45 vrwmmm vrrwmqmv ronnnumn Coldlln The Eye Frequently Occurs mm mourn an Dear Dr Malaeri Can any one eateh cold in the eye Kahlil liy thl ol we me cold eI halal lo the noee Ibe dluaee invade the bodyeew orally We like chickenpox 111a apole th outward alto that been unable to throw oil virua inleotlon Now cold are really many dieaaeee We arent yet Iure how many out we know thet dozene ol dlllerent vlmee can eauII oelde end it may turn out that eeveral hundred ereln valved Some oolde are mild latiuenie oi dillerent Ilreiaa fltere Ir vlruaee which pri marlly eIuIe etultlnue in the non othere which in addition lnilame the throat Wllil any oi them it ie not name to have headache or feeling of lulloeu You any or may not run tempera ture or have Iome echlaeee or loeeyour appetite or leel tired or Ide or lletlue So you Iee told ient lirn lted to the non some oniunctlvel virueee have the dietlnct tendency to in flame the eyea lt la not un ueuIl tor Ilmort any eevere cold to do title to wine xtent Very probably the other reapiretory paste the princi I1 entry area or the Virue in ilrat lace but we know that route can he tranamltteti by way of the mint Iurteoae oi the eye It in poaelhle dare any thIt any oi them might email gt duote connect the locket and the none and throat Dont think or cold II ï¬nale epedlie dteeaee it la whole oi alniller diaeeeee AntiML word cold ahould be oonlloed to the aoae er if Whod rove Dear eteeex month the doetlormeeld ï¬nd on ova an menlllln In operreytion but think what he her In In too you hyeterectnw only help me It you eIn etll new when you ehouidn nlliret oi all it the an int oeualna tmuhl it may be lelt Ilene tlhare nomedlclne which will correct however Second on umped to ooncluelon on would have cleared your mind at once it you hId Inked your doctor rl ht then it you dont know ltI ier better then worrylnl by yournil Third even ii the cyat doee have lobe removed you Itul have to be removed you Iliil have another ovary lhe eyet can he removed without per iormlnl hyatarectolnv So you are torturlnl youreIll need eIIly about hyetarectorn It 25 Feel hatter now Dear Dr Molner Whet About the edviIahlllty oi allllery tor nduloua hmeli am and ye euroeon and ther adheelone The emu weight lean oauaed me met deal at dleoomlort tam more than to yeare We owe to meant the tent that no operation la totally without denae but in recent yeara technlou have been de veloped eo the correction oi TELEVISION PROGRAMS Channel larrla main mu II we In In too Ventton no him no Neva Weather loortl HI III In Pattibol MIDI Pally Duh Ben 539 333838 IL Weath NC euo um aimF WIDNIIDAY on re mo leet Pattern 1w Hma aerme iliuomwclhm emu ewe ll Ir Leo Movie getteme Innde unamuema niuI mi Vacation 11m For all mm Inn HIM rv Darby orewe wIItnIr eoede rewrite Nutte aoo Cunera Welt eeo Perry Ileana no nueoenu Theatre moo Newmalnlna uoo cnc New me Weather Sports Neva ILW Eleventh Hour me my ea mg gentleétera erea armey Loo certonn com Lil New waethIr loorte Ernie Wltla Dirty ea In Loo hum nine lel Wendell Span Dr Kiidlrl Venetianx Fla hotel EE WeIlhar aporte Nelle Movie WI Hal latml Channel Buffalo MEAT MY too Capt non Woody Woonneehee Th0 MilanIa Today illl Hflnueylmll HIvI Gilli Ml Nave The Lawhreaxer Richard Boona Bell Telephone Emir Newl wmnr Sparta Tonilm Show nee Report mm mm eoo cut hen Savannah rnI Rifllmln lodly 1m Huntleylrlnkie Neel Dflth VI The vminln Eeplonala Deventh Hour 858 Nell Travel 33 995599 Channel Toronto MAY too Itoth Idauee blah Kiddo live ofloel IMO It output mend Flat and Tom Ick honey 1on nienoo llWlnlh Hour Nawa Ham HM Sparta Beale IM IMIHIMJ Douala retroenha Preeeote mNunaY JULY 00 Noonaey are Junior Atlc on £I0 hmflvlmlm Ire Kile Nclnaee ot Winni le tee Ieeke Jr and area Mr and Ike all been of Ethel Blah vietted Krgand lira William K4111 dill laat week roeoNro IIDDINO Tou slough ml one on er er ry mi Ice mu cone with in 931 hi Blandteed ariay evening July 11 It the Churnh ol ht eul the Annette Kloline live Throato reception IM at the Rendele new Slt Frank are Illa Llitle Ind children at Berrle Indian Floreneeuttleandoe emban nle Little New ninawlck Fent Sunday with life John errter VACATIONING hire ll hel Noble la home on two lion Four rand ehiidren in Churchill and her Gullah and le thIrin Brides over hot weekend Mr and Mr Allan Goody Jay Goody Mr rt AIM and deulhtere and MRI Florence Deeley ll ot Montreal Mr end Mre Norman Orcheeon Ind Jimmy oi Klrklend Lelia and Mr Arnold ODonnell oi Val dOr Quebec Mre lmae Noble ol Toronto and her coueia Mr Aokerman New Drieana epent day with hlre Mervyn Noble sar to report thIt Mrr Bdneryluld underwent aurury pgnduloue hraeate la depend Not every eeneral lumen hea had experience with title type procedure Conault apecielirt Innemumneenue um node Saturday July il vote IAKI IAIII