8111 snare name EBAY FEBRUARY NORTHERN LIGHTS DISPLAY Northern lights dance across the sky over Yellowknife NW in one oi natures most bril liont displays Widely visible in the Northern Hemisphere the northern lightsor aurora bor eallsare caused by the par sage oi electricity through the rareiled air of the upper at Cattle mosphere The colors ng irom red to greenishblue and usually appear as an arch oi tire with great streamars lashing upward In this pict ure the lights appear as solid more because oi the lsseeond exposure necessary to capture them on iilm Draggv At StockYards TORONTO CPlThe demand for slaughter cattle remained draggy on only air quality of oiierlng this week and steer and heifer prices dropped unevenly 50 cents to $1 per hundredwelght lower Cows opened steady but closed at prices 50 cents lower and re placements were in less demand Veal colt prices were steady Hog prices were $150 per hun dredwelght lower and sows 32 lower Stags were per hundred walght lower and sheep and lamb prices generally Imchanged Cattle receipts were 350 head loss than last week and $50 less than the same week in 1959 Re ceipts from Western Canada were 298 cattle and 47 calves There were no shipments to Eastern Canadian slaughter and no exports to the United States slaughter cattle Choice steers 222250 with early sales atfl good 2122 medium 1020 com mon 1518 good heiiers 1020 with choice to 2050 medium 1710 common 1015 choice ied yearlings 2445 good 2224 good cows 145015 with early sales to 1550 medium 135014 common 12413 canners and cutters 012 good heavy bologna bulls 175013 leomm on and medium light balls 17 Stocka lightweight slackers mostly 2324 with some good heavy steer stock calves at 25 common and medium stock era 1022 Calveax Good vealers 8486 with choice to 38 medium 274 common 2008 boners 1240 Bogx Grade 20 heavy sows is is 15 stage 11 on dresse weight basis INVESTMENT CHATS 710rlwidaldultd Natlle handling you order Lets say you have decided to buy at the market some shan es in corporation The brokers resistered representative can get you the latest quotation ior you within seconds even though the branch allies in ma miles away tram the head oi ce la the trend oi the modern broker is to have private direct phone to all his branch lattices with the telephone terminating in the tra ding and quotation department oi the main oiiica The bid is the highest price anyone is willing to pay and the asked is the lowest price at which anyoneiawiillng to sell at that particular moment Your broker obtains for you the best available price irom aelisr Or you can instruct your rep resentative to buy the stock at speciilc price That is known as limit order ior execution when and ii the stock declines to that level NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Bell Telephone Company oi Canada year ended Dec 31 1959 550288570 3248 share on 20 26119tl shares 1058 9899289 $215 share on 18000311 shares Premier Trust Company year ended Dec 31 1059 $215503 1958 189342 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 82414 AIDED INDIANS Mrs Ethel Brant Monture Mohawk lndinn born on the Six Nations reserve near Hraatiord Ont was mem ber oi the Toronto stall at the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews in February Mrs Monture greatmot grand daughter oi loseph Brant the Six Nations chieitnin hoped to promote better understanding oi lndlans in her job Man Stands Trial In Kilworihy Death BRACERIDGE CmRobert Leslie Armstrong 41 oi Kli worthy was committed Thursday ior trial on charge of murder ing Eugene Jones 38 in the Armstrong home Feb ones shot in the back oi the head died en route to Toronto hospital irom the home 17 miles north oi Orlllla Provincial police Canadas Dollar Should Be Par End Rat Race MTAWA CF The govern ment must act to bring Clasdas dollar to anger with the U1 dollar and the rat rm ior money that is solo on in this country senator III McLean EN Brunswick said That Time is would he laid in the speech debate Canadian rim penalised by the Canadian dollrem cent premium over the American douar were mee ever stliisr competition in west markatl From me to 1m Canadas share of the worlds wortheds geld flipped to per cent horn The ilrst atop to halt this slide is to remove the milistone that Eow around the neck at every one In exporterthe 1mm on the Canadian dollar Thenremlumactaasataaen exporters totalling more than 50000000annually said Senator McLean director oi number at companies it the two dollars were at par this amount would appear in the proilt and loss no countl oi our sorting oom panlu and the is era lovertr meat would receive under the corporation tea hall oi this amount it was up to the government to mate stable curren to Can ada as the British he done or sterling out on up ate throne 600000 SCHOOL ll KIRKPIELD CPlAn ex lo sion and tire destroyed St Jo Roman Catholic separate school Wednesday night in this Drillin testliied they iound is empty wine bottles outside the house dhstrict community No one was injured 01 CASH HIST SITTING $438404 Awaits 11000 In Banks mews amountestlllunciatmedby womenIi she still is livinghas had 110317 wai ior ber in Vancouver bank or the last 10 rm The names at some 11000 per sons who targetinle or on pim pou havs lait money sitting around in banks since 1960 were listed in documents tabled in the Commons Thursday The sums total 3634 The largest account