new Big Rise EnrAiea Populatim Agricultural Socirgv for 27 year from 19 to 199 Incllnlwc Mr it prdlcied by Joan Drinlnutcr rcmarhd bat the the mrmx lay Nahum Jenner war mammmzinm rm ails indudd in mm reected by then rallunlhl Lions In 195 he recalled mm of he 5mm who didnt walk unveiled by bmednylm vo hick airbags hamlet mm wuc mom band In round thzn and more entries in barge competition he said IF callingmix was an age bdom Lucian were introducrd on the farm Barrie Collingwood Hit land odiiia and other fairs have changed our the yclrs Mr Drinkwnlcr who raised priz sheep for yum said he was al way glad to one good lircsiock competitions He also had praise In mid walrr and On air Emmi well as Barrie Coilinan and when for keeping sulky horse racing as leading attraction membch pioneer Sim coc County funiiy MrDrink waxcrs greatam Cap lain Jobo Drinkwntcr la men tioned In Fllunlerc History of Simm County copies of which are on display cf the coun ty archives Mldbulst The book recorded that Mable pioneer was John Drmkwntcr who settled on lot ccucusion 10 Grill in ma When Mr Dllnkwnlcr was have been unwindmiter union going In be KEG crated In Walled pace laid lb 136 wander who is the lm currith mm 01 planet Imily which aided in the county in ms BARR PROSPECTS Barrie would probably be city of $0000 or 60000 people by the end of the 70 Mr Drink wslcr untested with emu probany 0000 or more be present time Barrie has just under 17000 and Drink 21000 difcult to make pre diction with administrative changes tnklng place which could mean newboundarics remarked like former Orillin townspr rave who was Icilvc in municlpal politics for 20 ynrc he referred to the great churn gel and progress since be In waden At income Judge Steam was an Bank and the knowing your ad lit Dxlnkwaur Wm Orillin had more population than Barrie at out time II limugh both won belw IMM iherc has been out dual of change since then and the prospects are it will be much more within the next few years laid the former warden as he made brief refemncu to the more ULmabeb Bm nod Oriiiiu might become one city it was suggested that will be Quito few years ahead yet but Its quite logical to anticipnto Mr Drink water luggcaicd it might be dllficuli for young people to consider what things would be like without television but Wu didnf have It India Stk he llId adding the observation with quiet smile We thought radio wan wonderful then Oro Seeking For Road Budget 0RD STATION Still Ap prove awarded by On Town lIin offlciaia from the Ontnrio department of highway for oupplcmenlary rond budget of The Oro council In seeking the additional cum to finqu now addition to ago township Surng out to gum other Ill 000 I5 sought to pmvide WM for new construction The department previously Ip Drovcd 062000 for new construc tion and 3103000 for metal maintenance mm then Allisicu new anemic doomlaugh had in helping ucb miner When come famili es bad mmawne nigh b0 went to their unlitnu it was mud aidlime harn nialng baa and homehuildlng work was recalled Born at Nmamk On June 10 ms Mr Drinhnier attend 2d Matchinan public Ichool um Cottlnghm lcbool Ind Up per Canada College in Wmtc After law yearn in banking and busineu life be returned to Northbmok when has iIv ed mostol his life Conservative in politics he was once ladenrd clndidate for East Sirocco riding speru cu Mast be was it been allow unfluuocsaintboaouwbcn Drilli Tcnier won the Canad lcn nationIl championship three ycnr In row LAST TIME TQNIGHT PM 9PM =y rm Hicfunaleconcept muqu Wllliam Faulkners Pulitzer PrizeWinning Novel The Reivers isnowa lm Steve McQueen plays Boon inThe Reivers PanvisionachhnlcololA Cinema Centh rams Wescmulion National General Pictures Rcicasc BRIDGE UHAMPS 10me CM Four Unl versity of Toronto students won the Canadian Intercoiicglato brid tournament at the uni vurs lya downtown campus An drew Altay Peter Folio Mi chael Schoonborn and Linda Waidmun won thomain event and had the highest point sland logs no University of Watcrloo placed second and McGill Uni versity third man the 10 par uclpating unlveralt as Adult calm romonnow Evenings from pm Two Complete Shawl Some heroes are bornsome aremacIe some are mistakes VIcommonlmelepmnuvlmxmlmzmomcmu PAMELA JONATHAN JOHN BETHElxllRovlnFHN IVWNlERSIASTINg TONIGHT Battle of Britain DISTRICT NEWS mom Ema1523 mar many mi Pioneer Era of Allisdon momma TopicPor Panel Discussion AuJSlesumHumnh commandantme hm HismdcsilesAsodxioudlimhlinbrdinussbywilhm mm on lhc tile than Ilia Windsor hotel now stands 111 Am SILT of the present Herold wu sinnedin ms