II iiiciisumy iLbiiUAltx 9111 man nix11111th umuut UNIMHU CANADA Discussed At Meeting no HOME or GOOD iusuuaucc Sr 41 1899 MALC MSONS Insurance Agency DIAL 37354 41 Dunlop Street Barrie Ont tiidiiltati ir 411 lit 415i pm after he had opposed 111 tllitil il itliu lluiwier now that he was ill Titlllnvl 4iiieinber of the board he 1115 4I 44 44 44 iteleiiaic to 114 costs Mr Blair CI ziiixuius that filtip classes ff MSW ii 41444ke of the capital tiltltliliel should 11c made available 341370000 and raid iiurc wouldl ticulaiiy for thc rural students 111 4111 $1200 Mar fori lie was strongly in favor of guilt ltillI litltiiiiviniil lIIIIIelit limped Illiltli litIpr Ia141 Ilueliiiriisolil iiilltiCil of lfllllSlll it IiiiesIn 11 trip oltiil ii4iI1 ilIii piIoIber of the school board said II II 111111111 11 lilllillr 111 llillltlil felt the gtCiiuoi area plan was lac 44 44 to it high Sclliul board it Vi ItI ll emf 111 up 13 41 1H nk but named or new Mwnddr fioiii l1i gt1izroiiiiiling own education He referred to various 1111114 anti ill 11411141114111 111 for nonnakml 11411411 at school such 111111 of iil ucmidllu i=1 tho iPIas the camera club glcc club ll In IIIIIIIHIII HIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIId gIIIIIIIaSIumI happy l4 Johns iiiiinoer of the 51114 35 pumrbsiw bludvn lllililil lell lit it in favor of he guided llflllhl4llli4 UH 041 iii 41 lit4 liu ill latclt bf Olll member mel in fin if mp NhUOl ble had Suggc Wm NW Hum AWN Nam wlm Schom board mmx WHI mm mm nmvrs ml CUHICHOW ltlgtlll fillllltlll it llitlltl ler lle spoke of the iUdl con lIlh IJIUlglhlIIHI II IIII IIIII IIlitIISII3IIIlIIIlEO hIEIIIOIIIIIiIgsIlIII2Izs AmerttaiiIcounterparts recently iiiItlie eiIinlireiiee room of tlie ltllngoll IIfw Building In minnulun 1H4 4l4unI tum oi the chitin 1114 iuuunmui man Iof Ilho stnool lithlltl and ImImI II tlcfcnre under lllt orlli lltaiilie heeiiiit pact lilting part were left Mll ll lll link rllUkt lldlk lLLIHUn F3 to right standing Admiral loliist Slitriiiiin hiIIif of i1l litll olprovtiieial grants lltillliilllbll of the school board Operations idmirI1 Iqu HIM sunI 434 Air JIM Will it LIlHilliiiliiil had lcilllI10IULlll llchllSCUSSm lo Marshal Curtis liief of Staff ilti ieiieral lllltl Norsluil lpMIMlllgm4 1111mm Whmlw nun gnu Hutu Filmy it Of Sill l4 44 Air Ulliialiuiis seated lentrat l1loii 1913 mm by 4W Ill dUIIIl and in mmm olliits iiief of Staff Arm lieliteiiiiitvieiiirtil iiAiles lotllkes ii had risen to 37 1111ll1onz4 4JItlitIf lill ziii outstandingr student ltlef of Mali tiiiidiiii riii ll4 lll lllth ll told of the pond tll of tiltlure we not making mistake it Minigt111 oiitiiiiiatiuii School and lSilVllltl our dollars he asked billtl li hail liltlt 111 Nl to the lie Slltltl lite main coiisld 244 i1111li school area when it was iw nation was to providc the host rf imfi 110422 Uppnhmny for the fuldljm Uplhu 15 lmmmk lellwrw 0f 511517 Tim joint liitfs of Stuff lrl seen LtlitHf they eoiiferiiil ll their member of the board said he laiiiiaiIi lift II thought his township would back II II III 11 1111111114 11411inv 41111111 mo MM mm $1001 Sam Johnston rlgtiitll with HM mentioned the imam Class pm iill Mi ilowit ii4 lltiiei Hltililt 11 ioioilit pram which had 3255tudcnts