ii to Pass Before as aime nm shoot him is 010 coumll SOCCER WTrial Robbed Of Its qumour by at lucmvnr noon hadron England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner LONDON Withdrawal of Bob by rBrown Dave Machay and John White from the Scottish Football Association team for the trial match with Scottish League side because their team Tottcnhum faces an English 01p replay robbed this trial of much of its glamour and effect iveness This meant rear rangemetlt of the Scottish FA team and gave the selectors lit tle guidance as to its selections for the April international ag ainst England The game ended in zall raw with Dennis Law inside forward of Huddersfield who had an excellent game scoring both of the SEA goals The Les gue side however made up en tirely of players with Scottish teams gave bright display es pecially defensively Cousin and Scott scored the two goals for the League but did not impress nearly as much as their counten parts on the SEA side Law and Leggott It will take further trials be fore team to give England run for the lntemational honors is developed ENGLISH CUP DRAW Four of the eight games in the fifth round of the English Cup will probably see first division sides playing against each other The top match of the round is that of Manchester United vs Sheffield Wednesday on the for mers ground The winner at this tie might well be in the final at Wembley Luton runnersup last Year are at home to Wolver hampton and unless there is decided reversal of form this should see the Wolves through to the quarterfinals Leicester are at home to WestBromwich Alb ion and this could be anybodya game Tattenham it they beat mee in their replay are at home to either Blackburn or Blackpool and on form Tottcn ham should advance to the next round The other games in the fifth round are Bradford City vs Swansea or Burnty Bristol Rovers or Preston vs Ratherham al Brighton Port Vale vs Aston Villa and Sheffield United vs Southampton or Watiord all played on the ground of the tint named team Games will played Feb 20 SCMTISK CUP DRAW Some really stirring games are assured in the second round oi the Scottish Cup St Mirren the cup holders are drawn home to Celtic in the key match of the round Hearts are at hams to Kilmariiock one of the chal lengers for the League title and Hibernians are at harm to Dan dee ii Aberdeen surmount tbs hurdle of their replay with Bre ebln City they will be at home to Clyde Motherwell are at home to Keith the giantkillers who knocked out Hamilton other second round games in the draw with the firstnamed team at home are as inflows Stirling Albion vs Queen of tha SouthnEyemouth United vs Alb ion Rovers Dundee United vs Patrick Thistle Rangers vs Ab roath Elgin City vs Forfnr Ath letic Dunfermlina or St John ston vs Stenhousemuir Pcebles vs Ayr United East Stirling vs lnvemess Caledonian Montroso vs Queens Park Cowdenbeath vs Falklrk Alton vs Airdrie These games will be played Feb 13 With Huddersfield out oi the cup Dennis Law is likely to move to first division team as Huddersfield will need the trans fer fee of probably around £40 000 Arsenal are seen as first in the field with bid George Swin din Arsenal manager is clean ing house and looking for top tal ent for his team CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER You are dealer neither side vulnerable and have opened One Heart Partner has responded One Notrump What would you now bid with each of the follow ing four hands question of the rebid after part ner has responded with one no trump it might behest first to consider what is meant by the notrump response Ordinarily the responder will have balan ced hand that includes to points in high cards Starting with this as base it becomes clear that game is not likely to he made with this hand While it is true that part ner may have points which would give us total of 25 points In the combined hands even this optimistic view brings us point short of the 26 usually required for game And since partner may Communion IIIWE WORMS Bur slne erdmothera any relied In Mother to In relic tron 2m and SAFE to ehlldrln from rm nu aulsuy ellcctlvs SniePieasonl Effective USE Gruves WMOORtNIEgTER MIN A285 referring to the also have ti or points