lthRSDAY BIIQAW tvfa Livestock Producers Advised Protect Cows From Mastitis SALES TL RENTALS Barrie Business College Jose 66 TORONTO STREET Phone 4824 30 pm Please Ollly after is lye it lxlt MILITILI you 11 an grrl lv ttv ltiil it mil 1g ii in stirred All pi LU it til zlll unitlib VUJJJ ll lit iiiil IV VVVVV NH 1il npizimll palm VV i1 IV VVVV Mr alllldil ellrl lb 111 ltiliivti yzlitli lI It ct tlil neliiu 11 Llrbhldlkvd ll llllltt lIsf lisaltl oi ll iiiiil litllltllitl ila itvni TilI1lltlt was Ilic it sit Melly til Tin It ll iltlNl lbllilli VblriLs le iiila 11r tlll thi tlltl rill tlLlilel iiiilllil HHHMHHIV VI VH mp yn lzlvVilr mphku uh 1Vgt brill il VlziVthlittli iii il II Souu IiilllIl iiiaxydw on then frShahs lxlblwm mlzillihil lim itj mi chin if laulsi Illlill innit Ill Illi III 111 lieliitv JV in mum VI whim 13 55l ul iil Lil will it pointE vIl IlII however ttkll$il1itl MUM iitr Tract 1311 llil 14 ilth thlt such presentations happened MU VAN KEN1 IhV ii tiim Howe wilc lll liltl by llailic iIll slalrtl tlliil Hons lump In stailu till baldsin 1111 ill in iiifltptlilll lttiiiilailt were Mrs ludlr and da io lil llilsWllI it the time parturition loilto lsltid with Illilitls 111 Mifm VVml IV WI llvi tail loal To lamb could be my lilll will will HUM WWII oi itlillilttI lll practically every ill lilkl HillHm will ipvndmf onto spent the pant week Illl ilr lilllllJI il ll stance IIilitllthl lLIIUllllilIlilll ls mm HUM mughh pm MEL lctl the gathering on the proper Ml and KVV Hmmwnx 1y H551 upmnn WE tccliiiltpli for iliilllltti Willi llll spent the past week ilIi iii unit lllinial illcctilii oi lllt Federation arlou abnormal presentations Mrs lair hull numb Mat o3 illtllllllr ll Nailitha Falls The trlttlltttl which cause lawa this well will iplhllp Tp 0min lr audVMiVs it liakliy spent the Forum Mamba and HUM mm vcckeiur ill lolontu llailiala rc lVloliult Inast toliilil will meet lnaiilcd iii the city whole she ilas at 1111 home ol Mr and Mls Liar lxlxmitd Parr 11 13 secured position We wish 31 lct lalt on l3cbriiaiv ti Alcl loln cil runs NV VV 1le uddcis should by lilgtllTlilesfylifiiiatln of the EUIILIIILIIIILIl1lllmilillflullhliliii rifiiil Uii1llfiilifiiil with llllltl disinfectant beiols titles out to Mrs Marion and of will ItllllllVV to health and alttr llllllilllil gutters anu family It Ilic dcatll of Stanley Mal Mk toil who passed away at his home 311mm 1mm stalls should ll bi disinfected evciy day and Illl cows should be sllp plied with sufficient bedding all times to prevent the uddn BV Com from becoming clnllctl Mr wcn stressed the import allcc of calfhood vaccination iii the control of llailtzs disease or liruccllusis the disease has Ili it is his opinion that become so ANNOUNCING Mac McBride Permanent Sales Representative for Barrie and District SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO SALES SERVICE REPAIRS RENTALS 1906 2f oliocERs Cream Style Nior corn 20 0th PHONE 4365 For Prompt and Courteous Service VPHON 13 Essa Bd OMATOES 28 oz tins Ch 15 oz tins Ch 1722571 3lor25cV Stoneinreek AYLMEE Ch Unpitted Fancy Qual SVice CHERRIES PEACHES 200 tin 25c 20 oz tin Garden Patch Pride of Niagara 14 ogVtins TOM Tomato Juice 20 oz tins Fancy 3ifor25Vicj Smiths CQRN Everything In Fresh and 97Cookecl Meats Chickens Geese Etc Agentsfor SALNIGHT FEB In Barrie VV HugeVPrize WISDOM cos 32491 KUTCHERS Birrie VV DAILY DELIVERIES ANYw iEnE IN TOWN ew 25c Will Buy Gtcnyvood Diced CARROTS 15 Oz tins Ch for25c Glenwood Diced BEETS COTTT Niblets5 for 25c PureilloyzilTOttllViVi ATOKVETOHUP V2ior 35c ElifVOUPBOARD BAKE orderquken for Special Events FreshChoice Fruits and Vegetables Sundries MOTHER PARKERS NIGHT 119 ON RY 7Theijedeiationimeeting early Friday morning after scv lal months of illlicss ll and Mls lrestoil inofoled to Parry Sound on Friday to visit their daughter Ilaiiiaia nuiscolh training at the hospital who under went an appendix operation We all wish lll speedy recovery Ladics Aid The Ladies Aid mct at the home lof Mrs Angus Rawii cdncsday Zlflillltlilll With the president Alis airiltllcrs ill charge After lcvotions and 1ch business was disl pcnseti with tile election of offl ccis tool place which resulted hi all the 1940 officers being returned by acclainalioil splendid report of the years work was read by Mrs llaivu ill the abscnce of the secretary MrsKen liouiisomo Lunch was served by the hostess assistcd by Mrs McWattcls Vi HILLSDALE Ianuary Ittl Mr Ilayford Six has purchas ed George Dunns house and wiil imovc there in place of Mr Vas previously planned