Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1950, p. 3

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If p===qg==rq lrs lJtlIlJll Lilrlv LACO LAMPS my Iiss rearm Vhitlv ti llt ur ri iiillllt haters itlti YTOIYI Zurouto lint more lvlto 02 this column neck thrust of nutarid fortunately iiittll o=c lt It1li Alis to make loin illtiltl iatuoliw lii lr Linc lt ll lianl Lmna illllll vi iii1 char illul lil DALE GROVES LINOLEUMS Plastic Wall Tile Asphalt Rubber FloortTilef FREE ESTIMATES PHONEsI S$W$ wusuiriu IILIIES wont bother you vuwsskx $I$S$333SS3$8S SS hats the number of the arrie Home Laundry When your launf IY is washed at the BHL its washe clean andchrisp their irOningwork ythabestf TRY TIIIS WONDERFUL HLENDR sanvrer Iust dial 2927 lt3 ICI WASII Mflomrds==ilttltl SK Is Slmp xi ii Over 16 Pounds 5c pr l1 velirkvupandilklivory xsvlssa TODAY BARRIE110MELAUNDRY 2530seSLEhoneZBZlEiekrpupideDelivery LET YOUR TELEPHONE BE YOUR CLOTHESLINE ss WXM because SANITONE gets out Lmore r12 than Old fashion ed ITLdrYI cleaning You have only to compare once Its miraculous how Sani tone Dry Cleaning gets even ingrained dirt out of suits Colors and patterns show up inall their beauty Spots are gone therareful press stays inlonger no dry cleaning odor Minor mnding is freeYouII never useordinary dry cleaning againafteriseeing what different better Sanitone can do gt Fl7l Mnoosconceodoeooogpuvoi APIIOVID IIl iTeen Age MISSIOII Circle Central United Church Lanadian Fashion ea 1111 trout tollie plane it porr iii the ifl lllllli ii min torizi won oi tilt work jdill fi illilt Llit llll 11 Mint the the Illliii piosuxd siniztual and metal as pecis ozv tin touriivlu prorain of the Cara at ililr ltzunitn Colinr Strait oi lmlt planniiii cirirtli Ilittiii to at the ttili scout and claw tiuiip the church this cmuii Spain The Icailcrs behind local ttlll zlillllh at tuil United and liizrton lnited lhurctns who iiivoti tum to the Iiris work program are not too teil known Miss Nora llcllait is head of tile Harrie council ot all till 151 At oilici St thurcii lcis the nun istris Lyric load of tuoup ot liatlcrs comprised Mrs George liaiiueriicld Mrs John lostinkott and hsltohcrt Saricant Mrs lloich superintendent of turls Work ill cn 11E Lillllitl Church has Misslllierlicklcs who to the summer llltti is one of our local tltttttllllii leaders in charge 01 he llill group MISS latlS All sopp and Miss trim lunneti are charee ot the tumor eroup at Hilton Avcuuc Church while lrs Janus Htrdcr uitc of the liiilils lozrks alter the senioi girls The three froups are beinuhi tcriitincd twllltl by the Ltill of Central initcd Lliurch following skating party lhrcc of the members of the Central group 111 heme inter ltvtl tomorrow afternoon over Mrs Elected President LadiesTKjWahis Mrs Bigelow OTtlflfad Ixil She succeeds Mrs Robert son The meeting was held at the Community House Th other members of the 1950 executive installed at the monthly meeting were Mrs Perkins lst vicepresident Mrs Rod gers 2nd vicepIEsIdent Mrs McDowell secretary and Mrs Allison treasurer Directorsfor thc coining year are Mrs ER Kightley Mrs Laking Mrs McConkey Mrs Milne and Mrs Stewart The retiring president thanked her exc itivc and tlic convencrs cclx initui thozcl Silent ttntrall 7KBBrimmnrmm IlltllllIIt swimsuits In mumu Instry with linv Harm ll Itltl 111lIlIlIl tltlnltti Itt slitl llllttl tor licurc To on ST iiiiITiii SHOWS FT iLJ lii uuiual conereeational meet 1111 pt Collier Street Uiiitco tosrch was llilti Wednesday even inn Jan in with LUJUII attend ance The Womans Association srivui delicious suppcr which was toilowed by family worship led by the pastor Rev 11 llgt lith hittick as chairman lltll linorum Swain as secretary wpovis lit the various organiza llHi were presented