win great car stereo set The draw will take place February 28th Well have free coffee coke doughnuts for everybody So bring the whole family to our grand opening You could be our first customer iii dc OHIUANSOYEI 3000000 SAYISFtiD CUSTOMERS IIIsin in Many Principal mm and In Lihwy rm initial all glasses one low price COMPLEI WI 595 Hutus rural Wed Thurs Sat to p113 Frldny turn tn p31 Closed lunndny Phone 3252601 BIFOCALS $2095 EWIISIS PIESEIIHIDIS IL III II SIIE nch Inns minim mu It ran ll IINHIS IF Imam KIPIIK mu ll ElliWP