of is nucleonF seat to ace questionsonpoliu comm main lDthurNGJZ Theo mm Belgian min tur Pierre Trudeau in Ottawa listor of science shakes hands Friday Mr Mum met with with Canadiantine inla Mrlrudenuinulaomcntor Chairms Pgrt AWA CF Prime Min Mr Trudeau called his young mgr Trudeau wearlag lava audience which grew up with beads and fondling daodiis television the uncensured gt Friday night brought miles to aeration whose parents had the taccsot student Liberals little control over what they who had earlier shown disko learned or thought laclJon with their party mom BE mes 120 degm am can Ho urged the students to us diun Student Liburais national sum the role of criticsoi cad convention welcomed their laud other as we mar elders er with cheers and applause as You people should and the prime minister took the bot huge each Omar mm Younroio is to contradict all on la prime minis ler delcnded the governments arctic and lnlt dian paliciES but said he wel comed the debate he got trora the oor as necessary aspect oi participatory democracy lie said there was no precon ception in the cabinet on the issue of marijuana but as for himself The world is so excit ing gut my high from inside in another issue on delegates minds05 ownership in Can llon arctic sovereign United States ownership ln Canada marijuana and other currently voiottie political issues Mr Trudeau handled the questionsincluding some brit tic comments from western delegatcywith easy grace leaving his ioiiawcrs glowmg in his presence The highlight of the evening was tba surprise presentation or owersown in mm Vaucou ver by British Oglumbi dole ats Roz Malian Miss gleiiundcr who said she felt adoMr mueau sald his gov aorry or the prime minister in emmcnt plans to renrieni Calt the maid Ottawa winter was nadlan capital and Canadian molded by kiss lechnoioy into sectors impar rmswam kwmm madam tram nm CAPSULE NEWS Threatens Bail seizure MOMREAL 0P Queens Em justice remand Whoseiratbaomhaiioinslrmwimannumvemmy mmmmoummmmmm Wmmmdrargeshcmoctionwitbnmmwck imhxddantatdzosvermiolasysm Civil Procedure Study mambo or and Justice George Gala at me Omanlo WMWWIMtRmmmwsm upto stliy cult of dvllprotxdtro hi Ontario and udvba on whether dieodtouidbewvisui Experts Discuss Pollution museum ance immoral lvpLevdl Emmi con servation mm momhmt ministers and leaets at Etaowns mailywlgntherbaoMondaybommaktallmm pollution or natural comings Police Kill liiiacker ammoo harm mo atoms paucmm disguised as aircraft mammals lulled hijacker and WK anotlwr ham Friday mluinunlmbauieabomlamidadmwejemna brim torccd to am Main linder Much Pressure mammalian Ont cry nn W0 nabmi the 12inch main that exploded and destroyed boost of no business sciion ct Mutton last fall was rmno than tho mosh was meant to contain coroners Jury was toki Friday uwmww Np we EXAMINER rstsimoncs Med nsom main nan lower on betwca Belgium an op Wirepbotol Wei outh tent minim Communica tions satellites and nuclear power were some of those areas CITES ALTERNATIVE Hawarned that the only allur natives to us investment are lower standard or living or ac ceptance of capital from other sources The prime minister also re joctcd on us essnn in Canadian tmlvcrsitlegf ld hate to sea the universi tics putting quotas on brains Mr nudcnus visit capped the rst day of this threedsy annualinn Earlier delegates bad its tened to wideranging Paper by mugalng president iarn BerneLaaSocicty la the Cyben belie Age in which the party was urged to gear up for so cial and political revolution to match the technological revolu tion already under way HERE ONE Census taker Yoin name please Housewda Matilda Brown Census taker Your age Housewife Have the Hill st tern nqt door given you their ages yct tonsils taker No mam Housewife Well then im the same 589 they are Census taker 0K r11 put down Matilda Brown old as the Bills FomleR encampm don Johnson reacts to caution by Waltar booking AL Mi3ntrnnu Lion in tact and can onb have been made or the purpose at retaliation statemt said Hungary OTTAWA CF Stanley Nohlc expelled born Hungary Jan 30 went to Budapest last August as the rst Canadian visa ofcer to work in that mmtry Eternal will depart ment said Friday that Hungary asked that be be withdrawn for activities incompatible with his diplomatic status 111i charge has no lounda guy am his daughter will weave straw Into gold if youll marry hev Will Destroy Grounded Vessel nausax cri The 11n94nn lbe tanker Arrow grounded in Nova Sco tias Chedahucto Buy since Wednesday will be destroyed in an cllort to prevent pollution of the area nnnspurt Minister Don Jib micsnn Friday ordered the da struction oi the tanker and her 88000Wgallon oil cargo alter tcderal