it should last nine weeks comments llrs Cliiton Ward Blake Street as she takes limit check on her fondly gro cery supply bciore setting out on the first leg of her world cruise this afternoon The tour arranged by Malcomsons ln surance Agency Barrie will carry Mrs Ward across Can ada to Vancouver where she will board the SS iberia travel around the world to return home from England by air Easter week She will travel the route across the Paclllc south of China through the Red Sea Sueiand sunny Med iterranean stopping atsuch spots as Honolulu liong Kong Colombo Gibraltar and finally Dont Bog Down Fight Diet Ruts By IDA JEAN RAIN This is the time of year when ones spirits are apt to bog down particularly when the pounds re fuse to budge Many of you write to ask what todo when you hit prolonged standstill period To keep from feeling discour aged realize that lull in losing is normal and to be expected This plateau may occur at any time during the reducing course once or many times To resume losing it is often helpful to change thscharacter of the diet Get out of the diet ruts Monotony in menus is no help for you bog down mentally If you have been eating mostly beef switch to veal chicken and fish For change have thick pork chop lean and all fat trimmed off Have liver once or twice week so as to stepup the iron in the daily diet Chicken livers broiled utter change Look for new and slimming ways to prepare food Delicious broiled chicken may be prepared without any at The secret lie in cooking it quickly so as to seal jhi Preheat broiler for lochglsxigniheat for 15 min utes on eac ide Serve piping hot Since protein is the backbone of the menu have good quality protein at each meal At break leave all salt when you perspire scrambled egg plus second egg white Scramble in top or double boiler no fat added Have thin slice of toastuwith tea spoon of jelly no butter instead of fruit juice eat tangerine Changing your menus will lift your spirits it the pounds refuse to budge you may tind it expedient to re sort to an emergency type menu for two days Here is suggested menu Breakfast Glass of to mato juice two softcooked eggs no salt Black coffee nontnutri tlve sweetener if desired Lunch Have large broiled ground round steak pattie Meat should be trimmed of all tat belorc it is ground No salt Crisp celery sticks Glass of buttermilk Din ner is the same as lunch plus the addition of one vegetable For these two days skip the salt Salt has nothing to do with lat loss but stepping up the protein and leaving out the salt help counter act water retention This menu can be followedfor twodays only it is not wise to freely unless of course your doctor has advised it The second measure for re suming weight loss is to step up your activity However many of yoh cannot exercise because at heart condition Ask your doctors advice about walking on pleasant days Walking stirs up circulation fast instead of always having poached egg for change have and helps you to feel better mentally and physically London England Planning this trip since October the travel ling mother ol two has not only prepared detailed catalogue of the freezer and the meals for the next nine weeks but has pretapcd discussions of lands visited during the trip These tapes will be played in the classroom tor lsycanold Milo 13yeurold Paul and their Internï¬li Theme Homes Gardens Film Seen At At Churchill WI classmates us the actual trip in being made Mrs Ward is no novice to the world of tra vellers Since attending school in France at the age of 12 she has toured almost every country in Continental Europe The Wards moved to Canada eight years ago and MrsWard has been known for her uctlvs work at the Barrie YinYWCA mhï¬ THE BARBIE EXAltllNElly FRIDAY FEBRUARY 19 19601 10 Members Answer Roll Call With Bible VerseOn Love cousins Egbert United Church Womans Association met at the home of Mrs Allan liew ton Feblo with 10 members present Hazel Broiley the president presidod at the meeting The roll call was answered by verse from the Bible with the word love The Scripture was read by Men Answer Nursing Call TORONTO CPlMen may he the answer to the nursing short age The real problem says bert Wedgery is the education of the public to the acceptance of men as nurses and the idea that nursing can be career for men as well as women just as are other professions Mr Wedgery male nuise was recently appointed to the stall oi the Registered Nurses BARBIE GUIDES CELEB RATE GOLDEN ANNIV1 The second Barrie Guide Company held mother and daughter dinner at St Giles Anglican Parish Hall last night in honor of Golden Jubilee of Guiding Along with the moth ers special guests or the ev enlng were from Barrie Ran ger group Shown left blowing out one ofths nu golden birth day candles is proud guide Ear bara Walker Right Guide Joanna Carter and Ranger Gail Gray spin the World Friend ship Globe Money collected during the year is used to ghelp the guilding movement all over the world After the ban one and the cutting of the itftieth birthday cake the guidescntertained their guests with skit entitled The Life of LadyEadenPowell Esther MN is The lesson thought The Splritof Man in the Candle oi the Lord was read by Alice Newton The minutes of the last meeting were read bylath leen Mooney The next metlng will be held at the home of Esther Downer the second Wednesday in March Mrs Sanders and issue Blaker served dainty lunch Association of Ontario as an as sistant secretary graduate of the school of nursing at Whitby Ontario Hospital he is studying for his bachelor of science degree in nursing at theUniversity of Toronto During his nursing career he has striven for recognition of male nurses in Canada Men he says must be assured of enough monetary return to support wife and famii There is actually no real prob lem now as far as training schools are concerned Some schools cannot accept male stu dents because of lack of living accommodation but this is some times used as an excuse Most schools would accept men stu dents if they received applica tions Some of Ontarios 185 male nun ses hold supervisory positions Maunsell Gerrow recently ap pointed director of nursing at