Stilfdhl Unibn Try Bogg BONES an and gamed icul polanl tnvolvcmmla Ian Brooks the University Wasurn Ontario London rmwtrmmu Wu an or on It must Tin with the problem of society as wboh But tlcu pet pro tected by Unlvmin of Otto vva oppose politicallyIn valved body Any prglmntlou which com blnu nullaul Kudzu affiliation with an Noamconstricted approach will and should fall the Ottawa brie noted John Campbell dclegnln from ed Down maroonante muteu to form another pa on Eh mun haw bent directed alanod occoalitlou erAUnlvcnlry to dalrgatn Bob James lhc mmm mounted anmlrn promv lilibumr Friday In noon and proposed respiration thatdalagus abandonm squaro coniuence tabla Info mntlnu Ind get dovvn to the Highly git by lilting on the That resolution was defultd but delegules came up with no Ideas of us what national nudenl up on should be The conference continue until Sunday Mocking thcjudge Abbie lioilmnu LEM cud lorry Rubln wear judicial typo robe at pron conimnce In lcdcrul building Chicago ycs terday They are among Chi LATEST Dnrnuoaura Allllll can on trial on chnrgu cvuaplrucy to cum riots Dur vo mouths oi trial the vo Iboulod ut Judge Julius off mon in court now ro Iorl to tbs humorous gctup AP erophotot Ontario Government Charged With Inviting WHENER CF Uni versity of Waterloo geography proiesaor accused the provincial ovornmaut Fridayo Inviting and speculators to move into the Niagara esc mcnt muk in it unoccncmica for prescr vaiou Spanking uI panel discussion on urbanization Dr Aubrey Dlom auid tho ovcrnmcnl un nouuccd more tuullwo ycnra ago It had commissioned utudy on preservation of tho os carpmont cxtcndln no miles from tho Bruco lcn suln to Ni agara Fulls That was the Ilrst mlatuke he said Tho announcement encour aged speculators to buy cacnrr mout lnml In tho hopa It wuu bring lhem prom it tho ov ernmcat lutcr deeldcd to thllrdlund ior dovclopmcnt no la roomt on the one mom was lubiod In tho logla uturo int Dcc ll recommends the province Universities Are Relevant Solving Social Problems velli3llrohccilnf All relavunl to the world at social action and will ho called mou moran Ihe Iulurn to ID vo problems like pollulon coxlfrol decay oi eltlca nnrl munngomrnl cl mllltury operations meet glg ol geogrnpncra was told Fri Dr Huro who was unA able to attund tho moctin upon Iorcd by the National vllory Commit on Gnusrnllhlcnl Re Mcarcl murlo tho contention In prepared paper Speculators acquire control of 89000 nerca of oacurpmonl land and loo tivo control over another 35000 um lily tho limo tho rollulla of the atu woro mudo hllc Dr Dicm auid the major ty of good ski areas along lha escarpment ulrcudy hud been bought up Ix rivulc clubs while arena wi Imostuno do oaila had been 10 cured by nltoli Stulos atocl companies Whats more Dr Dicm Hid tho ovornmont now hill repeal ed at mlsluko by unnouucln It is lookln or and out Guolph auitu in for on ulrporl Whllo it Inkcs grant amount loud to build un airport any Intelligent spcculntoran thoy usually are Intelligent pco lo cun buy this land or at out tuko out no option ho auid Watch For Our Clock WatcherI 18Hour Solo Watch This Nowspapar SIMCOE DISTRICT Freedom Of The Press Needs Responsibility WINDSOR Out It mndeLzdun mumwannabe uyInCaoAdatbgybawtudto Aceompaniedbympouaibtlysizmmdpmdavhallhe the pass Scour Keith arc DIR hid an W3 mm 51w annex Lyn Senator Dlvey mums and we cation 3x111 Ln enablln men prua niacin and lb type rmmmudullm the comme would make be cause an hearing are um going on be said Most it duration dull with tho lnuulryl lurmat and nding Schtor Davey said he didnt Oil Pollution Termed Worst Hes Seen Says OWRC Oliicer OTTAWA Rnymand Maison an baker of the Ontarv lo Water Resources Cummly aion say all pollution that letter the Can of two local beacbca here last June was the worst be has seen In nine years on tho lob Mr Manson whose district stretches In triangle from To mum to Cornwall lo Algonquin Park was testllylng lbursdny It the trial