lTHE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY FEBRUARY ll slam MARKET Volume Lighter Trading Is Dull rononro or After two is at ms and Ford Motor moved days oi slight rises the stock ahead one point at 76 market began to slip again today amid light dull morning trading points at 150 Huron and Eric The 1h cm volume totalled 402000 shares tighter than Thurr days 400000 shares at the ism lime Eddy Paper had the best indus trial win going ahead three points at 59 Ford Motor took the biggest in dustrial loss going down 92 at in mines international Nickel lost leiat salt Faiconhrldge tell 5i at 80 and Noranda was oil is at 42 Senior uraniums were mixed Consolidated Denison was ahead is at 10 Algom lost to at 10 On Thursday the market closed out higher in all sections Index gains industrials 01 at 49835 golds 49 at 3831 has metals It at 16300 and western oils at 9844 The final volume was 1115000 sham much lighter than Wed nesdays 2259000 International Paper gained its points at 106 General Motors was up at 45 and industrial Aclt ceptance gained point at 32 General Development advanced Bank IntereSt hate Is Down To 487 OTTAWA CP The Bank of Canada interest rate dropped to day to on per cent trorn iiva per cent last week The bank announced today that 91 day treasury bills were sold by tender at an average price at $98862 or an average yield oi 462 per cent NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Royal Tnist Co year ended Dec at 1959 31352385 $239 share 1058 31477770 3181 Sharp Gains In Cattle Market Wiped Out Ill Public Stockyards TORONTO iCP The antici pated good cattle market failed to materialize this week and slaughter cattle prices were no SINIIY 1y steady to as much as $1 per mdwelght lower at the Ontario pubic stockyards The sharp gains made last week were wiped out and prices regained the general levels of two weeks ago Replacement cattle prices were firm and veal calf prices were strong 312 per hundredwelght higher Hog prices dipped $150 and sows were $2 lower Sheep and lambs were generally un changed Cattle receipts were 400 head more than last week as well as the same week in 1959 Receipts from Western Canada totaled 78 cattle and 46 naked There were threeshlpments to Eastern Canadian Slaughterars and no exports to the United States Slaughtercattle Choice steers 23 with sales to 2350 and odd tops to 2175 good 21502250 medium 1921 common 1510 good heif ErrJMi with few choice to 22 inï¬rminns common 1416 choice rad yearlings 75 withan odd top at 26 good 2224 good INTERNATIONAL MOTOR TRUCKS Available with cylinder or the proven economical V8 engine Larger models at 80000 the groupowered by the Rolls Royce Oil IISED TIIIIIIIIS nub Chevrolet 11o wheel or roll Sedan Deiiv LearIrons Tractor 15 Yltd Tandem Bum on All International Yard Dump noon issz is rt Platform Dulgil lntarna can 21m ih mu with Van movroiet teenI pump sniemuunni nias rum Ford combination Dump Fargo Iii20 Chassis International as Pickup Panel rmir Incarnationi Truck as to Dodge Tandem international Ks International K7 Integrations and long wheelbase with 14 low one station Wagon nonunion mama AND ramsma RPM 10357640 IIlIlIl MIITIIIIS Harts nr or ooo nnniup covering Ins3025 But Goodyear Tire dropped to dropped ï¬ve points at 53 and Molaons lost at Elli liniliager increased1 at 25 international Nickel advanced Vs at 99 Algom dropped at was and Gunnar lost at Inn Conl solidated Daniaon was unchanged at 10 Western oils were ahead with most changes in fractional range Canadair Plane Is Unbeatable WASHINGION iAPiOiiicials oi Canadair Ltdl Montreal subsidiary of General Dynamics Corp described to the civil new nautics hoard Thursday new cargo plane which they said Is Unbeatable or the low cost transportation or air freight The plane the Canadalr Circe has hinged tail that swings over to one side for quick loading and unloading from the rear it is powered by four Rolls Royce twin turboprop engines The oillclats were testltyiitg at the CIAIBJs investigation of air line domestic cargo and mail service TOO MANY FAILURES BRANTFORD CPiA failure rate of 15 per cent among first year students in Ontario univer sities is situation which must be corrected Dr Herbert Armstrong dean of arts and acience at llicMastor University said Thursday night He told the Kiwanis Club How learners should be separated from those who would go on to university anrrisn wonitnna Married women accounted al most entirely for an increase at 000000 among employed women in Britain between 1548 and 1958 cows mostly 154550 and tow early tops at 16 medium 1445 common 1814 canners and cut ters 912 good heavy bologna hulls 175015 common and med ium light hulls 1417 Replacement cattle Good lightweight stackers mostly 2324 with good steers stock calves at 25 common and medium 1021 Calves Good vealors 3406 with choice to 38 medium 2733 common 2026 boners 1218 Hogs Grade 2150 heavy snws 15 lights 17 Stags 11 on dressed weight basis