mm by cinuni Walls Publisher McPhIrson Ontariosmmaaadesmdiwgb mundedaredtbatthefcdadpro Mummersrem mwerches momma Ind Woodland mammal wanemmfaxnidng studyotmefedcnlwhiaa lbownmatfodaalcsumubuhzva MW The menll taxman basing it oledBmuwmld to than calcuhons mot to $1300 Andfhindeedwouldbequlten cbunkotcash nMisnomggaadoninthcmto rmcuftlntalltawanirmwonaryAny mvdllhaoasethecostoflivmgand Acausebaslcoosutobwrcase Whoevzrmotlvatesthmtnxincreases Mathempassed on right downthe line andreyaretelt dhectiyorindir uegfIybyeverynnntberofthecornunnu 35 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner Feb 1935 Cotmcil rallied relief expenditures am to avenge $800 per wuk Using unemp oy ed men to mt ire on buy should help situation this month Mayor James Simpson Toronto addressed BarrIa Klwnnls Club at American Hotel mnger station rcs elected dishnun BmdeBoudodexacaamwllhDrE ALIA Uri MMbertBrym mondErnectRyanmptedposion mammformw dorm HonDrL in mmmmoreannualtees0wnty ammunddcddondlestoroedsysfem llouneoRefugc utBecton over crowded wlbh 108 bnnatcaBcrt noon Orv oty ONeill Barrio tailor Winter 39 dsemxtsrerlforshmcCountysuc curling Joshua Swan Meeting called tome Barrie organizallons by Pruident Fred Douglas of Retail Mere chants Assam lives attending Jack Rodgers amdiArthur Sndthhr Kiwanis Club Art Pugh and Oscar Shank Lions can Sutherland and lIambly Agricultural Society Mac Laren Horticultural Society Phil Love NO POLITICS IN THE LAW Folonto Globe and Mail Two black students called press conference in Montreal this week to an nounce what would be done If the Canadian Government did not respond to their demands in connection with charges laid against number oi Carib bean students in the destruction the ii George Williams University compu Geddes Granger and Dave Darheau su ed by Roosevelt Douglas one or use charged said that unless 0b tawa announced an investigation at ruc ism at Sir Geo Williams before the trial be on onday student move ments 11 several Caribbean countries would launch second oftcnrlvc gainst Canadian racism Mr Gran cr said the attentive would be directed at Canadian people and interests in the Carlbbean Arabsr TTIlAPPENED IN CANADA er lillzofes andgxmomm CVEEIllE vans $0M VAGIAMOIINTS RAVE BEEN FWUGW 0mm av EMMY m7 mraant Silly in Hume M091 run EEI uonmwmv Innm I7 AREMTNEW T0 CANADANDT 51M ARBIIALMIMIFNE Mall Wc mmammmgww mam IWE um 0mm TAYFAVWMILLIW rnouus mruawmaumo manna masonsmmrsmsml Immune suauenmwn nme Romppm unitd 16 Blyold SM Ban 0mm Kerry Lunhls Canarul Manager Managing Editor Whatlstbcuaeol unmofabudgetiltheverynext ebodycbebrlngsmsomo ideato waste the countrys rev DOWN MEMORY LANE and Awrlzie 6031 Parks Board 13 man llama Tom Shepherd Bill Arena Commission Twisa an Roadway Mer chants Loyal Orange Lodges of Sim coe County opposed diversion of taxes to separate schools The star is twice asbluylnBnlrie this yearaslaslyear NelsonK1ppdcfencestaroiCa4npv Borden llyxs 511W broken in hockey match or Ban1c Arena beat Orillla 112 with Les Hook lays gr airingl Shag night wry tnanamun aria Coach Gordon Mocking revampedm up of Barrio Colts or junior me Armin Mc lin elt against Paretomg Alvin Bowen was innetudlBudelmradenokPat ton on defence Bill Scott Bill Aruott and Gregg Coulson on first forward line BevScoitwasonaeoondllnewiIA1 bcrt Kirby and Harold Pro St hemon Hurry aton alternate unpaid all MbthEvggorymmltvnmg 31116 been whims loam suffered almll fracture and seven canclmlon game at Maple Lead Gardens