Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1970, p. 4

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1112 Examine Publisth by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Bsyuld Strut Blrrie Ontario Walls Publisher Korry Lumbic General Manager McPherlon Managing Editor EBAY mUABY 1m PAGE Lower County Tax Rate 15 Not All It Seems Coming at time when l3 inclem have become geuemlly accepted as ab meg inevitable Simcoc Dainty redepay cxs my haw felt they badgood ramp 00 tee degree 04 satisfaction over 36 terdays announcement that the 1970 rate had been reduced by 28 mills Ibenewsltemerplaincdtbentcwas pared down tron 183 milk in 1969 to 105millsforthisyemwhichonthe usl View wouldseem to jmxfy feel ing of gratication But 11 em would nd more delziled study at the new budget showing how the reduction we achieved Illuminating Upward adjustment in the equalized Went which was nisod some $40771105 to new nal of 522322 351playuiznirnportantpartin reduction In actual terms it will remit in 18 of the 31 in the murky administration bdng asked to provide more money or county coffers this your dun under the higher rates in 1969 Of psmorcconceruwustbntthe majorpntofthesavinglmmtheshl otooststootherlunsdiclionswassiient elsewhere The ooumy ooxmdls 970 budget iugalzdrout $350000 Themed levyfor example was re ducaialmlfmillfromlasdyems five waif but the 1m assesmentmu tpropertytaxpzryers be to collechvely pay $1014265 to upkeepof country roodainplace $932106myeardespttetheappar reducedrztelrovimiralmbsldies wm provide Mr $1127500 to pmmtynxxlswlrlehmeanstaxpzy mwrllbemeelzngthisbmdeubyoier thunproportyms lheuewgenadl rate of six male that down tom 83 mt year reflects an op psrenl decrmse of $180002 in spending since this was calculated to raise $1352354 imtmd of the $1582356 raised by the higher 1069 me But here again view gives misimpression because last years budget provided some $489000 for operation of the as sessment Since the provin cial government med lor this administration as at Jammy thewuntymrelieved otallbutdvery small proportion of this expenditure in the new budget The net saving was re ported to work out to some $440000 A5 is usially the use taxpayers will stillbebemingtileblndmolthecost regardless of which jurisdiction has con trol with the difference being that it will now no has dwindled from the $440000 mentioned to mere $88843 It was this stuation as much as any their ellow mimdllors to postpone the movetobwsttheperdiempoylor members The hike from $25 to $30 per day may not seem large but collectively the Item 715 shown to be considerable wzth provision made in the budget for $27000 indernnities for council meetings and $50000 for committee seams Rste payers are IiIcely to agree with Midland ReeveElsonthatresecondraiseina year was ilMimed coming When Ottawa is calling for general on to hold the line or cut back Wires where practical to help the emenmly masonry elicits be curb ination DOWN MEMORY LANE 45 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Bernie Examiner Feb 19 1925 Gill zens rallied to support money bylaw pro posed by Town Gounod for Royal VIM ia Hospital new MW ion coupmum hard both old Church Union given by speakers from Toronto At New Harold Lloyd in Hot Water Special stage tes ture erie Jan Orchestra John ECmigtstntthcermeshluyorod Banlo George Powell defence star scored ve goals as Barrie Colts beat Rmchrnond Hill 104 in junior hockey Lou Gm got threeSimooe Colmty formed EerWordens Assodalion held dinner at Wellington Hotel William WoodofBrodtordelectedprsidxent MISS Helen Shanahan appointed assistant supalntandent Royal Victoria Hospital Council decided to hire town en gineer Barrie Horticulmmrl Society attained record membership 502 Rich ard elected president Municipal taxation has grown out at all on to population and assessment in Barns Boys MP Simcoe North said in address to Kiwanis Club Ladles allling club organized at vale one of first in Ontario Buster Clark was phenomenal in net as Barrie Colts beat Gravenhurst 32 Barrie curlers skipped by Sully Meredith and Charlie Beelhy heat Colinrgwood easily mlanlrard groupna DrATLit tle suered painful inaunes when thrown from sleigh At Grand Open House Harveys Greater Minstre Appear midyear33232 AROUND THE WORLD Laos 15 Priority Asia concept that the Communists should purtlclputc In South Vch namu elcctlena us on argonlzcd palltlcul force and that the us would not contest the results at such an election In prlvuto talks with the Com Amcrlcun spokesmen have cpcclllcd that the 05 would accept Communist vlcto ry In such elections and would accept to have the elccllona