PAUE TWEN 940045 Wm BWQELPMEA 77 mwwwi ix Annual Meeting lVeteron And Mason VON Held Tuesday iLionel Rogers lDres At Tollendcxl 1131 LII ti he 111 it jhtl ormer drrre cm 111ti1t1tif Llv iFrank Rowe 58 arr WHERE YOU BUY MORE FOR LESS de gt 31 ileed Queensvdle itid ieuiZI iekI it lltillliI 1ilrlllil ltonei or Saturday JJlil uxi 390 IlI II Nd lit Au lttllIll ill Iltllllltlkl Dll Selli Ii mug Hm II cit it 10w son of 111 and gt lltlll liirs litt1 was gt Li ltl ii IIl ll II 14 et etil for lllJFtIlLILI inelrrhr no he II aistd 111 that erl ind had ined gt 411 II II iii curing to lIolIitritlal lioad Mi ll ll II II II ltl tvtw eii II II II III MI In in 10 up II ind trip mid II II iiiii giltgtltil up to the tinieI iiHIJJ 1w II IlII III the First World War ltll hti sgc 69C 79C 95C $125 avai 7i lI III TI iitlitl the call Weill meiseas Iaini to no We PLAIN YELLOW on GREEN wrrrr littlli ii LU mot iii was after which he was SILVER TRIM Muppet ir ll ELHIQ Rm WWII 1l tin Ontario Government and fill lit ll iii 1t I1 Ill llII II pro to hrs retirement 1i Iet SIX hot LJ Ill IIIIlIlll el Officer in the Town of liar OLL TLAPOIS II 111 cane SCR 53 Ill will 1953 Iftlz Rogers is an Anglican 913 11 IlIl lkIt1lgttiIll1t and Master Mason IVORY GREEN wle OR YELLOW ii llIl of Keith Lodge Moiictoii N11 un 111 oi in United Church 121 till litil he affiliated with and not if ireiiiel United tItilllillliJll Ledge llarrie One of Wail JUN llt tool lit oldest and iiiost faithful rneni M1 31 llI in ii til life whili of the Barrie Branch of the HIIL BO 15 DIAMLIER 3p iii ill be was agiieiiibtr tau itiiaii Legion he was ery pop to It lritta tuieh rlt lill all exservicx men and 20C Each or for 35C wm iv mt 11I ltll in good health had done lIIll ct 12m em dancinti ilUI has ironer to assist For four cents you can keep old friendships in repair and mitkt HOW ffltllll iii mi gt III SIIII II III io to II pump imp to tiitnti IlllItI IIt rust ot lllt cost II amp the letter you Smmld not neglect sending OIn mad II tl 111 mp eJ ran in liffituliri wt llii iri ililllllltl111tlt px mm II III IIIIIIII III II out ii itl it toot iii COMMON or Louis in 51 Hi IIII 13 einIHIunnmIIrum HUI IIl Ii 11 llllk plitte 111 ill llLIltt llltll lltIill vsi ie ltd iiieinI leilit oer o1 loioriio Bizii tafiilly located at the JlllittlUll of FOUR GRAer ORDINARY sii llllt of p11 piiti PASrl 311 olellttl in va ot ii oni littl nt Barrie and the lollendal Road and lilillt li iii tr lttlli ellqoo 1i 11111 llitZiiitlil it MI mm Hp MI tlzra iiiit lllltlltll anehan ed 11 beside the ereekirid irrstrininer 15 98 itli A31 Iv II II I3II iir our dear one ie oved so il ii or fliXVtIll and Steven and is surrouridct by towers of many II III IITl llhfIl llit only gone before II 111 limit of Toronto no LILO OAl th DEL II lAii Nmmnhriid In hronicr tronard or Wexrortt Thelunerai Iis held On Mon ULO COAT 13 Q15 980 MO l1ItIItII1 lltlIItZIlil llIIIIlll wife and laiiii NHL HIM It in rum wnmII It Ilium MI Im Mum II IIQ IIIIIII IIIIIIIII iII IlIIlIII Iie sister lIltiitlltt in 1008 Funeral Home where the service HIV 1mm lmmllly ill the IUl irii 11 11100 tii liill be AMilirJJ In loving memory oi lowii IlIi of the lie lltiiiJltl dear husband