Strattord Kroehler Stars AGE BIO HTEEN ll lltl Ill Ill 1y 11 111 Here Friday For Final Appearance ll lll 1d Dan MacDona Collects Four 1111 duel 11 the Corner 1V IVIV VI 11111 113111 1313151 11 ElVVV I11 111111i 1111 11 limwn 11111 11111 111111111w VLL MM Huh 5111111I111 1111 111 gt111111111 fi 11 113331qu 31111115 111111 l111111 111 11 15 in LIS IHIr PIdimIk 1H entire 111 1111 Burn hll Ink IVHI iII IKEZIIIHI 021 ILI IIIH II stilltretl ig111 11111111s11111 IlIlirs Htel Wm UV AI 19mm IHI my morning 1111ri111 thi tilliII LIN 11 will strenuous uorlunit 11 the Barrie II lilIvf IIVI 2th r1nl was moved to 1111111 my lulxuiuxn 11 3l IV 11 EVhell 11111111V 11131 1VV Victoria VIlmprtal 1111 11111 ItltlY 11 111 on 14111 1311111 Um 1113lt cred 111111011th1 to he released 11 HMVVVVL mu VVVVVV Norm 1111 11111 stop Ht tannin1111 owr Walton 1111111 plush1111 IDr Laurie 11 11 J1 11 111 31111 111 tilllts lile lllilll 111l1llll1 Dollie Wit 1le1111esdai llu arritlent rl1tliill1 1131 1V 11r1 sVHi 121 111111111111 11 1111111111 lIiil1z111 11111V from 111r11 11111151111111 1111ri11V11111 1V VVEV VV 1VV 511111111 11111 111 31111111 111unis 111111 191111 111 lquns furious srrinunagts as 11 11 11111111111 11 11 11111 itoxuuhhn 31111111V11f loronto 1111r11oti 111 elltltxnorelt to have the club 11 hwy 11 pm V1VV 111 11111111= 111121 11111 1111111111111 111 1111V reverse their form shown in Salt 111 11 111131 1111111111 111 111I 1= 11111 1111 1115 1111111111111111 1111 1111 last 1V11w 111 111111115 111 SHUITdl 11 it HINTd IlII 33 1111 11 1111 111111 111 31111111er 1111 1111111111111 121 111111111111 1l111 111 111111 311 IIrih hm WVW VVVV FMV win11 Vi out 11 111 111111Igt 11 1111111111 nding Krupthn HI ILIII visit 11 the season Fl ers Outclass Midland 140 cw1 lGarrison Team Wins Return Match Vw 2820 At Orillia 1111 111 happenw Eiit 11512111 1313 OX T31R10 CANADA LOUGHEED SUSTAlNS BROKEN LEFT WRlST star Iniury Number Thumbs Down on ParkerL Barrie Show Tuesday Commissioner Rules 11111 hazztznozm 11111ei111 11111111311 James Parker 11111 1111111 Yumar 1111111 quf 1111111111 trial11 lrli 1111 11 11 1111111 111111 11c 111111111 1111 111111 rheck 1liit1 111111144 111 111111111 lhtr 131111111 11121L11111 11111111 Stuptnnltlus 111111111 are out 111 11 1111111131111311311111 Kinks Kitihdpy 111 pp llmulrui ritiutt 111 1111111111111l 11111 111111111 11 1111111113 1111 1311311111111 Itgut show 11 Mutual 511111 Arena MW in murm 114s spun1111 11 1111 V11 1111 he 11111111111 1121 Mike Gillespie ot Niagara 1911115 in 11 11 1111 11111111 1111111 111 his 20111511aiu11t TKO or knot1111111 11111 1111111 A11 111i11131111 mint Vi111n111 111 111 11 unit 1111111l in 1111 1111 11111 1111111 slot 111 111111 11 Lough11 1111 1111 11111 111111 111V111 121 11 121111 11115 1111111111 111 11 1111 1111121 to 111 111111Mt1 FOR MEN Two detachable pouches made to our specifica 11 111111 1111111111lt1111111111ai 81121111111111 Matinee 11 111t1e111111 11 11i111 Italte 1110 ltttnltltl back 111 1111 111 111111 111 1111111k1 on 111111111111 1111i that 111111 ha 11 1111 11111111111111 11111 tl1e1111111s to 111111 the littwootl 51111 111111 1111151 hotei 111 1111 mold 111115 Waldorf 1111111 lowed 1111I It tuninissioxter Salary v1th added commissions Penmon 1111111 ltSNV11Mlt 11111 111121 1w 11111111 11111 tnltt1e VPVVHV 13V V1VV 1mm 1111111 11111111 11111 11111151 111111 11 1111112 Vhl1111V11e w1 the 1111l who leave 110118 10131110 001111011 tllltl 1111 1111111 11 1111111 1111 11 111 31111111111111111 111 11r111 