Read Our Ads Daily FOI ï¬ns ide Inforriicition On Best LOccil Buying ltrult BARBIE mollusk FRIDAY motion is like em IT on INT BY Amway lmromsa Automotive WA Property ForSole lACars for Sale Death CAmlIaAt bar haul Emmi Onllflo on wedecidey eh I7 leeo Annie my notion beloved wlio ugteuagnm elie our our nan Robert ind Smud liory In lithe All oi Victoria or lelflnl the Home 131 Endiord ELM Barrio Men unite Sunniy FIB lbw pm Interment EL Jame com stroud Mn am to ev it clear ocloer euro ch in Donation te the no need tyioneo couru huildIiit mod in lieu oi iiovren would he enigm ted winchAt her rerideore iiulcuter st lirrrli on Thundu rob ie rm Annie smerloek be loved wile of the lite Williair lue tlee In her 30th deer lieu moth er oi lilldred ind iirter oi Eidnu shierlock oi Anne at the stecaley MalILHoine so Worelcy st birri or service oo Saturday rein at no one lntenoeo Elm Union Cemetery 14 mullsuddenly at barrio on Weddeiday Peb l7 mo Alwfl wuron beloved burlypd oi lean Kelly deer ietncr or sun Nancy Janice Katherine md Jolie pd oi Henry and MeryAnn wuion oi immune iwmdcorl limingit the Pethick nicerii Home 121 unyield so Dorrie Service the tinpd nldey it 300 van in torment St wruli cemetery liar iii Jennett maul Card of Thanks We with thank our merry Huidl and ncuhhori luv Had Mn Taylor it killed til me ur Preihyterien church Totten ham the mrmben oi Entern star Aiiieton flower donon Dr Mlle and the Andnon moori Home In our recent ind bereavement Alvin Auiiin Tottenham WRIGHT WI whh to run our iincrro mention to end neithhon an nietiver or non tribqu and kindhcuei shown in in our recent red bereavement in the loo oi lovlnl huiband and tether Aim to Rev Col sherflnu the atoll oi Prlnrcn ii not not itai lbrobto the RC station or the Ontario Provincial Pm no sin Ind the lumen run one nieun Wfllhi and hill 30mins Events DANCING evuw zATURDAY 51th 40m ONLY Pl NECREST $25 couple uh motions PHONE MALE 75m gt uFil DANCE EVERY SAT NlGHT GUTHRIII COMMUNITY HALL ANDREWS ORCHESARA Admission 75o Door Prize Lucio soot Donecc 154245 RUMMAGE SALE Demon MARCH 10 000 am to 12 noon coilmit with uNlIiED owned HALL Ausploplt Group 3050 NA Ind Bah Sue Collier United church WA on Edd Day to no pm CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classified ad vertlsmenis are inserted at the rate of it per word per inser tion for one and two times so xper word for three four or ï¬ve times and 21 pa word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge if not paid within 10 days THE MINMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED An VERTISEMENT 15 We IF PAID WITHIN IO DAYS OF 88c IF CHARGED PER SINGLE 1N SERTION Coming Events at per word inï¬nimum itharge $150 Birth and Death Notice arid Cards of Thanks $150 for up 1025 words over El words SI per word aka In MeinotiamNo flees $150 it verso good per word extra shrubs olt minimums Adventere nre remirlded that phone lonerdoo order are accept ed or convenience to you lhnld verdacr ore the amended Ad Dept pert Idverflufl to kindly re advertisement lrnmedla Am Dilution only the runI or animal be reported helm can In or that nml may be rectioed ior the oliovlnz inacriiorr order We wlrlmo