Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1950, p. 7

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moi EIGHT ran amen ammmn 9W Penny For Your Thoughts jj if Recent Wedding At Crown Hill Al Cundles Meeting 11 11 11 Juan1 MWWWW 111 sunnuu MAA 5wls 111111111 nooks My HIV 1111 111 111 Gaunt IV omomouom 1110 oo 01 MUSICAL AND INSTRUMENTS ACCESSORIES 711 ltl 111r111111 rr111 1111111 1111111 11111111111 111 11111111 11111 111111111 11111111 BA It It lililabeth irecn is the dauhter of 1r and Mrs Hill Her husband is the son of Mrs 11 Atkinson 111 rown Hill The bride and 11111111 plan to make their home in roun 1111 following their return from wedding trip to Florida Illll SIllHO PHOTO ireen of Crown Betty Fisher Of E1Cc11dwell Hornby Wedding lilCSl IIHI lied lleer Alta 111 Scyinoui ior1 alllllslu fcc11111d llol stein owned lllllllll Ahrcns is top Imilk producer in her group 111 Specialist in Floor Sanding Painting Cleaning The newest 1911919510 machines available Special macli Wlll 11 Th 11 lhc111111iaaze111 liss 111111 1111111 111111 production record of 21131111 incs tor saluting store window floors ilrsiitrr 1111111111111 111 Mr and 1111 pounds John Fisher 111 Hhauiiavon $115 WV katchcwan 111 Frank listen ald GRO N1 SCREWIIA LLS cll son of Iilr and Mrs Charles Vancouver t71trercrewball pil ialdtJell 17 Wellington St East Coll Write P1101115 Bum Mk mu mo mm ots may soon be eluiiinatcd from 1111c brides aunt Mrs MARI15h Numbm illwlIS VIMHUI momnm Farm HUNmy pro11ndini committee was forni ed 11 Vancouver 1111111111111111111 Air port to blacklist any vpilots whose foolish flying was 111111111111 111 111 dangerous Ontario 1111 Saturday Jan 31 111511 211 three oclock in the aftcrntnin Rev 111ttlll 1111f111111111 Xthc cereiiiuny 1111111 11111111111111111 11v her uncle SHANIY BAY Phone 01101623 laylor the ll1l1 wore ll sli blue velvet dress With 11 1mm for ms Wilmer Ill 1112116111112 1111111111 and carried 11 lllt reception which follow Il llttsvfYRIB 111 ltI51gt iiiu 1111111 and mm 54mm 11 lwhm Shmiw elephant grey crepe 111e 11111111113 117111 uondum 11mg 1m moon auntwas 111 Vnavy blurprinted sister Miss 1l11lttl1 Caldwell WP ll 111 Barrie She wore iurgundy For her wedding trip to Mon III vclethv1th 111 tllttlllllll 111111ndl1real and Ottawa the bride lvorc carried nos 111 yellow roses 1111111erry suit with matching ac if and tea 111$ cessories The bride and 1111111111 Donald lt aldi 111 swionms are making their home in Bairic an Its the 11111111111301111111 preservin 11111111 19 or 11111 no purpose MIWrsctertotirfdrrrtrsuppticsoiityftFltrTinimfmiiTiiiiiiftieiiw tionable reputation to 11111 yoii the best V1 gt 1616 11 1l Brush and Spray Painting III 11 PHONE 2903 pec1d istsin Floor Finishing ll BARRIE BETTER PAINTERS FreeTEslinmles Phone 5011 Green Carruthers DRUG Sign BARRIE Wt VFROM 111111 vol are Mr and Mrs lordon Atkinson Mrs Atkinson the former Miss Ruth Atkinson and the late Mr mam ONTARIO CANAD S$33l The DAVIES of Canada Announce Studio VBDDINBS Miss Effie Draper Married at Elmvale To McFadden 11 111 113 hli lllll Handlitct 11f 7111 11 111111 11 11 11 li111oti1l 11 111 s11 11 511 and 111 Klillnll 11 lcii1l11 31 11 1111 1711 llVllt111 7111 111 Saturday 11 11 11111111111 111 111 111 111 11 Siriziiis 111 l1 111111111111 1s 11111111 11 111111111c 111111 1111 111 pale blue 11i1111111 11 11111 trcrA 11111111111A1einlh 111111111111 11111 5511 111 1111111 11 11111 i11ll tl 11 gt1t1l gt111 1111 llllt 11111111111111 rtl carried 11111 1111111111 111111111111al l1111 11111111 11 IN 11111 111111111 1111111 11111 11 1111 111111 l1111 11111111 1111 llclll 11 111111 NUl1ll 1111111 1111 xt rttplmui Nellm t111l1llt lliv 111112 =11 11111tl1 Sun1111 8111 111 11111 11111t1c1 