1111 1111111111 111511111 cw o111 111111n ores 1111111 111 11111 11m 11111111 lcdlll 351111 1111mm 13111 oust w111V 11 1111118411121111 rantis 1111lt1111111111on 11 111t111 last year and lAGlLIRLY maximum support EX VVV VVV VVV VVV 11V1V V1V1V11V V1 VV BUMVHHV 1VV1l1V $11 V111V11VV11111V1VTVVV1V11V 11111V1111V1VV 1111111 111V1VVB11V111I tat11103511111111 1111 111111e 11151 111 1111 spehgedLinn13an patience 11V Serve 11 In 11111 111 v12 1111 111 11111111 1111111 11 VHVVV VKVVVVV VV VV VVVV Min 11 111 11 11111111 111111111 111111111VyV1 H111 1V 111111111 the 111111111111111105 are you for all Eurmhu 1111 11=1111 ZI mx 394 L3 11 MN Hill 11 1jl SlumHr Ilalt11 has 11111 allowed 11111 1t tixed 1111111 Bordens DUNS 1111 13411 lilwtil 1V 11 11111 iitllitli 511111011113 V1 11111111111131 111s efforts for 1111 1111111 1111111111111111 will 1el11111e intk1 1111 11 SIHI 11111111 Isi Division INN mil IIV 1112111 11171111111111V1 show 111 nasV 11111 r1 1111111 lmXth C11 10111 1211 11111111t11 131 v1 111 111 1111 MIIHVVIVT Hm mull In 1min 1111 111111111 111111111111 111111111111SEIHT1 11111in 1s slated to btittit NONE 2487 VV VI VVV V1V 31111111 11 11111 1111111 11 11 AkaFde er 1111111 11 1V1 11 111 111111 WV VV VV 11 111 11111 111111111111111l11 1111111 1111111 11111 13111 ll11111111 10 VV VV HV uni MW lVer1111V111 11 111 11 gt1o11 VSM WV VVVMVNV VV Hmnuvm hum Specialist IiIiIIIIiIIiii1IIIII IIIII III hit1 IUIIYiVi PM VIIV 1IliIIIIIIIiI1IIIV11IIIII1I1II IIIfiiiithgt 111 111111 Search for suitable Manager Dash rotaired surprise KEV VVV 11111 11111 11111 V1 11V fHV VIVV VVSV 1111111111111 1111 Midhursts Syd121111111recently when Richard 1111k1 Hugh mm HVI iIIl lti DHIile KVVIVIIViimVriVVVITVEV mic 11 11 11111ll uncovered Benny Wili ltouission of Toronto turned away mm I1 HUI ln hi II 1II1II1 aimwr II1IIiil 11I11I 11111 111 1gt11211 for the main 110111111 1111111 with Eddie Red MeArthur I1 UAI HI II WW IIIIIIP IIHI CCNIT 11lVVIV1IMIV VI1IVhVII 11111 1111 taken part in 11111101 Illuse two were Stflhdllltd 10 1101 11111111111 11 1111 111V 111111 11 VV VVVV IV VVVHVVVVVVlmmymmOMVMORVVVVVIVVnklV11111 on 11111111111115 Monday night 111 111111 111 11 11 11 1111VV tILi 11 111 11111 111111 11 VV VV 1S If 111 1111111111 1111 11111111 11111 III IIIIIm IIIIh In 1W1IWmil III Ii HiNu With every made to measure suit 11 11 111 111111111 111 11 111111111 with la111rV11oi11 01115111111115 111111111111 11e1 gr 1111 11111111111 11 1111 ii l11 1111111115 11 11111111111111 11111 111 1111 best 11111511111111 1111111111 in his first venture 3M3 IViV 11 117 is why and tiny 1111y11V11111 tutl 1lrlt1ht VV mm tVlltld 1111 ll hm 11 1111111 1111111 111 11g Arum FKMNVV my Um 1111H51VV push 1111 sought lorVas ott 13 iilllit hmwd 111 iron 1wlirst Division litmos 311s Waite and Mrs 1C 111 111thIS Mimi Mill 11191 Thin 15 1h nil1 15 imam SCtme Ifi 1111 1111 1111111 plan11 mm 111 111111111111 11111 Mrs Mchihh 11re 1V1unuster who named aV111s ettorts tor huhters lhe Barrie 111111 111 lim WWI IH VIWi 11 It and 1111sal11l 11 Mrs liro11I 1111s decision over Taylor i111 lads are carrying such strong repu Iii 11 Id 111 IWII VI 1nd lsihel Slv 111d Mrs urnk show trick in December tattoos whether thev be veterans or VV 1111 itltltl 011 11 the end 111 1111 11111111 VV ltailter 11111 19111111 Mum112017 Mm 11V Taylors recontllUURWSV mm Uppomtms mm MINIMUM 1th 11 I1 ll Hnulnr 111d 11s 110111I G11 111 rt 11111 determination to meet the1 VV Us 111111111 11111 11oo 11 IV 11x 11111 1111111111111111 11111 1111 VV