no northt ihe berrle Bunnie mammflgga tofu line incor on on any advertisement and the extent or portion or ad that involves the mbprlnt ErmaLumen do not lanai the value or the ad veriiumant are not elioihie ior correction by more lomv Wood with day out iiLtND errmt imamtied an advarflufl ulin Blind or Number or pllu Ir hold rtriouy lionflv dentin flu Io Letter pore will he hold on in day uterirt day public on All WANT An copyehouldh In our ofï¬ce by mild dry beiore puhiieniili RIM do by noon re CA In eckiheir alter Inveo then min Go All WI Clouificuï¬om IIA Propertv For 5an HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 93 BAYFIELD ST Pr $6453 JUST LISTED mi larrc mod niitn rule new with em rd nnu la leceed in cell but ueluriv court clue to Unhan The rhrped living and dining room eon Iaini beentiiol lion oropieee modem roomy kitchen and three iamilyeire bedroom ldul roe room one io brremeol uoiodeu in every detail Very lane lot 15 dey poneuion with low down our meet can Per iiore BLAKE ST OVERLOOKING ST VINCENT PARK AND THE BAY ti type éï¬ï¬ï¬v or uéiI mo pimped and wooded Ear iivlna room dining room modem kitchen are and run porch on mound noer second floor her large bedroom ind bath and run In ponhwlih Iota or cupboard niece new ierocd air all nilnice newly decoreted Inside and out iwe car were iiurt be reen to no Ippi cieted Priced rim in quick nil Owiï¬fr ielvlnl town cell Kprl MID In $1500 DOWN ur old will level bunn Auaehed into in com Iele in every de bump liv rnx and dlnlnl room Ind ll aire kitchen on main level room and bath on 1nd level ideal no room or storm and mu I150 equero it of llvtnl mace Sewn leu iiin lodul cost lieuon ior low price Ind low down peyncnt ii owner leav lnl ipwn Cell Harold router mo CALL KARL MARSHALL PA um PEG KORE PA 3117 BUD MARTIN ETBOUD 1034 wow mum PA Mm AIint Thin low wl Graydon WKOHL REAL EsrAn doom rIa pump or eon PA rim EDGEHILL DRIVE so ecres on teeth aide oi road Gar eeoua etreim oi ireeh eprlnxweter running back end oi prop erty Aproximetely Izod it trout ue ideal ior rubdivision Total $1 5000 mm cuh will ban the dual iNNlSFlL ST Triplex excellent condition only your old ituii be tech to ep preeiete ltr veiue 11 return on your Investment 0N KEMPENFELT DRIVE Dame 00¢ goudmpn Tog room erg inflit OHWWUAV 0n Vli MORRIKF 0N iIFiiN SI 1N COMMERCIAL AREA Du iex Total price 92150 Only or down science on very roe rooihle tam intereot only 957 Private monodc oNpitAmroltD so Vplinble romerclrl hit in the head oi the Ith lamion Ida1 10 50 flflonllle depfll Ai THORNTON ON 27 HIGHWAY tinny brick lion room DAWN hill basement oli lienlr inzvlml Inga Tom price $8500 and down NEA RESALE 75 per month will carry thir nice bedroom hunlliow complete with rtcrmr nod rereonr landscnped Owner Iuvlnl Elido Spooli term to rioht FCHW we have roveri NiviA homer coir itrucied one at Barrleo hen buildere uy now et lower inter eat rater Want Ad roll your house or III menu Call any or the number listed or Prompt Action IVENING CALL GRAYDON lion PA Moot AL Poerii PAW ltonmr mil PA 0570 JOAN LANEPA hem llAlmi Norman lie swell Em ESTA Baum Dunlap Sill Ent PA 89961 or 68742 it R80 LTVOB PA 6648i 40 MAPLE