TIILRSDAY FEBRUARY 1930 Foreign Trade Discussed By President Bank Ol Toronto elllull 011 mink until uotn imqu siltill IEIGIII lltliITI GIRLS representing coun aiiada right The Bank of trade in his address to the annual incltine of the banks shareholders held in loronto PHOTO COURTESY INIIIRNAIIONAI Their are France which from tries with count rics trades itll Scotland Switzerland Holland China Italy and Norway James Carson President of ComeWith The Crowd to BARBIE MARKET where you not all kinds of Farm lroducc Poultry etc FRESH at ltcwonablc Prices and you might be the winner ol $500 LUCKY DRAW Iircc tickct to each buyer not vendor with each Sl00 purchase Draw Illltl at pm Saturdays Last wccks winner will make draw for next winner one win only to each on Feb The Prizewill II givcu thc following Saturday THE CABINET SHOP 241 Bradford St Builtin Cupboards Show Casteslto order Furniture Repaired also light CUSTOM PLANING Phone 4444 anRTEnED ACCOUN TANT nannrn ll 77 VLAL7 69 cmmet Telephone 4949 OW YOU CAN HAVE ThOse Alterations Madeira Your Home KITCHEN CUPBOARDS NEW FLOORS Phone 4749 Anythin Alterations Repairs gt Pan CANEEIV= FEEDING MOLASSES 250 PerGallon in Buyers Container summations 53 fThatsNotThatl Never give upland iygroan Thats that when wanna as get slammed by some traf ficrowdy Say to Yourself Now whatwis their numberlfl and phone us 2427 Weuiggi your canto our shop without further Injuryto the dammed fender Then well rernove eyerdrace otheDcrash HAROLD HILL LIMITED QHRYSLER PLYMOUTH FARGO 55 ELIZABETH ST Phone 2427 BARRIE PFenrletpiql Toronto discussed foreign TRADE liAl It NORTH SUNNIDALE landin ltd Irolest Agricultural Meetings it strikes this tlllll that the piocccdluts oi too man lll protest agricultural IIIttlllIlEs tw tilt held nowadays are productive of that rallicr than light Sonn ot the ierolulioll pascd llol llll look liki llltllllll lililllsllllrri but if carried out to lllllt louical conclusion ari likely to have the exact oppllsitoresults hoped tor by their sliortsuzntcd sponsors ever there was tune to lisirn lo sound counsel it is now IOlm IIcwinury Ilrrs from Motor Accidcnl lhc pcopic oi the coiuuiuniij were indeed iuicvcd to lttltll ot the valh by motor car accident on Tuesday ol last week of John llewsbury The deceased who followed the occupation of tarm worker was Tl years of age native of Sunnis talc and son of the late Mr and Mrs John lcwsbury lohii va very trientlty man ever errch ing his maiiy acquaintances with sincere and ready smile He lIlltl been for many years IIIIIII her of Ebenezer United Mission ary Church He is survived tour sisters Mrs Arabella lic crine lVlisllaryloncs and Miss es Annie and Martha lcwsbur also two brothers lhomas and Ilcnry luwvsbury alt oi NtW Flos locality The funcral which took place on Friday Jail 27 from the home of his nephew VylicJoncs was largely attended the church being filled to capac ity during the service incliaruc of Rev lrosser Among those attending from distance wcrc Mrs Hoffman ot Kingston Mr and Mrs Norman Iickciinc of Ncwmarket Mr and Mrs lILr on and family of loronto The pallbearers were William Synotl Walter Doncr Albert Maw Dou Ltiild