of Public Riel Transmission System Lid The iron charged with un luvrllrlly discharging or permit ting in he dischard fuel oil inIo alarm newer empulng Into Napean Crcclr wblcb In turn empties into the Rideau River Mr biuuson told provincial court Judge Hurry Williams that he look waler umpch from the crcck outlet June and Iound high oil ratio in il aye tau men criliLm on the quemhg done by Ibo commlalion Ian Kw141 Elm The comm all did But no iub hurt or an in madam Mr Darcy said Wu ban no intention of allowing lb rplrit of Splrva to Ihadow the uuvillu lb committee He laid The main 81 Lb but equipped body or Inden lnking tho bccausc Li bu the time and the people and LI chin to late compartlnn up punch to Lb invuilglliun thespxlnlmtacnmmlunon mmadrguuluwlmisnrto malamnmmm Wham Do who cum Iliame Lab cl Mn Lbs mm anticommde Ihttmnkthuemdbt gumntcoocml dump porn thumb Liberll said The rugonsblllly must come rum inai He aid Lb pres In th in scum Icsponshiil and the public the lecund mum no Senna commission Is alrcady having some cant be said For the flat time in the id never been no much all coming our be said Stanley Bums disuld lnspec Inr or the commission at Ibo lime laid it could take year or all the escaped oil to dua Ihe arch Sam Chipman chief engineer Ior Ncpean Townabip and one of IE promuLian witness told Inc court that under francqu agmmcnt between Inc llnn and the township the firm la held rrsponsible lo all damage caused by Inning The firm had paid more rhun 37000 to dalo to rectify the situation Lawrence Armstrong tbs flrm prosidcnl said the con tractor hired by his company was mspnnsiblr for the leak bc cause he did not adhere l0 lob lpeclllcntluns Decision on tho case was re served to Feb Comerslone 35mm Gov Gcn Roland Micbencr will lay cornerstone March or loyal Et Colleges Int campus bulld PAIR EXCHANGE Ottawa who is secretary of blr nudcau was made an honorary adviser to tho CGlI CF ercphoto Prime blinlsiu Trudeau ax chaugcs man from his laps the Canadian Girls In Train for badxs presented to him In duriu by bus Margaret Taylor oi liurncut ceremony on Pur Ottuwu Friday Mrs Michcnu will acm pony her husband during in do visit here ending hillch Governor GcncrIl also NEWS ROUNDUP will an school an hospital pallenLl during on all Want Government Ignore College Protest Plan ondary school teachers nro bclug would schedule winch would act starting salaries at minimum of $00 and maxi mum 8700 depending on It ademic qualications lua urns range from $7100 nllcr in year in the lowest category to $11700 uftrr years In the highut group Striker Fined OIIAWA OP former employee or soft drink cum auy was Iinod $300 in Dnrurlo guprumo Court lrlduy when he was cited or contempt ol court Palrick Mitchell was cited or lulllug to obgy court order rcatrainlng Purc Spring Cun ndu Ltd enmich mm Inter icriug with or huroulng com ny officials or nonstrikers urlug strlko against Ihe eom puny lust October LONG PRODUCE To date are products for generation aner maturing in about In In 15 years NOTICE TO EXAMINER SUBSCRIBERS CARRIER MISS YOU If your BanIn tumbler can bu not arrived by MIL plum labour 7282433 and Itopyelncnmlnuvlnbt delivered In your home by pan 10mm CF lba GillII problems bo rays in lrtlar Service Auoclalion of Out to has called on the overnrnrnt to Mr Illhone dolluca two oi Ignore plaumR protut on the mums gm oarsc1215 blondu by some oi the prov be incer lEomrnuulty college teach nWolhe H5103 05 11V In letter thls week to Edu cIIIon Minister William Davis the nssoclation criticize pro posed series of teachin by the Ontario Fodaradun ol Communl ty Collcgo Faculty Association mm mm mun Tho laltcr says support or the lie sugguts Cauudn lollow odcratium which use faculty Swedcul cxumple and encour uuoclallona as the bull ior ago collective bargaining ruthcr memberspr instead ol indlvlrl than merely tolerate It uul teachers Ia minimI Amiga lull zgxrcnlme 13 The SAC computing with tho Incully