the tipci111 11f 1111 in Davie 11alt 911111 111 llt111111gt1111 llrl 11111111111111 Miss Audrey l1111 11111111 11111111111 llicsc l11p11 r1111irl lifllu 11111111 was ltllllllllt1 111 11 111111 11 pink 11111111111 taffeta With pealedly 11 Veiztirrv 111111 1111 1111111 111 neckline and iiialchini l1tltllibgt She earned 1111111 111 111111111111 1111111 feathered 11111111u 211111 admin1111 tern 11nd n1le 511121111 lrlt Mclalldcti was his 1111111111 and 11111111 Arthur 1i 111111111 111 the 11111111 111111 harles 1112111111111s acted as uslieis Shae played 1111 ed11111 11 11 11 11111111111111111 I111 113 111111111 hicli toliowcd in the parish hall 11111 1111111s mother received wear 111 111 crepe with 11511111 of 12111 pink feathered carnations the mother of the groom assisted 1111111131 111111111 blue crepe and 11 of 1cd feathered carn 11111111s 111111111v1i guests came from 111111111 Manitoba tlulland Shelburne and Toronto 111gt11c The bride and 1111111111 left 1111 c11idiilz trip to Windsor and De 11111111151111111 Alliston their 1211111111 111111111 111111 1111111111111 11111111 511111111111 11111111 acconipa1111i111111 111en 11v11r11111y that of the 1111111 1111111 1131111 11111 11111 11111 woik 1111s 111111 1lll 11111111111115 111 lhcii 11111 have the from the experience brated Inimiyw lhc 11cceltsar11y 11111111511 vill 11pp1utunitx 111 11111111 coiilulue their concert and Church 11111111111d llcv Summer perf11111111i 111 ccrc1noi1y1 iiven 111 mairnuu by her father the birth was downed 111 white satin with her llll11ltl by head She c11111ed vhite ed headdress lll ysantliemunis and red 11111 1111 bride travelling in Niki flilllml Dull in mm 11111 111 navy blue silk printed immlVfV Vb VUI MllHIlIl V1r1pe with matching accessories mm 11 11111 vearini 111111111111115 in their land Mrs McFadden 111e1r home in Barrie return Mr will gAlliston Weddincj MissRetd Alconn EBride of Lduzon The marriage of Miss llcta May Alconn daughter of Mrs Estella lt111111 of Churchill to John Paul 114111111111 son 111 Mr and Mrs llcc 11111 Lair1111 of Alexandria Ontario 11111111 place in Alliston United Ehurch on Saturday January 21 11117111 Rev 11 llIcCormack pet formed the ceremony Mrs William Cotton played the icddine music accompanying Mrs lll McCormaclc soloist in the singing of The Lord Is Mindful V01 111s Own and Saviour 151111111 during the siu11111p of the 111118101 Clarence Alcullllqtll01lll pave Vbis sister in 11111111111111 She wore 1gown of pale blue with 11115111111 111 lilyofthcvalley and white roses llerveil was heldwith headdress of blue blossoms ller attendant was Mrs llctts of Allistoii Mr lletts 11f Veroomsnian At the reception held at the Ihome of Rcive in Churchill the mother of the bride received Alliston acted lcor 01 yellow roses ltheir home in Allis11111 Chesneytiolden tNuptictls Held In Collingwood The marriage of Miss Vivian Holdendaughter of Mr and Mrs Holdentto William Chsncy son of Mr and Mrs Chesney took place in Nottawa United ZMfWim 111111 WMWWaIrImmf Big bowls of golden akes swimming in milk with sugar and maybe fruit on top Ummmmml Crispy loasty Easy to serve Every spoonful tastes fresh corsape of white make 111 nunnortzungaabandiuewwithwa Mr and Mrs Lauzon are making Livingstone chose cer1se Miss Louise Scipel flower 11111 was in pink taffeta The four attendants wore fcatlilt 111va roses Miss Marjorie liaiwick vearme cred licaddresses and earned nose uays of Talisman roses lIdwald Cooper was 11100111311111 for his cousin and the ushers were Edgar and Arthur Cooper Guard Your Childs Health lt1 For Parents Only come an annual observancebut forparents health which is uppermost in their minds every week in the ycaii Most mothers and fathers would agree with the 