VVVVV lV VVV 511111111 1rs 1111111111 Snutlrand Ml 22112 1111lt manager reclined 1ro1n1V11est Just cannot be found Bradford St Allandale Phone IIH 1I 1101 if 1l Ill1 111111 11111to111 1111511111 Keo 11111V111a1 1111 return match llowever if Dash presents anoth Hm SIxm 1V IN iI7I3 Wmm 0115 11 3111 11 AWllISO 1051 Ho 1I1V1o1 who would have lilied er show as O1I11111111C111 as his II quma mm 1I1II Inf VV VV iVIL 72111 Mrs Donald anuron and Mrs 11 have 111111 the opportunity to 111111111 111 January Barrie fight fans V1111n 111111 lt111111s 111111 111 1111 I11111154511111 Mrs 31a llSSHlL 1131 the decision will have his are in for another interesting even 11111 111111111 11111 1111111 1IIton 11111 11s lc111 11111 1111111 11 11 111111 111111111 1111 11111 111 11 11111 1115 1111 111111 111 11 114 1111w 11 111 11111 111 1111 11111 About 1111 11111 111111gti 1111 IVVVV VVV VVV 17A onmu 3V It11111 of 1111 1111 was 1111711111 xiwih mIOkII ml iIiIllImlIII BI MI Ii 13 3133151530321132 51 leading international institution with Illead 111111 111 111a111 will 11113111 tltl 11111111 11111117 10 11 cm Hy 4I 2V 31VV VV VV Idress 1111111dtlttgtl1li 111111 11 11 11V111pus11 chat VonitxV prod Andorwn my Mums Robin VVWIVVVUVVVVVVVVElliVVlllVVVV1Ul 11 It 11 0111111 151111 11 111w11rth and V111rWlV1111 Ova wc ottcr the 1101 lirmily Guardian Hospital polity that lets you choose 371 51 55 1111111510 t1 day for hospital room and guard for 1001111115 1111 c1111 1c1idcn1 and Sickness You selctt from the grious combinauons of available benefits to 111 your pocketbook and the needs of yourself your wife and your children VOAnd heres more good news Besides the liberal room and board benets that pay up to 100 days fgtornm rectumfor mimic idem 111117 111 1111 ley lost to Stan Biyson and Doug sickness the policy includes gen erouslump 511111 provision for 111 storks visit after 1110 policy has been in force for ten months 110111 small 1111lirional prtmium you 1111 get 1111cr11l payments for surgical fees 1111 any kind of opera tionFind out now how 11111111 pro tection you can get for yoursclf and family at reasonable cast SARJEANTS VIINSURANCE 49VDunlop St tillTHAI CASUALTY COMPANY 1111131 111 Lumhermens BRENNANVS AUTO rrrcrrrci SERVICES 33 Bayrieid $1 13111111 PHONE 2464 Wholeso returned to you Store where yo convenient NU 14 High St Mon Sat by isenhanced 111111 freshness which oUr QUALITY LDRYj CLEANING 1111111111 111 Suits Dressest If SweatersISportswar VetcV All articles 1115111171211 for cleaning are fully insured against fire or theft fromthe moment they are given to our representative until they are again 1We have retained our counter at KnightsVDrug DVRYI CLEANERS Listen to World of SportI Broadcast 615 pm lanntnu No V1 Copaco won first two games from Barrio and everything seemed in or 1der for seven point win until 1111Id Oalies it loose with 12117 game that won the last game land total pins for Barrie Cafe Legion No dropped the tirst 1111111 to liinwells but came ight aback for live points to stay the lead 111 the first division in Group Legion No got dumped into the cellar when they lost 52 decision to Chicks Minis Wear Terry FarI gt111ted 1111 rivals IN 1an and threw 111111 ins 11ltIIf111o Spismlml KP mlwn 11 D1 II pitalization benefitsand Pension Iron 111111 found actzon 11111 11 1111 11Iwer1 the blhisillltltearlt tied Voliti Fraser and 11111111111 111111 1111111 1111 11111111 11 1511 1113 11111 Ken Walls led Behan 111111111111 lTXCLHKHl opportunity 1111 1111151 who