hcld alter US troops have Icll lhut thls ILS proposal has not led to un ugrccmcnt Is duo to tho not that the Communists belluvcd In such proposal In 1054 and wcmdccclvcd Thorn can be 11qu doubt that thc US plank lo wltlndruw tolul Iy But withdrawal presents Its dangers II It In curried out In the midst or South VIcInnmcsu For US In By PHILIP DEANE Foreign Allulrl Analyst Involvement In Laos has grown tremendously In the past lcw weeks One mlght soy thut Luau Is the priority front the 1352 bombers huvu been temporarily withdrawn from action In Vietnam Itscll and are concentrating on Loos Thls is symptom of the learn the Amcrlcnns have about the extremely delicate vllhdrnwul chcmc they call VIctnumIzd on They keep snylng that the South Vietnamese nnny wIII ha able to tako over the Vietnam Ilghllng ram Unltcd Stutca troops But no one has used the present tense no one has sold the South VIclnnmcsu are ready now to do their own lighllng That they on not ready does not mean only IImt South VIct nnm mlqu go Communist mm the AmcrIcuns leaveMr Nixon has more or less suld ho would be prepnrcd to accept that Ever slncc last May he has been uuying ho Accept the munlstl collu so 15 not prove Iliclr are luco but It could lose Int men It south Vict nomcso unltu wIslllng dclcct to tho Communlrls nntlAmcrlcnnlsm by turning on thclr The Communist hulluup In Luua lIIrculcna Vlclnunutullun mice of Blackstone the Magician had tnbecanoelledChurchiIIrmksskip by Fred Allan and Marshall lleive Shroud rinks herded by Ben Webb and Russ Webb in Distrim Cup nal Harry Shannon Banrte boy on stnllBank or Novil Scoa in Ottawa invited losing on new radio stallion CKCO He has splen did baritone voice Donald MeKinlay Reeve of Ora elected Warden of Simcoe County Indilterenoe and apathy of people to public affairs is greater men ace than Russian Bolshevilm speaker de clared at Kiwanis Club Slmcoe For esters Regt held annual dinner at Bar rie Armoury Truman Williams led sing ing With Edmund Hardy at piano Major Rev Ben0liel as chairman Colonel MacLazren and Colonel Al exander Coyyan proposed toasts Bank staffs held Jolly snowshoe and toboggun party at golf links OTHER EDITORS VIEWS WISDOM AND zxrrimmcc Wall Street Journal The younglncvllably wlll Inherit the future and they are rIght that the old have failed In controlling world that may be heading clown dangerous and destructive track But the problems of gaining such control are more ancient than either the young or the old And the wisdom and experience of the past in meeting them however fully does not yet deserve to be abandoned Loos Is the corrldor that leads into South VIclnum through Cambodia with undisputed Com munlsl control at Loos the South Vietnamese luco hoslIIIlIes on much larger front thun they could possibly hondlc cvcn wIlh In lhren yourstho Amcrlcdno hnvc novcr hccn ablo to cope with no large Irunt in Viet num Home In 13 tools Impollcd to demonstrate thut untll the B52 rulds In Loos All lhn Us the way only would the caught tried to government and uIIleu cIcleun lllllL moment It cun use Its nir lorco to make Laos untenable lor the Communlsts chco the Is trying lo convey nppnrenlly Is that the Communists should uull till the 115 Is solely out of President Nixon cunnul who the risk at racing hlu lroups In molar dlsnslcr such us the French sullurcdln chn Blcn Phu In 1954 Thnl dis miter brought down French ovonluolly brought down the French rc publlc almllur dluastcr would cost lllclmrd leun tho 1972 AFTER YEARS OF DROWING out no PAYMENTS Into raccoons LOOKING IMPERSONAI METAL 60x OTTAWA REPORT Mood Is On Parlimoent Hill By PATRICK NICHOLSON Polltlcllms newsworthy slate ments In the House at commons are often repeated bcloro Big Brothers Eye for our 11 pm dlgcstlon they are ccrtnlnly quoted In the mormws newspa pers But unreported are my equally slgnlcaut comments made by our MP5 outside that Tower at Enbcl In tho qulel of their other or across tho calicocups at second thought Prime Minister Trudeau us the apex of the pyrumld at power Inevllubly the locus of much talk through hIs wards and deeds bulh Inside Pmllu most and oulsldc But the cor ller tolcratlon at his debutant lolblcs and ndmlrntlon lnr bl CANADAS STORY Plan Backlired On FrenchCanada By BOB BOWMAN Sevcral of these slarIcs rcccnl ly have described FrenchCann dluu attacks on British colonic In what to now the Unltcd Slates The plan was to drive the British lram North Amcrlcn but It backred und It was the Brillsh who drove out the French The tIde begun to turn In 1713 when France ccdcd Nbvn Sculls to Britain except 101 Cape Breton Then In 1745 force from New England did