Barrie Examiner, 20 Feb 1970, p. 14

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IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP SHE WHO HESITATES iskskiglnmommkvlom Stlseninxlricndsandndw Iddkionslwwdxecperdrd vow ms In bimiorism no verse mm Verse per count line extra ISCWIIM mints 10th Coming Eliza on reque 73856 or Fathom PO Box on Bar Tia MALE FEMALE more or am each at mart ororr mung In use our unw use proms Ind noon lunatic could be wovenunit mote nirvana mace SALES HELP AGENTS LOCAL SALES OPENING Ymgmtobetratnodlnour sales organization Sales expen icnce not rat442517f but new unit or Income mad phdwgualits Bill company benefits provided ex cellcnt future for rigit Applicant must have minunum Grade 12 or equivalmt own his on air and present neat pleasant appearance For interview tLlcvbope 7254249 or 42441217 92 new use mm in Irarte rra ii aitiifkfrefrm 10 Box 17117 smloa it Toronto 33 Donna LEGAL In the Estate of DYMPLE Eb MGR ELLIS late of the City of Barrie in the County OI Simme Widow who died on or Ibo the lth day DI August 1961 All persons having claims against the above estate are required to send full particu iars ot summian ll the up dersigncd this on before the 6th day of Martin 1970 aiter which date the cs ullel assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been re ccivcd BRUCE OWEN Barrister and Solicitor 52 Ba no Solicitor for the Administrator David diaries Ellis NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the PEARL bIAI REY III of Draw Barrlo In the county cl SImcoe Mnrried Woman dc ceased who died on the 80th wmmmhswonouee DATED at Barrie this 79th day of February 1910 BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Birriptc 3nd Saddle 13 Owen street BARRIE Ontario Solicitors for the Execulon Its The Season To Advertise CALL US FIRST We are skilled in our 3AM mm WAY mousing 1m ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Birth Announcement trnzixinmm to want mumm Marriages and beads Card of Thom worth slimIs DEATHS our munM oarsu kn ml nounI on mummy ub ll mo minim nuv In his 7m Ir romriy cl shtnly nay Erao4 lambpd men JIM Nina our or or man Emu II the sup icy mmru Home so warm Sm nan1 our n14 con mun umre ml in tho chapel en sotum reinaw II no Pan rumourn on meat at mm Mn ram mt In at Shunt nay mt John Al to mu Vidal nooiui WI not run It mo John 13 Boys 51 Jon barovni masad Iovtu tamer or Itomi and Jlnd Isatin at th mid Innn nl nine 11 Imam 5L Ill rar and ofcials Ding Sun mzdhkr nanll umon cant17 CARDS 0F THANKS mid gmmigrfpom And the sitIN on 7C who well In kind It Inc while 0de In hospital ALDO th udle Auxluuy Mill Capl diln Lesion Shanon mmAIgau air FREE luau Rogu HJBQL ll DWI EL Dlrru on how Insmm It hm or no In wuuun May TIMI Hm 1W0 Boyd Vb ml Itoaim Barrie rim rum and tar or dad in mm Ind lso ID Mr 1M Hall Pub BC all of Emk ENGAGEMENTS xrxum Dz calm and sin John Egan amalg nu matmu or their drawer Hutbu do Iran Do occur not of no nu up Gonzr ol LIL Senna mmIr to mu ohca Imp not MD midour United aim DEATHS covrn worthu to Royal VIrtoru umplul name or Wed rmuzy Fchrury ID 1979 tuber wuc belovod 11 or us In onuiu In Mr can you our mother or Ib mm Al cabin not or Sclrbcro tsnoyt Wulcr and Gordon on or Bar rle Jean wuico inn Charlie Ill drcvum Delr hour or mt Mn mm Paedlwni and sin or Boyd bola or Bank aim army ed by rrmdcnudm Ind two namemutant Rustin In to uckiq Puttom Iiornr Io unity SM Burie Salwire In the shaver on Saturday February 21 on Temporary MambaDent Barrie Union antlerv Interv meat Iller It aIIdburst Cemricry II LEGAL NOITCE IO CREDIIORS IN THE ESTATE OF ROBERT DALE HODGES DECEASED All claims against the Estate of Robert Dale Hodges late of the City of Barrie in the Coun ty of Simcoe Realtor who dicd on or about the 15th day of January 1970 must bu led with the undersigned on or be fore Ihc 15 day OI May 1m after which date the estate will EXAMINER WANT ADS be distributed having record unied Birth Announce only to the claims of which the ma Tm Wm asst you undersigned shall then have in wording ynur nmunm notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this meat and arrange for you to receive your tree Moth Ilth day of February mo MARGARET SN 539555 crs Pala lrom SHOPPERS Executrix er Ict ors