our murmurs an out monomeramm MMHMW 12 CROWD onusu cannon GATES T0 anon ormc Li AL ANNOUNCEMENT FiremanHéro D1e In Tram POQUET NS CHThree crew members died in the fiery wreckage of their locomotive Thursday night as two freight trains collided head on at this tiny eastern Nova Scotio com munity Three others riding the locomo tire of the second train were in jured and were in fair condition at Antigonish 10 miles from here One of the injured was credited with saving the lives of his two injured companions The two trains came together in crash followed by the explolt sion of fuel tanks on two of the four locomotich involved lDENTlFY DEAn The dead were identified as La bertMaclvor enginccr ofthe westbound train Laird Smith brakeman and Clarence Lowe fireman all of Stellatton NS Two bodies were recovered by rescue workers shortly before midnight more than six hours after the crash Heat kept search ers out of some areas of the locomotive Injured in the other locomotiVe were Malcolm McDonald 28 James Francis Lappin 43 and Arthur Matheson 42 all of Syd ney NS All suffered cuts and burns McDonald the fireman was unconscious by the crash but was credited with res culng Lappin the engineer and Mathesnn the brakcmnn He res gained consciousness in the cab and found Loppin trapped in his seat He pulled him loose and threw him from the cab DRAGGED T0 SAFETY He then found ltlutheson lying dazed beside the locomotive He hauled the two men into ditch seconds before flames engulfed the locomotive The eastbound train was trying to stop when the accident hap pened crew members said For time there was fear that car loaded with wine which jumped onto herootot one ni tho locomotiv would blow up The singletrack line the main line between Cape Breton and the Nova Scotia malnland was ex pected tobe blocked until at least noon today The CNB said cause of the crash was undetermined preliminary and unofficial damage estimate placed the fig ure in the vicinity of $2000000 Each of the diesels was worth $200000 Ofvthe 95 freight cars involved 20 were derailed and six or seven telescoped Cookstown Plans Status Of Villqge Unanimous support of the plans for incorporation as village was given the Cookstown board of trustees last night by representV atlves of the four adjacent mun icipalities at special meeting in Cookstown West Gwillimbury Tecumseih Essa and fnnisfil representatives met with Ira Wilson Chairman of the Board of Trustees Nor man Oook chairman of the fly dro board and Edward Amon of the Fire board area some AHEAD The community is going ahead with the plans for incorporation as village under the guidance of the Ontario Department of Planning and Development The plans for this incorporalt tion have been fonnulating for oin years but they came to head last summer when the com munity struck water supply They were then faced with the problem of different water tax rates from each of the rnunicipaL itics Since they could come to noluniform agreement farfhe entire community they decided that the only way they could go ahead with water development was by doing their own assessing and setting of rates Ira Wilson claims that the rate payers arequite in favor of in corporation especially since they realize that this is the only way to get ahead with the water de velopment They struck supply which is guaranteed to produce 30 gallth minute N0 BOUNDARY CHANGE Wilson also claims that incor poration will oausevno change of boundaries except in one instance where they would ask fnnistil to extend several feet so as to meet the 1905 survey line Wilson also said there would be no increase of tax rates ex cept those necessary for the de velopment of the newfound wat er supply Community delegates from population of 700 will meet with the department of plannin and development March an will be given final answer as to whether to go ahead or not In the meantime the planning and development board will be in touch with the Ontario Mun icipai Board Wilson feels that actual in corporation could take place four to six months after ratification of their plans by the provincial bodies Threat Repeated BONN West Germany Am The Soviet Embassy called an extraordinary press conference today to repeat Russian threat to turn over to East Germany Icontrol of Wenern access to Ber lfl The threat was contained in memorandum banded by Soviet mbassador Andrei Smirnov last an 13110 Erich Ollenhauer hcirman of the West German Socialist wig Re Berlin Access The embassy made public for the first tithe the text of the memora dum explaning it