AVENUE 0penroin em in ppm Tuesday the iburrdeyr lOO HOMES FOR SALE boon iucrdiyr codahinted vromfllmtu9vm sum CAMPBubflu PA um CHAILLIE READEu PA Man ERALD MALDOZW her PA 8707 ltussnu CARSO hei PA solar all QUINNbu PA MM ROY moolieu PA Imu mANit NELLESRn PA 59m Member or Barrie and Dionlot lieu Patricianrd rhoem NnA BEEADB in old bod room Ethanei vino room olrrr room Near North coll lalnil outlay Park Schocl iv an Bothwoii Crouont PA II Ar4146 AT 15 STONE 51 Harv Com ï¬oalhlsmfluowoiin rn vie train Kllchan dlnln 10001 promo tory Col WurPflne punylo NA 75 la ROGERS PHONE PA 85568 CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNIDP EASE BARRIE ANYTIMEI EVENINGSCAIE MOOREPA um Ce IWmA IOWA mu RAMAm mmanmmmAnhom HENDERSON REALTOR mail mum ll COLLIER mm IN TORONTO gflmmu price lo year old turned $33123 MEIER with dining em overlookto troed area near St Georlol Go Club Vela ï¬nd term or will consider in Barrie For niu dellfll can Rita Seahdroit CUMBERLAND ST ho rtoro hflck close to etan and rhopp role home ii in nuruialo wrh Irrre uvlhr room kitchen dininx room bedroom Room for two more bedroom on third floor with unhnodm room if Genre and Dairy extra To inrpcct eeli Gene item 90 HIGHWAY wul carry tor or month bedroom home in pflce 000 runner Inrormruon coil Cen libero nave client movlnl to Burn eboiit in ol April wahuhr at leet bedroom home in wen end call Gene Moore FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW me one little licine In close to item end on our line 011 hert Iui elumlniior rtormr rod eereenr extra wunroom in basement Priced to roll it only 39700 tr reori In with prymcnu or mouth iy principal and Interest Phone Percy Polo SOUTH OF BARRIE ion at wry ll This line room hunt own very attractive in nettle oi pihotreer Hu ell coovenlencu end onecm nil only saw Phone Percy Ford THESE ARE HARD TOFIND lovely bedroom cuiionr Iqu ranch brick home with repelrte room lipertment rontin at monthly Living room ailing room tiled bath year old ted it slum with one NliA mortgage Another new oxeiualvo lining or appointment to iorpect cpll lite Scrnorett EVENiNGs CALL Gene MoorePA 82360 Percy FordPA 37930 Riki SunkenPA 34855 Dink HendersonPA was Member at Benin and Dirtrlct and Ontario deal more uoerda Ph PA 82678 l7AonlniFlf Real Rstdie Broker Owen Street vBarriC MORE ROOM FOR LESS MONEY $0000 Nortorry eroom brick dwellinl iiol elr var heatlni up an ourrioohinr sheer Park iermi arrbled $10506 Comprntlvely new 5ltroTaln bunn low with modern convenlences on large lot vood garden rhedo treer location nieln Street Close to schoolr and rhopplng area EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME Living room that with ilrcplnce lull rizcd dining room iiicc kit chen lIuei weu doeigned bedreemr Gerso attached hot weter ou fired belting Meny other ieaturen COMMERCIAL SITES choice ot icverai titer limos feel or more in deiirebie location Call Mr Montiii PHONES oitlce PA MissEvening PA 82592 CONSULT US ON Low down pnymeht housin pirnr Exchange oi mpertlu National Bruin Lonnr Builder portunitiee Property nutrient Member nbBariIe dc District Neel latta anrd l7Aix yumzop ANY Nearonrhle down payment on bedroom buntlow 55 