McNabb Harry Gittcn and lcterGilchrist Interment wa made in Ebcnrr Cemetery VASEY wcck Mr and Mrs Harold Cowdcn and family visited with Iiiendswin Bairielastwcck Junior Farmers will home of Bob Rumney Tuesday evening February Mr and Mrs Wm Tinncy vis ited with her sgstcr Mrs Cccili Mchod in Orill aSunday Journal of UN proceedings LI MAIHIIBIIH FAIL MHH 11 Simrm ounly studs 1533 to Irsl um HIsoN EIOINZIT Ihil itil ltitiiou it itlt Weill il ii lili Litlll= itii Il to nli li lHI lt ltilt l=it1llr iil iii ii llimlJtl llu lllrLl ailil lll 2ll ii hi lltzzl ti 1l 11 ttii ilitl tiiim ti tidc storm lltl ill ic 14 ltli na Hit aid ccrtl It illtlllt to Jiilllt will Ul lllll lzcavy cot ll llli lit 8M hi ltlll tii IItt You nth lo Hands to reap In bill it lll lust of Lie Wheat splendid crop SOL iiimciitn rot Jiir Fine harmI weather 27 li ii lei and yo iii ll ltlltt1l otdcl iatini too tornnniwir itlur down the Sprint Wltbu uilli toltiti brclnt noun Made inonir llu lililviz Ensa Aim at litr witr in Mrs It took itc illtis illl ycck in riliia omit Florint illildlli pl 1Il iiliiiiJvltt the loiaocrz and Itlclons ultin Ztlatih iiicil hour the Sallll Iii llllllll1l ci to church at oltlvsaici and lltl c=itIv tilesu tin in in Lils cutting don tin llll Tart iil tllltl ltl Iiiil linv 1413 Slilillihvillllil ii istrll l1t tiwi In liiouidu tray vt lltllllllyltl trump lv itt lceeilinsl llarilt titlll iiwll ltltli p12ti lilitrlll the llaj and poinl crop iiu iliy llllltt loi ink ltl llay In good Utlit lIciIriliitlly tilll Illn ripe pm tiiilltl day Uur LilliJ II ltlltilll the Ill1 llic lllllt iiht through the licad and was l1e onc ciliiiigt 200 pounds the carcass alone wcalhcr Win lLlltlllltlIil Show 30 llttttilltlitl hotI hocine the luinips most tedious job Emplole gathering liorn lop but intiillrii n1 lttllt been so curly attacked by the frost CEOSSLAND lsli dry Januaiy 1oan is visiting licr daughter Mrs icrald Kit chcn Orillia Mrs larkcr and son George of Wycbridiuy and Mrs Msicrtic Archer is spending her dauchtvi Mrs Wiley loncs llbcnczer Mrs lIcrb of Willianisville are visit Mr and Mrs Mrs lrcston liiiday with Coville spcnt Win with few days Abhcart and late parents Ashton Lyons Tcm peraturcs above cro to Roads ranged from it below this week some placcshwcrc ini mlftii lliahri lilti cnv $111 itwill wvil tilll Im hull SIJIHI tt Elli wit ahal lri liutt it Hm tLKLIA ltzttuir il1 lll Ilzi rlul lnl tiAt to in if il lid chopping William inc tltlllltlt Society Lii villi iznun ctr itll deg fruit the iiiit tll us ll ltit Mi Fray cllctl nt il tlltl ll III trial lktlllil rm it ln ii lll tttll itit lin it 11 the ll tron tiI tittilctIl Thrill ll lid Ili out cutuot tllltllltllll latitlit llli of it till Flame Street by lil lilt Iii Lli Somc tiost ltlfi vciv lililllllr liasi and brineiin in rt Mr ill low order and good crop Mile of HIM George and Mrs Ardaub litltll his fourth tllII xarn wc athei liinsiiii cuttun downl 2111 llt of tin 8min Wheat all 111 fine order and lhcriiiomctcr it let Most of thc llllll strewn lit up lavlirlniii rattle oblicd to conic to the ilzlllii lilkl Il tlc anorninzz lot in the last of the not much the worse of standing so ltlllt