any advance beyond one notrump is bound to jeopardize the part score that is likely to be made by passing There is no good reason to think thaL two hearts will be eas ier to make than one notrump pass is therefore in order Two spades This rebid be ing reverse shows strong hand and urges partner to bid again Whenrtwo touching suits are bid in reverse order that is when the lower ranking suit is named first the opener shows at least 17point hand The inten tion is to go to game if partner supports hearts or spades and to bid three clubs if partners rebid is two notnlmp Four hearts The important point is to avoid jumping to three hearts This rebid would urge partner to bid again but would only invite not compel him to do so Our hand is strong enough to warrant game un dertaking once partner has vol untarily responded It would be highly pessimistic to assume thatvthe defense is likely to gar ner tour tricks against four heart contract Partner should not be given the option of play ng under game contract Two clubs Despite the dif ference in quality of our two suits the club should neverthe less be mentioned Game is quite unlikely when partner shows to point hand and the best part score contract he comes the main issue If partner preiers clubs to hearLs clubs will very likely he the best trump suit to play in Thusipnrlner has two hearts Itorlonel and four clubs clubs is the better trump suit Partner shouldbe limited the choice Jamelrow safety measure TELEVISION RENTAL SERVICE 33606 Id your carrier has not arrived bye pm please phone ens2433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Tour Home VALLEYTAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS THERE IS No CHARGE roe THIS SERVICE By ANNE ADAMS EASY DIAGRAM RESOLVE to look pretty in this coverall and protect your self from splashing sauces Easy sew it has wide straps handy pockets botton closing Printed Pattern 48531Mlssea Sizes Small 10 12 Medium 14 lot Large 18 20D Medium takes yards 354mb fabric Printed directions on each pat tern part Easier accurate Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coins stamps cannot be so cepted for this PflibelnuPIBBlG print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Pattern Dept The Bar rie Examiner 60 Front St Toronto Ontario Club Visit Canada BRISTOL England CPIErik tel University has fonncd club to encourage undrrnaduatu to visit Canada during the summer holidays Ofï¬cials say there is rush to join The idea is for students to tabs advantage at their 12week vaca tinn to go to Canada when they would take temporary jobs Oxford and Cambridlo already have similar schemel but this is believed to be the first tlms provincial university has promoted such venture Club officials say thsidca may help dispel tha student reputntlo for irresponsibility Montreal Pianist Wins Music Prize LONDON CPIWilliam stav ens young Montreal pianist has won one of the Harriet Cohen in ternationnl music awards for 1560 lie is to receive the Common wealth MedalA spokesman for Miss Cohen said the decision was based on his playing of piano concerto by Canadian composer Violet Archer The awardsabout 20 are made annuallywere founded by the late SlrArnold Bu master oi the Queens muslck Miss Cohen is ranked neat to Dame Myra Hess generally re garded as Britains leading woman pianist HAD STOLEN BONDS TORONTO CF al Morgenslern 49 was sentenced Wednesday to 15 months in jail on charges of possessing 520000 worth oi stolen bonds Morgen stern who took over his own de fence in the last stages at the nineday trial claimed he was the victim of frameup in obtaining bank loan with bonds he did not know were stolen Newspapers the More Exciting Than 50 Years Ii VANCOUVER CF The do before his 90th birthday Frank Burd was asked by reporter whether he hoped to make 100 If make 90 Ill do very well he replied adding that even the 90th birthday is nut snnce Birthday or not Mr Eurd turned up at his office as usual on on the fifth floor of the Province of which he is dir ector and former president Looking back over 71 years in the newspaperbusiness he says it wasnt as exciting 50 years ago as it is today Newspapers are good deal lighter They used to be very heavy That was one of the rea sons The Province