and failui iili 121 11 MI IIIIIlI II IiIIIIIIIII IIIIIIgt fIUIKlIILI II IIItII II gI Iwa Spend p11 McDonald dear mother of Jns ibald tiiiipliell who passed away def0 I33 111 SilitSlllI Illllllld IIHITmIl IIcmr 81 Imus LISHERS at v01 vplz llltttll Spiiiigdale IlllI iieh mm Mom in fonteltt it MI lrt1lltllll Church llurton Avenue IOIHTJIPIQN IIIIILIICIR iIiteiIicuII IsIrstiIIi oi I11ltiiiI anId For years Journey insulinr lIlitZt trliltllitlttl the service lall Masonic service was also held Slul 11 It Izii iriie is Heart to heart and hand to hand 1tt Iit Smith lirdine the it triisitt in St liiils ni 1511le 101 mum SINK Il1II3I IIlI Mb IUIU II 13 10 1H arson Daniel ll oah eieiv lnnislil lliadirig the service JOHNbON ILOOR POL iiirs ioiig rent rie In hat IIIII III III JIIIIIIIII FIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII cl IIIt MINI IIIIII bIIIIIII IIIIIII nio tiiiiiniiii lliltlliltll neie lalinei llronipson iiid Roy RUBBLRLIKE MAIIING 3d 090 ie ri uikaRrleslIcfgntigllkggl liaiirt funeral ellci Veiiins 111 you watch and wart my ttJlll 3m5lll mllll wombV mm BMW Black Corrugated 30 Wide km mman AIL pth pm Hymnwm nit lhere cos large number oiIi Honorary pallbearers wcrc II unmlorimpiuuntcxtor Maggi Home lnion einetmy VlltH Hi lnmb life In oItI tloial tributes front relatives and llacoriI1I Ilritton Jack Cook will 1165 Estauurxs Suddenly til ll home lme friends Iliuman lhomnson Larry Mziws l546 301 Bradford St liarrie Oritnio hand 011tmf4oitn 1lilits and trieird obirt Anderson Acting bearers hen reaeli tliai silent shoie Mlllflill l11111l 30 1950 in md Wm Illllrlltllllii the funeIIral included Mrs Iwere Wor Bros Ross Cowan and tlIlltlllI lI ISeinnierIis beloved liilian oodbiid1e and Johir and IlIletl Morien and llros Jewell pun IlIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIlII IlnIl rlil1llf in loving memory of Gordon Rziriisay Itloii Robinson Fred Crowe VestgarthTaIlOY In iIirIiiIilIIi I1IIIIIIE1I VIILII loliii McFadden who passed away Mr and Mrs Rowe Mr and and 11 Jones OVA ltIestincI IaI tho Iltiiiietl Iliuiihiail IIIIIy will IllIIIaIII ImIIIII Ml Mililltmild Mr Willi Relatives and friends were prosi lltmw Harrie Funeral seivieiI III IIIII IIII All IInWIl MI ml from NI md dlStIiCl edrieday ltehruaiy 330 pm IIfIII1lIiIImII IIIIIIIUI ILHI KIM Miller and Mrs Harris ofBarriezlfroni Hamilton Toronto and Otta Dunlop Sl Interment lairi Union erne Mr and Mrs McCann and itlinidiva iii worlds No1 IrypewnfefIv tery INVIIITKKI 1le WI II Mrs Joseph lennett of Utopia Dill There were very many beautiful WM Mum unset mi Stands by aiid Mrs llowe of Guelph tlowers from relatives and friends mm NEWTON ROBINSON January 30 do Leonard and lleibeit leffersori of neighbors arid from the Officers Arid whispers dont grieve death Maliori Mr and Mrs Bre and Members of Corinthian Lodge cannot divide thour of Udney and Mr and MrsF and AM Canadian Legion Ever rcrnernbcrtd by lib 1ka Rowe and Mrs Rowe of To lranch 117 Staff of National Elmv CHURCHIL BIlIIiCI md munV 91 ruirtt ployment Office Georgian Bay Rc gional Office of HEPC Painswiek lanuarv 30 Mrs 12 recurs is in Brrifaio i1ns wik ltiiiieris Institute Central United Dean of Iloronto sptnt