rorer uoorr cultivotion litre boiler ArW ROSE META llOKn mmhm BARB $198360 DOWN PAYMENT BEDROOMS humour ooueislon brand new bedroom brick hunlliow located very close to bulk bu Ind reboots caromqu mm Ind Min um Inna may Illa kitchen ceramic All piece bathroom wltb huntin vie Ity ulunl finished woodwork completely decorted Inside Inn mil tiemint ulkfloon Eqflpptd with item window rod Icmlu Down hymen only 319960 ulfl ml bl nice on on 111011 III II Full rice 499 In All IP Milkmen to to DU hum one bome leit it thi price GROVE ST AREA 811300 One and hail nony brick home haviot iwo bedroom end bath on the upper floor Lower iloor hu kitchen with Ierno dining area uvinr room bedroom one room and three piece bath to the hirement rorced eir oil hert int stoma end Kruiu ihlr prop any Ir about yeun old her 57 mortnro which came tor no per month inludin Interertprto clpil end mes mmedlrte poor eulon Member oi Ihe Barrie and Diririet Real Estate Board CALL DAY on EVENING PA 81379 Member the BinI9 Ind Dhlflfl Rel zitlo hoardr 7A1ll STOUTT AGENCES LIMITED COLLIER STREEI PA 8590 100 ACRE FARM WITH STREAM burn and pmufl good One hail Inlie item rohooi and hiï¬way real bar ain at $11000 WI $3500 down CI Merv Gould at on 15 NEEDS REPAIRS room hon II worlie Good Invmmanl pm any norlr Nuitycomhe PX mm WHY WAIT7 buy business today store roeclr our zultailoii with livino quarterr attecned Near city iimlta on No II lilth wintertrod ceblru cell Corby PAoeool anytime BIRCH ChusrEltEDLoi with Nam litmu Will entry or 50 or month Please clll MIMI MAIl All It PA 34450 CITY HOME COUNTRY LIVING Slim will buy thir adorable room brick home ret In more mature trees with rtrerm rum nth lust behind the roporiy Nobel lIierrhell at PA on ilveyou more iniormetlori on thin reasonably pricedhome 73 WELLINGTON ST WEST Home and extra lot or ironic alone con be income pro criy or all one iamiiy iiolne Cal Dorie Nutty st bode combo at PA 37957 for periicuiem HARD To BELIEVE WellJrept room hernun rectory eree gout ior 155 then 510000 Modern kitchen with bulltinr new gun rurnoce and genre Ckli Dorie Nuttycombo rt PA 37951 Propertlcr ior rrio irom North my to Toronto liAiz MOVI NG Dont imret to tumor your INSURANCE and it you need extricovcr exe oi ahy kind SEE STEVENSONS PA Decor lime ETTL hAimlE Apply to couiron Ave Airgun after l7A44Hii Am 113m 582 am among girls 7an muo Indiana Oom alumni 11Except AW noqu wood tum 88893 aim Sat AJdhdm Dubtame omen Itsshaped molding llth AAW in HIE Eu In WW ZIIIIWIIII REEAHIII II iizlti DilliY caOsSwolili Manitoba 31 him ameni hope lamina ï¬lialI mï¬ EEEEEEI III omï¬HHHIIIIII IIEEEEIEE fl fllflaï¬ï¬ Hula 2ï¬7 ï¬ï¬‚lllu Hllll IIIVA ulilaul Phil well on 27 Hi hway pill 158 nnniop c3054 or PA E5177 All Reel arrow Classifications 17A Property For Sale HENRY ELRICK AND MIC l50wen St Barrie TORONTO STREET DUPLEX main floor ilvlnl room bedroom kitchen and plece both Secon noor iith room kitchen bed room and piece hrth Olly heat ing income 8160 er month roll cc 1300 down inynient ECCLES STREET Liv room dlnmr room irltchon ms runruom 1nd piece bath on hununl nu prioe 310com Down payment um VICTORIA STREET New bun elow Livlnl room din ette klic on