TWENTY FOUR excited teenagers bounded off the train last evening Half of them into the me of par cats and the other half into new city with different slanguage The top photo shows left Miss Shelia Coli eaux Napier street who returns home after two weeks in Quebec with her rulers for tho last two weeks hills Louisa Chayer ot hiontrcal who came complete with cam era Mrs Colleaux Shé iiss mother greeted the two as they stepped off the train last evening The bottom pho to shows parents exchanging greetings with daughters and guests shortly after the train arrived at Allandale station Examiner Photo Students Guests Back From Trip In Quebec Parents relatives and friends turned out in force last evening at Allondale Station to welcome home is Barrie teenagers and Ahetr guests from Quebec The girls have been guests in Quebec for the past two wceks in an exchange of students from Quebec and the rest of Canada The exchange is sponsored on national level by the Canadian Council of Christians and lows flincaily by the Barrie Jay Attcr the preliminary greeting to parents they hadnt seen for two weeks the girls drew their guests into the family circle with introductions all around Across Canada 1000 students both boys and girls participated the exchange They included students from Vancouver Ed monton Winnipeg Calgary no Brandon and most of the arge cities in Ontario including Niagara Falls St Catherine Welland Hamilton Sarnia Kiti chener Oriliia snd Barrie as ell as others LCOME VISITORS Angus Ross retired high school French teacher welcom ed the youngsters in Frenchsnd introduced Mayor Cooks who extended greetings onbe half oi the city He said he hop ed they would enjoy their stay Barrie as much as the Barrie students had enjoyed their trip to Quebec Carter chairman of the student exchange program for Barrie laycees welcomed the students on behalf of thslocal group full program of activities has been arranged by the Jay cees to augment the activities and entertainment planned by each family for their guest Students will sign the guest book at City Hall Tuesday at 030 am Just before leaving on tour oi Fort Ste Marie and Msrtyrs Shrine Midland the Penetanguishene Museum and on to Wasaga Beach TOURS tour of the CKBB and CKVRyTV stations followed by personal appearance on the Summerama program willbe id Thursday la the late after the Barrie Jaycettes will sponsor tri to Bass Lake which will inc uds splash pur ty and winner roast tourof the Niagara Falls area has been planned for Satv nrday July 15 with the group to meet at the city hall at am They will first tour Brock Park where they will have lunch They will also see the floral clock Sir Adam Beck hydro pro tact followed by stop at the tails splash party and barbecue rill round out the organised an ugly July 20 The event will be had at the home of Doug Stew 150 Dunlap Street The FrenchCanadiao young sters will return to their homes in various parts otQuebec vluly sauna taking part are Miss Eleanor Irene Anderson who is entertaining Mlle Claudette Para at Montreal Miss Sheila Mary Collcaux who has Mile inuise Chayer of Montreal as her guest Miss Kathy Collins is entertaining Mite Lucie Carrier of St Ulric Miss Linda Cough lin has Mile Francine Giroux of Bouchervilie as her guest Mlle Lorraine Cote oi Mon treal is the guest of Miss Nancy Rae Cowan of Big Bay Point Mile Nicole Desrosicrs is being entertained while in Barrie by Miss Joy DAmbroslo Milo Lise Jasmin of Point Viau is the guest of Miss loanne Garvey RR Miss Linda lttuir of Angus is entertaining Mlle Diana Com tols of St Eustacho Mlle Dau iseCharcst of Matano is the guest of Miss Ailco ihrorct Mlle Colette Desrosiers of Mo tana la betng entertained by Miss Kathleen Lenore Woods of Midhurst during her visit Miss Edith Zemlte has as her guest Mlle Gisela Mainvllla of Man treal Miss Marlon McPherson RR Oro Station is entertaining Mile Lisetta Tremblay Depen tgny we wasWoman new 13130 wruwwmmltwrwmwmw vie MAYJIILY I7 LOCIiI GENERAL JUDO monarnsnon lhe Sealer Judo club of Rar ris will demonstration olJudoton tstlholisyvie park beside Lgkevicw dslry starting at LECTURE TONIGHT Members of the Barrie See Cadets will have lecture this evening on scuba diving at their Lakesbora hes uutrrs Follow ing lhisproctics tnnnsction will be given at Johnson beach TD ENTERTAIN Members oi the Barrie Eli benhoppers Association will be entertaining members of the North York mentor and Wills Chsnter at their annual sleek fry to be held at the cottage oi Norm Shelswell in Ora tonight YACHT CLUB Barrie Yacht Club holds the last race of its luly series to morrow afternoon starting at two oclock Bill Porter is end ing the series at the moment good turnout of the clubs fleet of snipes llghtnlnn and yachts is expected HOSPITAL FLOWERS The Barrio Horticultural So clety has placed two large plan ters with flowers on the polio of the Royal Victoria Hospital Mrs Jean Gable said cost of the complete unit including base is about 0100 PMYGROUND ACTIVITY The number of children rcg istared with the Harris Recre ation Committees summer play ground program was Jbts at the end of last week More registrations are cspcctcd be fore the program closes Aug More than 000 