him CONDER suoc DRUG pIoEww AND MILLER zt Owen Street BARRIE Ontnrio PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY MUSIC LESSONS FUNERAL HOMES From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Containing Is very useful assortment of well known items ior mother and baby Your FREE when you place 2day announcement oi your babys arrival In the Birth Nnuce Column oi Phone 7282414 Barrie and district residents only WMWVDWSWW saw WWW cdncwlmpmm COMING EVENTS Third $1 00 BLIGHTY BINGO Every Saturday at mo 9211 NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond DRILLIA pIus pIus PRESENTED BY AEASTVIEVV DRAMA CLUB an main out act pho Mrs MsIvoIia 20th Century Lullaby The Bald Soprano FEBRUARY 23 sud 24 EASTVIEW CAFEIORIUM p111 5mm 75c Gimp50c EXAMINER Cos Want Ads Donf They Pay PHONE 7282414 SIMCOE COUNTY FARMEBS HEADQUARTERS commonGlamour III MONTREAL MARJORIE AMI STECKLEY FUNERAL Teacher of Piano and Theory HOME Pu ll prepared lor Royal we Coliservntory Examinations AEIWIEUDLTIAETEEI cosr ALL GRADES ALL AGES ID worufiTtfgiivtlm mass l5 Ciapperton St mist JESSIE BRYSON AccwmANTs In Of Pllno Blnllnl TilOr wan Boss HARRISON innmib on reuse ABCT Modern lulu Tm In Bnkmh Coulbr EL Phone 72843 SLIEOSS 2311 WANT ADS DONT COST THEY PAY Eegrstemd Music Teacher to Ina Ind Theory Intrucl In PI nun In PIANO LESSONS Pugh prepared or no Conser th to PHONE 555 72824 Service and will give you Program Its Results Thai Count CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD STROUD 4361811 FARMERS MRKT Klln NICKS DEAD STOCK OXFORD SILOS Wet cost Vihrntcd cured Henvy duly corrugated stoves MOST SILO FOR YOUR Ed Lawson RR STAYNER 4285771 nuII line or automatic feeding equipment Prices and planning free without obligation ENQUIRIES INVITED Prompt Attention FARM FOR mom CLASSIFIED SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT TREE REMOVAL WOOD REFINISHING IRONING COOP 5fnaom aliul593IIiiti illegilgirx Jsbcuiirkvlbotsa 7256531 33 gmgg colcnj pm Du or was or 7mm UGHING TIONAL Estimates Sonia sitnoon Count PATTERN GLASS EAVESTRO INTER or rm yoan or tauIsl Eulimwgwm mourn1 ARVESTER hl cut 17 Ill In WELDING Eiiwclr iflrliinltitb xiiih1if tifiil an Centric vision collect coilinrwood mm TRAILERS REFRIGERATION SOMERVIILE SONS SLEIGIIS INSULATION MAIN sr STAYNER 42mm WELDING Emu SIMCOE Prompt repairs and overhqu T0 SNOWMOBILES DORNS WELDING smut idsms BOOKKEEPING moons TAX plyroli bookke lnr mm to daily do Accounumz ItMmm oimmr Public 11 countant ii Duet st pmic Teicr phone 505 mans VACUUM CLEANERS FILTER QUEEN REPAIRS on Only authorized dealer in area using only genuine parts and filters Full line oi needs 7284402 41 GOWAN ST IliIIIIIE STORM WI DOWS Evim muzal STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 35 1on Street PHONE W661 PAINTING BARBER AND SON PAINTING DECORATING ECONOMY INSULATION The blowing method 20 ycnrs cxpcrlcnea We specialize in electric hcnted homes Guaranteed work Free estimates SCOT MUIR MINESING 7251267 BARBER SHOP IALlllEIlH Iilrber shop unipen Ioo Pllmtr and Stan Peacock 2n chn st CARPENTRY industrial CALL NOW FOR LOW WINTER RATES FREE ESTIMATES CALL 4383199 mammoth carpenter Frim in altcntlonl additions ropnlrl mo rrorcouon ruoim mo Residential Commercial und Pickup and delivery FARMERS ATTENTION This section is reserved for your convenience to SELL TRADE or SWAP Livestock household or ticles farm equipmen tor services at word ad rates Imull engines MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE 171 Burton Ave Test your familys musical abil ity today with free aptitude test on DRUMS or CHORD OR GAN In your home or ill the 1111qu and wood storm studio IIIigiItixriiirbru ilifnnxcrvm Mnncr Instrument supplied Gyslmmmnb free to beginners EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION CALL 721mm lirpi in nu Inukes or Monthly4 1111 in 111 Sudwuiullllus unlwr Huck wurk rlilnlll wurll lctittesduyD 11111 to 1111 lIAlslnli and ion lplnl win dllvnwlyl Tcivpopnc um dirr Inn SMALL ENGINE CENTRE lhursduyS pm to 10 pm 24 Toronto St Saturday1 mm to pm all Vm Blencuo 723bit MUSIC AND DANCING HAHN ECLIPSE SNOWBLOWER NOMIIFRN SCIIOOL SALES AND SEIWICE MUSIC llupnlrs to Snowmobile and all Owen SI 7201121 7206440 DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry