WVWw Sww up by who mm runner avovsr setter 77 CadifluNewspepdre limited to amino ltreet Barrie Ontario remedial lisalal an TCommericai Drivte Saieetv On Road OSL Figures Show university student died recently while under tension irom the demands oi coming examinations it was reported that he had been consuming socailsd pep pills in considerable numbers Pep pills which are also called ben nles help to keep people alert and post pone the desire and need ior sleep ra ports the Ontario neieiy league They usually contain beneedrine This is pow eriui ailrnulant not obtainable le sl 1this any iorm without preacri tion it isl stimulationiaioliowe eventually in evitably by depressant reaction boo tors rescrlbe the drug ior certain emo tlonaf conditions Dosage is cereiuily rs etricted since prolonged use can lead to addiction Some public concern has been expreao ed that truck drivers use illegallysold ep pills to enable them to complete long hauls without sto pin ior rest The Ontario sie League in com mon with other esiety organizations de lores the micuse prescrl tion drugs stave oii iatigue at the eel com ments lohn Richetts public relations din ector tor the league Although benzad rine relieves drowsiness and fatigue it does not provide the needed body repair but only relieves the uncomiorta le sym ptoms oi the istlgusto permit delay oi needed slee lhe dru tends to increase mental ale nese end ecliitstes the flow gthought but at the expense oi conceiv on However Fred Elia general man sgsr oi the Obi be is not aware at any solid evidence that consumption at pep pills by commercial drivers takes piece to the extent that it constitutes eigniiicsnt or increasing hazard indeed lea no it res based on the 300 fleets an 150 commercial vehicles enrolled in their commercial vehicle saietyygro gramvehow an encours picture ch year over the past ecsde there has can an annual increase in the pro rtlou oi commercial driven sensing sgue Awards ior sccldenirires driving it there is pep pill problem involv ing ion hauldrivera every eiiortshouid be me to iind out the causes and extent oi the roblem end to apply the remed iei Bu in the meantime should be re membered that ii res prove that the commercial driver sindia uiably the sai est driver on the road Picketta con cludes On milestravelled basis in 1963 passenger car involvement in accid ents was more than three times as great as that ior tractortaller combinations DOWN MEMORY LANE es YEAR AGO IN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Aug 10 1899 Township oi lnnleiii will require 51239518 ior current year Cooks townAlliston lacrosse club has iallen art through lack oi iunds Mid ght Tuesday temperature within one degree oi iroat Simon Dymunt purchased Shamrock Dairy Town achelors beat the married men in chat iengï¬e lacrosse game 31 at Queens Park any young men irom Simcoe County are leaving ior harvest work in the Wes Barrie Peat m1 Co have commenced haulln material irons its pent bed he ond sirville to the compressing plant Rutteriields old ioundry corner Ross end Rayiield sts Excelsior Business College Barrie was calling ior students whoeontemplate rise in lite Al landale news column wee heeded Ward Six the Railway Centre at the Future City at Barrie Allandaie has pleas ant streets tasty dwellings pretty chur ches and oahead people to entice resid ential set lemon Barrie Cheese Board reported brisk business and Vac mice increase Virom 11 iactoriea in dis ct Elmvaio and Avening headed weekly sale Presbyterians are runn ing special train excursion to Muskolra on Civic Holiday Several local housewiv es were seeking domestic help reier ably good cooka Steamer Enter prise will leave Barrie Friday at 830 am with stop at Allandsle doc ior trip up Holland River to Rrsdiord Gear Rgedys home on Mary St was burla Sportsmen visited Barrie to write up horses owned by Dr Morten Bill Ken nedy Simon Dyment Natl ment Stephens McAvoy iley Noah arose and Bob McDonnell lhis sure is horsey town Christ Church Sunday School held boat excursion to Rt Ba Point simcos Foresters doth ette ion Band irom Barrie directed by Mr Henderson ave concert at Henlans Point loron Thomas Hobiey Barrie grocer end piccolo player in the town band was married in oronto to Miss Henriette it Boys who was attend ed by her two sisters The groomsman was Alired Wilkes editor oi the Barrie Gazette Despite valiant siiortsby Ernest Drury Midhurst lost iootbail game in Barrie iair grounds to Lite is Manuel Hebner Wes Lynn and in Me Kee scored ior winners Joe