was doing in order to correct con flicting press reports The sevenApage memorandum repeated the Russian proposal that West Berlinbe turned into an internationalized free city and said anew that ifgthls could not be achieVed the hussians would sign separate cc treaty with 650 In School Ils Airplane Crashes CINCINNATI An air plone crashed within 50 feet of Roman Catholic school near Ma deira this momlng and caught fire The type or size of the plane was not learned immcdiately There were 650 children in St Gertrudes ChurchrSchool when the plane fell just beyond it Sister Mary John school prin cipal said she was standing near door when she heard the plane obviously in trouble She said it caught fire immediately after hlt ting the ground There was no panic in the school she added SAN FRANCISCO AmCaryl Chessman condemned to death 12 years ago on conviction as perverted sex kidnapper won his eighth reprieve from the San Quentin prisons gas chamber early today after an appeal from the United States state depart ment Governor Edmund Brown acting against all odds and in the recommendation opposing clem ency ordered 50day stay less than 10 hours before the cele brated convictauthor was sched uled to die The governor said he ordered the stay because oi state de partment telegram warning that execution of Chessman might lead to hostile demonstrations in Uruguay and Brazil against Pres ident Eisenhower during the pres ldents forthcoming visit to South America TO SEEK LEGISLATION Thegovernor an avowed foe of capital punishment also said he would make special call to the state legislature which recon vanes Feb 29 to consider aboli tion of the death penalty Chessman st notorious American prisoner of modern LOS ANGELES AP The Finch murder trial jury has been locked up in hotel rooms for four days because the judge says the air is tense After the prosecution and de fence ended their cases Thursday in the longtrial of Dr Bernard Finch and his pretty paramout Carole Tregoff on charge of murdering his wife Superior Court Judge WalterR Eyans fold the jury You are all aware of the widespread publicity this case has received and if mayuse the term some pressure in and around us you can just tell the air is tense The matter is about ready to go to the jury For your own benefit your own protection the court is going to order at this time that the sheriff take you into custody and take care of you from here on rasrrnu mm Strong Winds Snail Traffic Strong winds and drifting snow hlt most of central and south eastern Ontario and parts of Que bec today causing dangerous driving conditions and forcing cancellation of some air flights The snow and winds resulted from an intensestorm centred along the Atlantlcseaboardx The storm struck Montreal Ottawa Brockville to Toronto Hamilton Kingston and other centres TransGanada Air Lines flights from Toronto to Montreal and Ottawa were cancelled until noon No flights to the Marltimcs were expected until 980 pm unless the weather improves The aslorm cancelled cere mnny here at which Prime Min ister Diefenbaker was to be called to the bar as an honorary bencher of the Law Society of Upper Canada all flights to and from Ottawa were postponed the ceremony now will be held next month VESSELS AGROUND Airrls Tense Lock Up Jury No fishing vessels ran round in the snow one sinking the east coast The crews reached safety rrnn DEMONSTRATIONS hésSmdn Eighth Reprieve face of state Supreme Court oanvr charismaL Adah odd times had sparked worldwide attention by his long and mostly singlehanded struggle toiescape death through legal technical ities The sherlffs ears and family members brought jurors iover night bagspThe 12 jurors and three alternates were lodged in eight rooms on the 10th floor of hotelwithout radios newspapers or television Guards patrolled the halls Court attaches said it was the first time full years that mur der trial iury in Los Angeles County has been lofked up before final arguments The ractice was common in the 10305 ut with the Second World War blackouts it became oustomary to send jur ors home about pm The handsome wealthy Dr Finch 42 and shapely Carole Tregoff 23 are charged with murdering his Wifeiast July There wasno trial seasion day because of legal huddle in the judges chambers There will be no court Monday because of Washingtons blrthdayFinal ars guments are expected to start Im sorry didnt give you ad vance notice Tuesday They maylast most of Both Are Doing Well Palace Crowds Cheer Drifting Snow Cancel Flights in Montreal three inches of snow were