an ladiea ot uiurch Women were plan with their eitort in the bake aaia held lIet Beturday More than wee realiaed Mu Pete latte Cheryl and bull epent the week wt rm lIllveI in uphyr Mr nd Maurine Reid Attended the Grillilh alpIII nuptlela at Number Valley Un tted Church lIllnxton on July money Adamo ot Barrie la ependlnl th week with Mr and hire Rich Adame srpnure M115 PRATT Mr and John Kell Mre Mldhurat and Helen Pratt to Robert Mark wick Barrie The marriage wee held in Wyclliie Annllean Church with mention It On Lehe Mr and hire Jack Taylor have returned lrorn trip to New Brunswick and Prince Ed ward leiend Mr and hire cherleI Grover and lemlly Chicano vlailed Mr and litre John Kell thlI week William Garrett ha Stealere eoithall teem he won llret prlre It in alalll any Wedneldey niuht the teem eleeted Altona 167 Wal ter Kinton wee pllnher CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER south dealer Neither eide vulnerable All ee when elm Piayllml wilti nail lobby Challawl ElmI3 Channel Nine mum hm ladlee Hut lckey Inï¬ll Club whod tin va on II Shine of Thin porn whether we Beet or amount Dlnh VII Dyh Favorite llrltln edneedey Movie Neno no Mn EM Eoorte Belle and looouete Devlin lellblnh Preeentl mane run In inoo Nomiy Regen rm Pieytime wt men mm 110 Channel Canln zoo thannel Ntne 1mm too illekey lime oioa no You neu loo rm acted uettnee éhhr better In wane uo nru meter rem Ioo ureda Nine Movie on thou the need no Ten The Truth 00 Zero can no me nine out irv owe me Metro liner me soon fleet and enueueie mo hmlghew Iv on Body outdone Channel Buffalo IUIIDAY MY II 100 The hora lulu Lm be it To In 5i ll In CB lvaniail Nm Phil llivarl Andy Griffith HIP Adventure coat Junction nanny Parade Na Walla loom 11 Show For Ma and MY Ull WIDNIIDLYI MY L0 The secret Slam DIV it to Beaver Riverboat Hm Ind 5993 all 511 neymeenere one It Ml ID nu hlnetlon of nerdeln Til ll certain amount oi Imhioulty Iched to the term um my Somitlmee it indicator manner ol play whereb declar or can eelure hlmee otthe loee ol no trloke in elven eult it hehaodlee correctly to com own hand and dummye Thur declarer hoe AOo and dummy her Klnï¬e he can protect Ilnet the lane of any trloke in not hy lirat leedlna the Ice Now even it it turne out that either oppo nent wee dealt lMd declerer wine tive trlclia by taking the indlcued tineere alolnet the ark Nod dedclerer that led tn roan urnmy won loIa trick ll hie lenient op ponent atIrted with the tour rniealnl Sometlme eelety play la employed when denierer in will ino to concede one trick to eult perhepe unnemearliy be cauee he wante to be certain not to tone two lhue with A403 lulu he may lead the two MIL the next leyer iollowe low pl lhle method guerde ydtllhliitydi loaitii either delender was dealt QJu Another type at Inlety play lI directed not so much to the problem of how to deal with nrttouler combination oi carde given Iult II it lI no the queatlon at how to deal with the play of the entire hand Todaye hand oltere eueh en llluatratlon Deciarer wine the diamond lead when the king hearte end pleye another heart when Went tollowe with the eight the nine ia iinueed Declorer doee not expect the nine to win he doublelinem heeeuee by doing no he aaeuree the contract ll Eeet win th nine declarer heoome at our heart trloke the contract The eatety play hep neat to remit in on overtriok or declarer Without it though he would Io down Ordinarily la molt hande do clerer would tineeee dummya Ink no the moat lucrative play the long No but the eaiety oiey le invoked in the dealbe cause it onerenteee three no trump lomorrowx Parental onuv cnosswonn 550 Gdodot Bwedu Land IlJkllJ inuinieu DONALD DUCK JULIET JONB ILONDIE InflowIa mpm nu wimpmm my naymow weerennva GOOD GRlIF THnee KIDS Reva count on WHOLI ccee or soon IM it AND YOUR ITiiFIU THOUGHT You Two weoe aoworo an Mowesl Ill DO MlllNltlthAlL NIIDMM V0 IS YDiiR MW via our new ii Heoela AN meal TlLu uiMTorAKeeAue ALLTHESE mm Poo BOTHl5 AND GET THE oanoelre on THeMl euor Milkmenem olivcero err even iil MT 909 Pill till r=F9pï¬spa nnmiiiiihhi My You moron anthem itiwmnhw rain some no gum 5h Yeltnfllya MIN mono yum ee Ion Line eecm Item Nail Wanner Snort Tonint Show AJL Ewen noun Jun no eon cm ooh Huckleberry Round The tunnun iodc lode nun eyannaley Nan nienon sheen e1ta Precinct Dr Klldue and Wt am In II at Janine new And neom hoot vniuconuo not sewven ARI Aeotno vou WILL luv ounre mall II ELEM 82888333323 BUZ SAWYEN f5sLI 888338 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS CARRIER MISS YOli ltyonreerrlerhaaaotarflvedhylpanpleeaeplme 7284433 AndAOoylenleDalmtelthmloue THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS ERVICI VAllEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELECARSANDTRUCKS owlwoo na luawnwnn flgtï¬ï¬lï¬ï¬‚fllll UGGSANDSKEElEhlt