Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1950, p. 6

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wschoolday chums at picnic boat the town at that time and on 57m Year No Fred Grant Reminisces And Heres To The Girl That Left Behind ill01 ALL KINDS til GIRLS Ilznm men Aithoot peniio of lllt1gt Iliv nsliilitII 3411 find the Iltt Hlieh lIL IziiIIvgt of llilli uellaead girl eoriespondeizts will not be giileii Am put mu at 2122 to one of tinm viote me For gtt Ul ind the col who paw oi uis llieles the Itiiilit 31 and llti nlkllkltl Kill And the uni llli Lihotilied lILIItLl lheies the so 3111 and tlnI elavy iul And lil girl llll the batty state llietex III haughty girl and they llilll NA York titty And the uni uho fat on raeeszi AW 13 my Iheies the chatty girl and llltEAI Fwd ezitty itiil Shes the gut Io has two faees liieies the put who lllll and the lll whos pert nd the Illl with her laii ill bang lheies illl dowd giil and the IMVIIISIIl And the girl who uses slang Theres the put of pep who knows eatli daiiee step And In 11km 5mm While this is the first time lheies the raiubllin girl and flitlllW Ill llltll l0 UU Ilth1 Itlllllllntl LIIIC vlltitlti of you through the lettergtI Shes the not whos always broke lfml 5151 NIH cm Thule the Mm gmyimd respond regularly even it not very my AMI frequently BI sides father ltlllI Seen on golf or tennis green sends me The Examiner when lit mS my Mm MW and has an stoiy you hau uiitttnl TINmg pot or mg Igoat es gtlti1e dont mention my V1IIIINI Ilillv as it makes me feel Ami the gill ano ll1ligt hi tlllll health INAHAS mm as nd Another of those oldtime girl minty 5nl associates for many years past nd the tilll who gti lui planar will at NW gtHv Thle 1m Ind um and mtt lork itys largest institutions l1l pit files we tliht friends always send her UDICS of lhe limin iner containing items which they think would interest her and am led to infer among those forwardcil to her must have been some of those issues which contained sketches had written for she says Your kind letter written to in tfatlier at the time of my dear mothers death was forwarded to me aild want to thank you lot your expressrd sympathy lot know mother always thought oil youGrant children as she did of her nwnrnfter you iosryour own Iinotlier when you weie all soi young vott brothers anything about our old Mary lhun are named in this narration Ill httL We played togetqu Comract Let tho HI mpg orranytlung he thinks might intert To see each feature on the screen Tm mu mm IL am always so interested in Thu girls mm girls and when we were childrenoh ever Are Canadian MPS of It ppm st long ago When saw in The Thenh the best thing in hxziiniiicr that someone llStiN0t Pald Enough mum name never before had even heard asked permission of thei As the names of hundreds of Council to cut down some trees in Financial Post An unnamed member of the my schoolday boy friends have front of his home on Mary Street 01150 if 70010115 INS 51IRK13l been listed in those former wondered if it mitlltt beauty of Ml names le 510 not lie amiss to mention the William Lounts and Icrkins Barns names of zit least some of tho and planted in row on the West girl associates in this special side from the corner of Elizabeth connection Streeltight up to Nathan John sons house texactiy across the It would of course be impossmle meet from your house nd howI an M711 KllVlduM each of us youngsters each with al rllllb limited space so merely the me in Show and pail which family name some of which like hem 01 so he Cd him Nathaniel and Robert King tcom wonder I1 1059 Ircpcs Aweil Blongilsvellllm dwell WIS Vll planted are still growing Father was great friend of all of us Each of your women readers will yduiigstcrs on Mary Street and Dc able to recognize her own name many times have we had ride even if most of them are now diff behind that big quiet grey horse crcnt from thoscuof the old days of his at and Will also with other readers hope you sometime wmc bum be ble to remember the form our bobslcigh rides down that Iii chiquin Hill ior whercvcr it was in the East end used to go down on your bob and how We flow and how you could stecr bobslcigh too inan Occasions usin the wide cx Did ym ever write abet lawn parties they used to hold on pansc of clear ice of Kcmpcnfclt Bay exienmng beyond Big Bay Scwrcys Grove and the big swmg point out imo Lake Simcoc there where vecnjoyed ourselves in Id Ahdd hopeyou sometimes men mem 95 tron the prominent men who as among my mol happy expel1 boys went to Barrie High SchoolI ciiccs the many times have been the partner of so many Trim be lowmcnttoncd old girl chums in most of those outings Those girlstudded