Sheep and lamh Good handyweight lambs 232350 med ium and heavy lambs 1022 00m mnn 1518 sheep cio according one MORE IMPORTS Except or 1940 and 1852 Canada had had deficit in trade during the last it years it soared in 105dwhen imports exceeded exports by record $842300000 In 1959 the de ilelt rose 80 per cent to $415100000 compared with 204100000 tn the previous year The increase was caused mainly by Canadas huge trade hnhslancc with the United States $625300000 but was partially offset by tradan surpluses with the United King doin and other Commonwealth countries Graph traces the trade position from 1949 when the surplus reached $201000 000 INVESTMENT CHATS Crnwiord and Co Ltd 89 Dunlop St PA 82411 now and max AND nonn PRICES ABRIVED AT Fundamentally the rules oi trading are those oi on markets The highest bid has the floor as has the lowest oi for The ï¬rst hidvor the first of icr at price has priority at that price Each sale ends the auction and new market is then stated permitted All bids and offers are made orally in alcud and clear voice and these are im mediately recorded by the ek change and sent out on the tick er inpe ior everynnolo sec IiFECtlWD VolK MHZ$3512 lDilrh Wfl MILLERS 45 Bradiord 8t 90 quality Bill cirirs LEPROY The first euchre guns in no les alimo wu held in the com munity hail Fehruary 10 High scores went to Mrs Don ald Perrier and Mr Eulllah low scores Mrs Frank Corner and Mr Juliennan Haurioe Reid won the lone hand priu Three mnre games on the series Feb unico Ind etc will iith the parties number oi lrlendl Ilm Elliott gathered at the home at Lewd Mrs Grace lastWod nesrdyay eveningmllieh to the pa was puma um Mr Elliotts birthday was on Feb 12 Three tables oleuchro were played Prize winners ware llira Grose and Wllircd Stow artl cute to the totals for lunch where lovely decorated cake lit with candles was placed he iorc itir Elliott who was really to Its by surprise Everyone sang Happy Birthday to you When he was the recipient oi some very tempting eatabiee Mr Elliott expressed his very warmest thanks to all for won derful surprise Everyone joined in singing For hes lolly good icllow Deepest sympathy goes to Mll ton Reid and Miss Nuhitt In the loss at dear wife and sister Mrs Ethel Bald who passed away in Newmarlret hospital nlesdny morning Although all ing tor many months Mrs Reid wasnot bedridden until about three weeks ago The late Mrs Reid was long time resident at Lciroy timec4 Secret transactions are not WALWN LECTRIC cases 00 Ford IIVI You wandamll new world 01 comfort and value Sen and tut drive Ford Fairllnl It is your or only 25 10 DOWN re Month To my up of BARRIE Heres the original Answer pantiewith positive natural control ior active flouresl Boneless nylon power not with plush hacked Inner elastic hands molds you size smaller White Ill medium length 2432 long length 2534 Shown with Gossarda foam padded white cotton hrc sizes 3236 cups $195 Answer°pantie $1250 pullvon girdio $1095 WALKER or BARRIE PA 85539 ALLANDALE HDWI APPLIANCES AT OURGRAND OPENING uéTrAUGUSTI noon09 TOCELEBRATETHE OPEN 0E0th NEw SOUND RooM EEBRUARY 19 10 26 GIVING AWAY FREE ALL YOU HAVE DO IS PAY US VISIT AND PUI YOUR NAME IN THE DRUM THEN ON FEBRUARY 26th AT 900 pm 25 NAMES WILL BE DRAWN AND EACH WILL RECEIVE DOOR PRIZE CERTIFICATE WORTH $i0000 ON ONE OF THE I960 STEREO HlFI RADIO COMBINATIONS LISTED BELOW we GAvr AWAY IN Vine GIFTS AND wear rLEAseo7 WITH THE RESPONSE we Now oooa mzr CERTIFICATES OICE LIST PRICE 25995 OUR PRICE 9995 PRICE 109003 PRIZE WEN 995 PLUS $1500 ALBUM CHOICE LISTPRICE 34995 OUR PRICE 25995 PRICE 10 BOOB FRITZ WINNER 16995 PLUS 31500 MRI MUM DICE LIST mo 33995 oua PRICE 25995 euros ro noon on 15995 PLUS 51500 RECORD ALBUM CII cII ORClIOICE4 IF THE WINNER ORA DOOR PRIZE CERTIFICATE HAS BOUGHT ANY MAJOR APPLIANCE duringwlis week of the opening of our new sound room the certificate may In as $I0000 reduction on that purchase noon PRIZE CERTIFICATES VALID UNTIL MAR 26 When you Visit our new sound room you will exec and hear elections in domestic stereo Hi Fidollty In Ocnede Including PHILIPS Model F4513 oeuixo Steuotwins Avenue In matching walnut mince any or oak sectional atlawood cabinets can he placed side by side orset apart torup to 10 feet channel separation Four matched speakers Automatic Wed recoid changer Wide hand AMIIM timer lwo iewelied stylus cartriches PHILIPS Model rssz Deluxe Ensemble superlative sound quality lna iumloin lolid walnut cabinet with ivorypearl Interim Eight mam speakers DeluxeAMMSW receiver Automatic mood cord changer with atropoecopio speed control wooed tattoo stereo tape recorder Twaconipatthle atom amend stylus cartridges one 73 ppm aappllln stylus oartrldu Bah anoedzowattstomamplttiers For your convenience and more ioimiely listening on Vareromainiiig open Monday Tuesday and Thursday nights 01 000 pm or demonstration more only ALLANDALE 34sssARog BARRIE aunarrfraanis AnIIANGeo APPLIANCES PA 852422 IIigtws