un Missu Gladys llougliton spent Ronald hlte llnirch Choir Barrie Collegiate dill ill 17 Hi 55 mI IIIkIIml Tunmm Lon liland BCI Students Council Staff Mr and Mrs DCilllIIilIiI Watson Rowe or New Lowc111J int Lobmws Management and Stuff Gait of Toronto were visitors i1ll his mother Sunday with Mr and Mrs 11 Thomas Mrs llreedon and Shirley were Mr and Mrs IBruce Sanford of Dies MINI IS WI WIIH 01 Townm is Clrurclnll wish to thank their many of Valley Taxi Surviving of the family are his in Toronto last Saturday itrhtcrs Mrs Mac SALES RENTALS Mr and MiTs ll Stafford and IIlld fIliIlISIS IIIII IILIIgiIIIiII I9 IIiI Romwn mm Idoll IDIinuI MI IIIIICI Gil IIlllIrIsh Constable frmoie rim iiLiin Sud lml mftlmhl 91 levelltd ie luvs Ronald Fraser White was mom 900 LlIugthLI MIR Malgmet IV FI IllowIe Ils vith IMI IIIQIII lIIILIduIIIII buried in Midland on Tuesday Howcv 29 PMkSldC DYWO Bar Kmliv MW IN mesz rr vlt 10s 1aswhnnn in Prescott last week latary 21 1030 lie was formerly 110 t0 5005 Rogers RR Mrs Sturgeon ind or 11 PlCS TOlI 505 ml I10iltiv hill3 100105 1001 and tamily if Toronto spent the general agent for the CNR in Mid 4v Bdllltu dud 311 Ch Ilhrls 31 UL 10 to day 00 TORON 10 SIRELT iIIl Vin0 Itillilts Kit 3113 Letsous oilIweekend at Coborns land lle died Sunday January 22 llIoInIlICv Thth 150 gm OIIKEIQSZI 1IICIII1IIICMU clump ednestay Mr and Mrs 11n1ohorn and in mg 73111313 en ren II Ilt II III Phone Bmlkx MI Id Ml HIihilllt Silent F1100 llllIlm Mr White went to Midland from 3TT IIlL ll3WbgIIAIllEluIlgilId CInUfLI1oricc or BititliN iltltl liti Blooks wtri Mrs lest returned with them at wmbwshvm in 18oz 11 Wtimd ling II 0450 0H our 111 lltilliL Sunday Iar LLIK in Toronto 01 IATI Imw WYin mm m6 George apman in loronto on Friday tuning Mr and Mrs Lorne Clement About thirty members of the Miss Mary Donnelly ItN oi Mf YyPyUy had HI Iskatingmpurlv flNR III 1938 GlilVCllllulSl and 0111 illld $833333$38333$$Xx3333333333333338333$S$37 There were few games ill INCh eirson and fainilv spent Ithe Noblcion last tdntdm cuninh Mmmmg 10 ML and Mm Ralph Mr White did InotIdcchcl lIlt WIRS Who PlanleClTrtIeeS weekend with Donnelly HmmmqnS rm lunch runnerup tovor crampionsvrn Mr and MHI sungm and Mm Gordon Mad HIKIIICMId the pole vault and shotput at By Joseph Lea Margaret were in the city on Fri ren were at Walter Andrews mICLt 1894 imd Stlltd at la Georg Randolph Chapman was day Margarets many friends will few days last week Gordon had trosse hockey baseball cricket born at Baldwin York County on be glad to 13m Shc is on the II flown to South America with curling tennis and rifle shooting January 27I 1857 His mother was mend and if she 51111 continues to our consisnmcnt of cattle includmr He is credited with introducing 11 and was immvc will soon be back to born in Pcffe ay plin Earl 9y9rign Elf9mev hockey at Wiuibanshcne xxxxxwxxmxxmmx f500ttisirdcscentatrthisfalthbt1k 10 SChOOl III Friends of Erricst Pylc tncc Helen Nelson were shocked to hear of her husbands death on Friday 1astI He hadgottcn into the car to go to work and was found slumped over the wheel Our sur ccre sympathy is extended to Helen in her bereavement itlairinsrnidiracommentsroNiiinensrrciuiwa