familiesand avcnt missed too many Tiling TIt ifmzideTup entirely from memoryincluded King Neill Edwards Bird Plaxton Crompton Orr Smith Murchison Ball Burns Thomson MaconchyMoorc Maccy Sewrey IMcCarthy Foisyth Vair Woods Patterson Mocking Fullerton Pae Wilkinson Bcnncth Spencer Dur ham Burton McVittie Sullivan ing andtstcamcr excursions aswcll as causing slcighing and skating scssiongkztt the Mary SticctRink which was the social centre of trecs growing along the sidewalk we passed on the way to school Oh what sweet meat they had nutsvrwcmalwaysehadatwyourhoch during the long Winter evenings when it was too cold and stormy tobc outsidehowhard to crack they were even with heavy ham mer as you held them lengthwise betweenyour thumb and nger so the meat would Come out in un broken halfpieces and placedon the end of big stick of hard maple firewood one end resting on men Bosanko Rogerson Grant Wright Crew Wesley Maundrell Freeman Baker McIntosh Butler Copon Culvcrwcll Blaiden Weay mouth Carson Dougalh McPhcc Simpson Lount Cundle Spry Bo gart Bingham Brigham Graham LOWLIlll0X Middleton Ainley VilliErs IodnoBiiofwrfTSiiif ford MananuttcrcldLittlehaies Crosbic Lewis Lloyd Culross McCabe Strathy Foster Holmes Hornsby Ford Sidsworth Clark yolu asrgmeeecung to gar for Eng Coatcs Ellis Black Goultei Full land on April 30 and have had Ewan Laney Bemmse Case Nell send me Edith Grants ad Soules Grosc Valleau Carley dress If am near her at an Dean Secls Rogers Lee Gregg Woman rShortreed Lummis Bra gglgfjflggldfgfgf den Lloyd Crease Stewart Freer was glad idd Ffei to heaerr er Somers Wadds Janesl Schrci from you and trust that may ber Mason Stevenson Harper hear from you again and hope you Henderson Fletcher Vickers Mc Iwm write muchxmore along the Keev Milne 50 Armstrong Iin ha interestin fol Irqumlrt Ormspy Ward Sandeis lovsisedy iii The Stixaminer the Gunn Duff Hmdsf Rankm HaSt dear old Childhood days in Barrie mgS Boyst woods Lany cOtter whennone of us had any Crimes in wardmani Freek Crossi Ingo Cald worries that our mothers couldnt well Greenwood Lowery Strong up in jiffy gt SpottonyMyers Stephens Black Hoping that you and ya Wm We GordomMCBae Craig Lau Who met through Nell once in Mllne 09ng Payne Ed Barrie are enjoying health and life monsonBair Bredin McAlhster remain Findlay Haight Hatch Robins EVer Sincerly Miller Beatiie Payne Plewes LENORE CLARK Miirriri WilsonCooper Hubbert Carpenter Craney Vansickle The writer need not remind Deans Macklin Haslett Haggart anyone Who has readtlicse pre Brewer Day Falls Hamlin Hamf vlous sketches that they have melt Comfort Anderton Shanacy contained referendes to several Machllan FennellmHanmenz Ar of the subjects above hoteli daghBooth Catcher and upon the othersextensivc As his quite possibletheymay notes are already in hand and be appreciBIEd as extiressing opin which it is hoped will eventuals rions of the gentler sex on various ly find place in this series of happenings of the old days in Bar sketchesincluding those gar rie extracts from fsome ofthe let ters have received from several of the oldtime girl schoolmates are given here Some of these communications are couched in such attering terms that am re fraining from broadcasting the more or less intimate details for Idesiie tospare the blushes of our typewriter machine of course which is quite youthful and has not been long enough in the burly burly newspaper life to success fully stand up against female blan dishment But for fear offence might be felt for issuing parts of 1y between your knees think it is just wonderful of you to get togetheri that book of writing and pictures of dear oldi Barrie and it must0 mean great Ihave no photographs of people oLplaces oBarriewhichJ would have been only too pleased to give you for your Collection and am glad that father was able to send days in Mayor Sewreys spnc ilous lawns at the comer of Mary and Ross Streets espec ially when lorig tables were cad at which you could get reread good things to eat for 25 cents their you canget these days for $250 at cafe teria These grounds were surely an attractive playing place for the boys and girls of Barrie in18751890 especially the kids of Mary Street and not the least popular feature was that big rope swing housing And the butternuts and hickory Withwsm Jmnswn NiChOlson Dymem Day the floor and the other held tight deal of work to you am sorry den parties of those good old vI sketches of mine of ame d0lt those maple trees that my fathertop0 39 11h 15 ings in The Examiner it might brought in from our farm out by 51m 15 mpl 111 among the bit pine trees at the edge of the lawn where you could swing either your self or your special girl chum