en Mh KIIIHI III UIIHIII IIIII 14 ridgiuki 11 iii and 114 ii mmd 16 18 MSROS With WIHHWS mull LN 1llfll iri1 11 lll 11 11 11 44 dmmm hm as mg H41 Siiiitllii ilh lll Aisle llgt iIdIIat llic Baiiii District Colin IIIlEtIiIsIIIIit 11I1IIIIIII1I1I4II1II IiIiI1I IIIIIIIII ELI II IIIII IIILIIIIIIII WI III MIII HIIIIIIIIIII 311 11I 114 1111111 1I11ii1 IIlI llltl lwiii liom Maple iit weik4l en our omc ls fume Into 05 to UdCd mornCOIL Chan Mghhitillldhllimlliifllllikiiiiitli llllt itllii Chcsebrough mall lllk board 35k0d tho it IIIIII IIIIIIIII IIII II IIIIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIII 11 144 1141 take care of an invalid let your Tamblyn store i33571212escoziidgl Fllldll lIIIlIITSlimit FOlllCYlUl Mr and Mrs iiarl Trace 31 the twicounc meetmg 4d Ell l1 Im Jill1 14 ll SWthlng Dressmg f0 Bums EHCCHVC lie stud it would be necessary mum on NI Imd MIIII PHIMIIII II 11 11114 1111 lIanIin IltiI4I There are dale short cuts to home nursng Minor curs Dismfcctam 1111 1s 1ili111 111141 1iiilI to INCH ndmmmn mm or Amml l4 gt OIIII of the Six IIIunicipalitICS ho Mm MIIITIVII who IIIIII IIII IIIiI IiiitIIIIIlIiI I1I ItII1 IIlll IlisI4 whether the lnvuhd Is recoyenng from an opera 5km mfahons Gennde and Bruce have itfllllltll to loionl 1W lolL it oultl b1 possible to pio Iall Siliiilziy l5lllligt 4lll Mr and Hon or is convalescin after en fh illness II Deodorant for ccch further with tho plansIlrIlIlUclI xIlIIIzIIIlIItIIli hillldil lllIl Ml IMIIN IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII 20 AND 306 HousehOId III AlCllllCClS VUUld hm to DC 11 II Mr and MrsI liarhe iliiitliil Miss Mary lllllt it liiiiiswooil can 0U nurse our anOlld bUCk gang and ll if plans piocccd IIIId IIIIIMIIIIII IIIIIII TIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII MIIIII IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII III II IIIIIIIIIII III Y4 YELLOW Personal use AND as 4l1e lgt known to iiialiy is siii Hi idI iithoilt intCiiiintions it would the weekend mm MI Imd MIG IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII lIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII MIIIIIII to healthI illOlNlbly DC 1903 bCTOIC llk Calmil iI school would be ready for use Mr and Mrs Noah otloii 411 1111111 with an ulcerated ie SWISS dlid MILIIMM IIIl wliieli stubbornly iiiiisir to Iii111 no 0mm mm up I4 wIlh WHO Im WI ITarlsl Free Trade wcckeiid llll Mr and Mrs 1l 11145 114411114111 114 Mili Itmitit IllllllY liltill zile lilillll for in Birp and II Farm YIPISII ml bltllablp 11 or members of St Andrews 444 1444 i111 Sex Continued from page one YlltsfnltivylntIll5tlkllllfi 1111444l11 amps11212111 510 Room Ptllunl pcoplc claim that farm piicc sup cveninu A11 4441114 prouriiiii Will meet in the oiiiinimiiv Hail ports and free trade are commuqnd lgliciom lullch II4i v1I44dI4 Think 14 11 CARE or INVALID My mother is confined to bed but not donqcrously ill +4 AND dietary and cannot exist together ll iv Will 111 answered with 11 intuitIv My mm mum II III Wlial do you think3 IIlilrlmVVilllligorijvoyko5 III ISL IIII lion 1111 iiet Iieai piouiziiii We Incighbou no me awning dropping in at MI he ade we gum Opuli xpeit to hard llt ook of ti lb iwr ll xi VE ER liCWS Church mot at the himm II Pair Vacuum