Upholstered To Look LIikerrNw SEE US about your upholstering problem Call at 74 Henry Si or Phone 5048 Born in MaraTownship near Beaverton he was one of five sons of David Bell White district Jllllldll ill pioneer In 1898 he married Anna Sm lTim II P0815011 15 Coates McCami who died in 10513 ill and we IWlSll him speedy rc He leaves two SonSI ErnestCI covcry Ir Congatulafions to Pat ODonclllgrimVMiIgzImklfeda who was married at Sudbury on IIIII MIIS DOagson ISHIIIIIEOII saltIggfcpdrmd J01 Boccm has The funeral service under Ma was born lllIIOlllO of English desI cent He attended high school in Newmarket OInt taking the full course in one year He then went ribModelschool six months and Normal school Toronto six months He was 18 when he taught his X$S$$$SSXlt Wampumst GREEN FRONT STORES Decorated Brown Bettys 69c85c51003125381500105 CORN BROOMS as low as $100 DO WE DELIVER YES INDEED WE DO HARRY ARMSTRONG IPUZZLED If So See ROSS BLOCK BARBIE Iby MOITLED ROSE WITH GOLD CREAM SUGAR SETS TO MATCH Specially Priced at $250 TEAPOT STANDS AS ABOVE $125 WHITE VEGETABLE BOWLS 3pc SETS AMBER ASH TRAYS 59c LOCOMOTIVE ELECTRIC WASHERS $13250 155 HEATERS CAN BE SUPPLIED ON ANY ISOLIDIEXCLUSIVELY BY THIS STORE CONNOR WASHERS and Service Too ONE FOLDAWAY WASHER $3900 used machine in good condition STEVENSO Fire Auto odbtJhIIersualiy Insurance THURSDAY lIliBRUARY 105 Cup $200 MODELS $14450 $15450 Phone 2801 xxm Concerning Your Insurance aco PHONE 5201 EVERYBODYS BUSINESS look for the facts In this simple phrase there has magic power to help you build more effective personality and win greater success WWW famous industrialist was once asked 110w he could make so many wise decisions quickly get the factsi was his reply Once you gather all the important informa tion related to any matter the facts or lead to valuable timeor moncyusaving idea on your job Facts may serve us in countless other ways They provide power for selling or convincing others Introduced into conversation they make our comments more effective and interesting Used asguidc posts they keep us from the dangers of wishful thinking and impractical philosophies SEE THE EXAMINER FORIIIPRINTING NEEDS mmxmmmsxxmsssxusximimmn an pmvchascd the home of M1 and sonic auspices was conducted by CIIIEZIIHCIS 6125 for sum And Mrs Robert Lee Rev Cathcart of St Marks ed anad Mr and Mrs George Peacock Anglican Church of which Mr yea I10 WC W1 hm FOPIICSCHWWC canal your home Miss Blanche Reid Mr and Mrs White wasIa member taking SChOOlI gap II January 30 Newton LudlowI and Vera and bmaII VIIlngm hIS 23 Mr and Mrs Garf Durnford NEILLLLV7ESIHMATEScgpON IRAQUESIII Basil Jenkins attended tilt ema Cornish Dies 01 one 3031 came out SaturdayM010le wedding of Pat ODoncll at Sud bury on Saturday dale in1888 at the agoOf 21 to teach schooh While teaching at Hillsadc he boarded at Ben Gan tons on the Scotch Line dis tauct Of two mesmnd walked out to Hillsdalc every day He planted maple trees around this Mr and Mrs Harry Mayes spent Saturday in Toronto Rev Newman of Craighiirst visited Minesing friends Thurs day Louise Swain is recovering from an attack of pneumonia at RV musicssxsxmmcxsxsxsnisnmmmm