where she always wanted you to please swing the Li litH tic bit liiglierf into almost halfcircle up among the tree tops reaching into the clouds as it seemed in those for distant days This our swmo The old rope swing neath the spreading bough Swings forward 9nd back again but now They who swung in loncltpasti time Arc scattered in many foreign climc The parks long since dismantled where The boys and girls met free front care Those days in Summer long and warm When we knew not fcar of storm andssumegwrowfofbccchnuhTili voice of memory murmurs low The names of chums of long ago And boys there seek the olden place face That old swing too will always stir Up thoughts of those past pleasures there And sadly sigh til comes tear That dims the eye at memories Clear When trees are locked in robcsr of gold And Autumn whispered thoughts untold Of laccy clouds that swung oer head And joys that are forever dead The old swing lls bitter grief And whispers to the fading leaf Asforward back again it sways Oh for thcvhour of bygone days When exerting comcsLand shadows dcep Close to the tender twilight creep Theold rope swing moves plaint ively Back and forth ncath that 11d pine tree The air is sweet as lovers vow Perchance their spirits wander now Back to the shading leaves that Slng WWW Offdays that were and the old rope swing To be continued ilcssofzrwelcoincwomeuclr SAYSOMEINQFQIUHF NICE PEOPLEJAVIE iflittnrial Rage of din Ear BARRIE ONTARIO CANADA THURSDAY ly Yvh 44 are piesent Sltllttt lliltlill pet ses sion llll Sitttltt taxtree annual illowaiue Hacking the proposal is the fan iliar argument that Imlllltt today is yearround oeeupation with Sessions running twiee as long as befoie the war And they vxoulzl bu longer it is said it llllllli Edid not rush great deal of work itinougli III the last days before mm mlmm prorogalion tllllllltil the job of tanning country today vastly more eon plieated than ll once was hilt so is lltISlllt Simply lengthening ses HIGHS liowevcrcaninIt solve tho Iproblein Eventually We would ariivel at there would be no time for out side interests fessional people furthers and oth ers who have contributed so mittl to our public life It would tend to make parliamtnt less representa tive much betterkolution would it La drastic overhaul oftlie work and procedures of parliament At pre sent far too much time is wasted Ion matters that should have had the benefit of expert advice and opinion and should have been thqu oughlythrcshcd out by committees From Examiner Files nit Years Ago ilitni Ilenry Hamilton posl gross behind increased savings and shows II III II Hm thh mill how the ektcnsion lit bank credit has affect inti store Ye first representative of Inision ll unite interests ltl Nrtllalvltsgiaxtn to he ll eltrtti Warden of Siiiteoe County WWIII ll WWI LI that have been opened duringr the past your councillors fluesday of the tie itnatuti Ilr till lai hit at the lllllll ttIltlllllQ HSSII luntttl wrote as follows have lieeome so thoroughly Iiied llll the llllLllllS indulged meetings during notwithstand in said wranglings appear to Ontario supreme foult bench recently It the stage where Ilttlllfllllllti might Itlttti and receive the approval of sit continuously and still be unable to catch up And in the meanI Ilml Illnllilttl It would become thrill afford me niuh more pleas Job for professionals only lllliul tltttitl leiu lit Iii rd past two years that have resolved to file pultlie board as It many laymen posstbly have not realized witmli aw from the tire and is more llljlll entertaining You kindly or resignation llisvrcstgnation was That would but business and pio tion to my lll iilllilIAJISII and oblige neeepted own thereforum please aeeept Trinity school room was crowd ed almost tosufftcation annual Sunday School entertain ueitt rmsun night of last week someone has been swearing to falsehoods cu optimal hockey was played onT Camp bells rink between the Thornton evidence ingeneral and said that people and Allandate tennis for the close and exciting The home WCIUITTLUIITIIIETIU TCHOUSE fOlmieam Tlas mth up oFTiTe follow ing Scott Donagh decision LItilQQlcbttncjinthpcechcs walnut at the gallery with the rcsulLthat tracked or rushed through with out thc slightest attention llbtlti dyi days of the session ropcrly planned and properly prepared with cffiCicnt useof ti expert assistance available in the civil service parliament should be able to do its present work in lialut the time WELFARE WORK LINKED have formed Round Table Wel ordinatc the workof various agencies LONG SERVICE ANNAPOLIS ROYAL NS Ititt Danicl Outhit municipal treas trier of Annapolis colincil claims served the council for 52 years uier