alter ll was llniuioincter stood at leg in thci ltnu canc in the moinvneg Illtl continued pretty much all lonmd ltltle for heat which had killed and partly devoured one of Mi Elliliruids hup the lrieccr fast to the Carcass oi the hall iliwousid illllll to have hol Illllt dcarl lie was uioii deal of lrol last t1i1lll itttll jorn Hi to 111 llu ll of the Hay 10 Waggon went to Sturgeon 131ij withii load ot ltlliluI tuimnencml gathering the Indian Corn 114 Coldi took some tattlc to Orillia to exhibit at they Hit Sonic showers Mr tray preached at CIltlttl0li lu luriiips tear was discovered wood deal ithcrcdthc Indiani tray vcnt away 30 Finished Mr and Mrs II Beclby of Barrie spent Sunday at Charles Campbells fWTismrtmnghecd of Toronto vis ltcd rccintly with his parentsilr ind Mrs Loughccd Mr and Mrs John Dunn and children spent Sunday with Mrs Dunns sister Mrs llillar of Al landale LEONARDS BEACH 4Aewmri Mr and Mrs Carscaddcn havei tlonc to Tornto for few days passaotc for two days iMumpraml eelrhkcrr Im mumps Visit Many ml Chm WK of the nice warm day Sunday anLl are IIItIhIIIlI lllfll rounds in this cumg up In enjoy Skating ofswinnning Thc bowling rclub not ilnd went to the Gite 19 Eurhr and Dance In Stroucl on irida Welling and szIL WJanuary 30 Si Morgan Stewart Camp Bor OIL visited fricnds in this vicinity last Flu community QL collagers took advantagc instead everyone had good no George Parsons was one who was January 30 glad to sec the warm weather for tion held ll few daysinorderto gct his roof quilting bee at the home of Mrs done After all the wind damage the rain was doing more Howl WEI tThe Womans Associa Mumbcrson Congratulationslo Mr and Mrs ever thanks to Wcatlicratl all Mlwimd ROY Edwards llildiRotht inc chma lychillivaJyt Ul is line HOW gettogether on Friday eveningiTOmmovbn the boy Mrs John Barker in honour of Pearls birthday Mr and Mrs HaroldCowdcn and family visited Mr and Mrs Ivan Vasey Midland on Simday Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards Pearl and Donald Edwards visit ed rclativcsjn Stayncr On Sun day Mr and Mrs Morley Clement and son Lefroy spent thcweek end with Mr and Mrs Morgan Edwards Miss Marie Tinneyreoldwater Miss Delsie Tinney Elmvalc Cc cil Tinney Elmvale spent the and Mrs Wm Tinney Mr and Mrs McKeown Tor onto visited fricndsin the vicin ity over the weekend and Mr and Mrs McKcown return cd after spending the past VCCf in Toronto ltr ADVERTISING IN THE EXAMIN ER BRINGS RESULTS 8000 SUB SCRIBERS TWICE WEEKLY birth of baby Cartcnr Cannineton called on his mother who is ill at theiromcof her daughter Mr and Mrs Herb Barkrr Mrand Mrs Mumbrson and family motored to Jarvis On Sunday to spend the day with Rcv Edward Ncwbury lNcwbuuy Sr returned with for visit On Saturday afternoon January neighbors friends held surprise birthday party for Mrs Esther Thomas on the occasion of her 80thbirthday Fifteen guests sat down to tea and enjoyed beautiful birthday cake sent her Stacey were Carl Boll Russell Mrs them and Mrs weekend with theiriparents Mr number and by her Morris Sarina reconed Heir brother Many gifts niece Mrs Mrs children and grandniecc Kara and of Inglewood were present