01d proverbs which extol physical wellbeing such asAll health is better than wealth He who hath good health is young Health and cheerfulness beget batteries H19 EYES GLOW 111 tiledark Hypnotize Donald Under Your Spell Hold secret magnetic control miniature Kelloggs CornFlakes box suppliedwith every ring nearDonalds nose Watch the yellow bill openand shutsnap snap snap Head turnseyes roll Laughs Fun Thrills Nothing to get out of orderno skill needed Easy directions inI cludednusn ORDER 10 Kelloggs Box 87F VToronto Ontario DUCK 11 111011111111 Ltd Film moons Box pl ngronto 01111111 Yes yes yesLR geniline DONALD My Name My Adding andlicious Get the sweet treat your whole family loves to eatVgenuine orig inal Kelloggs Corn Flakes 151131 Youllbe glad you Copyright 1950 Kellogg Co Livma it mums co plate with secret magnetic control poStpaid enclose 25 in coin and box top from Kelloggs Corn Flakes nun1nunun n11111 LIASE PRINT IIIlllll of the familiar sayings about health IlIl otherllheywotildeapprowy found in every language such as the Turkish To the well man every day is feast The French When you are well keep as you are The Greek Guard the health of body and of soul and the Latin Good Health and good sense are two great blessings mother and father who haVc takenturns sitting up at night by the bedsideof sick child know what anxiety sickness can bring to parentseart Modern parents areinterestedein news of schemes to promote the good health of boys girls liar 111 this ccle number is our turn Now 1111111111 number 111 llarl rie lhlllll music enthusiasts vill 1111e l11l New business in 111111 was con Canadas Health Week has bcgthc defects which come to 1113111 15 somemmg Tooth decay was by far the most geommon defect and enlarged or dis eased tonsilscame second Lcss general disorders were skin infec 1tions such as acne scabies impei tigo flat feet anemia and poor TMany city school childrciihave the benet of visitsfrom school nurse serving that centre and quite number0f rural scholars receive attention from ariVRgdiCross Nurse TheVne jobWhich these nurses do for hundreds of boys and girls should receive more recognition Their work is often supplementedlschemes radio schedule as actively as ever vlhi Davies have iziven wetl over 11111 tllt112illl iii anada 111111 llic United States 11 less than 111111 year They 11111 haic success iltll radio each vcek fllittlrdays at 1011 11111 otci Klili district 5111111111 111111111s This series lllllldl Vulttlirllliti 111 other 1411111 5111111111 Iand the talented family are 111 c1111 dclnaud 1111 public appear Witlian Malcolm I1v11 Milne 1113 sponsored by is 5111111 y1111 111 111111 1llltti 111111111411 111d 111111111111 111111 of 1111 1rlists has decided to make Harrie lic1dquartcrs for his troupe and it is this decision that pives music Istudcnts if Barrie and the smu 11111111111111 area 1111s opportunity to study under active concert per f111mers of first rate ability Instruction 11 be given 111 voice nndpnnm to beginners and ndvanccd students Students will be prepared for all 1x11111111at111ns qunutacturers Lite Hag Billion Dollars Insurance In Force The Manufacturers Life report business in force f1 51111511111101111 siderably greater than that of 191111 before taking into the amounts the devaluation of sterling business which took place during the year Payments made to policyholders under their contracts totalled $23 million and were distributed to beneficiaries and policyholders in death claims matured endowments annuity payments and other policy benefits including $2111 million 111 dividends to policyholders eBy Nancy Cleaver V11 ad during these examinations r1 posture In almost every class examined somcschohtrrwcrehandicappedw poor