was the sum nvla do oslt oi Mrs Christiana mean who in 1950 had Seattle address Moat oi the inactive accounts however or only law dollars The law provides thath oi the this year will be turned the ContralBenkeiCan coountaoioverttowillbe thmindeilnltely aloha yurnlndthenturnedovertothe government did mimimnt opal lilm Smart Derehem Cenne de puttedlatthoyalBankatIn small 81111 deposited by John Beopalko Pine Portage la the Royal Blnk It Niplgou and use deposited by the estate at John Henry hirer It the Bank of Montreal Schrolber TOBACCO BALE TILLSONBURG CMThe 0a tarlo Fluecured Tobacco Grow ers Marketing Board reported sales Thursday at 2449592 pounds at an average price oi rm cents pound Ellen to date are 120 145104 pounds at an average price oi 5050 There were 18758 pounds oi hill60 treated tobacco sold on the open market at an avernge price $309 Sales to dcteare 1880 pounds at an average price oi TELRAD TN Radio Service rs mush can live Farrier who lube and cells tars only Wmmmmfl WlliiiiilS runs BARBIE TOIONIO DUNLOP Realist lemodolu oeolsswno Ciellag REASONABLE rarcls gm 7mm us Bank Interest Rate Inches Down 0196 MAWA cmm Bank at Canada MI rate held study this week at as per cent coau parod with 41 last week the sale of 000000i0 in market was five Pet weeks ago and now back to its Jan as lav at BABY TIME Wdaamemgvnooh heathfluid WMm allwith hash or thalamus dillme amequ Womdthaaflvdol mountain PA 66302 on mannaunmunu SIMMONS co everythinglnew everything lovely Milk Producers Discuss WaYs To Improve Marketing At Meet HAMILTON CP Improved listing system He said such methods at marketing were sug gested at the annual meeting oi the Ontario Concentrated Milk Producers Association Thursday Wilfred Kenya reclected presi dent told the producers There will never be price blend or the pooling of fluid milk and con centrated milk without the con sent at large majority oi iluid milk producers Everett Biggs assistant deputy minister oi agriculture in On taio urged immediate consider ation by farm leaders torthe study of national marketing plan for certain commodities KNOW THE CONSUMER Gordon Greer president of the Ontario Federation oi Agricul ture said We have to get closer to the consumer and the only way we can do it is collec tively and through proper mar STOCK MARKET system would guarantee raw milk producers fair price Mr Greer said he felt the fed eral government would have pub lic support if it bought 100000000 pounds of powdered milk and gave it to Asians Jack Palmer Ontario depart ment of agriculture associate di rector oi datrying said 1950 survey showed many farmers lacked cooling vet to rn and warned that to ria doubles every 20 minutes in warm milk Officers elected were past president William iildcn llar riston president Wilfred Kenya Hyde Park ilrst vicepresident Wilton Honey Waterford second vicepresident Sidney Pear son Embro and directors George Lowrey Almonte Orvli Guy Winchester vFred Hoiiner Kerwood Charles Mcinnis iro quois and Frank Way lngersoli Gains Are Slow Trade Is Light TORONTO CP The stock market moved slowly ahead amid light and uninteresting morning trading today Ford Motor lorontitDominion Bank and Price Brothers topped industrial winners with Mines were quiet although few of the senior issues scored minor gains International Nickel and Noranda each moved ahead at 99 and 41 In uraniums Algom and Gunnar both scored 2ocent wins at 960 and 940 Con solidated Denison gained 10 cents The market recovered only lightly near the close Thursday light trading Index changes Industxials oft t7 at 49172 golds oii 10 at 8721 base metals up 01 at 10099 and vestcrn oiisoii 55 at 0508 The volume oi 1831000 shares was much lighter than Wednes days 2149m Goodyear Tire lost whopping points at 141 Dominion Glass iell points at 73 and Canadian Tire lost three points at 1701 Royal Bank was down at 701 and shade Clement de clined at 28 Canadian Wallpaper was out points at as Canadian Wa paper gained at as General Development advanced 1st at 10 Brown Co and Minnesota and Ontario Paper not gained 114 at 12 and 29 Interprcvlncial Pipe Line climbed at 55 international Nickel Was ahead one point at 09V and Norantia advanced it at 40 Algom gained 20 cents at $940 unnar lost five cents at $920 and Consolidated Denison was un changed Western oils had rough goggle Oil 13 was off 15 centsait May Include Farm Laborers For Ins OTTAWA CPlA report deal ing with possible extension of un employment insurance to farm laborers was received by the gov emment in the last tow days La bor Minister Starr told the Com mons Thursday But he gave no direct rep in Herridge iCCFKootgtay West whoasked whether the governmentplans legislation this session to provide insurance cov stage forsuch workers eluded aw ex Mr Starr sold the re an rpm the unomploymenv surance commission is compilation of all available iniormntion on the subject It would require serious study by himself and the govern mt CONVENIENT LAYAWAY PLAN son EARLY SHOPPERS AT anst or this scan Its gold oping show of elegant Hoary styled for one of your most fashion able most exciting seasons of the yoori gloat wardrobeof coats suite spomweer toehormend inspire you Enjoy the loveliness of it etii Leek look took to your hearts content So yoursolt in superb new fabrics myriad of foehlon ideas with fresh new viewpoints Come in doors now open to spring fashions at human ST PA 8402