desire 1111111111 with if 11 011 11 11111 111 111 ll ill 1ssilii1v 11 1V hrs km V111 1V puly 1111 11111 11111111 11 111 1110 on 10 11V 11 1111 11111 T111111111111V 111 111111111 1111111 11111111 an 1111111111111 1111111111 11111111 Cec ShurpeiCanuron 131111 Kennedy and l1ttl1 W111 Levb Stoddmt lming Elle twme WWI thewmnmg sihilities Kellv were 1111 111111 1111111 111 17 lV7lVIV1ili lfmgil Town defeated Geralde 1111111111111 goalrlll 139an10176111111133 ClHEChifd 55001191 VV VV VV VV 11111 111 111 vV lt6 111111111 111111V E111 11311 V111 DAVVVVVVVVVVVV 10W IVUVIUVSV1315131Edgtlgxll1121113l111111 Iggcttcy League standmgs monthly truth 4Vt11umph over When wmmnglve ageVeducamnVmama mum1lxV 55 1111111 mm 1111 run11 No gar for whimV 811111 and 111111 Hardy Barr1e 14 1391 lence tOBOX GvThe B31119 Exammer fnagmws VVVVVVV mm 111111 Iildii111113901111 iInuItIVZ 0111011 The second game othhe dotbleheadcr at Guthrie Arena 111111 511 1111 1111111111 11111 11111 1111111151111 111 be saw Wonder Valley finish the sc cduled season undefeated 11111 111111 VV MIKVD DOUBI F5 amt lmH Im IU ho IQII III SIIUIIIIIK II IIIIV IIiI IIII1I IS ItIIILIIII1IlininodlftullI Sithhii lost to tidinimi 11111 11111 edging EaSt OK 53 II MIMI 41111V 2an1 1i CZ iiIid 1111 I1I1L1I1IiI1II11IIi1IkrI1IIii1ii 111 1111 prenyHSUIll lelrrnmn and Kennedy 310111111 134111 31 13m Vhc nihiliinhiehat 11iSS1II1I11 1111111111V it 1V11V11 71171 score Vwon front Rallies and Berson Sly loop commences playoffV 21011011VCCSd0d come from behind OL 1s mt Houeuerunnd lLlnlcley losttollcllab11andVlVWQndgLValley and Edgar tangle in lowing Gwmws absence and COD WDc=llil 11115 04 Andorton Brown and Brown lost series and Guthrie and hastV the verdict oveff ll 5th 111VVi mum T010 1050111101011 and Smith lit1111111 Oro mix blades in the second series II 111111111II1111 tut11 1111111 gdmcs this and rid51111110 110d MCKCHZH 11ml Ton games and goalstdcount is BIVIIHTVCVIId Rgrisoilllflllgill I1 1111 11 now have 111 shale Willis SiIlClitll and Dilworth tied the procedure with either scrim ai KfVSLOH S1 mf 111 11111 11 1111 flurry TwissV Lay and Fraser Jerome 11111 89 1055 up LOW Stodda 19 the mm Smm lllllIii 101 1511111131110 111111 tied McGregor and Whitby 91 Qumne thleV Alld 3ka Ill 11111 N11 The telephone boysMulcam and Emmet 1051 Liv hduur made game bid 10 take 11er11 11 hat trtck or Edgar and Ill Ill I11 LE1VlVVIIiI0Jaw lllQStOll and Patterson Kennedy the ssconddmg They tlIzijleFiVIGIuIlIcu nowhcd Sinlle Fast and Slow lg 1111 1111 my 11111 and Wane lost to Anderton and tinc 11111151 panordto the evcgmg East 010 turned in bettelpml lit Cameron lissirwton and Town de mpmv men lformance artist W0ndc V1lle gt1 1111 111 601 11111111 101 Bad VVAW muck IIVVMVVVV and Bi Kaley Gated Smlth and Hardy Andersm throughout the seasons 511160111191 comparison to the last ceting1 seoicd 1171 and 1151 to give Twiss and 351131110311 defeated ROW011 gave them evenChance agamSt Winlezs thus far in the seas the 1V 111 111 01 111 1111 bamts 1lgamgtl and anrston McG1ll and An the ponnful Guthne chnees lOm my came close 10 duumg Idcrson defeated Parkchand Rum ble Barrie l3Orillia Ill Overall balance proved to be the difference between the two clubs1 Guthries scoring was divided among five players while Edgars load was carried by Andy Burlack 15110346111111 Stock Poultry Feeds Wonder 21 lcy forthe first tinge this scason They held Wonder Valley to 1111 untillatc in the third period when the league leadersiplaccd theiiznose 111front Don