with Malcolm McCarthy on dilor In 1871 papers Mme wuclnnged to the Al llslon HEX1d Alliston was Incorporated 1112 In Fletcher non of the pioneer Wil liam Fletcher the rst reeve Cotmdcra included James Ail kin John Stranbnn Richard lapel and Kelly Alliston became lawn in 1891 with John Stewart the first mn yor disastrous fire on hilly 1891 destroycd large deb Inn of the buxincss area meezazmemuhmymn valmm Su 10 on vim sum on WM slgnunxo at elm Feb ii In an mmcdbynssmnnm Aliboughnunsmulnfco 11an Hisfury of AllLs tan will be the good side with more general co min theme of the session with 095091 mid shown laud panel discussion about Mei em aspects Tbehlstory of AL listen usully is traced back In ion when William notch nod his eldest son John out from fccummh in search of mill III which they ultimately select ed beside the Borne River In tho some year tiny erected ll has shanty the first building on the Ailiaion site sawmill was meted by the Fletcher pioneers on the north IIde of the Boyd the following Your thus establiahinx Allistous first Industry TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS STAYNER Staff Eight team will parudpm in the gov Emumediate bummn mam wldrh will be held If Super Collegiate pmmmm um coming Saturday Fab The sari nmuzsium will be the scene of lime tourna wllb wanna engaging Han over la in other fun road gum Plumlag Colic will phy Put Street alleging from Oriliia ll ii 111 Ind Port Per ry met Brock Coilcll from Cmmn cm pm Saulnal gums arc slated for the nllu Basketball Tourney Planned At Stavner noon wilhtbeflnaiinmeerb lung mammal have been Blade for dun following Lb senior tourcomm on SIiurdIy Feb mnmhmm guunawill hm Prim l5 cun vencr in charge mm It weeks lam on Satur day Felt with another eight teams participating STAYNER OPENER Penelnngulchc ne willmeet Stnyncr in the opening inter mediate game this cominx Sat urday at am Orlllia Park St Collegiate will mevx Cullingwood in the second rstround come It 10 mm The draw BU lot Markham to meet the Orillja Collegiate squad It ll Im and Exam bridge to engage Pan Perry in the other rstround grime Semiind must are billed for and 1311 with tho final starting at pm BAREIE EASTVIEWS Barrie Eastviews will meet Shayne in the opening game of the senior tournament at mm 1874 with George PHONE 72820 musmn ny 5LSPPNAGLE Tin Hi girk busy with their new cums program and on elm ted by lcaduu Robin Coward and Darlene Jory Mrs Gougb Mrs Brown Mrs Wulslul 311 Dicker and ms lil Sponaxls amended on eighth annual meet ing of Simcoe Prcsoyfeol of Unllcd Church Women In St Pauls United Church Orillm Feb This ranks among the better meetings and despite 1cm uealhu was the best attended with 350 women ngisterlng The special guesta Airs Roy er Rev Gordon Which Rev Proctor were the reasons for the high sundard of the program which centred round the theme Map 01 Cams Mn Cough who has been president for Lb plus two years was pre sented with gift by 315 iyn Trace for the Presbyterinl Mrs Hamlin succeed I5 president NEW STUDY United mulch Worn met me home of in anal Brown Feb p121 Airs Bell led the worship and chase Rb conciliation theme The new study was introduced by me past pruidenl Mrs Wurslcn skit entitled who Me In which five mefbexs took part was followed by discussion Next ranting will be March Mrs Womans BENYLIN COUGH SYRUP ii Oz Reg um OTRAVIN NASAL SPRAY Rog Lilo ONE DAY VITAMINS PLUS IRON cuoCKs VITAMINS 100s Reg 413 TRI in SOL 50 Rog 519 CORICIDIN TABLETS on me 138 88 TRIND COUCH SYRUP oz Jug 149 79 VICKS FORMULA 44 COUGH SYRUP 91 119 39 POLAROID COLOUR FILM 108 41 lm manilamnnImgmmnnmm 89 199 1215 WHERE woman mama for people who Love money more than snavmg Cream SOMINEX c2 WAMPOLES UK 129 Bottle of IN Rog 149 Dequadln Antlscptlc KAEOPECTATE Throat Lounges ya Oz Res PROMATUSSIN COUGH SYRUP Oz Rog commom TABLETS 99 25s Reg 149 DIOVOL 12 Oz Rog LN GERITOL TABLETS 80 Reg 4M VICKS VAPO RUB Economy silo Mg 99 SOMETHING lew llAs BEEN ADDED PRESCRIPTION SERVICE Youll like ourlow low Prices le6 us try and see Then will spend so mu money on them 100s 10s 25s GELUSI TABLETS Roll 190 CONTAC CAPSULES Reg 99 PHISOHEX 18 oz Mule Reg 819 GRAVOL TABLETS Reg 1277 Iluprnl Mlsiomoiors In Free Adapter Reg 269 Does paying more for Prescriptions make you footballer $1 One of 18 illoch ewnad and operated by Drug WerldleIMd VaIuFuirIDrug Mort For People WholoveiTo shimmy Nor AI OUR NEW plO DUNLOP ST MON T0 WED 90 THURS FRI 99 SAT 96 79 63 63 19 114 59 209 119 119 JERGENS HAND LOTION gt 20 05 Li ACTIFED Reg 149 99 CEPACOL MOUTHWASH R01 151 79 INFLATION ill wgtow