Barrie Examiner, 2 Feb 1950, p. 13

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PERSONALS ll 11 11 Neilsons CHOCOIATES Packaged for ilclillile 85c lb $S VVVCOVlVlVier Baptist Church Iniependcntl New MITCHELL Minister HVVVVVV llllitlll in Tll $$1 Sr tapiam and 13 ll V1 LUNCH AT BRYSONS Ice Cream VV Candy Jr 1Vf 22 ELIZABETH ST iVtVV tIliI p1itirs iidcs INJITIIL lIIl oi perhaps IIlh ycik Iiiluaii 30 to Iclliuily is Item icc til tlt ii liitc liiitiii tliliiilliiiut iiiiili Illl ifliurc The Salvation Army all FOIVIJFR sr If Stracllan lfllit lXii IVSIIII fll 1y iiinykv 151 ilHthNViiTiyV ii utiliylrss ItlflvfllNG Hm ml pitl stxliiv school ll in il tiolw sluxs or rial llll it glltlllutitiltxl ill it Silvie ll ilultwv IIFIll vil livali lll lillt l3urton Avenue United Church 11w Carder It Minister Mr 11 DempseyV Organist and Choir Leader sil lllltlrll ii 1513a 7MORNING wonslnr ltlilSSillUlS tor tltllst NURSERY TASS All Departments of the Sunday School meet at 330 lilttl lZIIIZNING WORSHIP iiilly Servicch and It pm First Baptist Church it Luck BA BI Minister Miss Elsie Cloughlcy AlCM Organist and Choir Leader gt1 SIN1AY FEBRUARY litill lino nineSUNDAY senoor Classes for all ages ll amIIORNING WORSHIP SlilTIjCIIm IINDURING GREAINESS ll amNURSERY SCIIOOL Mrs Brett in Charge ENING SERVICE GOOD fyfldCIISI lrili 13 Mon at it pmV IlllIVl Bible Study Wed pm THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 73 pinEV Central United Church Minister net Bewell BA ChoirITeader Mrs Lenover Organist Mr Smith SIIN DAY FEBRUARY 1050 ll 11 Boys Girls Sunday Speak sVal Van de Wall Prcm ierclcctof the Out Boys Parlial lllttlt Itlllilld Keast member 1M5 larliament pmEvenilW0rship The Minister CHURCH SE 001 lVl amBeginners an Primary p31 Boys Class 234 pmAliother classe Come to Gods House on It Gospel Hall 19 Parkside Drive SUNDAY FEBRIIARY 1950 ll VamBREAKING OF BREAD L3 pImLSunday Schooland Bible Bass 17 pmGOSPELV MEVETING VJV pinrrILVENING tWORSHIP lillvislltl tlub ti 1w Meeting viii ilwli Ill 1ch Isl ll till ctvil gt nlllicls tlozll tli st ll liltlri loday lor better iiouilruiv 32 Collier St United Church Lewis MA II Minister Mr Lloyd Iufford Organist and Choirlcader SIXNDAY llllllll 103 li in IIORNING SERVICE illv litiYS Nlillt1$ SUNDAY lcout lloop and uh Jlll llltlltl the service TIIE IIURCIISCIIOOL 0ng inlunior Intermediate Senior Depts ll aidNursery Beginners Primary Depts 3VpnTmdult lliblc Class and tll=IiVVllNING SERVICE litllLlilll At Everyday Levels lllllSiINIl WORK tork ulto which man can throw not simply his skill but himself is ncc ily to human nature loud and air and lowIL as IS Andrews Presbyterian Church Minister MR It STEELE Choirmaster SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1950 infamous ItLeRSIIIP 230 pm The Church School The Minister at both services Mbriinlg Service wlll be broadcast3 over CKBB fCome to Church I22 GRACE GOSPEL HALL MaryStreet Iltlllt lnlmssadurs tor IIIINI uld tiellaucrs crsllip of lcsiiy ii is nly IHIIVH1 to lierisll Ilealllip my mUHHVVVLVV 1th km dem at tonllutllnt II lli issisimz III the pulpits Nek fruth IIio iOtI Nchvc Others and thus ng hm UH VVIVVVHVVM VVHVVVVVVVHVVVHMHWUHNH UWVVIV VV lin purpow of flow lltIl li llltiilIVItIlI is to lIIi Ills hclp lmonlc tllc illll Rod would have Hm mum SMme mm 1litoblnson haul boys llltI ill llllII ilill personal allegiance me be an iSlllllli Alx gt lick llaitlidltc LADIES lllis national Iltttliltirlzil Thompson it our tllll liul Intl mollps oi iorllcs ll Illi IUlII tIlliIillt Ilic llltiif Ixiillli iill tli lllI III the it ltllldl lulled illiiiili IliIIiHllllL clniliry nuni n1 out 231an crewman emails ONTARIO CANADA llul Ills will llttlll1llII II wllil ltIIlt Illllilll In nui illiil liias tlicir III Ilt slrigll lllliillllJI tv roup ul Itirric irc planiiiii in Sunday IIiiltlilll illuiclics will Ilt holding HiIJI outll ililts centered on tlic CongregatiOnal Meetin CGITTuxis Week Celebrated Across Canada Local Churches Plan Special Youth Services to tile ilirisliali buys ltIt of life In which they