was so good Walter Nichol ran paper in lighter vein BEGAN AS NEWSBDY Born in Muskegon Mich of Canadian parents he spent his early years in Palmerston Ont becoming newsboy at after his family moved to Winnipeg He became an apprentice printer reporter on the Winnipeg Free Press owner operator of short lived paper published in tent in Whitehorse Y1 and circulation manager of the old Vancouver News Advertiser and then of The Province When he joined The Province in 1903 the paper had circul ation of 5828 There were 20000 people go Veteran Says Mr Bard became business manager and right hand man to Walter Nichol then Provincopub lisher and later lieutenant gov ernor of British Columbia RETIRED IN 1935 In 1922 when the paper was taken over by theSoulhanl Com pany Mr Burd became manag ing director He was made pres ident in 1033 He retired in 1935 but remained member of the board until 1953 and is still director He was director of the Western Associated Press and founder and charter member of its suc cessor The Canadian Press He was director of the national news gathering co operative from 1913 to 1935 An honorary president of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Pulr fishers Assnoiationhe was also director of the American News lie lives with his wife the for paper Publishers Association mer Frances BeattiE in Va couvers west end They cee brated their 50th wedding an niversary in 1055 Itnke life one day at time now he said its the best way to live at any age Second Is Claim TORONTO CPI business when came here can rcmem computer which can make 03 her when John Nelson of the old World and started the slogan in 1910 Vancouver will have 100000 men We got buttons and pin cards That was in 1905 We made the 100000 but we had to take in Point Grey and South aVa couver In do it TELEVISION cltvn runny ran in Test Pattern Sacred Heart Jumper Room Popeye and Pain Noondly Report News and Weather Movie Genghis Khan Open House P1d Psnv Womens snow Pope and Pals Woo er Tldawater vrrsrnp Jimmy Mouse Thna stealer Farm Minot Mm Welthlr As sports lawrenca vwellr irackrfown country Hoedown MtlttvylOplr HERTZ Rent car DRIVE RENT NEW can To GET MOEE DONE CLEAN NEW CHEVROLET TopCnndiutm 1=ulir Equipped Low nArss lncinde All Gas and Oil xnd Proper Insurance PA 66474 102 DUNLOP BARBIE 1000 000 logical decisions second is announced bylnternational Busi ness Machines Also in one second says iBM the new system can electronically read or write 312500 charac ters of information or it can add or subtract 78000 sixdigit numbers CHANNEL sac 900 can Four Just bless ii ing Doctor at ke manner Gillette Fistrt sorghum can TV News Pill Weatherman Today In Sports Community New lull Winter Olyrn for 1145 lifnvie Amos no sarunnav res no Tc Pattern 155 No Briefs 200 Chtldrens concertn tar Wellesn Mam new Voice 02 sh wt dornc sao Mickey Maureenh son Mlluonstra Tennessba Ernta Ford 700 Dennis The Menace Mr Adams and Eve Ann Southern Sea Hunt NH Hocicy lung Whyte Show Johnny Stsccnw one TV new Sports Scores Channel Weather Juliette Toronto Wreatllnl suunav Test Pattern Church servlcs Faith For Toda Popeye and Pa Good Life Theatre Country Csicnd Junior Macada Winter Conferéncl 20th Century LIIslo News Magazine Documentary no Highway Patrol Eats Cumminn rather Knows But Joan Fairfax Ed Sullivan 6M Presents Jack Benny Saber at London corIv Newn on beer nd Weather W1 Till iiin 1045 1100 tun 120 500 555 assess rnpusuprs9srr can ashwess press 32823 303000 Decisions Bushlsbniehln DONALD DUCK ILONDIE JULIET JONES GRANDMA MICKEY Mjouse ILLBEIVQIA mRXCAM ESSHOWMUCH wows some HAVE Hens you rLL orgaqhur EIGHYEEN 9mm WMWEMW EWOFTHEWIDNIIHNI 50N£OFMYTHINKIN9 mm TIMI FIKTOFHB DIBM mom want HIE wmt arm iF RCA ED awe hell menus as has lossmaul AND we DRAGON month36 NAME 45055 THE CWA9Cg ED Im BEASEW IN WWW LINE W10 EVERY KNOIBTDMMG Valli ones oaremu rrau we can noun Ana aunts sz new we DRAGON same chp LINDOLIBTEDL Ho sea an we ml Wm carverng SOMEONEs N9 CAUSE FOUND TNT TRAP WWW NE MW NEiTREK FAVE OPflIiD if on we osvlousw some new DILIBERATELY In mm THE ATTIC cm in same $691 CbLILDNgl GET INTO bl HE MAY HAVE FOLLOWEU swam up THERE AND cor ACCIDENTAL 5W7 IN Yrswlto AND wvsr WERE THEY DOING iN ID BETTER TAKE IANOVNER lOOK