He is conned to Toronto Gen eral Hospital No years while play ing for Detroit Red Wings got broken hand in Toronto wan traded to the Amcrkai end or season Hats off to Churchill Curling Club one of oldest in Ontario With only 25 members they enter everything and always win something OTHER EDITORSVIEWS It is possible that further investiga tion of the evean leading up to thoivl olcnce at the university could be plat ifled But no Canadian Government not the Government of Canada nor the Government or Queboc should even consider undertaking such an investi tIon until the court has dealt with charger before it and It was gross meninence on the part of these stud to suggest that it should Canada L9 country In which the ollt ical function is divided from thaj lcial function In Canada man is Judged by the courts according to the low and not according to the political inuence as with Ni innudlaguwould ave 1150 once ry pu cly to bring political pressure on court and if he tried to do it in secret he would be guilty of criminul offence and rightly so 5F BURMA BIRTHPATE 46 I6 QEVBEED AND CELEBRATE 8V MANV all 1WDMIILIDN CANADIANS oF dolllli ORIGIN DirM WEE 45315 NIHElm 554105 Mcmmmw MIAIIJIIAMWmIMWD awemm ram 554mm namess thwlf WYorkmvrh currior Toronto Montreal 1er II selection cdi toriab on curmt topiu lrulllud from Illa Freudi Iugnnu preu ol Canada Trobmvicrcs la Nounll llrto Onco aguln lhc govern ment of the province of Quo bzc and lhut of Ottawa are on the point or opening new constitutional war Mural Musso Quebec in tergovernmental ullalrs min Isler has revealed that Quo bee does not accept the propo CANADAS STORY Trade lingered New England By BOB BOWMAN When Briluln traded Louis burg Cape Breton to honed for Mudrnl lndlu tho New England Itntca wcrn vcry unhap py lauldburg had been cup lured by tho Americans in 1745 but its return provided lhc hunch with base to menuce their shipplng and porhups oven to launch mllitury campulgn So Britain docidcd to build un othor hand In Nova Scotia and tho harbor oi Chcbucto now Halllux was chosen it qu lllo to be tho cnpltul the col ony Edwurd Cornwullis was sent thorn to ho governor and brought 2500 sottlcrl who includ ed Irulncd workmen doctorr tenchors and members at other professions who would ho uselul to tho now community They wore given free land and for your guns ummunllion and tools for tannins Than the Acudluns were ex pulled from Nova Scotiu in 1755 und Iholr lundn were given to morn new sottlcra muny at them from the Now Enulund Stutca Cornwallis was suppo5cd tn ontubllsh Inlrly democratic form of guvornmcnt In Nova Scotiu hut nolloclcd ta tukc Ihe nacauary alcps He won wounded by Coloncl Chnrlca ammo MZWTAWJJ Oi Barrie Examina 16 Ba old Strut Ontario Tolephouo 7W7 Second CIA Mull lloglstrutlon Number 048 Morn portan gunrautosd Dailylsundoys and Statutory Hollduya excepted Subscription rut daily by 55c wcnkly 02960 ycnrly sin la copies loc Ily mull Burr 2500 yourly Onturiv 01000 ycnr Other mull 3500 yo Motor throw all $2100 Nullunnl Advertising Ofii cca 421 Unlvorslt Avcnuo on Ca lcurt st Mombor ol the Cnnudlon Prcsu unu Audit liurouu of Clrculnlluns Ihu Canadian Prcsa ls ex cluulvciy cntlllcd to tho Inc ior republication of all now dlhputchoa in this pnpcr crcd llcd to it or lho Auuoclutod Press or lleutcrb und nlw tho locul nows plulllshcd Lhorcln Tho llnrrio Exumlnor claims Copyright In all orlulnul ud vortlsinli und editorial mulcr Iul croulcd by Its omploycna and