Sorry to report Mr Sawcrthall is not so well He expects to enter son have returned to Faragh lhe first JIIVOOtlIHL sion Band was held byteiian basement 011 Saturday afternoon This was primarily meeting to plan for the year Mrs Turner and Mrs Gendron are in charge All children are wet come Tile United Church YRS which is held each Thursday ev ening inthc basement is well at tcnded very helpful program is carried out each week under ithe capable leadership of Mr Shaver and Mrs James Martin If you are young you should at TtendeiiLcvouisu ppoLLW The Presbyterian WA lnct at Mrs Drennans on Wednesday to Vplan their years program Mrs VDrennan led the deviotional per liod Added to this the encourag ting reports of last years accom 5V plishments and the usual much enjoyed social refreshments made in the Ircsv DALSTONC January 30 The Boy Scoutshelda crokin ole party at the school on Wed nesday night Prize winners were Ivan Bonney Irene Forbes Frank Wood and Christine Key January was heldat the school The speaker Ken Wells author of the Owl Pen was much on joyed Lunch was served at Vthe close of the meeting TheV Womens WMfS will meet at the home of Mrs Feb at p111 Devotional Mrs Forbes roll call name wo man of the Bible tea hostesses Mrs Bertram Brown Church Annual The annual church meeting was held on Tuesday Jan 24 Rev Mactaggartkopened the meet ing with prayer Minutes of last annual meeting were read by Allan Brown who was appointed secretary for Mactaggart gave the report Of th the Dr Williams fund and pars onage fund reports Brown gav VpOrtV forthe Womans Association Mrs Brown agavevthe Womens Missionary Society report Ken Dicker gave the Sunday Schopr orable balances Rev MrVMat prayer and lunch was served gin cludingi oysters which Were pro vided by Henry Lang and Ross Bertram Visitors at Kenwells were Chief Weatherup Miss StewartoMiss Archer and Reg Kenwellof New Toronto Robert Simms surprised his mother and sisters by arriving home from themerchant navy on Friday of last week Welcome home Bob VV AN WEE wmw Vr Ji Porter Midlade IlOSplIfllIS soon as ac commodatmn is available Mr and Mrs Comer and ierr after spending some time With Mr Comcrs sister in Braer bridge ofwthc Mist la profitable and happy meeting Jul Association and Sinclair on Tuesday lt0 and Mrs VC the meeting Mr session 3L Handy read the treesV urers report Ross Bertram gavel the Cemetery reports Mrs Jory gave the treasurers rc report All reports showed fav taggart closed the meeting With January 31 MIDHURST gtliii IlililyliI 31 111 fl hockey played iii the arena on SatllldayVlalil th against ilcilfcl The score was 11lttl lu lavur ot Mldllurst Bill Brown is the coach mailagpr and captain combined Midlillist line3 up loolc Richardson It ltlowll ll outts lliowll Llclllml Bertram 11 Bert lam llowcy lloil llowey liobi Richardson rts Lind rafts Alllllltll Arts and tlatts dis play and library cilcllic was ij success Many compliments were given to the teacher llis Whell an oil the line exhibition of sew flit tllc class displayed Illy cllcllre cleared $11350 for the lililry All Wall chairman of lIlt library board will receive allyl othin donations Please return all books to thc librarian IIIgt llmcc by February ti also list ol books yoll would like to have will in the new allotment which be ready for distribution by Fool 13 llizes won for 1ch library litlchrc first Mrs Icsi Bertram consolatioii Mrs Robinson first Vtor the men llarlcs Day con isolation liill Davis rm HAWKESTONE Golden Wedding On Tuesday January 24 Mr and Mrs John McArtllur cele brated their golden Vwcdding all nivelsary at the home of IVIIV1lIlI Mrs Iudhopc Hawkcstone VA icccptioii was held afternoon and evening They were married in St Andrews Church Oro Sta tion by the late Rev Dr Neil Cillllpbcll who vasrrthe minister for 29 years in Oro till he retircd to live in Barrie Mrs Campbell still resides t110rclllc bride was Elizabeth McCuaig of Oro Station and her sister now Mrs Mary Graham of Oiillia was brides maid and was present Mrs Smith of Orillia guest 50 years ago was also present Mr and Mrs McArthur lived Oil farm at Oro Station for several years Manufacturers Showroom Clearance hcstcrfiild Suites llavciiports and Davenport Suites We had the good fortune to liily the cil Illc show room display of one of the leading makers itVsulistalltial discounts on every suite The saviiigsariupassvd on ii11 utr this sale You will Iiiiil suites to HIIIuiIIIVY living lupinlarge or smalland the covers range from icpps to the finest vclours niolliiirs and friees Suites