po===muo===oo=o=o===ono===ogro=o=g AtHome Of Sister CookstownJanJZ MIDWINTER SALE iCookStown Advocate Zemila Cornish second daughter Hospital Barrie of the late James and Annie Tip SQhOOImmd he IWCd t9 see some Mrs Chappell of Crown HillI am lheIm cut down dher dau liter Mrs Harri lady Cornish passed away early th 132 VISI Sunday morning January 22 1950 In 189931 age lap FOYStOIt 135 welk OF it theliOmeI of her sisterI MrsI ed Aime Madame 0f Hllls Mr and Mrs Allan Johnston McFadden in CookIstownI dale in PgemcdiSthChurc 2mg miIYROf algwale Vlsmal Mr This was at irstIve ing an rs ay amsI reccn take plaCe in the Hillsdale Meth Postponed annual library meet Clinton in human Township odist church He continued teach mg W111 be baldt ngnICSdy where hcrIniece Mrs Clark BallI mg 10 four ve more yea evemng FGb SC 00I gt now resales Dung the past thirj after his marriage He was very Mr and Mrs BerlbyIt lglrIa1nd much in it Slat particular reatl el is 1940 MERCURY SEDAN COUPEBlack LOW Mileage llffesilguigguiyrgiihifiiII lIiIfcghIiIiId wile gleft yschogl miching and M1 amp Mrs carlIm Foystog 1949 METEOR CUSTOMSEDAN SeamistGreen in Spotless Condition lo membey 0f Ontarioswet Unite went iowoik at Shortreeds Mill gig1ngsoggllggmif 1949 METEOR DELUXE SEDAN Looks likea New Car IChurch being especially interest as aIbookkeepcr and lumbIEr scal hm 1948 HILLMAN MINX Convertible Continental Design ng thheeIIWQiIk ofIItrde f0511ide SEmags $1 lulgbelrvosrcigv MrfandIIlVIrs ScoiItIzriIiIiIdvlssiInth or 1948 CHRYSLER SEDAN Owned and driven by company executive JalogeaVIfs swig gmd wage Martins Min and at Wis Mm 35Hxty1MSIWIttIyigeebr0therI GI 1948 MERCURY COACH 114 wheel base excellent condition active interest in the wogigIIIgf mm at Craighurst Diunford ancrtamiiy ITHE ABOVE CARRY OURSQm PEDIGREE GUARANTEE IIII ensi organizations of the church Mr Chapman had great MF and MIS IIHalIY 1035th nForscyeral years she had beena hobby for beekeeping and gard 1have moved to Maple Iolmc I4 II great suffcrerifrom arthritis and citing and after leaving Wises the house 011319 falm at uring the paSt eight months had Mill hekept bes and had afiatgc goggnvmgemove V7 II been conned mainly to bed galden in Hipsdam HeI planted II Surviving are one sister tlda beautiful cedar hedges around II 1941 SEDAN 5050 WRRANTEDFOR130 DAYS MrsM McFdedIeIn odeCookSE his home and these can be sqen 33s started at on Lake he Isold new mo 0WD 30 one 10 913 ten theretoda me ofIhis propertyOn5Pene ang 1040 DODGE SEDAN 1938 DODGE COACH Clinton MO nieces JeangtMns In 1919 yaInd 1020 he went to Raga to theICounty of IISiche FredVodden and Margaret Mrs work atw JI Itlartms vMiu at End planted Ithev balance of his 1938 FORDIISEDAN 1935DESQTO SEDAN Clark Balk one ngphewI Wm PenetmgI as bookkeper Iahd land inIpine trees which have 1939 FORD COUPE Reparnted 1933 CHEVROLET SEDAN Cornish ofCIlintOnIA sister Edith lumber scale and 10 IThunde growr into sbeauful forest It lpIedgceaSEd her mJanuary 1945 Bay in 1920 at Manley Chews was in this pieceIoIf land that he Tglggagllzefligimfggfmgaruajljeg Mill He remained at this min un kept his hives IoIf becsuntil they th minor of 1921 In Se Were old in 1949 Ilh9 and Mum Funeral