TRAPPED BY CAMERA This picture or Mrs Jean Ihirton taken by hidden onmern connected to the draw or she is opening was submitt cd in court as evidence and led to her conviction on char ge of theft of $6 John Butler tenant in the Toronto home rigged the camera trap after missing small amounts of mon ey from his room Unified Air Pact Nearing LONDON CWNATO is re ported to be nearing agreement on unified air defence com mand in Europe Diplomatic sources say prog ross is being made in efforts to bridge the gap between French Presld de Guullc and than other T0 countries The ultimate objective is an in tegrated command system simi lar to that Canada and the United States have in NORAD the North American Air Command setup with headquarters in Colorado Springs Colo In tho supersonic age NATO planners argue is central com mand is imperative They say the speed of mbdcrn aircraft has made nonsense of national hound arléa One answer would be the incorporation of the national air In NATO defence systems into one com mand reporting to and directed by central headquarters MEMORIES OF 1940 For various reasons France has opposed this degree at inte gration De Gaulle may have memories of 1N0 when Britain refused lastvdltch French plea to throw the last of the RAF squadrons into the battle for France The problem was heatedly and hdecivcly discussed at the De cember NATO meeting in Paris but some NATO officers predicted then that accord would ultimately be reached Reports this week from Paris Washington and London suggested that continuing talks are bring ing de Gaulle closer to agree ment on this and other issues scpl arntlng France from other NATO countries Humor Now No Laughing Matter Britains Muggeridge Declares LONDON lRoutersThe prcs ent condition of humor is no laughing matter Malcolm Mug geridgc complained today Muggoridge former editor of the humorous weekly Punch and no of Britains most out oken social critics declared tha sex which gave mankind its rst big lau has become serious matter An unholy alliance of adver tisers pomographcrs and head sbr ers has moved in on it dri mg the poor clowns away he wrote in the leitwing weekly New Statesman in an article of the decline of humor Class another valuable piece of humorists real estate Mug geridge continued has been made the object of takeover bid by resentful beneficiaries under the welfare state All llBlSEOP TOPS for the church the Arch bishop of Canterbury has stolen the show by being funnier than any professional comedian could hope to be and no one else can get in on the act According to Muggeridge The area of life in which humor is permissible is steadily shrink mg He blamed the threat of atomic war In the shadow of the mush room cloud Muggeridge wrote we draw together hash our voices and keep in step Such or der as exists seems too frail to be subjected to the blast of ridi cule alesman OI Stolen Goods is Detiolirvt Describes Slain Man KITCHENER CF Gerald Bud Sehmaiz 30 of Preston who was shot to death near Milton area barn last Nov 17 was described in Kitchener court Thursday as the best salesman of articles stolen fromKitchener warehouses Detective al gave this testimony against Bruno Casarm 39 of Hespeler charged with posses riou of stolen goods Casarin pleadedguilty to two charges of being in possession of stolen goods and was remanded in custody tvvo weeks for pre sentence report from Hespcler factory last summer Evidence showed that Casarin started selling stolen goods for unnamed thieves last April and Sohmalz eventually became his best salesman Detective Amlinger said as and detective Lloyd Parker first ques tioned Casarin on Jan in lles paler The detective said Casarin told him how loads of stolenevgoods were delivered to his home Should Yank lAtRope To Hang Man MTAWA CPA stern and attentive watched Thursday as its motor debate on capital punishment an issue un touched by political byplay shifch from side to ride without any definite trend becoming ap parent When the sitting ended with debate adjourned next Thurr day there had been nine speak ers in favor of bill to abolish Canadas death penalty for mur der Seven member opposed the measure One was uncommitted it became lmposslbla to guess how the assembly may vote if division is taken next Thursday Only one trend appeareddin agreement and of kind not al lowing compromise SIIOCKER FROM REGER The most startling statement of the debate came from Erhart Regicr CCF Bmabyaqult arm on