chorntlon for tho rd gulf 1mm=5iiz right to represent tho 3000 up Wm teacher in negotiations with the gt rt EV govcrmncnl says some faculty Immvh 31 mg ulociotiona rcprasoul adminim ll normal while others bgvovknpibnn half the lacully SUDBURY Education TO CONTACT THE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT directly call 7266539 330 mm to 530 Mon to Fri Ind up to 100 pm Sat VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELCARS TRUCKS Thuc Is no chum or IhIs nrvleo ML Mny clmmrgn Mu lllcat cl us always come back to Ibo question why doesnt tho government do aomctblng about It We rcvcro the nation stain and we sum to assume our governments have The federation which vaya 1890 teachers are member of local faculty associstlous has mum mmum Dam mm Friday It is uullkuly lrcnch evcr will be compulsory plunncd cutday scrlel oi touchIns across the provlncs throughout Ontarios ancondury achoui lyalcm Monday Reject or one Archaic lillll louchcn Mr Davis was naked bout protcctlu unlllnruul mnoum or Union no ruduutc corn ctng against mm PM mMM Ellingqu gra uutcsblllnguol oiicr by Canudlan Gonarul Elec tric Co Ltd of Toronto or new collective agrccmant or 3000 workers In It Ontario pluuu spokesman for the United Electrical Radio and Muchluo Workers of America uld the union will present GEs after to members next week with tho rocommcndutlon It be rclcctcd In tho proposed twoyour cum truer GE oficrcd to give work cra ll cents an hour morn In tho iirat your and another 14 cents morn In tho ascend your The olicr also provides or an addi tionul lo cents an hour or chilled lubor Current uvcrngo worn at GE plunta arc 310 an hour Tho union has asked for an in crcuso oi so cents an hour in the first your und unbthcr so cont In tho Mcoud Big Problem TORONTO OF William school tcucbera Muhonoy Canadian director Both tho 11200 clcmonrury tho United Sioelworkcrl school teacher and 1490 aoc America soy Cauudu bus number priority problnmi bccnuso their truiniuglu tho secondary school system Mr Davis anld ho could not rcdict whut tho situation might U9 In low yours but dont really In French being mudo obligatory for all Iiva grudc of tho aomndury school program Asked if unilluguul graduates wlll huvo to compute ho ro plied It will he nocoasnry within any 11 us in mu arena of tho pruvce lor rem ody to bo bllln ul to move Into tho com morc ul industrial oducolionul or whatever communlly you may wish to suggest lhcrc nro numbcr oi tuntlous whorc thla will not be oucntlnl MIDWAY VARIETY AND COFFEE CUP Cmplcln enNtop varier Sun 10 mm to MIL Wieldya mm to 10 pan Holiday rm to lo pm Til BRADFORD 81 72945 SHOPPERS DRUG MART achllIngtan and Anne sis 00 to 500 mm mm PLAZA ALLANDALE DRUGS III noon puns pun 330 p111 ESSA ROAD 12343 Equal Salaries 1onon OP Metropoli Ian Torontos six borough boards 01 nducution Friday oriuullzod their salary oliora in omontnry and secondary Baum SEA roons RESTAURANT Tullenut Service pan to pm Try our sundny Special URADFORD M502 72353 and govornmcnt Is one them BIG BAY POINT USHER fnylngng DINING ROOM purcnlly lncnpublo of solving on our No social and economic LTD Snack Bar Sundrlel Week On 341 Sund 10$ llolldnya lo 10 IS PENELANG HARPERS PHARMACY LTD Pauctnug Bl It st Vincent Mon to Thurs till punl Friday till pm lundny 12 noon to non 72851 LAKEVIEW RESTAURANT Tulle nnmuvsarvlea Kentucky Frlod Chlckcn Spoclully Noon to nan 185 DUNLOP Sut Sun 10 mm to lo pan Qhuuchcon Booelulr 05c cumnlcto Dinner from $225 Ollunrvnlloua or ElkDon 1anch and other mun mg my Palm Road Cull AIS1110 or 72945008 THE GRILL Milk Light Lunches BREAD FOR 00 lirnfllordEun Rd mam BETTY MS SNACK BAR Full Course Maul Groceries and Variatio sumlny duo to 10 pan chk duys lltlll run to lo pan ANNE 81 DRAPERY PROBLEMS iiiV 72 They can ho ralved at Ibo 9mm STUDIO 16 COLLIER 5T BARBIE 7287712 128537 NEW IN TOWN and dont know whch way to turn call the grizle 7b Boston at no rzwu or artm Youll be glad you did mam memmmmnmmm lt