transport officials on the scene reported that conditions had deteriorated nlciuls saidcxtra patrols of British troops will be on duty today at civil rights demonstra tion in Beifashand ve other Northern Ireland towns as re smio artrte Canh Sunday February mo Expels Visa Officer Euiicr in January Canada peilcd Janos liegcdus lirst sec retary or economic and com inertial affairs at the Sugar lsn embassy ior incompati bic activities Alter the Hungarian embassy was told Jun to withdraw Mr liegcdus the Canadian embassy in Hungary began to report that Mr Noble was being bar used The tires of his car wcre slashed at one point when he drove cars cut in that of him hung on his tail and generally made driving vial WERE WWW ED Mr Noble and his wife were allowed right to the Austrian border as they let Hungary Feb Their daughter Nancy is at Imiveslty in England Ea now is in Vienna awaiting reasslgmsmt and the govern ment said the incident wont hurt his career le mum the angstus WI mention our disiccatton or Canadian visa adlitlaa in W51 01 ternal drain says This is an entirely unnecessary lame ment to relations between the two countries lixlra Patrols On Duty Today BELFAST AP Security suit an outbreak of violence Friday night However civil rights demon strationsplanned in Dondtmdcb and two other towns were cancelled alter the nmup in landonderry in which live sol dicrs and one civilian were in jurcd Reportch said it was the most violent outburst since demonstrators battled police with guns and tire bombs in the Roman Catholic Boglda district last August Huge mopping Up Operations Continue In New Brunswick FREDERTCIVXQ CP Mopping up operations cuntitr and today in the wake or heavy damage caused carbineth week when heavy rain sentriv ars aver their banks to flood dozens of New Brunswick cm munitics Premier Louis Robxchnud toured some of the worsthit areas by helicopter Friday and later widths destruction was during second interview to be televised Friday by CBS John son lava Sauetary of State greater than earlier reports had led him to believe The tedcral government on nonnced in Ottawa it was pre pared to assist the province in nllsetting damage from the ooding which knocked out about 21 bridges cut oil roads and rail lines wiped out power and telephone lines isolated communities and claimed at least two lives it sir cat that ccssion led him to order con Dm mum ditionnl bombing bait on March 31 1061 CBSTV Pkg North Vietnam would not re Ipond to demand tor con Barrie sfeks Action on Drug Prob Ziarric Ixamincr Italian Government Resigns ROME AP Premier Ma riano Rumor and his aiiChns tian Democrat minority govern ment nausea today and lust an pdeniaur hope to put the old centre coaiition back together azaln Rumors cabinet had been culled babysitter governs mcnt when it was formed six months ago alter Socialist party split brokc up the coal tioa it was intended to tide over until majority alliance could be rclormcd But Rumor said recently that minority could not cope with ltnlys rising waves of strikes and student disorders Rumcrs resignation plunde the nation into deep crisis There was no indication bow mittce in majority report re leased Friday alter studying in terest rates and ination gener ally says the federal govern ment should have power to con trol constant credit by regulat ing downpayment terms and limiting repayment time should also set and announce voltmtary guides for wage and price increases with proposed limits to be related to the an null growth rate in productiv ity used morc iner to regulate private invatmcnt the commit tce says and productivity of wages and salary increases which exceed productiviLv lncrcuu is tn our view crucial to the Problem of rising Prices to the problem oi Democrats dc uneed the of ciai report as meagre 0111 pendium of unun aginative or tbodoxy soon or whether majority could be put together Johnson Credits Rusk With Bomb Halt Decision WASHlNGToN AP Lyn don Johnson says his secre tary of state Dean Rusk ratbcr than the deience scare tary Clark Hillardplayed the key role in 1968 decision to stop bombing most of North inetaam without couccsmns by the North Vietnamese Rusk who had been consid ered the hardilncr in the John son cabinet declined comment on the former presidents vars sion at the events except to say Johnsons account of the bomb ingbait preliminaries seems to be accurate Clifford who generally had been considered the most pow crtul Johnson administration advocate of reducing the tight to via AP Wirephoto Sundry lml inlay 25 ans mammalian MM llun lOcPuCopylllogu OTTAWA PONDERS CREDIT CONTROL Finance Report Suggests More Voluntary Restraint WAWA CPl parlialt The Commons