reproduced in thin nowa papcr Copyright nculalrutlon Num hor ammo rrclatnr Ill r453 sillon oi the Canadian govern mcnt for Canadian rrpw scutntlvs In the now Agency Cultural and Technical Con operation of enchmpelking Countries It Is high tima the Quebec nnd Ottawa rcpmcnllfiv acttla this question once and for all Qucbcc being tha only rovlnco with Frenchspank malaria must be repro lontad at ctc meatball of tho agency Lowroncm tough loldicr who wua lurgcly responsible or thu expulsion oi the Acudlunl Luwrcnco was not Interested In democracy clthcr but hll hand wnl Iorccd by the new sot ticra from Now England Thoy insisted on huving lcglslnturo as they had In New England and so on February 1750 Governor Lawrence and his council pulled roanluiionl pro viding tor the election at 16 mcmbnrs from the colony oi whom our would be from Hull fux and two lram Luncnhurg As soon as any communin had po ulutlon of so it would be com ed to elect two mcmbcrsl Whut bccumc tho first luglslug Iuru In prcuntduy Cunnda opened at Ilnlllux on October 1750 Yours lulcr Church Dick cns was distinguished visitor and ho wrote that it won like looking at the British pnrllu mcnl through the wrong and of telescope OTIIIJI FEB EVENTS ImFree land wlll olfurod to US citizens who acltlud In Cunudu ISMLord Curnnrvon intro duced Brillsh North America Act in House Lords ma Citizens Victoria n0 drnvo members from leg lslnluro because of charlch lu act of union with Cunuuu InlaWur Purchurlng Enurd wus calubllahed Mrs Ralph Smith hccnmo lirat vomun member of legislature of British Columqu DONT MISS nus OUTSTANDING PICTURE FINAL SHOWING ran 10 GMT mo QUEB sYs Mr Trudeau recognized uvcral years ago when ha was lournalirt lint Quebec hod urgent need of there en countcrs But today the situation Ll no longer tho some The prime mlnllter at Canada places sort cl vote In the field or relations bctwosu Quo bcc and Frenchwanking un Ilony However Mr llasse balm launching Into diatribe against tho icdcrul govern ment would bo better all to ruvcnl the clause ho consid ers unacceptable In tho lcdon al polluon Reluu corube an 29 oilavvn In Brain year ago at Niamey on African loll whore cvcrythln grow no quick they laid loun dullomioi tho FranchIpukn ing community With the re turn JunElmo Dubc taruna alluira mlnlalcr from his tour oi Ranchspanking Africa and lolluwin Iho tulkl bolwoen tho fedora govornmcnt and Claude Illorln dcputy mlniatcr of In tcrgovcrnmontul ulinirs icr Quebec In prupurulion for the coming meeting of the Frenchspanking cummunll It is urgent to ask what tbs organization umnunu to During the last year tho provisional mmtory of this association in goatutlon JennMun Leger hnl worked energetically on the drafting of the constitution of this asso cinlion Iaballodcuiturul and technical but which appuronb 1le in dungcrvof bolml politi Cll in thc ulmnco of proclaa constitutional to it looms noccsaury to Ask quor tinnl touching on rculltics and not on myths If French speaking lcaJorrn ir cndly assoc ullon Is It for strictly cultural purposes or to help cuch other by tcchnlcul mutcrlul and our nomic uxchungca It rooms tho lumtnlul of tho uld olicrcd by Canada in cluding Qucbcc goes bcyond thu urou oi mply cultural ties Will tha meetings of tho Frenchspeaking communi ty uluo servo to chart thn ovo lullon or thwo Alrlcun nu tlona to make periodic rovi rlnns to work out progrnm of cooperation It would rccm normal that tho Cmudlnn delegation to tho anchspculllng community