iiii lliesc niuuiiielils iIIlOll program into midweek session of life and to help them to UNIX Ii ll Itzc 11bit lh SCHOOL 100111 NEWS ii ti ch Zull 11111 uIIIl file tioil Ts tlllf ll llItI LE 11 St Andrews VMS Meantf new of Mr niece TIILRODAY FEBEILAEFY new It CHOICE MEATS IIUOI INIIIJ iii 179 iiltl in St II It tlilii titlii1l or ti iillilil Lona l1 gtilitliil Iliiiltl apply their hrisiiin faith and epcrieilce to all Illcc tillli Hm VVV my their meetings they develop 11513 Ailfl 37 II ii Lil llristiin IIIUIlII wiill others their own ugi by Em HV V1 pliy work ind think together HM HWV 1V Spitml ili sponsored by the local church 1537 IIIiIl is thus entitled to extend its hristian cdu final mom Hamill liuw Mi ills Inuilcs ii now $70 lllcllt lllolli llill liool oom IHII pose tanadian Of St Andrews Churchl Report liil 1111 ill tits Iyli ood Year 1949 ll llltoli and Mrs yl il ion in sm Alls li ticiiillolz llc ls Mrs Smith ll1 lll lli Scam li fetter presented by Stlwil MY It llylilt tlilk 210 Brown was the fl fist lli the celebration ill the Ml Hl 51 CW VLcillciiaz ll Ala 01 gt5 til lllli llll Iiiftitllte was made to the main inc if lfik iol of ltl lililltllli fcatllri of The cutcpnlal Services 1111 la llll 11H 21 tlvc lilill ppp M1 to he rosininbcrcd by lll 11 Hit ll Mdll trloc ho attended thirini the i=1 siliiv lu iliwliaIlol lllt Mm mulng warp tulip INT1 11 iild Will iilti lid ill by certificate and it by illnatllii ililiilclous details in order1101k5im 1th and 13 infants to proceed ill the most placticilWU MPHH liiillllitl only lLstllliitl with iileiillitusliip of Ill 21de average at REVJAMESMFERGUSONTBATT9WT34395t9lt and itltil all possible econl 10111 llillllt tlllll llt colnplitc interior as of for the boiler loom llus llitill1 ionovalmu zizlsclllclit evicpt illlllllitll tttIMlS which lll not likely Ilili be lblished ulll iilll lgt colli pictcd and the Hill activities of the ltollliillon uv rcsuuwd Stlll years ago the congrega tlol received from the estate of thc Clatc Miss lcssic McNivcn the sum $300 as legacy to secure coin table Ilom this fund Ltilllliltlllliitl lalilc three chairs and baptismal font were bought Ithl Illtlltlllllth presented by we lc lh collcctlon plates Allison llic Allilnltl lhy lallt 111 ctifliViLfLilIlOll suffered the loss of LiglMlIl colultlctcil thi period to open the meeting It of tile mcclniu ii 31 Mac Latluliitl sttlctaly livri lltitill Its lolluiiJ lliimy port of lIlL lr lttll show cth iilizill lctilpts of attiiiLtiii and Coittrllialiolis budget of 3137371 in omnoi ipccial All lIlXUllilAdiilMl lilanksgiviln Offci ings were presented with the lt suit that 5113730 was credited to lltl lili thc lluildinc and lillplovmncnt Fund Very successful year was re poVthcd by the It had 118 V1alc my Life and lct It Than Mrs TIN TVTIE CHAPEL SUNmi Freeman ISSO 130 pmVBelievers Meeting 300 pmLSUNDAYSCHOOL pmGOSPEL MEETING EVERYBODY AWELCOME PREE Church 200 Bayfield St Phone 4572 REV AND MRS CHASE ministers so AY FEBRUARY 1950 Lightand Lite Gospel program 200 pmSUanYsctoor 300 pmPrcaching Thurs rimsPrayer Meeting Welcome seats Free No Collection Trinity SUNDAYFEB Behold Preacher for the set deP Wright Rector Anglican SEPTUAGESIMA SUNDAY VamHoly Communion 11 runHoly Communion Sermon Why Be Confirmedk 2i00pm7Bible Class 230 pmfSundaySchool pmEVENSONG STPreaching 730 pm All Are Welcome 11 nullity 1950 The Man day The Rector Mrs Roberts Organist METHODIST Pune In 900 cmer 530 1111 for waiverMa Rev reozozsRev Eiic Rich SERVICES Broadcast Over CKBB under direction of Barrie District Ministerial Association 1045 to 11 pmf Each Mon Kthrough Sat Week 01 Jan 30 Feb 4Rev Luck First Ba tist Barrie Feb GllRev Wright TliliityjAnglicaTT Church Feb 131811ev SJE Leivis Collier StUnited ards St Thomas Anglic an Shanty Bay Mornis StroiidUnited Church HOT Angus United Church migaixm devotional mm atllimcuits aincruiz who was elected chairman other congregations and eight oni lfiill IlItih chalet1 Lilpd nulilloll Ionc of the largest in years Special tllanlts was expressed to those