abolitionist who said it members vote against the bill future hangings should take place on the lawn of Parliament Hill with each MP and senator tak ing yanit at the rope Party Ines were shattered Among the Progressive Conserv ntives five were againsttho pri vate bill and four supported it Two Liberals were for the meas ure and two against it and one had an open mind Both CCF speakers supported the proposal Nor was there any occupational pattern of seven lawycrs who spoke four were against the pro posal and three favored it The picture was the same in other fields At least 15 other Conservatives Mich ael Comedian 51 was in his fourth year as may or at Dawson City in the Yukon in February native of Prin ce Rupert BC he settled in Dawson City 25 years ago aftlt er walking 425 mich from Whitehorse ay nova MclNTOSlI OTTAWA CP Several changes in the top command of Canadas armed forces are con pected this spring and summer The retirement of Gen Charles Foulkes 57 as chairman of the chiefs of staff committee was an nounced severél weeks ago by Prime Minister Dlefenbnker Air Marshall Roy Slemon dep uty chief of North American Air Defence Command and ViceAd miral Harry DeWolf chief of naval staif are expected tore tire from the services this sum met The government rnight have picked Admiral DeWolf Ito sw ceed Gen Foulkes as chairman of the chiefs of staff because the admiral despite hair trigger temper has apparently got on Unless their spcochm are brid next nuradanmtbo number of prospective ope rs shcngthen the possibility of the bill being talked outdehated for the full two days allotted without vote being taken not was the fate of similar bill introduced inst region by 33 ycllwld Frank McGee PC YnxiScarbomugbt Ills new bill this Burton calls speciï¬cally for ending the death penalty for all crimes except wartime treason No cabinet members or party leaders took part in the debate but Prime Minister Dlefenbnker and SolicitorGeneral Balcer were in the House almost malinult ously Justice Minister Fulton had to leave to keep speaking engagement in landun Ont Tho galleries were crowded for both the afternoon and evening sittings and several clergymen wen in the audience Although the crowd thinned out later at the start about 50 people were turned away because the 600 gnl lery seats andali standing room were filled NOT DETERMNT The bills sponsor Mr McGee argued mainly that the death penalty is not deterrent to murder This was tack to be taken laterby many of Mr Mrs Geos supporters Mr McGee contended it is morally wrong for the state to take life that punishment for crime should be reformattvo and that thereisthn not bmd on revenge that these is too great risk of mar in an innocent person Quentin of whether the legal system has the capacity to reach decision that would justify killing man Guy Rouleaudulnhfflntrcal Ia cral awyer sai opposing bill that when the Commons couldnt decide even the issue of national flag it should be even hm morn cautious in matter involv ing life and death He suggested that the govern ment set up new Commons committee study now classl ficlation of crimes the death penalty and that the method of execution be made the electric chair instead of hanging PERSUASIVE FACTORS Arthur Maloney PC Toronto Parkdale noted criminal law yer gave what otbcr speakers described as oaa of the most dpersuasive arguments for aboli ï¬ll He said those available evidence would come to the conclusion that the nrnnbcr oi homicides in any area bears no relation whatever to the presence or absence of the death penalty Instead the biggest factorr were inso sociological and cultural He objected to the mental tor ment of condemned mnn await ing execution Mr Malonay added there can be no doubt that an accuseds cgances of taclrlltitltizlh on anger area vnry mm ty and attitude of the glen judge and prosecutor andtho skill of tho deienca counsel Too often he said defence is leit to budding Blackstones just out low school US Not Extending Direct llid To Canadas Nuclear Reactors OTTAWA CPtTrade Minis ter Chuehlll made clear Thurs day the United States is not ex tending any direct aid to the de voloprnent of heavy water au doar Mentors by Canada He said an announcement Tush day deaihg with expanded US Md ctrmall in this field had been interpreted bytbo pron Mo came lashed by Opposition Leader Pearson whether the announcement repre sented new departure on the part of the 115 The minister replied that the agreement