the Im possible by capturing Louis burg supposedly the strongest lorlrcu iu the world Brlluln trndcd Loulshurg buck to France or Madras India but built Hulllax competing base The not was closing urouud French Canada The British colonies along the Atlantlc const had not puld much attention to Frenchman dlun expansion down the Ohio and MissIsslppI Blvcrs to the Gull of Mexico until 1754 when George Washington wns sent to cupluro Furl Duqucsuo now Pittsburgh He was dclculcd ccmmmmmmn 0119 38ml Examina pavneld Street BanIo Ontario Telephcnu 7W Second Class Mall Registration Number 0m Return postage guaranteed Dally Sundays and Statutory Hollduya excepted Subscrlpllon rntcs dolly by carrier 55 wcckly $1860 yearly Slnuln coplcs 101 By mull Barrlc $0160 yearly Ontario $1300 your other mull 53500 your Motor throw oil $2100 your National Advortlslng Olfl ces 425 Unlverrit Avenue Toronto 040 Cu curt Sh Montreal Member 01 the Canadian Press and Audlt Bureau 01 Clrcululions Tho Conndlnn Press 15 ex cluslvcly cntlllcd to the use lor rcpubllcutlon ol all new dlspntchcs In this paper cred ltcd to It or The Assnclulcd Press or Reuters and also the local news puhllshcd thcroln The Harris Exumlner clnlms Copyright In all orlglnnl ud vcrllalng and cdltorlnl motor IuI created by Ila employees and reproduced In this nowa pnpcr Copyrlpm Registration Num bcr 103315 rcglslcr 51 lmmvhccliug awruach now have In manyeven Liberal clrclcs turned Into resentment 01 bis shortcuts und chuck at his disregard ol convenunn Qulnqungcnurlan play up his bncbelorbcod kiss lng babca where his produces curs kissed bnblcs Some MP5 oro they jealousl assert that this tarnisth his lmugo rather than pollsblng It But he strangely Inconsistent nltuck Ing the crummy press when It reports chaperuncd spaghetti lunch one day yet on another day he will pose bolero the cameras tar brIdcs kiss wonder If the Trudeau Slrclsand meetings were hls Idea or were cooked up by his or hcr publiclly agents murcd but the camping was becoming really hot HIsIorIun Horace wrote volley llrcd by young VIrglnIun In the buck woods ol America set the world an lire Brlluln then sent General Ed ward Braddock lo Amcrlcn to dlrcct what was expected to be the nal campalgn Unlike most mIlItsry leaders at the day who cume mm the hlghcst ranks at s0clcly Braddock had risen to the hp through sheer nblllty He brought two crack rcglmcnts from Britain and loaded at Hampton llouds VIrgInlu on February 20 1755 There was conference with the ol Vlrginlu North Maryland Pennsylvania Now York and Massachusetts and It was dccid ed to launch slmultuneous cum pnlxnis Against Fart Duqucsne and Fort Bcuusujour with di version by way of Luke Cham plnln Braddock would lend In the area agulnst Fart Du qucsno whlch he expected to capture in law duys and then go on to Niagara and Kingston IMW ILEllnNDEIt 0F plonccr era Ono at oldest lndustrlcs Bor rlc Tanning LImItcd can Iruca It history buck lnlo lhu curly Iuyn ol Burrlo ml dcplclcd by above photograph Forerunner Strange Tum Bell the Maritime MP who is Chief Whip In the Con scrvatlve Party lhey seem to be supporting each olher he brings publicity or her sol very Impressive lm now showing across Canada end she boost his louse Not In Mnnllobn Aha dldut Not among Can adieu women came the rotort ten mllllun nice girl in Cududuyct he had to Import married or clgncr to accompany hlm to the Manitoba Centeuulul Polly sbume on hlmI 900d What about Dim crack In Parliament about hlm smelllng flowers and bends about his beekfl Did you see that letter in Toronto newspaper camplaln inglhatltissadtomaw yourold mnn was love head and clutch pm of dnllodlls but Itls downright embarrass Ing whcn thut mun Prlme Mlulster at Cnuudu have never seen so much security laid on for Cnuudlnn Prime Minister cemented witness of Trudcuus bondand bluom appearance at meeting of about 300 Young Liberal nl Carleton Unlverslly The search scrutiny police and backdoorsmuggled common made me think then must have been an attempt on hls Ille whlch was hushed up Of course there Is chance he wlll be assassinated lie arouses so much resentment that this Is not unlikely In to days pcrmlsslve climate of vIu Icnce LACKS MANDATE Ihcso comma nt are the cream on the cunvcrsullouul pull The thinking criticism cen tres around the Irudcuu poll clcs few cl whlch were re vealed In the election csmpnlcu so they lack popular mnnrlalc Turning Canada into republic Iorclng Conndlans to rlsk cu numlc damugc unless they learn French klllIng Irce cnlcrprlse legalized robbery lrnm the livevnnhnur crowd and up scolllng at the West and ignor ing the runners $200 million or