NOTES it Right Spent 0n Flyor Bus By Gerald Alishy Examiner Sports Editor tough lame head in Edictlite The learn knew it and the sudden sctivlt liy resulting in player nhsenu didnt add to ctxitldcncr Alter low comment exchang on suspensions and Corbys injury there general sil ence Some read my several magazines disappeared quickly othera slept And as the bus bended his ther toward the south drivtng conditions kept more tbsn lew eyes on the road ahead Then came the Toronto stop Alt present exeept the third delenecmsn Don Fraser But word nine be was drlvmg or head and would join the team in Bellwtlle it was probabb the first piece at good new thus tar But still there was In unusual quiet and as the road conditions worsened more and more stop ped reading or sleeping to watch the road PRESS BOX darned pail nuns om Ityer bus it tell Barrio esdsy en route to Belle despite threat Rb the Area ville sad game re and tar zomshebenmondimns That was enough to Hawks despite comp to the skills ol the the vehicle you man guiding whit was clouding the usually talkative time was an obvious number of empty seats Corby Adams was waiting or en el bow operation that pronounced the end of his hockey season HcCiocklin had just been suspended indenitely by both the Fliers and 011A for mental conduct lon Weeks was unable to make the trip because of other commitments Jack Martin wasnt on hand And while it was expected that several members ouldgaoin gt uad tiring crop go could but help wonder if all would be there THE GAME IN BELLEVItLE men Jack Smith Jim Thompv Kane The ed in game sell is DOW history Fraser after The PI era with only 13 players son and Don let hlo shaky start and low lapses in am Ed with name the troubled second Irame ut Hawk contingent home vidors 645 with team el fort that have restored es ccutive and player morale con siderahly it was the night that an Campbell wheeled and whirled fired three packs past Belle villes Steve Itcxe and looked ni iogcthcr like he was trying hard to show everyone just what he had learned from Scotty how mans st louis Dina during tart falls training camp Km laced with shots in the mm period reminded one of the hockey goalie great as be continually sprawled split and gloved drives that had goal written all over them And then the three defence AND THEN THE TRIP BACK HOME lagthe music continued via radio through the bus intercom while eudtre occupied some and si others ear and this reporter had chat about New Brunswickand on strong delenxivo choc display in the third period to give Payne it rest and sent the ateHawks packing All this not to weaken every other player on the ice or the Fiycrs that shook oil minor puck lamina and came back Fern SL 0329 John lilciliiian Paul Whitn up from the Coilingwood shipbuilch and wearing Ail ame No whose shoes he was tnrccd to fill an unenviable task to any the least The team every member had that something called desire it was that that ave them the victory and on it was over they knew it They also lmow they had overcome considerable odds in winning Onge There was no poll on the bus leaving Balletlilo In fact the irit was one oi celebration or was anyone expert for the driver concerned the Fern St one who has been on scoring drive since return ing to the Barrie Fixer lineup on mm praise gar til helmet he wears The ust puck on the side at the head in ys game up with but smell bruise to show or the potentially serious sccident St Onge conceded afterward that it wamt lor the helrmt he would have nasty cut lm sure glad was wearing that helmet he said Helmets become for the Flyer squad brie interim coaching ol do There was some the time it the various team members would go along with the edict and just what the lan reaction wouid be caught on able grumbling about lhem nor adverse rim reaction it