vp 111 VEPVDVVVVFVEBRmy AM 1111 111mm EXAEJJNER 1111211 1131511121 111121111 Heavy doeskin shirts in plain shadedw Mens all wool shirts in plaid only 01 blue iCtn brown grey SlzeS 12 AbOU1 01 lilCSC They SOid ICC Vup tOV each at In 51288 QllCi 11 VV e0 er 11 0L Eve Ir 86 Gabardlnesl Tweeds VVOISiedS COVEIiS and many 0111015 Be sure 10 see them re talloled anadas best makers and every palr calHes our guaran tee SthquCtlon or Your moneY refunded NV 1011 m1 cm 1111 1110111 an WW7 MW WWW II VI gt 501d Of these Sth on FIlVdCIY and SQlUIdClY W8 51111 110376 gOOd are thebeSt Shlli value we have ever offered Every Shunt sanfonzed and tailored by two of Canadas bestmakers Guaranteed unconditionally by us and themakers Sizes 14 to 20 $1 11 used co are in White Fused collars in plain Windsor COllCtIS in plain someplai Shades grey II II shades tan and green shades and stripes 7V W4 Any Overcoat 1n the Store goes for less than regular pnce nOt an Slzes 35 36 42 44 46 sizesonly IF YOU NEED GI Ii II qI 11V BOYSJPYJAMAS WOOLGLovIES fYaImIa cloth VextraVunq1 inVVa large111111111 0f colors dry VBeg up 103245 95cIVpair 731111 1111 Wool Sox IAlIlIVWooIUnderwgarV VSTANFIELQS REDLABER Combinations fv$3195 Shirt Drawer $225 51 Piotr nor SUITS Buy with condenceEverY article we sell guaran 59c pciirV 54 Elizabeth St Barrie ON ANY BOYS SUIT IN STORE teed unconditionally LIMITED GOOD CLOTHES FOR $265 $295 VIIgtIiire dtVsavingIS wiilltsurpriseVyou$ae confinuIesVuntiI Febrdary MENVIIES MENIS Valfles epic$1511 Bk CUP BR TIL BOYS cou SWEATERSVI All wool and iivbol and cottoncoatsIWedteiSI 21121331 If and button fronts Plain shades of blue grey and heather Reg 19 $375 PAUE NINETEEE wl DAD AND HIS LAD Your choice of any suit in the store reduced $1000 Good selection to choose from SAVE so II on that Spring Sport Coat Anycoai in the store reduced $6I00 Any TopCoat in the store reduced selec tions are good 111111 SAVEsls 11 YamaI Icldth and broadI cloth Extra value so 1295 Do Not MISS 1111s QNE 1975