Home llelmbere 19121IMr ChapmanIbegaiii For many years he was em 1949 MERCURY 12 TON PICKUP excellent condition 532V Wits gmglgrfyy teachingschool at rriiisdaic again ployed IparttimIe at Orr Lake for 1948MERCURY ONE TON EXPRESS 12000 miles practically brand new Miss Elva vwms rendeied Vocai 31d contrhciIred tgglcshrng there for Evian evgrryes slpgrrfouigaggsnsgthgeg 1948 MERCURY ONETON EXPRESS Exceptinally low mileage soloThe City Foursquare The gure fromschool team mar why 106511 that farmer 1947 FORD IZTON PICKUP 1946IFORD TON 158 olgiggareshge gsrildphggia ing to take up beekeeping and plantIItrccs on his sandy land and I1941 DODGE PANEL Reconditioned Motor Repaintd ntcuabrd gums Fred Vodden and gardening DuringIi this time he build something for the future we oiClark B111 Agnong the oral tr took great interbstr in starting Hue was man of great knowledge LI Ibutcs wem those from the Girls the Community Park inIHiIllsdalc and always willing to help others Club GLOnarlo St Church ample and also taking the positioniIrIof He was follower of Sir Wil ll Neighbors IhtormIent was in Clin librarian for many years He was liam Mulock Sir William Mulock ton Camden made Notary Public somerears was the Member of Parliament successors to MMSOnMOtDr sales 44 agoIaIndbecause of this he was for Mr ChapIman home district 11d tk Chapman died On Decem CanadassixSu ar beet factories 08 on many ImeS Dlal Barne poducod in 1949gabout 221000000 leading part in the affairs of the ber 2I3 1949and was laid to rest pounds of beet sugar for the do village in the United Church cemetery In 1928 when the new forest Hillsdalc on DecemberIIIzbILtl40 Odombaomvnogopamomaom mestic market themselves dccrdc the issue Needless to say the man who can iiiakc sound decisions most frc queiitly and rapidly wins against all competitors in any field Many1r new invention too has been made bccauscsomebody dis c0vcred new facts or gave familiar facts it new interpretation You may notice some little detail that others have overlooked and be inspired to change it in some way that will create moneymaking invention Above all facts add to our knowledge And knowlctlgcis power To build sound life insurance plan for yourself and your family you nccdthc help of someone who cantanalyzc all the facts related to your future needs The modern life insurance company representa tive is trained to do IthiS and you canrelyon his recommendations 150 COME TO sale ertcellentcondltion BUDGETIrEIiMsI usms1xszs xv FOR GOOD RELIABLE USED FURNITURE APPLIANC ES AND RECONDITIQNED srovns AND HEATERS f7 SMITIHZSI trade itliiziStoies Below are lIistIId just few of Ithdgoinl buys now ready fonquick BABY TENDIIA ITABLE TOP IRANGETTE ELECTRIC WASHER good condition ELECTRIC WASHER wooden tub $1200 ELECTRIC STOVE heavy duty burner $2500 ELECTRIC STOVE heavydutryupprner all enamel side oven and table top unlitII IYOUIn PRESENT Gubbsxccnrrnn ASIII PART PMMENT DINETTE sum walnut finish Buffet extensionItableIIand chairsI COMBINATION BOOK CASE DESK $1600 LARGEIKITCHEN CABINET modern design porcelain extension leaf $3s00 $130o $1200 $2500 $4500 WALNUT VANITY waterfl design large mirror $2000 FREE DELIVERY TOWN orICOUNTRY