Allan Salumul Production Engelbert Bum ck Tom Ion at the skyline llolel Bob representative at the federal none conferencu of tho Tastes Vary By Generation IyXlN WALLS arrr mm Dorsey He has been promoted Into lhc big limo under the ham and Johnny llug Icr they on par for blmxia admmanl butmmdbert Ia but for loot wo BIO ALEX is man my fancy in murlo You no him often on TV pinyin honkytonk lauo with Vanda ug on the Innwad Lil chow or In per the Post ined The raised II at if It law poo have heard of the mlu can be composed first ol all governmcnl reapoualbla for our Intcrnutlonnl relations while entrusting to Quabec major role but not prepondcn out from the ccnrtltutlaual point of view That Is II we wish to safeguard In tho cycs oi the world our national Idem tify as acvcrelgn country Mr Mano Quebec mints tcr ol Intergovernmental af iulra on hla return Irnm hla consuilalions with Mr Lip kowskl French lunior cabinet rnlnlatcr rerponalblo for for sign attain has appeared acowllng on tho French net work of the CBC to to us ln tone which give warn ing Di now atom We may howovcr be opti mlrtla about tho outcome of lulka bctwrcn Quebec and Olluwayand for several runw ly post colonill daysl day cl Simone County pctcd in the the Manila mp parliamentary committee on coustllullonul rciarm hul Just been not up It would be rcmuluro to take action bo orc It hua lluished its work Quchcc Prunicr JennJacquos Bertrand is seeking to avoid conlroututluua It is dliilcull to imagine qucallcn of community being In cuusc oi lcblrm Canada or that tho next meeting of Frcnchdpoaklng countriol lu ataud oi being an exam In of tcumwork dcganantoa to apcctuclo In which one or un ttior trch to Alan the mo Butler to build than destroy Iulgcuco Charpnlier Jan itcd it than cuhnly remove that Burriel death Provchr Ni wny ALL 29 eloaodl LAST TIME TODAY RM EM DXTD EM ronavs emunol annual robolllour up ugallm Ibo will mum III pulp of Enchant nunmum luluBridtntEXPLDSIONIIInlnlWNSTROUD amemrmm murmur lN COLOR le ls so graphic could have sworn the screen was smoking Nv only column female concept Inowd Wme MARIE ACINIMAIION INDUSTIJIIMrm muAuburn New Orklnl Bub Hauler Georg wumudwu but Cownor Ontario ll up lady 9de to whowntbeLGand uh adnmal purple but no one could remember So the finally phoned the llbrary In Another district town slum Cocbnna Iv ldcully dou not have one and the van In arl Rowe The ohhnd Port wu quite hufly lbout this minimum mauon After all you call tho local nowpaper when you wrat inlormltiou correctly The ML tor wrote that the be of Out crlo wu nuan Ron McDon ald he doesnt ID it that way For an cdllurlnl conclusion function ho All that Important In other words In tho office real ly necessary in lhese ruppoudn DO HOPE that ll Honor got warm welcome In Cocbrlno on Del had planned to take th Polur Dear Express to Moose nec but doclded Io bead nuulb to the bllmy air and runny BARBIE CURLEM who com uoboc City intro national bonsp cl an all born again looking halo and hourly altar ruch rlgorous exposure to hospitality It has boon noxt to impossible gelling uuy inside in ormnliun except thny didnt win Ihcy any zinc curler cortul not sh thonthgnptliogrrh his smivll lost bill wa ten But ho do us chun Couldnt got way with BIBLE THOUGHT Thorn Ll which mm th rlghl uulo mu baI tho and thaw are Ihn um Dont put too much stock In whut Iomo ray or what you think Your Judgment cun got you Into lot 01 troublo at tho ludgmcntl Jaw cold am the ulhor roudl Ir