bedroom piece bath Nine foot basement plumb in tortlied ior hmmnt rpm mcni ilrri mortoeze carrier ior $59 per month inking price trim with 1500 down PHONE PA assoo Evenings Paddy Miles PA 85200 Bob Flcweliing PA 85863 gt i7Aioiz OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE BROKER VY29Rlll THORNTON ooo DOWN end so monthly wl uy cemiortohleo room brick honre Garden erre ind good In Thornton Pull price vs ROOM HOUSE with acre or llnd noecrnent piece both ln Ivy Euy commuti to Camp nor dcp or borne to other In or quick tale Imuled PHONE IVY 29R VIAn HIGHWAY 90 mmjhoilne and brthmmprer rur ryrtem iithed redeï¬nition kitchen ceh lnete hlnw wirlnr TV intrude reared lot roller irom Barrie Down peyment or low arm Eel ence rent on one open mono5e PHONE PA 84817 Ii74135 SMALL sRoom Home Low taxes oil turnace airBe 31000 down Balance 69 per month Phone PA 86217 evenings i7AaH4 AmAcmE ljedroom brick home on Meirose withvlrshu ed diningliving room rec room pa in attached garage and storm on rcreenx Phone PA Mill Terms may breerewey with at NBA RESALE et lawyeamld wild brick bungalow Good loce tion New garage terraced and landscaped ceramic tiled both Cab rlei mom monthly Phnne PA 53117 17184148 WJ ApiiiuveHouses For Rent ROOMHqusa Budjhath on High wiy In Anni $55 monthly Phone PA moo 171115 is mold House on Clip orton st Available Immediately hone PA H054 1114041 ltooliED compiet rorniibed opertment on Victorian or phone PA M414 Illiota UNFURNIEHED more will beet ed and depanln hath Civilian piefenell Apply 91130 St 542 LIVE IN Luxuiw inkmodern aciour end room npnrhnenti Vimbalcolfln Phone PA 858 1774247 UNPURNKSEED one room aptrt inept Water Indinn ette an HAIL 1713944 boomin unturniihed apartment newly dccnrii heated rel con ed No octlon to child reerenebie ren Phone PA Mimi aiter lilo pln 17142 PultleriEn rrtmontr Exec lion ellynlce bed tilhr room wi kit chcnette suitable ior one or two bullndsl peopleuAlsii private reli contoured irhncnt euitrblo ier couple Call Addict 17liui CENmALLY locrted uniurnlohed onehcdroom apartment hot water heating modern kitchen and blith room Prime Entrance heavy win tog aveuebio now ent $76 Phony PA 343237 1714244 iAimiimodern epertment hitch eowith in living room had liliiiilim°hhrdh PIA been 1134146 nil PA tereste the owner will accept 57833 liAIH I73 Apis LyVHouses For Rent R00 unlurniehed meat with bath PA amo 713114 K01 unnrroilbed heated apart merit centrally looled Phone PA 37151 1114041 two end Bath ed lip Phone 51 SPACIOUS modern oil heated bedroom erimant Large kitchen 195 Cook 1414 prudent liet lII Gunh 5L mila in room bedroom kitchen and bathroom $15 per month See Mn Rohhllu 52 wanley st 1714146 SKIII CONTAINED mom one bedroom ApEiay day to Dun st met PA in PA Hm until room lplflmonl down town location heated Available March $90 per month Phone PA Lassa i7laui mailsand hour ound floor heeted eel contlire apartment APDU Peel st Apt 171141 APARTMENT room urd bath Heat and water iupplicd Downtown Available now lippr 73 Dundon aid st 1774944 non House Clan located Onu block iroin unite to ool Vec ant Much one PA mil i7ldiLi LARGE bedroom Upper Duplex Artnmont located on Napier st Case