their tr Members of the IsraeliEgyptian Mixed Armistice Commission MAC for shortiron outa demarcation line problem on the spot in the PalestinexdESeItlhe MAC is one of fourset up under the United NationssponSored arinistice agreementsibctweeu Israel and tier neighboreeEgyptLthe Kingdom of Jordan Lebanon and Syria The lake was pericct for skating on Sunday and some bravc fisheri has returned men have taken their tints out borne after spending some time Some report that the ice is thret with Mr and Mrs vBrucc ngi inchcsuthick troff at Ivy Morley with theiworlds original und nest milk replacer 513M cALr MEAL Available also in pellel form Blatchfords Calf Meal is scienticblend of all vital nutrients required by young calves and usuallyfound in irrsmilk It is enriched with extra valuable ingre clients that make for strOnger Tmore productive cows By ceding Biatchrondsybu save whOlemilk that would usually be taken by thefcalvcs ndyoum ake money by having that milk to sell One hundrgdpounds of B1atchfordsCalf Meal is equal in feeding value to one hundred gallons of milk Onecalf fed the Blatchford way saves you $40 to $50 Alliston Farmers Coop Alliston BrOwn 00 BARBIE Dennis BRADFORD Ira Wilson COOKSTOWN WilsonMINEs1NG Eric Mercer THORNTONw Bell UTOPIA LEAUE FIVE LOBLAWS FRESHLY GROUND PRIDE of rum Joan1 it in suiTTs squHim VMlIIIIllIIlll PEAS 5W IIIIIISEIIIIIIISII woos soulTr not men PM or run BIIIILEY WHITE HHEHTLETS KRAFT DINNER DR JACKSON LOBLAWS BREAD OTTAGE BRAND UNSLICED ILB CTN 8701 PKG 34c 11c 24 27c 1b 9c lb Cl PKGS 27C 3202 PKG ISFL 13c 17c 29c 18c 16c OZ JAR 2001 TINS SIIVE CHOICE PEAS CHOICE ltlllllES BOSTON BROWN PURK BEANS HALVIS or SLICED lSFL OZ TIN ZBFL Ol TIN 20FL TINS CIIOICI PEACHES CHOICI llillEN llRN CHOICE Illllt IItIIl in brim IIIA IIIIANS IlFLOZ DTL IllMAlll CAISUP CREAM STYLI 20FL Ol TIN 33c ilic 17c FRUITS VEGETABLES 43 13 II 2401 LOAF 2402 LOAF 2c 110 ICE IIIESII GARDEN FLORIDASWEET JUICE IIIIIIIGES FIIESH BEETS77m ToMHToEs roTHToEs LELEHr STHLHs ONTARIO GROWNDOMESTIC GRADE llIIIIIEIIII SPYIIPPLES ONIARlQGROWNEWASHEDGRADED MARSH CARBOTS iiiiiiiiour SPECIAL HEsroiis SPECIAL LIIBLHHS IIIIIIIBI IIIIIIIIY IIIIIINESTUSTIIIIIIPIIWIIE HEHHET TownsJulia BIIIIIIII oHiLviEviTiiii CEIIEII CRUIICIIIE SHEET MIXED PICKLES MOTHER PIIIIIIEIISTEA ciliaprior MAILYOUR ENTRY FOR Manon car CONTEST owr CONTEST CLOSES SATURDAY FEBRUARY 11 QUALITY FIRSTMEATS LOBLAIN QUALITY BEEF ms HST BLADE REIvlovai BONELESSPLHTI nnrsum HOMELESS SHOULDER nousrs smroru WING BOUND viSPIECIALl mEsn SPECIAL pom ELITr nous SPECIAL PORK LOINS EITHER END SPECIAL COUNTRY STYLE Lonmw rum pom SPECIAL HOMELESS vnn TILES OYSTEIIS NORTHEENS SIZE 216 001 ONE SIZE AVAILABLE SIZE 252 DOZ 39c BUNCHES 195 29 155 23c 49 CELLO PKG oLa BAG ISltLB PECK NB or PEI CANADA N0 IMPORTED GREEN PASCAL 6QT BSK 3mm 29 IIHIErrsriirBiscuiTs 141121 129 31 PKGS 23c 29c 29 54c triecthc1 LOBLAW QUALITY CONTROLLED PRODUCT EciiiIE DOUBLE CREAM VANILLA ILB Jim WHEAT GERM 1802 PKG 3601 PKG 16FL QZ JAR lzLo PKG 15 SPECIAL SHORT ms SPECIAL mannrno as ilbg Aibi47d IR lb lib37 110499 lb 530 EARSor ROASTS our slrouLpEns HOCKOEF IS or MOPS moms MILK r33 ELECT Latinasanocuims Co nulls