reported by run The snow coupled with northwest winds at 25 miles an hour caused heavy drlfting impeding Mont realers on their way to work fall of up to 10 inches is ex pected ln Ottawa the snow brought traffic practically to standstill The Brockvlllc area was one Ontario centre hltrhard by the storm Thirty sir rural school were closed as 10 inches of snow cut off roads School buses could not get through because of the arun The weather office in Toronto said there in possibility the high winds in Southem Ontario might change to gusts of up to so miles an hour later today HIT HARD In thegUnlted States heavy snow tornadoes strong winds aad rain lashed wide sections of the Amercian south and east to day Hundredsof motoristsgwere maroonod schools werl closed and power and communication services disrupted Snow piled up morehban foot in Kentucky and Tennessee and Virginia Withlittle knowledge of the basic evidence hundreds of thou sands of persons in many coun tries had petitioned that Chess man be spared IronicaIiY the state department telegram which raved bbn was almost lost in the thousands of telegrams pouring into the gov ernors office urging clemency Cecil Poole the governors cIeml ency secretaIY found it and the stay was ordered shortly after midnight Chessman scheduled to enter the gas chamber at 10 PST was whiskedout of the waiting room and returned to the death row cell on San Quentins sixth floor his home since July 1948 Wardén Fred Dickson an nounced no one would be allowed to see the 30yearold Chessman for at least week HAD SAID FAREWELL Only two hoursbefore Chess man had bade goodbyefo George Davis his chief counsel with the wor George youre shak ing bands with dead man Davis said the reprieveis the beginning of the end of capital punishment in California He added dont think Caryl Chessman ever will be exe cuted Chessman convicted of un publishable crimes against women as the notorious red light bandit of LosAngelesf lovers lanes in 1943 wrote Celli 2455 Death now while imprison That book plus twoiotliers which did not sell so well provided funds for his long Iézal fight which included 15 appeals to the US Supreme Courtand innum arable appeals to th whole gamut of state andfederaljcoufls The fight wasbased in essence on lregalfrealltv The oourt re porter at Chessmanis original trial died before completingtran scriptionoflthe trialfreoord Trawler Breaks Iii Hélifï¬ax Harbor on nova harm Ooondtan Pren moistenfan American fishing boat seeking sanctuary from astorm brewhrginthe Ats lantlc ran aground and sank this morning ooanuliseen rocky ledge near the harbor cntrancei All hin 521 ion tawler Gloucester reached shore safely by dorios launched inra sea tossed winds MooEmilee In ow members of the LONDON OP The Queen gave birth to boyher second son at 380 pm tom up EST today Both the Queen mod the infant prince were said to be doing wolL Bella rang out the joyful new across the nation which had waited loosely through the yearold Queens long confine ment The birth come more than so hours after she called her doctors The childs birth weight was not imrnedlately announced carnival air swept through London The great bells of 131m doug churches peeled out news The crowds began to swarm to the palace in increas ing numbers Outside Buckingham Palace more than 2000 cheered wrldly as apalace official pmned up handwritten bulletin giving the news of the birth The official bulletin said The Queen was safely delt ignored of son at 330 pm to EY Her Majesty and the lplant prince are both doing well nnmxa TOAST Prince Philip joined the palace staff in drinking champagne toast to his child As Inndons oftic omptled for the day huge crowd started swarmigg up the ceremonial ave nu Sch led with palaceh Jmmc inter 2oeein is wildPrince Pb phnn the news to the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret and sent cable to his mother Princess An drew of Greece Philip had waited through the day in the onalapartments di REJEUI UNION SALISBURY Southern RIID desla Reuters Both govern ment and opposition speaker in the House of Assembly ralected Wednesday the idea of this self4 governing Britlahcolony joining South Africa LONDON AP The new royal baby cah look forward to life of wealth fama and position and unlike some royal predeces sors will be able to marry for love The burden of the monarchy and it is burdenfalls now adayson the Queen and bar hus band As the years go by Prinoe Charles how 11 will be expected to take an increasing share of the incessant round of public appear ances