Ajax and Pickering Hospital is the first man to fill such post gory served in the second World War and trained for nursing at Whitby Mr Gerrow worked in psychiatry alter the war with the department of veterans affairs at Eyeshninster Hospital London It gt N0 vomosrnns EASTPORT Nfld CPlFolll people at brthday party here had combined ageoi 340 years The party was for JésseErown an The others were wife 77 sister Mrs Harriet Bradley 90 and MrBrnwns sisterinlaw sou Mr Gerrow and Mr Wed CHATHAM Nil Mrs Minerva lwecdle marking her 100th birthday hue noently said Im much better prepared for mysocoudeentnrythanlwalfor my fir She peeled birthday visitors until in pm although confined to hospital bed with mild can of pneumonia Interncrtl able anws Sayings contest was won by Mrs Spence The Womens institute an sponsorlu card party instead of canvass for the Red has Feb social hour over the ten cups bruxht the meeting to pleas ant close Women In Jail lieMake 01d Hats MINT JOHN NB cPtoid iclt hats mens or womens of anyeolororstoteofrepairnrs bï¬lfllwmlmuflhflebylb mall prisoners in the county jail Matron Mrs Helen Trilll looking for some useful occirpn tionjor women who spend weeks or months in Jail started the ex parlment and it has been taken up eagerly by the women Childrens slippers in wide variety cl colors and color oom bluatlons have been created tram the hall uwn by hand with soi ored wooL Sam of solid oalar with contristing wool and others are basic twotona jobs Gay rabbit can adorn some and other he Idigvidual touches make for var Mrs Trlits plans to offer the slippers to teachers in lower school grades for the use at chil dren who take off winter foot wear ln school Theme At PW Meeting flie Barrie Business and Pro fesllonal Womens Club met at the Americanflotel for the Feb ruary dinner mesdny evening Pmldent Evelyn Klghtley read the message for the Intemationnl night from president of the In ternationol Federation or Band PW Ellubeth Feller It stated the theme for 1960 as Bringing Together Orient and Occident to promote friendly relations and understanding among the business and professional women in all countries Congratulations went out to two members Dorothy Falconer and Violet Wade on winning local draws recently Evelyn Klghtley attended the reception at tha Royalvork Roof Guests Enjoy Aux Tea The Barrio YMYWCA Ladies Auditory entertained group of friends Wednesday afternoon at the home of viceprefldent Mlle Shopoï¬ aided at an attractively not tea hire lanca graciously pre Garden on January when Elie abeth Feller international presi dent Switzerland of the and Pli Cluhl lpnke February being international month Ellen Lay conducted the Lightsllp ceremony assisted by Ruby McCarthy This is the lighting of 25 candles of the International Federation Astrid Backmana one at the members who came to Canada eight years ago from Denmark gave an interesting talk on Den mark Sha said that is where Hans Christian Andersen was born Thorn aram million popu lation 1a lolswomen got the right to votein Denmark Jean Dawson and Mildred Meredith attended the meeting on Refugee Yar The club has been invited to Toronto club for bridge nndn fashionshow in the Royal York Feb 27 The Biennial Convention in Winnipeg July 1116 was an nounced ThncardpnrtyFeb39lnEast am Star Boom Owen St was diémihï¬xed for rummage sale rt at True Blue Ball 3rd in ï¬nalized table slimmed by an arrange ment of yellow dnï¬odils and coleus leaves The tea was held to acquaint the guests with the More of the Ladies Auxiliary and to in terest thorn in this worthwhile branch of the The Presid ent Mrs Clenunens gave an informal talk on this Subject and spoke of the various projects un dertaken hythe Ladles Auxil iary from whldi they are able to give direct ï¬nancial support in areas wherever the need is Heatest Mrs Clammens also stressed the importance of giving moral airport to ExecutiveDire odor Russ Davey who is guid ing the efforts of the or capab1y The next monthly mee ing at the Ladies Auxiliary will he held March at 200 No11 the ï¬llhose interns 0nt STOW dinlly inle to attend AM COLDS Sore Throat on menus ELECTRIC on we mm mm in mannam vqnnnul mm an IM UM urnmun rum in in mic Mrs Sarah Farrah 92 ll Collin St comma It visit eARRIEg NEWEST sung STORE To every mm making parchme of Vespra Horticultural Societh The February meeting oi the Vespn Kortlctiltinal Society met atapmintholletoreslrylunch room recently President Mn loyston was in the chair assisted by hirsl Maude Jackson Mrs Jack Johnston gave number of timely hints and Mrs Jackson and Mrs Shelp show ed pictures homes and gardensi the trip the domain took through the United States and few the Russells took on their trip to Britilh Cohlmbln Lucky draw lor the night were won by Mrs Les Bertram Mrs Reg Adams of Barrie Society llrs Lillycrap Mrs Moodeth thanked all who had brought plduul and also Cyril and Leona for running the truchlne nova nu you PIOBIIMI to Barrlcl local mmmwkonifl mammal MW HIGGINS runs BillIE 1010 15 DUNN IT emu March mean will be no la Mommau March is with ltlrs Jean Gahldu guest speak Cl it is hoped everyone will attend with visitor or two nodal thixme will be held alter the meet m6 When youmoo than new batty olives ltr when you yigmoeï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬‚wh our demo of Ruin will all hunt Of giftl all When the odealoe axiswhoa PA 66302 ohmu IMOInouuoqowtoomcn WELCOME WAGON Wtshweomndlayhhatahoutgemandal merits When Mom or disability mimw an hereto serve you vmh drugs WW and $298 ormorelwe are giving Pair Beautiful Seam ten Nylons urns Regular $l25 Quality This offer good nitton l9th¢nd sATunnAY in zoo of February for TWO days only ss suns AND esryouns so presidentr Skating Canadians dont cant plum and the it close last three 1956 Olyrn when they ting starte medniMa lowed by team of of Oakvilit DIGNIFIE The org which hav fled and everyone were lavist weatherma Games stil cent show The we would he with higt Fortyale were enter CTDSS Creek 17 figured tot lands Veik lending ch berg of SW1 of Norway inea anoth Kolchia tl withdrawn fever the postpo downhill to at Thursda THREE Hi The back pm Upitedsta vakia Al