Garvin and lrwin Luck tallied ior Midhuret Gov ernment at Ottawa provided subsid oi 1000000 ior bull ing rail line rom Meaiord to Owen Bound 20 miles now covered by stage Barrio needs right now Fewer police constables turni ture iactory more work ior the boys some seats on Bayiieid 5t dock several new planks in Mulcaster st whari more summer cottages on south shore at bay street railway and lots at pauengers OTHER EDITORS VIEWS MUST WI HAVE TERRORISTH Oriilia Packet and Times Unless awlit action is taken to halt the move Canada is to become the dump ing ground tor thousand iamllies oi French Algerian isrmers the iniainoue black ieet whose militant nationalism and terrorism made Algeria sickening shambles oi murder and atrocity The vanguard oi these FrenchAlgerisns is expected to settle in Quebec this year the balance to iollow shortly it is surely not without at niiicance that the French government so anx ious to divest itan at these embarrase in rcpatriates irom Algeria that it is oi ering as much as 56000 lpea inmin to dget themysaieiyrout oi noun an into Canada For Francehss ready had heliyiul oi the terrorism and bloodshed the rioting and the von dettas which arethe response oi these French Algerians to the changing world about them In France as Algeria theisdistic mutilationa the coidrbioodi ed assassinations which the French Air gerinn secret army the DAB inflicted upon its opponents have caused uni versal revulsion against the ianstics ee sponslble France is anxious to rid ltv seli oi these iootloose reckless desper ate men and Canada seems to have been selected as the reluctant recipient oi this surplus population The whole scheme appears to be project at the tederal governments irn migration minister Rene Tremble who has been working on it with the each government ior some considerable time It ever people were obviously unsuit ed background and temperament to live is democracy side by side with eople oi analien culture and ion ue hose pee in are the mailed eds noir eae ariatocratlcianaiic nav tionaiiatsare accustomed to live in an almost ieudsi relationship with native peasants who work their arms They are intolerant oi chsn or reiorm and are militant Prancop lee so much so that even thetrrbeloved France7eannot stomach them Reportar lrom The Canadian Goalie ii WPi i4WHaAWflwrrvsmwm g7 rmt E1 sis at has an advaniaas oaorrrr in marked soooo score than all is that grade is as such sees and they still managed to be dropped entirely Malriuilsr get them out in the same tiara ton would be iroru trade is link DIAL Namath olefin area this Th as pose or at east years everybody marine however Aug as ariat even more radi um um mu ca Inge wants the teach the we out srend sun neatyesrabeiter Mmmdh ea in psi iia deal wl begin ior autisorltlu ctu teachers and students wmgnuy flora 531 in its recent rsportttia new tag is ly ore examination milieu appointed to study erade marks is recommended sweeping Sterti ncn year it pow changes poses that as per cent oi the Iind though Education Minis students iinai mark should beg tar William Davis hasnt In to rise to so per cent uoow WOUND UPilND READY TO GO REPORT FROM UK OTTAWA REPORT BIBiE THOUGHT Cold war Endéd ï¬irula2rfri on Hockey Rinits ii PAIllCI NICHOLSON We are always looking tor way to pray Hero is another little iiitime prayer 75mm Md lb eoes deeper than other or Ill Id WWW 504 sanitation or belleiltyiherss competitive games are beat mmgnm berm iicial lnilise light is Thus E33334 side when you know the other battle oi Waterloo was won on mm the ï¬lm WI 001 the House at Commons Is still in session when departure Thus loo Prime Minister time rain around rohebly Pearson may be able to assert some heckbenchera wll have that the cold war was ended to be substituted ior the chosen on lbs ioohockey rinks oi Cea iiret teamhut that also is situation clearly understood among athletes Whoevsr oea toiWaeis and Cuchoalov Ia wcarin the uni iorma oi the par amentary Emokaeatars they will mark big step iorward in ending the cold war And ior this we on hockey rinks Nuclear Energy Is Used Heavily Mom noon epinaunoii assuresem land uses proporii Turn Up Piece 13qu Canadian Hillary tetrahhmtii atomizer CPIM docv umsnta turned In some the ciiects oi the late Joseph Omer Deniers have been iound to be tiny bits oi Canadian history we years old in May ieeo Noel Darner was going through papers in trunk that belonged to his late iaiher No documents hand written in careiul Mittcaught his eye They were parchmenb like paper andbore