andebaritabie works The third child inevitably will be less in the public eye and so will have more time for and more control ovar private affairs The British make lavish provis ion for theirroyaltyat the mo ment $1759000 ayearr Th new babys maintenance vfirst ill come from thislAs adulthoad ap proaches Parliament will vote an additional lie wva for the youngsters keep Eyen without the parliamentary ayout the Royal Family is wealthyin its own account LONDON an Prince Philip sooth abova the rooms in which the Queen had her child The infant prince is second in line of succession to the throne after Prince Charles ll Third in line is Princess Anne Princess Margaret now is fourth The birth was announced at 403 pm 1100 am EST John Peel gynaecological surgeon in charge of the delivery kept vlgll with her for all but an bout of 31 hours Peel no1 one of Britains most eminent childbirth specialists The Queen bad the services of an anaesthetist Dr Venwn Hall during the later 882914 her labor Peell other assistaan were the Queens physicians bard Evans is 57yearold Welshman and Sir John Weir arsprightly 80year bachelor whom the Queen had known since her childhood CHANGE FLAG As the birth was announced the palaca staff hauled down the Royal Standard which always flies over Buckingham Palace when the Queen is in residence In its place to the cheers of the crowd they raised ahuge care monial standard of red blueand gold measuring 74 feet by Soldiers scramblbd to fire gun aalufedlu Hyde Park and tho Toiver of London Radio and television services broke into program to announce on birth Cablesvwere sent to pit Commonwealth governments and to British embassies in foreign capitals Crowds pressed fiercely against the palaees wrought iron gates as Superintendent Stanley Wil liams strode across the forecourt wigI the bulletin announcing the bi The cry went up is it abvyt Yes it is yelled Williams and the crowd roared CONTROL CROWD Police reinforcements came out from behind therallinga tocort trol the crowd as the crush bo BovdlBdbv Mar Marry For Love It owns huge estates iaNorfolk and Seotlandlts collection of old master paintings alone would fetch millions Schooling the new child will present the Royal Family with one of the trickiest problems For years the British have de bated wh royal children should be democratized by going to ordinary schools or shouldbe groomed in relative se clusion At the moment the Queen seems to have settled on com promise Pr ca fathers old prep school at Cheam Princess Anne is taught by tutor inside the walls of Buckingham Palace Looking further ahead the royal youngster will become top prize in the marriage market nnd will have freedom of choice No longer are potential mar riage partners limited toforeign roy altyor en to the British aristocracy sass jnnrf msnï¬s Princero visitnewnka to open British exhibition Buckingham Pala night The Prince will go toNew York from Canada He is due in Ottawaomd Toronto June hands to preparerfor confer once on Brit Commonwealth Qanada in 1962 director of English noun dtod dispute mail 3250000001 aenroar duotrlal studies to be held in Charles goes to his pliabeenapminted CBC vicepresident in charge of programming itwasah gun to look dangerous Womens cheers turned to squeals of dis trcss as they found they maid not push free of the throng The crowd had grown steadily from 215 pm when the palaca made the formal announcement Doctors are in attendance on the Queen This is the timehonored way of announcing that the royal birth is imminent Sister Helen ftowe wyeurold maternity nurse whom the Queen countsns close friend will take care of theiprinca during hisvflrxt few days Then he will be handed to the palace nanny Mabel Anderson 33 The princes name wlll not be announced until the day before his christening probably for weeksfrom now onle 2mm nuke Edinburgh in the uniform of admiralot thafleet has broad Smile after arriving at where he was luncheon guest of Lord Mayor and Corpora tion of London Innistil Chief lsSuspended Reeve IsMum Township Pol ice Stewart FisherJ has been suspended fromduty It is be lieved the suspensi followed charge laid by private person resident in the township lnnisfil Reeve Charles Sproule this morning continued the ans pension of the police officerrbut refused to comment on the rea son for have tion said Reeve Sproulewho is member of the Innisfil Tm ship Police Commission mom snr investigation of the case vbeen car oil out Londons Guildhall Thursday no further informa ythe OPPs go on departv Inent inTorontonAnmtfiblal data