ottcs ccp your mo Iicr Ito LC 111 dd lltt lil Ii 11 ion of th F01 unis ould be too of MYSI HI LI Md IIUMUIII IL 11 ll hulCl Chilltd Shcct 1nd to thc beds end and laid beside lur WI 11 It I4 pull herself into sitting posttion COSllY An Invalid Ring wIill gIVC hcr tho 1185th sup to take the be 13 BW pl Difficult Skating oiiditions utmogt comfort when she Sits up torn time Not Salt pourdImto hot wutcr it II interest of all concerned On the ned the meeting The roll call 0ng It unsvnlcd WIMP 101110 keep warm Coon longer mm hot watch Indde no pop one hand high protective tariffs 4was answered by the paying 111 nnkr Immiuw 1H ILII make her on idcoi drinkinq cup Simple Iggd Tray ion be mofdc frIIom heavy 44 cardboard corton Cut openings on the Si to me room or patients constitute high price support to fccs and lhc 1111111 thosiii 1111 till I1IIII11I MINI III Mm logs n4 Vll Viliimy Worieis ll industry and the contribulc toll out 1111 Klfdtlng lllltllll4 lll INVALID cooxznv How can eggs be attractively prepared or hodtnst 4I III pricing ourselves out of the United was ltCldodrtft IholiIlIIoii MinI1IihIIiiIi pit44 1h illllllti the young invalid wnai will but keep kitchen odors autiot ground our bedroom Roccnt test construction of two Kinngm market tariffs were an IaIftci 1101114 tIcaIIi1ID 1I hm hm mm FQIIII Immch III IIIIIII IIIC IIICIICCmbIIII IIIow new IIICCIII I0 IIIIF III IIICIIII houses in Vancouver has proved lsubstantlally lOWCiCd tho United Gm IICTIQEIWII HDIHLILIlfI One alternooii last week the Trail Scrvc them on cuhcd butteer toast That means your invalid nccci never i4 and N115 lbwt ltdlt i4 cl th to lt1 and round the pic on stubborn slice of toast Air1 Mum savmgs up to 163331 canIbe Kingdom could pay for oui faim IIIIIC ICSSIIIII Children IIII IIIIIIIIIII liilthIN hid lllllll h11111 so cgq un 93 Reheffor wick is one of the best dcodoronts mode for eliminating cooking odors made by building homes With PlOdUClSdIluf Kiwi Iimlld Mom4 was sung Shirk ML IIIIIIIIIIIILHIIV zuyml gill IN MNIA II II II II IIII and IId II III II Headaches and 009 501m Cddl The lzpagc mus be vol ac 01 01 art ln Ka TM n4 mll at time lie 3111aiiotlsiaukcpzldaivgfIWhat 1120 ning Neuralla AITFYCSlene tratcd booklet Offered Ibelow 10 0mm and Ola SI about Miss Hilda Blackwell Zliid Entertain ment of tariffs could qOIne mt Hot Ovoltinc plain or chocolate hot malted milk or powdered milk mode QUIC or That KIHS tells the complete story llCl 01k db Ii Dull LilIlUlllII 1I llie WA of the United iiuieii Up win he water and liberally laced with black pepper should the doctors Because Stallccsy prove to be fluent Quebec IIA DQCIUHOH 111Aveie entertained at the home 11 say induce natural sleep Household odofs Similarsavmgs can bcniachby hardship on some of our smaller StIrangcr Iwas read by Mrs V1 $11155 Mmjmic Cunning Thurs INFECTED DIS II II II IIII Taken usin solid cedar for farm bmld industries tocausc unemployment Hill Dainty icfrcshiriciits wcrc 1114 Owning The demuomi mm wafer must be kept separately from ours there any easy nay to mark thorn lugs And solid cedar offers the thus reducmg the buyi power of period was in Clitiigo1il Mrs 11111 additional advantages at extreme our best customers of food stuffs land iVIrsgvViiglit 