children are reg istered tn the swimming pro gram FOLK MUSIC Barrie folk music fans take note Four top acts will he per forming in Bracebridge Satur day night The concert at the Rainbow Ridge Ski Resort will begin at 030 Featured perfor mers arc Josh White Jr The AlienWard Trio Judith Orban and Alan Macltae Man ilnd Wile Hurt In Crash lvo Downsvlew residents will be released from Royal Victoria Hospital this morning Paul Ma ior 30 and his wife Linda 10 wcro token to the barrio hos ritnl following an accident sar this morning on Highway 400 near the Thornton clover eat This is the third accident in this area in week Majors car collided with vchiciu driven by Andrew Pan krntz ti oi Dunlop Street Barrie Ontario Provincial Police Cons stable Ed Zillotto estimated Wu rgts1fl7 Members of thelisrrte asap tlt OI tho SPEBSQSA Society for the Preservation and En couragement of Barber Shop Quartet gaging in America ua was mm s5 snsaa mm were hosts to fellow hammo isers from York North and Oriliis chapters at the cottage of Barrio member Norsnsn Shelswell last night Everyone was soon in harmony and the singing was followed by steak fry Sin ing must pro vide snv sppette as over 50 node of steak were eaten the 40 members whs at tended the annual get together liarmonistng are left to right Ed Curtis ol Barrie lbm Ho kiss of York North Bill Ric men of Barrie Don hunt of Oriilin Norman shelswcll and Peter Langcryt of Barrio Question Barrieites massive Southern Ontario transportation survey expected to be completed by 1907 is now underway The survey is call ed the Metropolitan and Regs ion Trasuportotion Study and will affect 1000000 pcopla Key points which form the tentative boundary are Barrie Oshawa Hamilton and Guelph Tha area contains some 0000 sqllars miles Officials announced today that house survey in the Barrie area has lust been completed interviewers made three per cent random house sample They asked householders where they worked how they travelled to work what routes they took what alternative methods they had to get to their place of em ployment CONFIDENTIAL The infdrmntion gathered is confidential it will be fed in to Metropolitan Torontos giant computer There will he more ttéan 03000 interviews conduct Recently Department of damage to the two vehicles at $750 Mr Malor has been chérged with carelcss driving Ha suff ered cracked ribs Mrs Motor suffered bruised knee and abrasions Earrio Police charged Ray Plants of Tiffin street with fail ing to remain last night when his car collided with parked vehicle Planta was to appear in Barrie court this morning Ontario Liberals Will Win ElectionNixon Robert Nixon MP for Brant county and past president of the Ontario Liberal Association met with top Liberal executives of the area at Continental lnn yesterday Fraser Sutherland president of Simcoe Centre Liberal Asso ciation said it was an informal typa meeting to give Mr Nixon an opportunity to talk to people who might be delegates to the Liberal convention Sept 17 18 and 10 in the Royal York Hotel Mr Nixon said Prospects appearto be very good Some any we wont win the next elec tion but well win the one aitcr dont believe that well win in the next elecj Fivs men will airy for the leadership of the Ontario Liberal party They are Eddie Sargent Owen Sound Charles Templeton Rtvcrdale MP for Rerurew and Andrew Thompson MPP for Dover court About to topexecutives and the backbone of the organizes ion were present at the meet llflr Mr Nixon said Tha our nsa oi the meeting is for candl nice to get Ideas from the riding of what the people want There wont be provincial election for three years but we are look ingfor federal election before th time next year dont think it will be on the flag Issue But he declined to say what he thought might bring about an other election Hs said We are deeply cone oernad with the problem oi the low watr level on the Great Lakes our plansln the last election called for water grid and the government has said it will assist in building grid to London This mectthecandiiiate pro gramls going very well and has been most worthwhile when ever there is an opportunity Joe Gould Brackendale Joe Greer noaans Nixon Men for Brant county and candidate for leader of Ontario Libreals meet with the executives He said the forecast good and the Progressive Conserva Studebaker icft and Fraser Sutherland resident of Simon Centre Lf erai Association tives halve beendiscredited for not taking action on the Police Bill and several other matters SIMCOE MOTORS IIMITED 94 TIFFlIN arsesr 72e1317 Service is First friendly PETER LITSTER Heads Finance Firm Branch Peter Litsier has been appoin ted manager oi the Barrie branch Seaboard Finance Com pany of Canada Ltd Mr Lttster was transferred here from Fetclborough His home town is Burks Falls Mr Litster has been with Sca bbard approximately three years Previously howas with the Royal Eanlr of Canada in Burks Falls Peterborougb and New Hamburg He says he likes Barrie very much not only for the city itself but also because it is closer to Bushs Falls He says haand his wife find the people very The Lilsters have adeughter Wendy three months old Mr Litsters hobbies are flsh ing and photography