report St Onges testimonial is even more prool that the Fiycr execu tive made an eticclive move in assuring greater player safety in the three games he ed stove returning to action two assists to lump lntu fourth OBrien llnd Oaks Send Corby iidams Best Wishes ante rlyer star right wing er Corby Adams nnderwrnt an operation on his elbow to day at Toronto General Bos pttni The lnjnry occurred in Sun dnys game against netleville Ind will sideline Adams for the murder of the season it is not known how long will remain in hospital but Ill sport in wishlhhn the hen Ind speedy recovery lle Is in room 21 the Toronto General College wing He HadHZelmet spot in the individual Flier scor ing statistic55 ills tinematc has some words oi has picked centre took alnst the lio in Beltevilla and ended mileer at test compulsory during the xTIIIAwgu In assists dunn the same place lth in the nice Defencemsn Jim Thompson has been an rilectlve ploy iriak Fighnoli serious Beings For Ioe gt Frazier Training KEW YORK AP Fighting for all ligll lor the undisputed heavyweight alter faring boxing championship is serious ire go ogawk business and thats how Joe Frasier is treating his prepara tion ior his right against Jimmy Ellis Humor etcn his own does not bring smile to the ace lrsxier as he trains lor Mon days scheduled 15rde tight at Madison Square Garden One oiFrsziers handlers has John McMillan Blllbd font periodto vc got respect Frazier an Wednesday in shape ior reg he is 11 dont think EllSImcan goo awn ironi me as as mi in on Eraxierssid mom Ellis is boxer white Pralin is puncber and Yaalt Dur ham Frasier manager Ellis wont be able to stay away are out elem deal The Hoim lint Rogers Calgary Stampede Ilnedthe g2 pick you Winnipeg Bue mbers noblestplace nishers in the Western Gallium in statement by general manager bellow that he was more the mast Muslim in log topical Wan wcny Cup finalists mid tackle Bob choco sdxnldt ol the University at Al bertl thdr llrltdtoioe Another AM 91813 sod John hlc uerpickolthe Hanna 0th were Uni ant lrouhd selections oi Toronto trick le Jim Bennett by limited Waterloo hither Jamieson by Cellars Argonauts Mike sharp to 0mm Riders rsseloctnd despite question It helmets seem to have There is no observ lay St has scored inur goals and 51 tinues play race he day to rans or ourr er picking up live assists in the three games has hustled lor goal and three Captain Pete Panagahko com to lead the scoring with 20 goals and so assists or so points scorer on his last goal in the Tuesday Eel leviile game Duhesunnd Jon Weeks who ed only one gnmedn the three and thin as two and three in the mechanical device which transmits the sound of laughter and is placed in cloth bag which tslzttczfd Bag of Lou Siblings smiles and loan from thoseicongnegated in Fra dcrs sing room but not rain Joe Pruner Frazier champion ol six states including New York blows the dangers of fighting and realities Ellis the World Boxing Association king proba bly will he the most dangerous opponent 11 has ever laced lie intends to be as ready as pots tram his man lot at guys have tried to Mlhtm said Durham hut thcyghavcnt been successlu Durham also was at critlu of lrsxlers boxing Ihitity Joe can box he said Have you ever seen Joe has roundtrtnn min the have him Do against Ellis IYnxttr conned his workout Wednesday to three rounds at shedow boxing work ongttho light bag and rope skipping while Ellis spurred two rounds th Stanford Harris and while Mike Dilbean is the enlyzo goal the sound picking up scored goal con One at the more interesting re cords isthnt of inn Campbell atlag joined the Fiyer 15 games ago goals including two hot tricks and picked up sovep assists lur it this garnights was Tuesday when he was by ing player on the ice Goalie Ken his second shutout of the season against