Tscorslro MEET Some people thoughtthe government was using $5 WOI Giassick Poacher Lilli Iaton dis agreed ble Teachtree Hiegame was TM the ungcntlcmanly behaviour the ImDOIlaIIl dCCISlons 10 519 some of the onlookers towards the visitors who were not poly called insulting names but were pelted with snowballs Parliament allows itself to net Walton bogged down indetails In ltlLttll pig and 11 noth Ereton town frorn Aug 912 this year when tlicGaclic Modinccts Guest of honor will betSir Charles Mzichan acha MullScotland ST JOHNS Nfid tCIIWSocial and welfare workers of this city llector leader Clan of the from the Isle of ioUNii ererG EASY Montreal tCPtNorman Dclagc llilfi only twoweek holiday in Montreal from his mechanics at Kan Lake Labrador but he achieved lris lifeambition fare Council Its aim is to Low pilots license CIIEhiTWiAINI Toronto CPISaturday for art classcsdn an east end comJ inunity centre students long service record believed Lin1 equalled in Nova Scotia He has morti designed The 40 embryo garlistLtakinchssons arealLbe of eight and12 SI ANNIS NS ICPlhc Classcs are sponsored by Kins Gaelic Spirit will fill this Cape mens Club Il5 as councillor and37 as treasI young tween the ages 014 MY coonvrsivE NEVER titsARD HIM SAY mos AWFUL woRos error for Macleans Magazine rte Examiner 29x 0m 0m gt Why Health Week In the last 25 years Canadian death rails have fallen in aremarkable way liseoerie iii the field of seientitic medicine have had protound effect on our civilization and me turaily have resulted in nighti standards health Some diseases which were known as scourges no more than years ago are now either completely under control or partially checked For instance east and death rates in Canada for tuberculosis typhoid fever scarlet fever diphtheria and whooping cough have fallen spectacularly in that period at time Infant and maternal deaths are on the Idown grade and smallpox has just about disappeared spectacular instance of change for the better is seen in diphtheria 1statistics 9093 cases and 1280 deaths in vCunadu in 1924 against 898 cases and 85 deaths in 1948 DespILcull this however there is still much room for improvement in the nations health picture muiiy problems Continue to battle medical science public health workers and In issuing its animal litpOIL booklet to shareholders this year The Bank of Nova Scotia has gone out of its way to present warm human document complete with pho tographs emphasizing the place of the Batik in the daily lives of Canadians Banking is personal thing says the re port It affects not Only industries and cor porations but enters into the daily lives of people in every station in life The report goes on to point outthc story of human pro ed every man woman and child in the coun Illustrating some of the 24 new branches 75 since the end of the war the report says These are more than just buildings Each branch is staffed by competent men and wo ln tendering Ins resignation on men with special nglQC of training To Trustee Gentle The Case For Honesty disturbing statement came from the outlined in sharp relief problem which Attire statement by Mr JustiCc to spend my evenings at home al Chevrier had to do with ponured testimony so enable me to give more atten business It followed sworn evidence by two groups of witnesses in civil case Each group flatly contradicted the other on pOintroFfact which could have allowed little room for doubt Whether the defendant had lived in certain house over period of months Obviously said Mr Justice Chevrier He spoke even more strongly about court simplynoniotrrespectCmQILQEILItSC lid on judges to put their fo in he 0f ourcourts GINAs ajudge Mr Justice Chevrier realizes the importance of honest testimony to the lain operation of the laws of the country It Would seem that realizatiin is notshared widely enough among the public EditorialNotes Education costs money During a1 meeting called to discuss plans for an addition to the 47 Barrie District Collegiate Institute George Johnston MPP stated that in 1943wthe Ontario Government was contributing eight millions Iryeartoeducation and six years tithheianmnnt had climbed to millions 12day period he learned to fiy Townand country taxpayersknow that they ml WSW 515 for Private are also assessed higher on real estate for education costs than they were years ago It allresu1ts from thefactTthaItehildfninecdttorSofahe city datliesnotice fwhaztfisi staying ailsictioollongritaiChersare beinghappeningherein Barrie paid more money and more and better schools are being erected sigiiizieant one more attentionneeds to be Attractive Bank Betgt011 ainst perjury IIIbathe termed this curse courts Section ZEWPoges