pric cd irolil SalePrice Pieces $9975 wiiic Air has IIIltl llItli Sale it honest value The storiiLc drawers and graceful swell The beautiful shield Reg smartly TlienimvodvroGutmien 1909 where they still reside with their son John They are members of Central Presbyterian Church Mr chArthur being member ofthc Session for 25 years and Mrs Mc Arthulo is lifcmeniber of the lWM Society They have three daughters Mrs John Anderson ithssicl of Orillia Mrs Tudhope tIsobeli Mrs Harry Kendall tJeani of Hawkestone John of Guthrie and eight grand children Mrs Dan McArthur iserved tea in the afternoon assist ed by Mrs Boynton and Mrs iJohn McArthur In the evening lMiss FloraGraham served tea as sisted by Mrs Dan McCuaig and ers Kendall Mrs MeArthur lhas two brothers Dan McCuaiL iOro Station and Alex McCuaig of pending KNOCK Congiatiilatibns to Mr and Mrs tVRoss Hubbert on thearrival ofra Mr and Mrs Herb Shannon lvisited one day last week with er and Mrs Cecil Sheardown at iEdgar Mrs Howard Pope and Eliza ibeth Mrs Paul Pope Carol and Jane spent Friday in Toronto with friends Mr and Mrs Herb Shannon motored to Kitchener on Friday to visit Mr Shannons sister Mrs iMVcDonald Mrs Shannon 51 re turned with them for visit The service inVChrist church will be Sunday Feb at3 pm Miss Margaret Baker is visiting Twith her sister Mrs Claige Bant 1ng Miss Marian McVeneIV visited at homewith her parents Mr land Mrs BI McVanel Mr and Mrs Jack Shilling of Sudbury spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs GL Davis Mr and MrsHuddleston and and Mrs CliffordDavis on SunV lday We are sorry to hear Mrs Rus sel Leacock is in RV Hospital Barrie and wish for her speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Bert McQuay Mr and Mrs Patton spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Walter Kaufman at Desborough Annual Meeting The annual meeting of Christ WCthrchwas held at the rectory last Thursday Jan iii The busi ness was conducted in the after nOon by the Rev Mr Simmonds after which delic us supper was served by the hostess assisted by the women of the WA Every body enjoyed themselves and felt it was good to have been there 31 Beth of Stroud visited iwith ROYAL cuum Cleaner 21 One of the best on the market Here are few of the many Royal features of superiorityeasy to use due to its large freerunning wheels light weight with scientific balance5powerful suction revolv ing brush adjustable to three posi tions The Royal combines quality with efficiency durability and ease oLoperation SALE PRICE Genuine all walnut desks Bduuti fill in design and appearair Tilech desks are of finest construction and areVrcally outstanding values Ref156830 SALE IUUUU Reg $6950 Ls PRICE $4950 Made by Snyder these Sandman reclining chairs with foot stools to match arc upholstered with lovely Sandman chair Wnegsmss 5A PRICE $5950 Occasional FURNITURE 1291131DUNLOP ST WE DELIVER ma ai Important Savings for Every Room ll lcc Modern Living Room Suite upholstered in durable winc velour with matching chair The illcstcrfic popular cushion slylc The the plain hack ls the sofa md 11 glee chair is in ilIIrut tivc buttonback design All have wood arm fronts and tops 18th Century Style by Gibbard genuine it piece iiiuliVlgaiiy dining room suite Buy now and save $17050 on this belVililul suite by iibbardVtriiftsmen Ior more than century fliri itulc has been built by iibbard iiifts men in anzidas oldest front buffet is ii shelves The table lluiicun Ihyfe Style with double pedestal is liZl long and 42 wide The table exlended is 77 in length cold tapestry and have removable seats The china cabinet is wide and has beautiful appearance as well as everything in useful storage convenience ISANDMANRECLINING Clinic frieze in wine grey or greenshadcs lotaciirein CHAIRS STOVES 001IIDtO0IOVOOOOO odoo6b Paocrrmls Id is the SLIIIII show Price Pieces $13995 nrniture factory This is your surety of long and contains si two compartments each with removable back chairs are upholstered in wine MIT Sale Price $409850 ENGLISH VAXMTNSTEB In conventional pattern designs The borders and ground V0IQIVtIIr wich or green and the patterns are quicttoncs that are appropriate for most rooms 69 Reg $4500 for 53250 SILX 1012 Reg $70750 for 35350 12 Reg $8050 for soz50 Royal Floor Polishers $4950 Reg $5950 SALE PRICE Chenille Ti SPREADSV Featured zit real bargainprice In pastel shades of blue wine yellow and green Good weight well filled Lindon attractive pattern SALE rider BATH MAT iSET51gJ 30011 variety of colorsScat caviar undmat PHONE 4492