all showiin nuch activity during the year illtl lhe total SSIYIIIHS of the con Ztlliitltltll was nearly 3320000 and lot this over Stilllltl was for iiiissiorn ary purposes Illriick presented the re nation to Simcoe Presbytery amp ltcportim for the activities be yond the church Mrs crs to the church church The Sunday totalled$734 of which $240 was iary to the Barrie KiwanisChrblgim 114455695 The scour on ltiursday evenmg January Zolgmups Iaigcdjmo and the PhilI athca group $50 which went to missions The ChOll showed rc ceipts of355 andtontributions to the benevolent fund were over $100 The statistical report showed 29 baptisms 26 marriages and 24 burials During the year 85 were received into the church and the membership now stands at 785 Rodgers on behalf of the Committee of Stewards presented the budget for 1950 the estimated the current UNICEF campaign Welfare work in general Was rc fOl 154 work during ll1C 931 and ported on by Mrs Jack MacLaren cxtcn the best wisth of her executive to the president and ini coming executive llrsWilliain Craig installed the officers Theoildwing chairmen gavrc ports for their committees for the year 1949 Mrs Jack MacLarcn childrens welfaer Mrs William Craig hospital Mrs Roy Christie membership Mrs Neil MacDonald soda Mrs Laking tieie phone Mrs Ray Livingstonrways and Tomas Mrs BiLIclIcCaIIlcy secretary and treasurer Four of the members were pre sented with gift to acknowledge their attendance at all the meeti ings of the year They were Mrs AllisOn Mrs Hugh Plowman Mrs lIThornson and Mrs BIucesMcCauley Mrs Thomsons resignation from the auxiliary was accepted at the the work of the auxiliary over the meeting new member MrsS ycars if Lewis was introduced by Mrs The meeting landed with flowv ercontestwooby Mrs Norman Synnott and Mrs Smith Re freshments were served at the closef William Craig Mrs Smilligavea repOR on work being done by the United Nations and told the members of of the evening 1V 011 BURNER OWNERS StopLosing Heat and Save Fuel Have your Furnace SmokerPipesand Chimney cleaned now For Complet Cleaning SatisfactionCalI 5E SAWYER 51 HENRY ST The annual Community Associa tion meeting was reported on by the auxiliaiys representative Mrs 7A Allen MrsWilliam Craig lreportcd onthe hospital building icampaign dinner held at Club 79 ion January 10 which she had at sentative the members ing with the reading of the 35th piesideht Mrs Bigelow reviewed by our POWERED VACUUM METHOD cw 3roiiHaeueauupor DBYGIEANING PHNE 553IgAND 5532 PHONE 5291 You will be delighted with this fragrant tcu SAI nng YDRO on econoWS lezi i5oi is lead tiiiow ot titer IL til Ititlrlri lllnl oi =it till JLlC ilentiir kXI 1x 13m llltlti of the ltlll to iiitfcrrzit spares it ll xvill scori irixtzrl pin vtz int lllllil lilt luii tc irl llol Pl mint Lorain lIiI 11 incl let amp to yin party is oil to lel liitH iltll hi or lotl nan ligti lillttl xle oi adult their ilaxr llt icEielinil Hallie tlll lirs Iil tllll gtitlteill0llllil Illc gtllt uitllii ngllltli oat Ioow duck row Bayview Chapter EOi Eastern Star Hold Iamlary Tea The tuning Win The those who helmu naik tllltl horse uit MA tlliilllil mums are drawn to will tc dealciziin each the ttitllltblllltldlllltl iiiltll of pauper IIINTIF IKlll IIII tsp tip we fiozn gtlLtL Reliev Culurrh Put few drops of Vicks Vatronol in cach no llil flushes out mucus and makes breath mg easier Try IL VIII VAllIOIOI nutter sucai my bincvolriit committee llrc local chapter of the Order 11 Eastern Star Tea at the llliitl top gzaltts salt cup chopped itatis cup Llltllllxtl nuts stlllli= colored coeoaiiut strum salt Drop uouutl lines their Mrs llrltl liotitc llt Sophia St lilltlllllllll McLean was lrllitll=l ctiarise Jam ilIllrl ual Lower Jcrincsday stinlu nozse gt thaliin arc lrcsl cluttivspu