to IZ the genera paniLt sona lot instance the attack on Lancer are tiiiiiis has only be gun the LLlttltdi aware problem is still paid to the heart til nuztrtl workers by both roundermen on the aoikerstlminsclvJ it There still lilti and Ir research and education at the tald oi lilillllull Pollo ziiyelitis is itltllll Iloltlilt which must be stlttl while eiel lite eoiiinion cold Still has humanity battti Medical rieiut and health workers gener ally still have intielr to do and that is why suen events tin National lit1liil Week spon sored annually by the ill alfli League of Can ada are necessary lleultli Week helps to make Canadians ittlt ot the facts helps to give them eiear le the nations cur rent health pietiire ziittipoiiits out what they can do to Iielp unprovz that picture Canadas Sixth annual National Health Week commented on Sunday January 29 and will continue lllltlllIl to lebruary think of them as so many teilers ledgcikccp ers accountants and so on is to underestim ate the scope of their work For beyond the banking routine they must understand iii lividual customer requirements This says The Batik of Nova Seotia is the essence of good banking setviee based on c0oper ation and undersanding between staff and customer Printed in sepia in an enlarged 24pagc format the front over features the sign of good friendship insignia appearing re gularly in the Banks advertisi Combining an interpretation of the Banks year with the more formal terminology of annual meeting The Bank of Nova Scotia in roduc ed style in Canadian Bank reports should lead ultimately to far better on standing among the general public of th human and personal side of our banking system After all the average person might very well go through life and never appear in court The few who do might think that ticeven under oath is not such serious thing if It helps thcmavoiqn finc or even lmprionmcnt But the fact remains that lawsexist to uphold the entire struelurq of societythc relations of one man with another It is cori ccivnblc that if laws cannot operate fairly withfjusticc to till then one of chestrongest supports of society is seriously undermined Lawsare such that although perjury might assist one man it only too oftcnworks ln justice on another To quote Mr Justice ClieViicr An ill nocent man may go to thcdgallows and scallawag may go unscathed because people cmnmitperjuryrltisinstasbadminciviibaseman mans fortune his reputation maybe ruin ed because too iiianywswcai falselyin your Socrtaty must learn that honesty is the necessary correlative of justice Theindi vidual must learn that though dishonesty may help him some day in court anothers dishonesty can as easily ruin him at one of the other sectionshc might find one or two news items The Toronto Starrglsom neted the change and commented That ex cellent weekly The Barrie Examiner is now running itseditorials on the right side of the front pagezlts friendship is so valuable thateven Its 0va editorials try toget on the right side of it same of ourreadefswou not agree that our editorials are on the right side but it is nice to know that the The Examinec extends hearty congratula tionsltoCHar01dHale for the honor shown if the editor of The Ottawa Citizen glanced six months ending September 30 1949 MacLaren Managing Editor George Cadogan News Editor TOmIinson Printing Manager Authorized eelscond class mail by the Post Office Departinent 0ttawa $300 yearly in Theiottitwa Evening Citizen has comment him in recognitiorrot his 5Lyearsrof service ed The Barrie Examiner has moved its editorials to the front page But possibly rendered very valuable servrce to his town news are scarce in Barrie We must admit and the surrounding territory There are that news has never been so plentiful that we felt obliged to uSe plural verbHowever din harm Examiner 26 CloSs AI TwiCe Weekly Iublishbd Every Monday andThursday at The Wilson Building Post office Square Barric ntzirio Canada 9y THE BARRI EXAMINER LIMITED MacLaren Pres Walls VicePresI Poe Sec5lficas Member of ClassA Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly NeWspaper Association Ontario Quebec Division of CWNA and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Subscriber to CF Service 7270 Average Net Paid ABC Circulation for Subscriptions Payable In advance Canada 350 yearly outside Canada cents single copy to the Orillia Board of Trade He has also few more capable and effective Writers among the weeklyinewspaper editors of Can ada Highest in Canada for Homdflde Weekly Nwpapers Average Press Run 8000 Walls linsiness Manager ChittickLocal Advertising Cooper Plant Superintendent

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