in cllalich Of theVV clunjcli rcniwVatniu lof 2nd Barrie ub Pack gave bricf sketch of their years work and outlined the principles of Cub billtz nan Ilarry Ilookc Mrs Ilardy alldi Mrs nominated on Scouts and Cubs llhapyki wh vmwLiswallows Offering lllCCllll was held April mm um hid MCI Sltwm Film lglhc Flowcleund voiced her ap MR CHURCHILL Organist the 117mm iBe Rev Ferguson gave fine addi ll son MissioiisQatAliegliarllT mrlr 011k 11 111001111 The1V 01LIilmliovcmon Committch mittLLLtlchliUiChindiCittha9ar9L eomc and Welfare Secretar Hardy made 241 visits to sick and zmf N5 THC Giiions had shutins Two allocations $47300 for not been completedit was thought the PIPSbFIGIiHI Md $20 fol the advisable to leave full description bail were met and total rccciptsuntil the workis finished Special were $55919 Mrs Clarence Simpson praise was giVCH 10 the Womens was honored with Life Member AssOciation for their aid in the re ship Certificate The officers arczi novation of the kitchen and ladies Ippcs Mpg JV Mccnw Vicepm lparlor The cost of this work being estimated at $1800 Members of this committee are Steckley chair lmanl wm Rainford Camer lou Ullman McKinnon 11 Goodwin Rev Ferguson tho Brown and Allison secretary tl the followmg names of teachers were given as regulars Mrs Gal Layen Wm Blain Misses Helen Smith Mary Somers Ruth Camplt bell and Olga Brownlee Early in excellent attendance awards The first to winthesc were Kay Livingston Bob Livingston0ther award win hers were Jean Chown Gale Shank Bobby Bell and Jane MacLaren Supt Harry Rooke Wm Rainford Receipts were $206 73 with eXpenses slightly less Bible Class General Business ldcvotedto general business through resolutions duly moved and second edV The matters thus dealt with VMarLV 611Rev FXA Boot of FULL GOSPEL TABERNAGLTI 18 Mulcasier Street and lo mcm bcis removal of valued by StiIllL lntu their rest The onlV Service in December wasV Rev James Ferguson ltblnasterV llcssrs Simpson lVIIrbItItIAlTr MacLarcn were again ommittce with power to add to Miss John Gibson in charge of3 reciation of the assistance receiv on But it did not gongiteally iiil In telling of Stinday School work oway Mrs Owens Mrs Mac 949 the staffdecided to reward by suitable Mary Maclntosh SeyTlcas Mr Ferguson is teacher of the The latter part of the meeting was ere as followstn There are ippr lilldi who lllttl1ll to live up to the WORKMEN AVAILABLE BARRIE DISTRICT in sortie other centres bill there are many men who would appreciate it few days Reeeipts$51z Collier St Baptist lhcanuill indefinig bf Collier Vc6dcdififf01 line Misshm Band and that swivel Vt Mrs Black ThatMr Leishman be trea for 1950 oximitcly 300th girls throughout tirl in Training under the lead ll you have some little job to he Iunt around the house or your place of business now is file ideal tinlc to hire ii utilitl workman This is the slackcst sensoii of the year and it is possible to engage mcn lor parttime work Valid IlIII porary jobs oopcr manager of the itioiliil Employment Office says there are 200 men and women out of work in Barrie and 700 out of work through out the district at tllcprescnt time There are more uncm ploycd in Barrie now than at my time since early in the war Men of all types including lta lllt at the III AI MARKIII li 311 oil llallrday liiiluoo fl Maries ltcznlty Salon IJtl lillyzibctli St lrgzular Silltl pi alo 78H cold Icillil appoint Litflilll Alis llazrv Ilalvith Iml St itIIMIIIIIIIY DIRECTORS fat int wcrli Ill Lot 1111 to clcau lhc also maltcs flcc liomi Illlei Qlltlll IIII cr Itoy Tracy Itltll GOICS IO OIVIAWA John Wallace son of Mr and Mrs St Ilairic has lutlll appointed to iIlajorUcucral If istaff ill Ottawa IilSl il Spring shades Mrs John clean girouild the coillcl tadviscd to contact the llarlic Icutl land Awiunc EIIIOSO new drapes gtlltl covers win dow you need we sell quality ssowv ls stiles We dont sell bargains ulllili or the draw1 The fillrtwml III your home ilik Zirlii nl llciluiltlitou of less ittllilttl1llll Ilillti lhtnhl ltll iSllpci IItllIIl