merely provides for American expenditure of $5000 000 on heavywater reactor de velopment The work will be done in the United States TUESDAY STATEMENT Atomic Energy of Canada Lim ited said Tuesday that negotia wnu arrlnrurnrs Expect Shifts In Command Of Canadas Armed Forces well with his political bosses However it is understood the ad miral wants to retire after 40 years service SLEMDN 0N OUTSIDE Air Marshal Slemon is unlikely to succeed Gen Foulkcs because the government was more than little annoyed in November 1950 when he said bluntly the RCAF needed new interceptor and the best plane available at the ï¬rm was the Arrow since cancelled The government must find suc cessors for Gen Foulkcs Vice Admiral DeWoII and AIIVMRISbal Slemon It seems likely thafthe RCAFs seninrrair vicaw marshal Larry Dunlap will succeed either Air Marshal Slemon at NORAD head quarters or Air Marshal Hugh Campbell chief of air staff if the tlona are taking one between Canada and the ftowards an erpan program coopera tion in the developmt of heavy water moderated alder pm reactors It said it is anticipated bet lie cooperative program will lay tor tho undertaking by El Atomic Energy Commission se consultation With Atomic orgy of Canada malted of ads didonai research and develop mentwork at 118 expense up to maximum total cost of $5000 000 specifically directed toward the heavy water reactoro to be constructedin Canada MAN KILLED BURT TORONTO CPBelmut Zan ter 20 of suburban Downsview was killed Thursday and three persons were injured in four car crash on Highway 401 in North Toronto latter becomeschairman at the chiefs of stalf committee With the services becoming more involved in technology the government may pick as next chief of air staff Air ViceMar shal James Eastan chief of air force technical services Among the 11 air vice marshals ho is ninth in seniority The likely successor tbsAd miral DeWoif at naval beadquan ters is Rear Admiral Herbert Rayrticr flag oIflcer Paciï¬c coas rtGen Clark chief of the army general staff is ex pected to remain in that position for year or two yet Gen Foulkes receives salary of $20000 year Air Marshal Slemon andtho chiefs of each of the services get $19000 Hold No Inquiry Into Gallup Poll In Stamp Issue MTAWA CPLThe Rattles Porting Dumby to an in the Canadian Gallup Poll Justice Minister Nina said Thursday clla wanPréplyéng tonflralnt nmpbdl Won asked in the Commons whether the poll might notbave been con ducted in an indegftrgdooraaéntl manner trading stamps mu pby thuyRctvanisl on charge Merchants Association of Canada that the poll not conducted on an mblased basis An information bulletin from the association issued Monday implied that trading stamps emerged in favorable light from the poll because of execu tion connections between the Canadian Institute of Public Opi nion which operates the poll Toronto advertising agency and New York trading stamp comlt PW we wettest own an opera in Wilfrid Sanders and his sister Byrna Hope Sanders and that Miss Sanders was hired last November by Sperry and Hutch of New York the worlds largest trading stamp dealers to help produce favorable climate or discount stamps in Canada URGES ROYALTY WED NEGROES NEWCASTLE 0N TYNE England APA Presbyterian clergyman Monday urged the Queen toencourage her chil dren to make interracial mar rlsgos This said Rev William Barbour would set Christian example and help salvo the color bar Writing In his am on 8g and minister mummy notho ammunitiony an or Africans or we ob mar rotvothooolor problem In ml wirdorfni Royal our who to them selves good inflating would givealeadtons elrrufl jects and fellow Christians it would make wonderful difference if our Royal Family would themselves think about marrying colored people Fleming Is Mum 0n Tax Allowance OTTAWA CPIFinance Min fster Fleming was noncommittal Thursday to an oppmitlon rugs gestion that hospital costs paid by provincial hospital insurance plans be allowed as deductions for Iederal income taxpurposes Hubert Badanal fLFort Wil liam said in the Commons that Ontario residents pay provincial taxes towards Ontarios hospital insurance plan but get no federal income tax credit for benefits paid Mnljlaming said it was not appropriate to discuss fiscal pol icy during the question peri FBEES LAUNDROMAT BOSS SARNIA 0P Acquittiag laundromat proprietor of charge of violating the Lords Day Observance Act Magistrate LAC Dunlap Thursday compared comoperated washing