21ndMlss 1111 23 44 with tier bedside care She is alone from 830 am till 530 pm with Dishes canary satisfactorily marked with nail polish Then Men the durability high insulation value The Bmdei View Forum at Lile 111144 Flu mw Mental 11113 infection over Toke off the marks 1411 nail polish remover Lysol one took place rc raisingfunds forthc sheds silos and many other United States as the USA is also spawn wwmqmt 111 104 go you nancial Obligations IIIIII types of farmoutbuildings an rm agricultural country The Miss4Nlany D0IVI4 TABLETS it was decided to have 21 Vzilc11 mm VtnmrmulTTiirmncrrsmragivciymmmmnw 44444u lwn WI Shelters grdnCllCS Implement tied tariffSbctwcen Canada and the Miss Mmmm MCAHIHH of 15ch soothianMtiseptx Healing tin Due to Headaches ble tariff inst fruit and fllends 01 5d iF br sfp 19850n8 go i1 mecmg to be held 11I tcd Kingdom as Britain is the 1013i of the Dcctmbcr meeting and availale otch ilesl Chu ciidalc Forum near Colling and Mrs Foruusoii and Pleasant AAnlinplicIDrminr MW 19 744 44 44 44 444 41110 Lind LIOmLDI4Miss4Caii41 if I4 MrI and Mrs Holincs Mrsi mi Gratin For Sour Stomach Neurang and Vegetable lmDOIlS from the United MI MCMstcr and daughter VIUIIIIII llit home of M15 Stcphcnn II common COMII su ested frcnr trad with the Uni iirunk Corncr read the minutiw of the most satisfactory disinfectants for all uses Rilihodbslmplmed consuucmn gg send You Qwhm 75 Tn 125 My 5mg Tom 95 II stated all encumbrances wore I4 cal market to our surplus food II IIIh an IIII MWiiaimridriebsheeiemnmlaluprodue1544but4hwvsuegestwwmn we bdlm Ewneiier 014412 wodd entioned the fact that and Mrs Edgar Vlhilcd lm II an smi bake sale it th to protect our States as necessary of mome spent Sunday With Ml4 The Jewel Missmn Band ea mg own fruit arid vegetable growem and Mrs Hziugli The Mission Band mt ll tl HapRduuFem ii $1143ampshlmrrmmsjommie MIKfl MYS DCHHLTHMYSiJ7ChHfhwMbnjEtvOltlifful1I Ike Orillla had the same thought in JI HmlghI MlSI Ruddick 4mm IODA ru 14 com wooos 837 Hastings St Vancouver Pleasesend me your fro bbolilnt Izin with zin4attcnclancc of 28 copy 44 Immd when answeringthlsruiuesMrsLuLJchidelsu11445ucilt Lieu4414167c011nf0pmd Wm his 749A4519R 01L lutmve elm5 I0LlVE0lL ww mm SI ALKASELTZER First Aid for Colds gt Excess Castuc Jack and hymn 603 was sung Intestmal was Avening Forum felt that as manu Show II III ocm splintnr 00 ci faciuredartlcles are getting so far Neighbors and friends gathered Ems read SichgafdphMoixsoltlIII FreoI 110114 The vaseyIForum Came up days week Townl lution Tcn childrcn Czltiyiii with the suggestion that the tar liiircli Supper lighted ezindles cntcrcd singiuc iffs should be reduced to some ex The annual meeting and supper Jesus Bids US ShIiIIC4I 4mm tent for the time being and of ItIlic ClllliICllIIIWIlEIbI llgld Irina WIcIcIlII Hesqlutionu was mad by CoIIII study mad 85 to how it would aff 35 33 Wm MI Jack and the purpose was rcpcat ii Flu Qu Ity Fibro ect both cguntries Some Forums4 attendance and the repom gwc ed in unison followed by the 12 on of course were of the opinion that by the different organizations4 OI theme song and prayer bv Mrs or cncoura in tStomacli and free tradcwouid be demte ad lace IIIJIIICIISXE Rngy KI chigi Ray Stephenson