lllli Jan Ill and eoiilmlr iioic and cite Mrs lalrs lleal tulllll iiia lltllllt batter lo bottle 111 turn 1Ll ltl mists cliiii iu 3121 Place iizttil itttlln on chair committee iri anucnicnts Ilic nuts spoonfuls into trout containiuu red colozid dould minim1 unlit liarh ifits table was attrac tive With cutwork cloth and centrepiece yellow tiitss bliwls vei balls liakiizts oven Makes llLlII litlit ch cow minutes Loeoatttll l1tl littlt tti in VI the litls the clothes Illtts in the hotlt ittlllI pailth inni Xaine the Movie is t1tltgtttl thp the advertisements of from newspapers 1lti cut off tlic titles and numbci partners to write down the name of each allowing one minute per look per pitlure makebelieve slciizh race Ina Fasten tape on the floor vitli Scotch tape Illark oft Itlttllttl spaces on the lilt Nil 51 UlH iltl llliibcaten cups and sifted try ingred tltlltlt htrients llllll fold in peel and Clltl llrop on greased sheet and oven at 400 le 10 minutcs Makcs fourl lilzps at ranged consisting taper track and Ailllxlxl 331 iii llrrs or and mouth The lirils lilr Il he about lowcr Mrs Mrs Knapp litid assisted in the living room Mrs Scott and Mrs vcre in charge of the Ijlllll in dining Webb pouled tca llttilYlllt with Mrs OOKIICS grep shot tuning brow DROP was iuurautccrl Watch Repairs 18 hr Seiyicc Itcasouahlc Itwtea ltcpairs to Itoiison lntitcrs ilel lcry and Expansion ltracelrt IIlIZ GEORGIAN IIII Box 939 olliiieuooiL Int nuc Mctac tll lilll CUPS llilltl inoyics eLttzs cups 12 tsp siltcd cakc flour and Mrs baking soda nutmeg room As it their Others assisting were Mrs mp muwvd Mchan Miss llnapp Mrs Wm cup diced cherries rcani shortening and sugar to until light and tluffy Add strips paper nether Practise Economy gzamc Ask each select winnim number empty marked on cachi Sci sly number at the starting rics bakc ltlS tor dolcn with gt viiv MW um 442 spools III clcctlit Wit not have your favourite furniture which has withstood NII$SIROLIC 1I BOX AILIC box cherry jclly powder cup hot water large can cvaporatcd milk cup fincly liccd peach cup ulniond extract to graham Military Essay Competition Announced 1110 test of time rcupliolstcrcd Soldier scribes of the Canadian in modern or traditional fab officers ranks have the opportunity topll military against Alllllil ommonwcalth sol diers in current military competition for piic ot flit The former British Army officer the late aptain Bertrandi Stmvartlprovides the prize money exceeding sub riny both and othcr ric crackers hocolate sprinkles powder aside syrupy chilled their literary and skill Dissolve water ithick fluffy ll It 200 Beautiful Samples in our Selection essay until Heat and and llcat very until evaporated milk 111 chillcd bowl with chilled Fold the together legacy of Barrie Tent Awning Co 34 Hayfield St mix and crack whipped fruit beater lures flavoring bcst words sclcetcd Council essay with Crush graham Spread sides and bottom of pati with littlth titl Army peltl for by ranks who are servinL or have at Jin any titzhtintt scrvices of the onmion wealth The military annually may officers Phone 4314 crs spring Sprinkle with crumbs lure into pan latc sprinkles liill III be coili and other butter Pour mix Cover with choco shaved hours and rc Makes about soft ny time served candy scvcral from pan 11 or 10 servings subject years competition is Surprise is lpulls tlllllj services for rihulAmone the Most Ilotcnt Factors in Ilocal church and community llcWillll OHUSUUHS Will tllltil0l iis chosen Lenas Lingerie CREAM IIINIS cups granulated sugar 1cups water tsp cream tartanworms drop of oiliif peppermint Combine sugar water and cream together to soft Pour the hot syrup in to shallow buttered pan and al to cool to extent answer cprls by envelope and loose col3to Dial 10 hill lection