Montreals vExpo nnd nothing or Wcslern lormers snarled DIcl Dont thlnk those lurmerl IT WILL 9E REAL THRILL To FINALLY HEAR $01465on SAY THANKX COMMENT ON HAWKS DearSIr Communion Ire due to you lor the timely expllmntory un biased and lozlcnl nature at your editorials do not always agree with the opinion Expressed but at all times Ind them Inter esting and lulurmatlve Your ob servations are both worthwhile and In the publlca Interests What prompts this praise In your timely comments publish cd Feb 10 an the current nos Katlotion bclww the 1mm teachers and the Board at Edu mim You point at that lhe teacher are demanding 35 per cent Increase to what la con sldcrcd an already adequate cal cry In view at the tions required and In comparison to other occuputlour You cor nctg observe that the results of Iuroulo ayeemcnt will reach every other Ontario com munlw Todws morning paper reports that health cdu cadan and welfare account or more than hall of the total spendlugs by governments Wel Iure econoqu are dllcult us justily In view cl rising living costs the needy can not do wIlh less This leaves the only posslhle curtailment of excess es up to the health and edu callou rectors It Ia Interesting that In the sums Issue report lng the teacher3 request or 35 per cent wage Increase It was also reported that the Cunadlun Medical Arsodotlon had deter mlned policy at no Increase to rules or doctors for the next 12 months It would appear thut the inchch pmlesslou are con scluus at an obligation to their allow citizens whereas the peddling profession not Your comparisons between dc minds on those eu aged In in dustry and In educal on are well loundcd Unlike those employ ed as teachers on employed In industry gains comparable are poor Isuw them rIdIug around on $20000 tractors re tortcd Trudeau So on Parliament lllll one hears Incrcnslug talk 01 Western scpurallsm or speculullou at new Western political party based on Cunledcrutlon and tree enterprise regret that Conscr vutlve lender Staneld Is not garnering the support drilling away HESS that Bob Winters was slrlckcn by death seemingly on the eve of his return Into poll tics like liberating white knighl mm the Llhemls sad LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Inoome only alter having proved thgthelsworth Itandhsm tum sud Incomo only us long as be Is able to demuuslrute that hs ability and cllorts jus tin Its continuance Above av erage Income as enjoyed by teachers not common In In dustry commerce prolessious trades or services It Is earned on merit gby longer than aver age hours by taking on more than uvcra responsibility hurl bycoutlnu Increased produo tlvlty It ll not automatic guar anteed or considered as di me right Why dues the touch tlult malorlty of those em Ployed In educational elds were there an second choice In other wordsthey couldnt make It ln thelrchosen llclds because of luck at effort ambition uhlk lty or personality Competition for high Income Is tough In other fields but not in leaching would suggest that teachers do mending Incomes cansldmd ex orbitant by those providing them expose themselch to more serious and less egotistical Sell appraisal Because God was teoobcr does not mczlnfthnt all teachers are on wmud not suggest that my comment apply to all teachers Many that know are dedicat ed people serlnusly Interested and engaged in their chusun eld 01 educating our youth Their contribution to our community Is an Important and responsiqu one But not all Important not to the extent at justifying mun dnlory automatic and excessive unnqu Increase In salaries And their respouslblllty Is not only to thulr students but also to the parents of their students their lellow citizens who are paying their wages demand for as per com Incense at time when our governman and other responsible segments 01 tudustry and commerce are re questing nnd practising restraint In Increases 01 prices and wages does not lllustrulc responsible position as citizens Prolosslou NONE Occupation TAXPAYER BIBLE THOUGHT And uposues said unto the Lord Increase our faith Luke 175 We hood to pray lor moro Idlth while putting Inlo opera tion who we already have Bo lleve only at todays company was cs mbllshcd by Andrew Graham In 1050 and was located on waterfront just can at res cnl Lnkcvlcw Dairy wcl bult loro Undcrhllla shoe Inclory was built Consldarcd modern at the limo photograph shows another at the DnrrIo Tanning Compnnys curly plants bolero ccustrucllau of present Brad lord street plant by tho Slu clnlr Inmlly wlth tho Into John sluclolr as prosldcnt and pen orul manager

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