Beiieviiio here he has scored ll urrose95liolilil lonnllililil Tough Imported WipeClean Vtn Feed Punch Clead as Rustic Gradeowln to Sttg ImpMm ll pee 95 Morel tor the most outstand Payoe picked up last Sun He has help his average WEN on College street kn son citbums tell all year in the Fly Mike one producedul gnt imljtowe mm One wettwtsher cellegrdthe egong Egg mm an tar to accompany the down 53ng haw in to me Examiner outer ye my In ucondpcmd ms and east nice of Campbelltoa Wmam mu our niternoonm Jim Dhle OBrien ome when he was um up NBa Roy Cyr who rendered med Wm maulhu mm Mm An In on mm In chm many dun annualha nest emur1 mule beam mg steam trout the annals on rent gm gt hen Lobster and steamed clams To greetings to Adams on beasts me my 50 have um am gt here were einsvalonz nel say nothing of Atlantic salmon or the nakvttle tum withan Mum ox gem qv 1m FM complete with many 9m Mknmhm mm be IN minntcs in penalties during tho AND MORE mtgd agarsmlgim mammal on galm bnd Sunday hm hmwnvWG triv rlire hockcllrgtllrliyhndeonvery soon OBrien mm Um gm WT nib rhmugtwui 0121 Yards roused himself after another the cm headed home left hunt pal tomelg cclient ulna on the ice that pro reporter Well ltwns oil dxugmarhl in arm dueed goal and two assists to the oiiice and story written Immigday mgm rock and And as the hour grew lnte Then hgme or aoriea5ltegm back he at me on Sum gt gt gt or early since it was now morn The yawn day 3mm game mm 7130 gt oclo remaining games are gt gnlnst Onltvilic Oaks hero on 0359A ZONE February 20 and in Woodstock is no so ii is 3w PL anti the all Fihlyrgc on hltXED LEAGUE Aileen Hurtuh er pa bl Mocks 550 Wellington tram 253439 Dorothy Eugmaa Bum mm 14 unsung Superior Pilots Davy alp zsszn Peggy Carroll 25 Nor cammm 01 PM Simcoe Drought ma Vernon 247 Key Flower Barrie Central panka so 33 gatinl Texaco new Enid Dcmpster 24am mm Duh 16 45 27 so Meeka E480 90 Superior Mary ltlvwlorth Millie Amy Mk on so ots 87 Davy Dippers Simcoe Cairns 247nm Barb Dalton 230 an garden 51 me ill 11 Droughto 74 Dana Texaco 50 High Triples Edgerton 736 nutmeg McMillan Wellington 47 Bertram 700 McBride 691 in Adams ht lth Singles Steve Strnuii We 59 Rum 354 Base Borden mi 294 McBride 2793 Crimson Demasier 659 mm Cw WWW Tum 273 WW Carroll sic ltl Snider on gm NW 5mm ztgsoodclid 23511 Hrtilttgllu 812mm Mowl 00qu 51 ernon Alllston oc in we adhidfhl Barrie Eastvicw Mirror conn 6M Steve strauh sail Jnnlors Clairmont Je Mcliridc Mildred Tay 79 Cm Pia Fraser so mfg LAUSANN Switzerland camng Weller AP Otto Mayer farm Barrio Enstview 10 White eel anwew BOWL chancellor of the international Buni9 Central Payne No L361 hed WWW Olympic Committee died at 10 Ease Borden Others El 27 34 x7 39 STANDINGS Nestle Clinic here Tuesday lie music TOTsz 242 390 1016 Unnnhhcd Mare 38 Earth 3m Pluto was 69 Mayer was 10C chancel gume NM 1013 includes mm butch gt Saturn all Mercury Venus ior from me to root alter rerv 5115 so Jupiter 25 Neptuno do ing fol Eeagsglgltaig Sin ics Doris ger on genera is zigzagzitfhetty McBride 2M Hockey Federation nd 33 SKI Amounts Im 10mm IILICIAII IvltnttArI Helt the ehIrleston inside ski gellndegprungs and lamp turns cI titers The illustrated jump turn is really quit in with little speed Plies through your oup1egl high in the air Once you are up to one pole liip your skin over and drop our to plInt your poles llrmly poles the fun ol skiing is to try new thingr Acrobatic skiing has become very popular in recent years Not every hotico tor turnl but the royal ehrlltte mm In inside skit Javelin turns it be done by most good simple on ht kicking ohlit your Weight to that side Control Junior Nordic Open LA lawman or Skiers from the Western Canada one at the low Canadians quail to find to lag Griitith of Vancouver Langmnid of Oshawa and Syntchen of