men are choosing DekaIb Pullels Started readytoday and dayold chicks For service or help on your IIhlIIlry pruhlunv cull CRAIG llUNIIiit IOULIiIY FARM LTD STIIOUD 4301011 POULTRY AND CHICKS Are You Undernourishing Your Horse On Hay and Oats Even good hay and oats are not noomplete notion for horse particularly if he is in competition To malce sure your horses are obtaining those important mutants not found in cans and hay feed them one of The TIIASIER HOESEFEEDS Seeus for the compilate Master Horse Ming Dend horses free For lust service PHONE BARRIE 7236200 ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE hours day days week RR Fantread Ontario Nick Montague Prop FARM MACHINERY HANK BROWN Sales DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line oI Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Ba PATZ ALL SE rwo Fohm rah Broth Llccn SUPEMOII Silo Iornge wagons rendin available RR NO STROUD 653117 or red clover my soon LIVESTOCK FOR SALE MAIemu tum oi horse or n10 rIophond about or mini Yonxsrmm nun bud to IiiViv Flying Grand mud to hard Iioir mm 13 AUCTION SALES VERNON AYRES DEAD STOCK or crippled cattle and Small animals removed Collatt or ask for Licence No 6069 Delaval Service nip Holly Hwy 21 7264x338 E7 EQUIPMENT SALES AND SERVICE and clay TYPES or cement work ED FEED GRAIN 600 BALES roleolhom tu Ion or Modem introw In Much Wil cookotown 451M754 lblntein com out Ind or uy Good roduccrq cannon en Itrl norm relep on Auctioneer 4364922 AI Lot 19 Concession 14 West Gwillimbury mile south of Fennclls Corners on No 11 Sale of liobicin cows and tidi ars full line of high class arm machinery hay straw 7168 lbs of class milk quota household clients including am tiques Also form will be altered for sale day of sale it not sold before Terms cash NO reserve list to appear March 21 of head of choice Hereinrd cnitle hogs IlIll line of mod ern farm machinery hay and house furnishings Al Int Conceson Sunni dalo Township miles north 19 west at New Lowell Terms cash No reserve Form sold Full list to appear March 20 MRS THOMAS BRISTOW and At Lot Can 12 Townshlp one mile east or Stin nILIalu Rand Iurn half way be tween Sunnidale Corners and Vasago Beach Sale of 100 head Holstein and beef cnttle pigs full line high class farm mocha inery baled hay straw grain some household furniture Terms cash Form sold ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer Sale complete line of com growing and harvesting equip ment used one season Includes tractors head of mixed cattle for Lot 14 Con 14 West Gwiliim bury Township miles north of Bradford and west one mile at pm FULL LIST FRIDAY MAR 13 ALLEN BONNER Audioneer Ana IIoutoia hllloill AUCTION SALE Wednesday April lst at 1230 pm sharp for HAROLD PortRnr Towmhip one one mile east ol Highway and Full JERRY COUGHLIN nnd GEORGE PIFHER Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Wednesday March 25 at man pm sharp for SAM COULIER GEORGE PIFHER and JERRY COUGIIUN Auctioneers AUCTION SALE Saturday March 14 nt 11 tum sharp Idr EDGAR BRISTOW Sunnidolc AUCTION SALE 10 Friday March 20 approximately 65 JOHN MILLIGAN 438 45119 AUCTION SALE Saturday March 28 at pm Shurp for ARNOLD RUMBLE lst form north at Alliston on Comp Borden Road sale or all hlgh clnss iurm machlncry In cluding tractors Sl corn bIIIc SP swathcr lorngc equipment hulk milk coolcr etc Terms cosh Farm sold ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer is TELL MORE es enucus OTTAWA Liberal said Thursday have to consider the Implica tions or his position If the par tys annual InOeLIrlg rejects lcglslnturc enueus statement on extension oi public financing to scnIor grades in Romnn Catho lic high schools Mr Nixon told news Confer enco at the opening of the two day mcellng of thc prnvinclal party that the scparalc school issue is the most important issue Inclng delegates from the viewpoint of the party leader The man Liberal last all issued statement cniL ing for extension of government support to senior grades in the scpurotc school system where assistance now ends at Grade ccrtnin had Governor General Roland Illichcner loll and symphony conductor Willrid Pclleticr ex OAKLEY Ily MRS ARMSTRONG Mr and Mrs strong and Jamie were Sunday Visitors with Mr and Mrs Len