Get your ear cnrcvro wtththe Transport engineer was in Bar rie making test runs on city roads He was attem ting to determine speed and dzlsy on arterial and other congested streets Data gathered from his research will help determine the present and future needs for travel from Barrie to other cities The survey the largest and most comprehensive over under taken in Canada will involve bothroad and rail it was first announced April 23 by Highways Minister MacNaughton survny of the travel habits of the regions population will be carried out Thsiiic Research Cor ration mlted Also at will be made of land use and the characteristics of the regions population employment and other factors to assist in determining present and future travel psttems The information will be sub mitted to computer analysis for an evaluation of the import ance of the various forms of travel in an integrated trans portation system operating throughout the region Mr Mac Naughton said lt COMPUTE DEMANDS It is on that this data will estsbiail formulas to de temdna when transportation demands will arisslln the tu ture and how they can be serv ed most ctticiently Ths min ister said he hoped the infom ation would contribute to main tainlng the high standard of transportation which the econ omy and the péopls of the pro vince demand 106 pros ctus by the can aid Metropolitan Torontoysnd Region Transportation Study re vealed some startling expend itures being planned by the De partment of Highways for the region within the study srea Some 120 miles of existing freeways including Highways 00 401 and the Queen Elisa beth Way are to be widened No new freeways will be built including Highway tot running between Tomato and Lake Sim coe The other will run from Toronto to Hamilton Cost of this program will exceed 0200 000000 to the next 20 years COST Metropolitan Torontos esA presswnyuisrogram for the same period cost about $400000 000 Also $150000000 is pro iectcd for improvements to Metro roads $150000000 for other arterial roads within the metropolitan area and 5100000 000 an urban arterial reads out side the Metro area Rapid transit in the Metro area will cost from 040000000000 $500 000000 The rail commuter survey is further step in an earlier study ot the potential use of is railway lines radiating in all directions from downtown To ronto The earlier study dis closed that use could be made of 20 miles of lines for public transportation and that 00 miles Simcoe Students Could Qualify For $2100000 In Govi Loans OTTAWA Special Univer sity students in the three Sim ing coo ridtnga theoretically could qualify for loans totalling $2 180000 car under the stu dent loun egislatlon which has been debated by parliament re cently gt survey of the statistics of the number of residents of each of the three rldings who are attending university shows that there mm undergraduate and postgraduate students in Simma North 153 in Slmcoa East and 150 in DuttcrinSimeoetorato tat of sea students who rnlght be eligible for assistance Under the legislation introduc ed by the government each stu dent could qualify for loan at up to 01000 year tor ï¬ve years to assist him in complet ing his educatio nizedinstitution of higher learn ln Simcoe North the figures show there are 00 people in the first or sword year of univer sity 23 in third onfourth year and no post graduate students In Simooa East there are 01 in the first or second year 34 in the third or fourth year and 31 post graduates DulferinSlmcoa has 37 in eith er the first or second year 30 in the third and fourth and 33 post graduate studen Harris In Transport Survey could be adapted for frequent raIl commuter and rapid tran sit use The study was undertaken when it was learned that the construction of new freight mor shslling yards outside the city likely would reduce railway traffic on number of lines In the Metro area INVESTIGATING The new survey will provide information necessary to de termine the physical and econ omtc feasiblity ofintroducing commqu rail service to the area Consultants DeLeuw Gather and Co of Canada Ltd are in vestigating such matters as the type and cost of rolling equip ment bestsuited for the service the need for station facilities along the route int rovements required for track ridge and signallin facilities provisions for term not parking and leader bus services and requiremenu for yard maintenance and fa outlier Both Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railways are constructing freight classifica tion or hump terminals in the region to facilitate the shunting and handling of freight oars along with necusary additional improvements to existing facti uodertakiogs is expected to amount to about 00000000 Next year BurlingtonAlas commuter service will be tried on an experimental basis The marketing research firm of Lyon de Brouwar and Co Limited will carry out public acceptance survey concerning experimental se BAY CITY UPHOLSTERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN WORK Beautiful Samples Frca Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY Phone 715750 BARBIE Upholstering Is 00 Bull nass Not Just Sideline 65 BRADFORD ST rtoWsas TrwstEN itiu The total value of such