to hire cad ichooll Phone PA Mm iii4045 noolvl Apertmrot unhirnlahed ocpirato entrencc IIIit floor All convenience includlnl beiemeot Phone PA met iIlilia Billion House close to echooia Ind churches Oil furnace unte paved drive Apply 29 Gunn st 111414 ilnnanN heated Apirtmeel Ilv tALLANDALI MOTOR fUSED Chis ma bomb Eoeuiitbeeturiillauodo union iluocir use CHEVROIEI STAHON WAGON Willi Ankh old laud custom ads erren ONLY moo 1989 VAUXHALL V1010 UPEB SEDAN riawl Mn riiv Ammo direction an red leather interior ghetto manilth actual nines tan value mills PONTIAC Me SEDAN vi bl Ana Edit fluorite in its amen Padillth LII BIN Iflln ONES unis 1956 CHEVROIET unIIIDELUXEll SEDAN ivor iloirh wlih ringworm whlnt Interior curtain Padlo rlr condi uoouu direction limo etc One owner err lite um ONLY late CHEVROLET SEDAN Showroom condition ONLY to 1954 METEOR COACH new ndio etc 1953 CHEVROLET SEDAN Kldio etc mceuent condition thron out 0N1 m5 195 CHEV HARD NP New Min tinth with maroon top mitchln maroon and hello to ga flitomlui cud re mm out Infllnl con ONLY use 1950 CHEVROLET SEDAN ï¬uï¬om nachocg um lound re tranlpo on ONLY 45 1953 CHEV SEDAN DELIVERY Good glam mmamilnn oNLi to Termsla suit your budget Boat guarantee In the Used Car Buelneta OPEN EVENINIls UNTIL Io PM ALLANDALI MOTORS usm CAlt 50W NISSAN nAitiuE PA Hui ONE LOCATION ONLY iiiu SMOM UPPIJ Duplex sun room End Page Centre location 1m medliilo glossesslon AFPIY McCullouz 15 Marble Ave PA was 1113544 ROOM heated apartment with bath henvydulv stove plenty of cu board space Private entrance ii Sophia st PA 83199 ru NISHBD Abutment room rel contained and henedHot we ier rupnlicd 515 er week Aveib able immediately hnnu PA 32120 alter pm l7l CHOICE noon Apartment eel contninod oil heated central Be ride stores and bur lieororioble 135 Penctenz st PA H543 1774045 NEW MODERN heated nrtment stoveirlz storage or clnerat leunclrygiatliitle in Available now Phone 1718742 LANCE ground floor heated apart er merit shit cmtaineldfll rooms central Garage av able Available March $100 monthly Adults pre ierred Phone PA 53814 177zatt FURNISHED roamed apartment kitchen and bedroom repelate cri trance Hented and hvdio peId 555 per month is loisanlord st Phone PA 1715741 AVAILABLE Nov bedroom apart ment will stove and frlx washer and dryer No obloctiou lb brhy Phone PA 3311 or Cl It 122 Cook St 1714146 nooivi Apartment downtown Iolt cation private enirancer heat land water ou lied Freehiy decorated Availablu arch Phone PA H588 1734145 SELF CONTAINED bedroom iportment well heated unmm lshed Central Not sultohlc tor tod $55 monikly Phone PA diers 56255 1711143 nooni unfurnished ertnient ou heated hot wnter eavy duty stove and trig supplied Clerc to school Location on Eurton Ave one child welcomed Apply iii Cen re EL EllPie 1714344 l7KAptsHouses anied WANTED HIV unmrnlahe medium sized hull Ilnw with ï¬rst glue quiet Inca onioutll Like imcoe neer desthIe adult Apply Box 55 drrrie Examiner lmfl Automotive IACars fOr Sole 195s imman mild ul aggro ruin c3mcbflirtflr 1952 PONTIAC Igor Good condition throudhout Wmldnz Ford nod Ind Chev aoon usm mas elm 700 no phone SPROULS SUPERTEST BIGELWAY 27 iian SOUTH OF