amounted to 310600 andidltl i5 YUP lllt Wear closed with balance oleHtSIlOHi What is lllllll ltd Silk on hand The WA with all is it blmitlhl Will Incmbcrship of 133 raised ovcrwAl is Cllllt 10 Oil014501 smoo using much of this for ieIli00d by Napoleon Von Moltki pairs to the parsonage and do 31 liltlllgonlmy Nd Cthiilln in what essentials their methods dif Essayists are also required future trends in the achieving and mm llicy ercuLs Reg $695 and $795 CLEARING AT $449 OTHERS Reg $1095 $1195 Cleom nae$895c tartar and boil ball stage WOOL iEEsEYs lukewarm undis Stir with heavy spoon CILIIIII tcrcd to prophesy technique All cntrics for roach the mmvaisw Tatiliarw ITIV ermi lglmML iwinmmo Tim GiHWCFhEJ turbcd until mixturg Knead until it is soft for several hours in tightly cover ed container When ready to usc amnutddLoodco oring and one drop of pcppcrmii flavoring Stir well then drop by small spoonfulsmoii waited papcif Allow to stand untileirm GRAPE FIZZ tin lime juice lemons mass then store surprise the contest must London Reg $895 m$55 17m rThisrWeckOnlyf Short SleeveTooke Shirtszo War Office Phillips said that givings for the IM and Fund rcachcd Sl510and wan $1552 for missions During the year members of the VMS made 324yiSitisTolhc siiiidncwcom expenditures forrlrocalrpurposics Wbc ing 811580 Hickling spoke on thctncw MacDonald ICDOFlCd Unicampgsitc recently acquired by SimcocPrcsbytcry urging Collier it Church to get behind it and contributestoWitsrlegcloptnent MacDonald on behalf Sessmn extended welcome to those who had united with tho church during the year Mix juices and sugar Just be fore Serving add ginger ale Pour crushed ice Makes Off OOKEirprirAMaswtaguiarsaoorpifi TSmai qaaaiiw CLEARANCE $T00 pr HANDBAGS PLASTIC or LEATHER Regularssos $795 $895 CLEARING AT $395 $495 $595 Black and Brown Only Phone 2221 the educational work of the School has JJJLQIHOLIIIQII of 2338721 nd receipts Trickle PDWWO cups grape juice Swift if Tl cups sugar large ginger ate ic BEEHIVEBABY WOOL Reg 42c oz NOW 35c Oz KROY wOOL Reg 42c oz Now 33c oz Few Shades only Morrison pieciation to all who had worked and contributed to make the ycar 1949such success Dr Spicrs chairman of the and Committee read let ter from the general secretary of the fund Toronto thanking Col lier St Church for the fi button to the fund excee ing the allocation by $300 OfficialstElected To the SessionA Mal comson Scott Donald Thompson Dr Flock To the COmmittee of Stewards Cook Dobson Lambert ToniliiisonH NettletOn expressed zip and ladle about into 35 small glasses glasses 20 big ones Anne Allan invites you to writcl to her co The Barrie Examiner Send in your suggestions on home making problems and watch this column for replies contri Next to ROXyTIieatre Mac William McDowell STILL CURLING CPLMrs Walkwels MIDWINTER Darlingford Man William Shields joined the Darl ing ford curling club 26 years ago Today though more than 82 years old she still takes an active part in all her scheduled games ltended as the auxiliarys repref The retiring president Mrs Robti lertson was presented with Vgifti tbyMrsJROyChristie on behalf of iiThe president opened the meet1 aiiniversaijyiofthe Kiwanis Inter national The receipt of Christ mas cardsfromuthe hospital staff land Miss Elsie Dunn was ackn0v ledgcd Following her installation as Wmens Drss Shoes Reg $695 $750 A7$895 Yef manypeople wail un til the last niomentiheiore giving denite thought to funeral problems No Refund or Exchange on SaleiSIiDes WalltWel Shoe Stine OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Al the time of need we provide helpful informa tion to the one on whom the icsponsilnlity falls titular FUNERAL HOME OR Wolliltl CtAPIUllON PHONE 2397 wont 5555

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