McLean was the bigi lrcll scored 602 triple for the latV tcrCGE No lost their rst igamc to Montgomerys and then and Ted Garrett 111511311111111111131 1o 11hr nexttwo games to give CGE 11 Carly twogoal lead until the third of WC mm the E351 01 nemng period when Tcd Garrett was ban Allan Brown Joe MCLean and E1 52 win Frank Carter scored 1738 triple for AP to give thema 1512 win over Smith Barbers in Tuck collected singles Orval Jermey wasa standout for ished from the game Guthrie pro CUSTOM WORK DIAer 12511111marinersc1111 gm 1V Veor Ian mlnwon twowayt performance he struck for $151 gestggdgogg1353x3332 11101111111111111131111115 1111111 111m Grainand Feed Cra1gvale Station went to Murdy Campbell 795 and Tourney Planned running from the opening faceoff CLEANING GRINDING mROLLlNG 11111211111 me Fun or when you call for them 11 11VmaVyxleave articles if more SERVICE 1311112471 2479 Bill Hewitt over CKBB Frank Ca11e1738 Don Crawford supplied the lone inftgggrlltgagis OBf For Magich mjrkel Have Balanced Feed made with your Grain 1E TheI1950 champonship tourna Sanding 11131 iI 11mm mm of the Gamma Bay Badmm Wanda Van VVVVVVVV phone Stroud 52 Free Dehvery Clarke and Clarke wengue ton Association will be held in quthVne V2 V8 yHigh Seas 31 117 71 gatrrie 111T11111dL11y Ryithhtselntativs Eggnog HOURS am to pmMonday to Saturday rc an 11 V9VC1101511es Isiithrdgy 111pm tlctaisexpected Mortidsvy am semifinal Ed TUBE IN CKBISV12f 20dqlf7g5un MOI1 through bl 27 150 that several opnotch Can gal on B1 Valley East Oro at 015 Igbms 25 217 dian badminton stars will be Guthrie overs 23 25 54 present for an exhibition match dI I22 26 11 arraBarhargts1 eavers 45 day andvthe officers elected were 21 Dedgers as for niiihtlszagiesfI President Walls Barrieii High scor 181an112 Rayner 301 Three Rayner 775 Men Single Haskctt 285 Three 511m mcrs89 VlIieli scores for season Ladics Single Rayner 301 Three Rayner 775 Men Single Costello 346 Three Costello 824 High averages Ladies Ray ner 181 Hoe 172 AJCoupland 168 Men Haskett 215 Bain 211 Costello 199 lt Midget NHL Hockey Registration Today The CanadianLegion sponsored NHL system will begin with regis tration VollV players at BarrieiArena today from the hours of pm to 530 pm All players must regis ter and be allocated to teams Further information and playing details Will be given at timcot vicepresident James Abbotts Owen Sound Fsecretarytreasurer VStan BrysonL Barrie Past Presi dentVV Corbett Agnew of Owen Sound is 150 1a member of they new executiveralong with two ire1 presentatives from each of the clubs in the association1Barrie Garrison 01111111 Garrison Mid land Collingwood Owenisound Thornbury Meaforcl Port Elgin Kincardine Bracebridge Hunts vville and Utterson along with others that may join in this dis trict Held for some years prior to the warfthe anVnal tournament was re vivVed in 1943 at 0111101 with Bar rie winning the Finlayson Trophy for the most club points Again last year thetournament was at Orit tia Armoury with Owen Sound sponsorship In addition there are cups for winners of mens and ladies singles mensVand ladies if VEoeSfock and Poultry Raisers ROYALPUPLEPRODUCTS Retail Prices 01 Reduced afV BARRIE HARDWARE regisuaon doubles and mixed doubles as well Cumm disbursement deer fogngiidgiggiif1933th 40 Bayileld 51 WE DELIVER Dial 3664 SHOP WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE Oh Canadas Family Allowances Act rie regained it last year by nar are about $271000000 year row margin over Owen Sound