The SCllptIUlt Hells Rel UP manually Pun I16 13 tZSrdPsalmt was read by Arthur Soothes ltl Irritated Domicily and 21 piachi by Sally 5mm if taiiffs were lowered against the chtntlll Iwho ucrc icccntiy 11111 Sword Work permd Name followed Willi 21 miscellaneous showcr importation of American goods but 110 making Iciap books The treasurer thought thatwsuch step would The remainder of the evening was Ian AtkmsonI gave his report on IIBoat and Round SinNI 40 55 vantage to Canadian farmers The was in Charge of the meeting Innd work shoots at listld below 011 0f line With farm Prices it at thcf hall on Tuesday cvciiirilt Muscular ACllCS would be to the benet of Canada and presented Mr and Mrs and Pains study book was taken by Miss in dancing to the music of have to be taken very slowly 599 the finances and the meeting clus Nearly all the groups agreed that ghoggnizybmggn is IIiIIiogib cd With the Mizpah Bencdiction II I00 25 III there should be free trade also be and MI4MmphyI pianoIWTth young treat of popcorn was given by tweenanatla and Great Britainmcouplr ae1iving liganth IIMrs JWaid 41 WWI ii Creemorersuggestcd 135 British and have an abundance of manu fI Speedy win Jinags manufactuIEQproducts came into If ed goods which we need 44 Canada fre of tariffs4 then Great Therefore we recommend barter 44 Wte Enamel 44 Britain would be able tobuy Can trade agreement Male and Famala Iadia pork and eggs and at theI The mest recent announcement III II II gtWIIIII in isain time abolish farm supports by our Dominion Government made 4H0nderson man Going step further the Vasey on January 26 to the cffect that vegm will be the Speaker III II mum group brought out the point that the Government was prepared to Barbust Church on SundayIIFebf III Whii Enamel theBritish people are badly in establish at least temporarily II Iof Pair From need of our surplus food products oor price for eggs would seem to The Dawes smgers who ha prove that the influence of rural been livmg here for theipast my Arthritis giggly 95 ll In people had changedthe attitude of $33123 mOVEd to Ban 1e Rheumatism ilmltl RUBBINGV MPouND ITS II 0111 DOmlmOn Govrrnmeut thlf Mr and Mrs ChaIs Teneyche 4I Neuritls womenen Bed Sore4 III LII Iggegtigu of Zeimav Sash are visiting with Sciatica her brothers Art and IHarly LAFFI DAY Chappdl 42 397210 COLD CREAM BASfHSOAPI 23 41 WQIL JReturltchFrom Hospital II The Bandar Farm Forum near iiiiiEii lisnii Goes to Work j4 instantly to Relieve Kenny Hadley who has speiit MM Mcaahu BISODOL 1101111113 RUBBERSHEETING Hm 39 AlNE ii 901104 PLAINOR CHOCOLATE It II turned to hisIIhIoImc on Thursday bomb 44 lookingfme 14 16 18 Give your car protection from MIIII FIaIIOIIIIdI 410 Utmosi camp Beverage II II4 II II mdays snow ridden Streets 4AM SANTAX 1101 WATER 110111135 091 69 mt Used 44 gt Supplemel and freezing temperatures Exceedineg mm gt WATER BOHLIEW trigg Siqlk Room Nodesaity for in and Drive Yourself II 44 Inadqiiatc or Unbalanced BARBIE DRIVLAI STUDEBAKER SALES 8t SERVICE III HERTZ nnwumsnm Bumper 1o Bumpr Knpwllgw Ihe lady ambassador from menus DELIVERY STORE HOURSMom Tue Thur Fri 830 am 830 pm Wed 830 my II I69 Collier St PhOne 2650 am to 1230 PmSat4830 am iOPIn Sun to 5pm 79 pm Company LlintIted hmhmmuaaigu