nance com me teneta1 government Federal tax power should he The relationship of incomes weakening the economy endan mcntary committee has called gering essential foreign trade or direct lcdcral controls on causing unemployment and int wnsuma credit and more otir cial pressure to encourage vnl untary restraint on rises in prices and pay rats ting the weakest hardest determined Largely by brain rates and the inuence of hills tinn in the United States tbs majority report says but there is still some room for domestic action tionsry psycholoythc upec tntiou that costs and prices will continue risingmust be curbed at home it Canada is to exert wbat inuence it has over lLr in tcrest rules the committed 551 INFORMATION NEEDED lions cormisu mainly surges tions or mainn voluntary rm strain more eedivu and am posing llirtbr studies or our at Canada powers encbsnn ratcs with other currencres tb impact of service industries in ination and the aniblllU ol getting more detailed statistic The audacity of the ailment bcr committeeNew Democrats Max saitmun Waning if John Burton Rene scaled troni the main proposals conciuded that ination is the main culprit arcing the cost of borrowing money to unprece dented heights in minority report the New The majority report says in flation distorts normal market omitshigh interest rates do not seem to limit demand for from mg enough money lot reventing governments from raising enough money for housing and other social needs log declined comment Johnson said in Friday nights televised interview that Cliilord bud prtr posed put conditions an bombing bal Cliord reached at his home in to Washington suburb said it would be inadvisable inap propriate to renown into the discussion But there was comment from war critic who came undcr re by Johnson in the interview Senator Nbrigbt Dem Aria who said Johnsnn niisie presented the facts in Winning congrcsslonal approval of the Golf at lnnkla resolution The administration had cited the 1964 resolution as pro viding the authority to dispatch large numbers of troops to Vietnam RESOLUTION EXPLAIN Johnson said the resolution had been explained to bright it Just never occurred to me that the president of the United States would lie to the members oi the Senate about actual situation Rubrigbt chairman of theirslute foreign relations committee said Friday was completely taken in as was the whole Senate Ea said the congressional action on the res olution followed an absolute mil3 Presentation oi the fact Johnson said in the interview Dont tell me Rhodes Scholar dent Nixon sounding call for Fulbright didnt understand total mobilisation agmns un averytbing in that resolution because we said to him at the will send special message to White House and very other the United States Congress member or that committee that muday outlining his plan to the president at the united ght gunman states is not about to council The pcesldant disclosed Fri toross and undertake actions day in pollutionvridden Imago deter aginesslon in South Vlut mg the rst usage com to prevent this Communist promised Congress in his State conspiracy unless and until the tha Union uddrca will cans American people through their ccm the antipoliutioa cam Congrcss sign on to so in more accountibis to the public SEE PAGE THREE WEATHER with snow Interest ratcs in Canada no inflation and mailed inna long list or recommends tron banks tode downturnthem system uses instilled spread between the rate it pm In mods and the higher rates it dualsea to lend the mods it calls for Special study on in terestrate spreads in the bank in system The committee majoriLy an in recommendations aim to make management labor and all sections of the economy interest Dinner the suggestions an designed to increase the ellso tivcness at ledcrnl powers to rs guiate the economy and cnmurs age cooperation among federal provincial and municipal sliv efnmeula in dcvismg spmdmg pans flbc tormcr president said as asked or the Tankin Gulf reso lution in August 1564 rather than or declaration of war because be cared North Vict nnm might have secret treaties which would bring Communist China and the Soviet Union int the war And Johnson also said he was disappointed that his March an 1968 speechin which ha bounced tbc bunglingN nlht war in large portion barn and his decisiong seek reelectiondid peace 13 ROPE FADED My hopes have lad and my dreams havetboo reulized be said 10 Johnson made his in the second of seri vised interviews wi Cronkite it was scveral months ago the bombing when bey was going over recommendations tram top advisers in early March Nixon Planning Pollution Message WASHINGTON AP Presi clean air and water says he pulm