machines With facilities for making Slmday deposits at banks Police said they found persons using the au tomatic machinesNeither Gor don nor any of his employees was present LCBO Proposms annals uranium rumor FEBRUARY rest Urges Legalise Serving mnouro CPt legleationl making it legal for person to serve liquor to gucsu in his homo or give bottle of liquor as gift was introduced in the legis lature Thursday by Altomey General Roberts They were among several mi nor amendmean proposed for the Ltqu Control Act and Liquor Licensing AcL MnRobcrts said there had ho been some doubt in the as to whether provincial law al lowed the serving of drinks in private home The new legisla tion will clear up this doubt Under present law it is illegal to give bottle of liquor as gift past purchase other dosages proposed by Mr Robert Tourists and travellers entering Ontario will be allowed to bring in ulimited amount of liquor No amount was specified The 31 annual permitior llqï¬ nor purchases will he rchlncd Mr Roberts said the permit was means of restraining minor from buying liquor Liquor will no longer have to carried direc tly home after Reasonable allow ances will be made for visits to other places during transit at the liquor gt Licences will be issued to clubsS only after the clubs have been in operation for one year Gross MiSmanagément Charged Against Hydro TORONTO GP Charges of gross mismanagement in its pur chase nf lormerlndiaa reserva tion land at Sarnia were levelled against Ontario Hydro in the legislature Thursday night Kenneth Dryden CCFToronto Woodbine alleged that it Hydro had made serious effort to buy the land direct from the Indian band it ooold have been pur chased for as little as $3500 an acre Hydro purchased the 173 acres for $7000 an acre from Dimen sinnnl Investments Limited which paid tho Indians $2000 an acre Mr Brydea charged that By dro paid the company three days before the firm paid the Indians Replying to Mr Dryden En ergy Resources Minister Mam auley saidibat if any documents which may have been filed by the CCF member in support of his statements were contradictory to those tabled by the minister to explain the transaction they may lead to serious charges tour our ADMISSION 50o pan FRIDAYMusic By The Rhythmalres Mode SATURDAYMusic romeitï¬hdenmcnest old time and modern In Indian Deals COP leader Donald Mao Donald forced division after be ing ruled out of order by the Speaker Mr Wflliarn Murdoch when he tried to givauntlco of motion The Speakers ruling was supported by 56 to votes IOQF BINGO Proceeds to cum may Monday Ieh22 ma $15000 manor IDDF iiilLL COLLIER 81 DANCING EVERY Fill and SAT COLLIER ST AUSPICES 100 No Slacks or Jeans Permitted DID YOU KNOW am class carpet on cleaned on AND am You KN destination abroad annals run 102 DUNLOP ST WEST That complete travel arrangements can be by Barrie Travel Serviceincludingeomeurenf Hertz RentAw Service both here and at your CUNARD NEWS Ibn Queen mabeth has 35 public rooms including restaurant with an arc of 13133 square font and thoatre seatmg as persons Six miles or board cach Queen every day by scores of modern vacuum cleaners OW ado VEI SERVICE VPA costs Barrie Community rflmmnï¬ ODS The charg involved posses sion of Ill record players stolen Nov 12 from warehouse and qua ity of mens shirts taken SHOWS THEM HOW CALGARY GP Mrs Jessie Duncan 69yearold widow has been teaching swimming classes here for 50 years Special Feature This Saturday BIG LAND PlusPrizes and Cartoons Matinee Starts 130 Concert Association offers or bonus Concert To New Members who buy flreir 196061 subscriptions on or before Feb 20 Phone PA 82943 or 87997 Adults 3700 Students $350 Campaign Week March AijotltJn picture dedicated to Insurance In you wam ransom SERVICE was any maor msvnarvca These and others are the in ent we will have providing you énthusiasticnlly support the Community Concert Assoc iation with your subscription for the coming season gt Just Phone VVJolIn SIevenscn nt PA 8520l or Call at the Office 95 Dunnp street srsszSons insurance FROM WARNER anus nouns TECHNICOLOR EatmcntsonmthtnDomur Evening snow man 915 Matinee Wednesday 211 SPECIAL PRICE FOR THISATTRACTION Bit Fina Corconsist Series N1ng coanacwrn ammonium ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Er snow SATURDAY CONTINUOUS FROM 4315 SPECIAL CHILDRENS MATINEE snrunnnv AT pm The Bowely Boys In vounzv ovannortsas Pina cnrtnour and Comedies rqmr PUllEllS AT THE lltttltll