Corner St Georges Lake Mr and Mrs Ross M11an and hail of Cooksvillo were weekend visitors with Mr nnd Mrs Wnlv lace Douglas Mr and Mrs Barry Armstrong and children Liberal Leader Considers Position CF Thcstalcmcilt Said thls should be done if the groch now conlt sidcrcd private schools turned over to elected school boards it asked inr it legisla lure wmmittcc to study ways in which the extension could be put into client without an undue increase in thr costs of educn lion The statement was immctii nlely rejected by the president Oi the unlverslly Liberals and by Liberals who wercrunning on party ticket in Torontos municipal elections N0 SPLIT Mr Nixon Thursday said he is unownrc of soy splitln caucus over the statement He did at belich that some members ol reversed selves as was reported in Toron Illlr Nixon said the separate school Issue may not be the most important item of business for the annual meeting but it will be the most Interesting be cause oi the controversy He described the caucusstulc mcnl as timely fothright and viable and expected to hcsr wide diversin of opinion when it Is discussed tndny If disagreement led to hphrly resolution rejecting the caucus npprouch however will have to consider the Implications Mr Nixon sold that while dc bnlc on the federal white pnper Inntux reform will be heated with Finance Minister Senson present to loco its critics he does not thlnk there will be 11 fcderoltprovlncinl split over the pupcr because Mr Benson has already indicated he is willing to change It Tho provinciul leader said he Benson will amend sections of the white paper whlch deal with cnpltol gains taxes and with the split corporate tax on small business Mr Orville Arm Ontario Leader Robert Nixon that he would caucus thcmlt amlnc each othcis medals at Montreal dinner concert Ibursdny night in honor at llir Pelletier CF llircpbotol Oriilia wcrc recent visitors with Mr and Mrs George Flcct George Fleet and Iiobblc and Orville Armstrong were guests of Mr and Mrs William Gill SlquIvillc Fcb I4 ST PAULS By IIIRS PRATT Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jock Taylor on the birth ol their daughter and to Mr and Mrs David Harbor on the him or Iiipound son Wallace Barber is patient in lioon Victoria IIoSpIInI Mr and lilrs Frnnk Oakley and Jimmy were visitors with Mr and Mrs John Koll Sunday PAULEITES The Fcbruary Incelittg oi Palli cttcs Anglican Church Women was held at the rcclory with Iicv Vallcr Lee as host Roll call was answered by it mem bers with toy and mme were received These will lit Iu IIIII drcn in tho Arulic Iu ltrixhtcit lliuir 970 Christmas TIILISIIIII annuol rummage sale will be held April in inlty ParishI IInli Watch Coming Even at the end oi itinrch Ior par ulars Items requested are CIOIIIlt Ing household Items and espec inlly pockct novels etc libs Norman Richardson presided over the meeting and gamcs Mrs liarry Iinldcroif rcml scripture Money is to be sent Rcv Joshu Pbilpnlt and Inmin in the far north Ior Easter donation was given to the Junlt ior Auxiliary Mr Len scrvctl delicious lunch assisted by sonic of the lodis The March meet ing will be preceded by Holy Communion scrvico at it pm at St Pauls Church than all will go to Mrs Ilohcrt Ilazcldcns home for meeting and lunch HEARD FRO AFAIK huge mclcoritc exploded ovcr Siberia on June 30 1908 with bang heard but milcs away =tr LEAKY FAUCETS Is that cunslztnt dll gct ting on your nerves and causing your water bill to go up Call us up im fast 24hour emergency scivice Plumbing llcntinx Electrical Ilcsltlcntlul Cnmmcrnlnl industrial 7282731 24 HOURS DAY SELL MORE When you piacn your Articles For Solo ad in The Barrio Ex aminer kecp those points in mind stnto Whut item is Brnnu name Accessories and attachments Speciiientinns Condition scd Ior the City or Darrin and the County ol Slmcoo AUCTION SALES GOUGHLIN AND PIFHEII AUCIIONEERS Uplodulc Inclhuds top quality scrvIco llen sunrnnteed satisfac Toiopllono 7200011 Upiihislcry FIIIIin Man Colm Make It easier for tho prosplicl to buy ltmmttllnr the AIIILIt for Solo ciarailicnlion is the Peoples Murkct Plano Thinking of BUILDING Thinking of REMODELLING PANELLING HARDWARE BERTRAM BROS 429 BLAKE LIMITED 7260254

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