rad wax seals wth crest one was signed by Fran ienec governor oi New France and the other by Jean Talon iirst intendsnt oi the colony oi Quebec Iin archivist recently conilrmed they were genuine lhe Frontenac decrement was grant of fishing and land rights on Bonaventure island Young Queaiora and Force shores to one ei noon Denys son oi Steur Pierre Touring Britain rm vim iflen grantedllend orI Lac illil on 1ng aggrmnltgfï¬ lhre usrtsra ribrrll wide Britain to arraerhieir mm Mm elite oi the Commonwealth The ti Canadian teenarm 9pm are travelling witheothera irom mm visitgdythe Houses oi Britain Gibraltar and Mali arilament hers srid stimdod mmm whm ur ooniereoceat Atlantic Co ege 8t Dortata Castle in has been presidentoi the Cana Mile Fr Ney started the wales among other taunts diars Amateur Hockey Associa Queues schema about so years tinsum Britain ties end director oi the town are and mu ennu no nix Wm its national lee Hockey Association lock tours they leave lot Glblaltlr All PM Will Mr Ruhureh graduate at 1h delegates 19 the MC It Guelph ls ill11 war at Simone He is also oiblerai MP ior Norloll County APPROACH rams IUMIA turning increasingly to the new poet ï¬rst MW tor Is to be lit tile United Kin dom Aloenlc Eneray Aw lilo ty it is believed that iii Grandmas site is being noo sidsrcd ior tins protect Another potential site is at bottom whldi is the worlds leading centre ior isalxsactor research is demand oi its nuclear age is ior iaat breeder reactors which will at some iutairs stage make their own fuel it La on Dounrosy that attesition ta iocussed at the rum merit ilse Dounrea iastreac ior has been opera rig at iuli power since July In ihls reactor gesierstesdil meg awaits oi heat is mastytimca more pnweriul than any color iaot motor operation anywhere in the world and is the ï¬rst reactor to supply electsid to nationfl supply system though it is as yet only an axe perbmntal reactor by the end oillinyeitiaisyesrithadap plied more than 25 million kllev watts of electrith to Use North oi Scotland Electricity 308M at present is being used to best type of loci for possible prototype fastMactor lrieabieutive oi tits Dourueay pronam is to establish oom iasereially new type at reamed whids both breeder ilssile ml toriai in the oi galore sting heat and also in the ï¬rst isastanu hernia plutonium whida is bypmiuot oi the dietmu reader systems me being in stalled by the General Electric ity Cessation Boasd In Britain llie nioesssiuldeveloprnerit oi licences ior breskln down here riere the comrade oi sport power This bold cisalleure to the little is being reflected in an statewide which is being assembled or the Santa tils industries Eadilbltion whioii is to be held in Glasgow next month Two at minds nuclear plants diapeims irithesoutlr seat near Dimridee and Das reayioonsiarnorthnearlhir severe worsted by the United Kiosdom literate Eritrea Auih orlty included at Hunterstun ire on the west coast from the international as least good attempt to rev place belligerent animosity by understandins coexistence will be made next month when group oi tour senators and to members oi Parliament leave Ottawa ior ihreeweeka visit to Russia and Czechoslovakia as guests oi those two Corner aiat governments The iirst oillcial afllsmerit ery rapprochement twure us and our transpolsr nsighbor had its seeds is Moscow lilo and three years ago when the Chaiham Mamas and the Trail Smoke store represented can ads Russian ios flis Marr sons made lodsy tour oi Rue sis then went tovdtoekhoins the Smokeesters toured Europe and played in Russia and were Canadas last winners oi the world championship at amateur icahocliay All oiiioiel traveliiaa with boils teams was dealt Rosburgh who Ei 53 ii E3 £3 un oy are auspicious So they were pleased to notice that their recent visitor tbs irleadly hockey oiilctsl had suddenly become important in the iitId of government 011m arrived here in Ottawa Mr Roxbur tnid ms and aade ii some other parilamear terians would accept an invite tion tetour Russia 11in Roxhurgts naturally hed his landmine Pearson how Gamaugly Mr Pearson it said Go ahesdsnd rat to work it foiiienreoiroiiSviliWS Barrie Examiner orerirs as s5 is um hour With all the landhungryupeoplee oi the world to choose iromhere these the best we can iind to come and help or build united happy tolerant Can adlannation1 allparty basis with nun wreaosv Cami Mauser arenasoil nusnsr uiur AWNY THE mew Alvrrtislu assrm Welland Tribune If the pa mes Ametans Mull bomber ClullIuol Wally ll trams trio