THORNTON moNEivy lllill lAiul 1955 VOLKSWAGEN in land ibape PM Ivy lAJIMZ vViau Molors LTD NEW AND USED ECONOMICAL CARS RAMBLER HlLLMAN LAND ROVER DEALER 4M 1857 CHEVROLET SEDAN loss RAMBLER SEDAN 1956 CHEVROLET noon i955 RAMBLER noon 1955 DODGE DOOR Hardtop GOWAN STREET PA 66488 OPEN TILL PM lAlfl Harold Hill Lid Dealer Chrysler Plymouth AuStin Cars Austin Fargo Truck 1959 PLYiioiim Beinvedere Sedui TWO covers 1959 PLYMOUTH Belveden door Hardtop twotone lummlflie WMWW warrenty rose PLmngnm Fury tircr ï¬lwgiudrrnl 33m linkfli radio wheel 11537 utility 1958 PLYMOUTH Semiy Igngigmï¬p ï¬zzledlam ridi eï¬vle 185713LW0U1H wrth bciuuhu old red white on lhr mid It only CL 1957 OLDSMOBIm Eflripï¬mféémï¬lfl irflth ihrp $14895 1966 PLYMOUTH Savoy Man Dad mug 1951 BUICK SEDAN Power Itorial end radio am See there and mi in It our ulu lot on Bradigdlkeemt ucwn mint Ind tornu can no Edyto liilt your buddet in Mufï¬n hï¬eatï¬ï¬lï¬rï¬ deli Phone PA 85355 or PA 82427 Ask For Frank Bell George Lewinglon Ruse Palmer 1951 CAplihAc Sedan iully equip ï¬ed Altlru motor recently over allied Apply 99 Victoria st or phone PAoim iAIii TRY AN EXAMINER WANT AD Phone whitewen rccleeruty with new Marien Les Swilzér Al HAROLD JORY MOTORS manmmnumr mums DILMNAJ Tmm 1951 M511 RAMBLER RAMA loss ma 90A 195 VAUKEALL SEDAN Anniinn min PA 34185 MIDTOWN USED CARS Known WI awnrm szavrcr an no 89 BAYFIELD ST PA 37 Ilacon Wench cunmnyourcar neocoeie oil Wouldlipde Ai lendale iioion 11 En need an rie PA m1 mvxï¬vru lCTrucks For Sale roll Pm Mon Truck compi with albeit rocks in out clan diuon Will take trade Phone lelm PA 10414 1358 Form sedan Delivery with aide windewi emu larcollent ehipe low milee ldeil iamlly motion wllon mid eu cm ation vehicle 100 with terror PA tom eveuiou icom AIDRepairs Accessories in Poul MOTOR Ar conditl Elm emutouts new new titer new pottery Phone PA Dim Burilien Sarvicot SANITARY DISPOSAL id or cri led cowl horror and othegpierm enimeie REMOVED FREE Phone COLLECT Dorrie Parkway riserI GORDON YOUNG LIMITED rename 325mm lli°hé¥i wunlmpflon to Ross St Barrie PHONE PA E530 lHM CUSTOM cABINElé MAKING Will to your pruent lumber and SillIII All runodeii Aha build new iurniture Ityoiir con Vcnierice Hilh quaiiw Workmln ahip will pick up and deliver CONTACT MR SOINI RR IsmoUD PHONE xvii dim DAYTIME VBEROUP mil mam BAYCITY UPHOLSTERING Iir REPAIR SERVICE ANTIQUE AND MODERN beautiiul umpier iinl updater Nowilthaumnwncmym chuteflleid dmimete More then so more experience PHONE PAL $7433 BARRE Low overbeed rrmito uh touve you dcaL melt Dulker Rea monument st Eur as landlord st slmi NEISON LNSULATION AND ROOFING C0 me Dolmen on RWHIII Inmihfluu HARRIS PA 34575 Cl collect onilla FA 44609 PLASTERINGI REPAIR Eooma Arch my ratchetPm eeilmater Iierrrri No down me PHONE SIMOOE QUEEN AND STONELEFROY 60M am RADIATORS mm HAMILTONS RADIATOR SERVICE 14 FREDERICK ST PA 84170 Ha RADIO TVSERVICKV Au nuns Home service erectile Au WORK dIIAltANim to bus gt CALL US DAY 0R NIGHT Plolm tuber pieced in your homo WES PERRY it Noniu er lel snow nitsr PA Him or PA 39952 STAN BRYSON mamMN sElwwl ll Glendon St PHONE PA 34562 iiiwr lAle our company will horyloid tar Elécllic Molols