vision or poor hearing Theirrp parents were unaware of these barV nets to their progress at school In some cases 10w marks and fail ure to pass examinations in the past were due not to the childs refusal to concentrate nor to his lack of eagernesstolcarn but be cause his eyesight or hearing were far below normal Hernia and bone or joint defects came tolight in some children as well as heart damage from rheumatic fever or some other cause is 51111121 thingas being 1111i fussy about childs health and handicap ping 1achilds mental healthbyl spoiling his happinessand sense of 11 security by an overVconcernAfog his wellbeing There is golden Meanor rightmiddle course my guarding childs health The value of yearly physical ex aminationsof growing children demonstrated in these ndi gs Parents inareas where 51 ilar are not carried ut do by special health projects sport1111111110 consult theirfamil doctorl 1sored by Service Clubs such as eye examinations and necessary glasses provided for needy young sters The eld of preventitive medicine is most important One It builds fence at the top of ti precipice instead of picking up and caring f0r wrecks of humanity at the foot of the cliff In county in Southern Ontario over three thousand school children wereVgivan physical examinations by physician in plan fostering health for the rising generation Parents might well wonder wheth er or not their children suffer from and dentist and arrange or regu lar annual or semian at check ups for their children Every parent tits to give his child as good atart in healthy living as be Mothers try to follow essentl health rules in bringing up eir children by get ting theminoculatcd against diph theria snail pox and whooping cough including cod liver 011 andVirult in the breakfast menu by serving balanced meals and by being careful on vacations that milk is pasteurized and water is 1sufexand in other ways But therel When you sink into the Tonouizoua43110 Opening at 111111 =111 11 1111111111111 the 11gtgtovi11c 111ewe 111 1111 11111l 1inscrvatori 111111 1111 1111111 111l 1111111 appear 11111 111 1111 111111 luld 1111 l111 111 111111ppl1l 111 it11 111 s1111111111 in 11111111111101111llkltl1 11111111111 111111 111111111 minus tlicii piano 11111111 is founded 1111 1111 1111111111ls 111 tlill 111111114 as Bach and 1111111 11 11111111111 tl11 111 music ape put11111111 11111 111 111111 for inter gt1lttl pci1111 iv111111 to further their and 1111111 better understanding 111 the art All those 1111111111 111 11111111 for 111 or all the 111111115 branches taught may do s11 by phoning Barrie 111131 111 applying in 1111111111 to ill 11111711 11111 1111 1111111111111 1111h 31111111 1111111 floor for an 111111111111 1111 opportunity is of fered 11111 1111111 the limited =ch11l111e 11111117 studio 1111911111111 1111111 llilll 11111111111111 ad vised is The assets of the company crew to $31711 11111111111 Government and Government 1111111tccd bonds c1111 stitute 2111 of assets and corpora tion and 1111111111111111 bonds 360 Mortgaues constitute 15 of assets and s111cltstl The rate of interest earned on the 11ss1ts was 11120 1111 increaSe over the pitv111us years rate of 217111 the increase being due to 11 change 111 1111 distilliution of in vested assets lbp 111111t1ity experience was very favorable and contimzeucy re serve and surplus now amount to Blllfilll deeynupholsteryptyourl bus seat it reminds you of that tdvorite chair at home the easilyad iustable backgives you choice otSeveral rest tui positions Plenty ol leggoomand individual iadinglights complete the picture ol easy choir ease FA OTTAWA $1365 0N1ou QUEBEC $21115 ROUND TRIP Subject to change 1111111111

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