Saskatoon the in division are the favorites dominate all events as the Ca nadian junior Nordic ski cham pionships open here today But in each case Ontario divi voritcs sion crosocountry skiers and All me be are Fable taking on the best senior mens jumpers in Canada and win ping he said are are to prdlt 113mm compo tion The junior Nordics the first national ski event to be held in Manitoba are being held at Hot iday Mountain ski resort in this town 75 miles southwest of win nipeg and continue until Sun tla op contenders tor the junior mcna crosMountry title in clude Ernie bonnie to David Cook 16 both at II NWT and Esko Kalviaincn 17 ot Sudhury Iconic won the Quebec junior championship last weekend with Cook placing second in tho loki iomctre race Kaivlatncn has won his last live consecutive junior races and is lino North ern Ontario zone and Ontario di vision junior champion AB GOOD CHANCE Langmuir would have won the 1087 senior lumped molar and didnt stay on his loo bury is one of the top prospects to take the junior mens com bined Nordic title ior best com bined crosscountry and ing results Leigh 21 of the Mike Gumll of Thunder Bay judge international jump rates Mark Chris Garry $88 competitions panelwhile they lost unnulrtuelI In inct he added Chris plutd dSs Erononiy Grade title except he 12xli Chalice Hosea 13 of Sud jump quantity Leigh Captures Special Slalom NEON CF Doug University oi in London Western Ontario strongest hope for the Ontario Wednesday night won the mens womens team is Helen Sanders l5 ol Ottawa she placed third in the senior womens ioltl iornctro race and mirth tn the livekiiometro race at this Snult 5w Marie Sun llolioway l4 and sisters Beverley lil and top Ottawa competitors ll from across the country years senior championship in Centennial Purk where to other Pottlco Cameron are other skt jumping the other Nordic up spot in the womens slalom event will attract top iumpurn Wendy Lnughiin at Toronto wua section of special slalom race or groups and of the south ern Ontorlo ski zones iio linlahcd two runs in 3041 seconds at Etobicoko boroughs LCENTRES TO SERVE YOU skiers competed Kris undvrk to at outivllto beat her sister Beth by only tenth at second for the runner the winner ted in Canadian lineman 15an Tile bad the child cboipe rest Aloueuenlastvplaee finish Existsn Knmilton selected fullback nave Fahrner oi the University an honBut its useless to Wm Ontario Evaid Timusk Waterloovtntheran was picked by Edmonton ithltdeholee in sullen om Hamilton on Lions and sis kstchewan Roumriden were so pomlailnnemelled steel bathtub Big 17x19 butll Int 1061in vem hep toilet Seer and cover sell Said Full 34 ngtd Fouml 54 luiirloli r4x8 $1 in the opening deal with Mont an pole vaul Oonlacnce dub tscktc from Eskimos as tho um um mum bonus money the ileum money leave much for lchitAGTiilitlvohtti 70 Gun tyi titling Ixno womanan oi append to floor Uri any quantity 4x8 Also lxl Mr Gib Antclilto Your Cashwey Manager Serving Barrie OriIliocind your area From Our Location Junction Hwy It North Old No it Hwy Highway 93 Write Best 623 lrro tackle Barry end Bob lanes of the University at Western Ontario bYWinnipeg lwhichhad the rights to Ibrnntn lir choice Wielnn Universty quarterback Ind enough rottnwn general manager Frank Clair hunth for start tnIJZWbECX to replace an retired superstar Bus Jackson regards sharp as hallhack candidate Hes good oli round athlete Clair said llo among other thingthhmk canrnskeour Clair who stepped dolni as Ottawa coach and Jack Gotta have contacted six or seven quarterbadln and are prepared to genital or good one with if we go big for quarter back Clair saldreierrtng to wont 18 HARDBDARD infill23 but quantity CHIPBOARD any uonti um Lu Slum Chipboard Cos Cupboard Door Stork fit16 MAHOGANY 4x8 $1 09 sheet Barrie ria