lllii Wallace lit 7luVv tol tliiil1toll llllli is lust Youd bi III up Io female with regard to weal few ilzi blinds and Venetian it 5p Ti Wesllllau of Tollendal tradesmen are available One has reported sccinp two Snowy nervous SYNC of the main reasons there is Owls llcar llil home Many of more seasonal unemployment those large handsome blltlti have ill anlidzi this year ison ac Iconic down from the Arctic this count of the reduced woods nc winter Dr 12 lrcrcton said tivitics This has affected the employment situation right across the country ol oopcr said the situa tion in Barrie is not as bad as work to tide them over until the opening up of workin the SDIIITKTA At one Barrie factory the men are on threeday work week St Baptist Church was held Jan 18 The pastor Ilei Mitl chell ripened the meeting with brief devotional The total revenue for the year over 32400 was given toithe world missionary enterprise for the cause of Christ Conversions baptisms by divine favor and blessing The business Of the evening in eluded an increase of $260 to the posters salary The Bible School took on new leaseof life the weekly attendances almost doubll ing the record of the previous year One of the highlights or the year was the clearingof all debt on the parsonage which was pur chased in the summer of 1947 come be given to the new Leader surer for 1950 That Messrs Cameron Patterson Carruthers JHi McCaw and Robert BelLbe trustees That JW Ness Laren be Auditors foril950 That anletter be sent to Leishman regretting his illness and hoping for him speedy recovery Thatappreciation of the Church and Improvement Committee be given to Mr Walter Steckley for his work on that Committee That the Year BOok committee consist of Messrs Geo CBrown and MacLennan from the Session and Frank Perkins and MacLoien from the Board of managers That JA MacLaren in apprecie ation ofhis longservices to the Board be ber That Miss Gibson be given vote it MALE QUARTEUE of Eastern PEntecostal Liable College $7 WV inboth services 11 AM 730pm VV Singing and Preaching by Quartette Come and enjoy the singing and preaching of the old time Gospel ii hanks forhcr good work with managers urjateLiMBiL That pettycash account he set up forVusVe of the ministeravailable for use on the Mansethe amount to be agreed on by the Board of That Messrs Gordon Spencer George Ullman Miller Amos and Irving Robertsonbeelected manag ers for 19501952 That Alex Miller Roy Bell Rich ard Steele Morley Seniors and Ir ving Robertson formerly elders in other congregations be given mem bership in full in St Andrews Session The meeting adjourned at 1015 Radiotelephone Service from Can ada to Newfoundland was inaug The oi Ontario among the continents eldsv of southweste 5713171711177 im cportvifttrrBuildi candrlrmersionsatidincwmembcerdcdj and Maei ade tin honorary mem dV est were rst developed durin the 1850s these birds are illi easy target for anyone with gun but he hoped NIEIVMAYPLES FRO McIntosh Red 611i lius 495 sum Jilier FLA ll directits so tense and just before your period lhcn start taking lllil linkhzims chctalilt Tomi uniild to relieve such syiiiptiimsl It has such soothing comforting nnlispasmodic effect on one lionmns mos important organs working through the sympathetic 12111 kl on $tltllr ilcilcll il thiaiunla Illti llll liicw IIlllll Spcziill Stillltlcll lloy Ilaliy tilficcrs colllllllttces ari to be appointed future lllcitlmls of the Illitltlgt functional aililicnlsmakc you feel soilcrvous strangely rcslli Iinkllamsloinpoundilmsmore than rcliowunonlllly pain It also relieves prinpcriod nervous irrita bility tense emotionsqu this LYDIA EPINKHAMS Vegetable Comp HI monthly Pork Beef Veal Lamb loolieil Meals Ioullry Fresh Fish Veilllalilcs GEO COLES BUTCHER cc and 62 Mli BEFOB YourMONTHLY Period net rille medicine helps build llpi ileziiInit silili ftiiliiletlislrtn fll llmiliuis friend 91 VtilII Or uni inay irrIvl Lydia II linLhams llll IllS will IiIIIIII iruii Ollllfi it VEGETABLES READY roUsn N0 Tex SPINACH KILN DRIED 27c 10 or bag GRAPEFRUIT 29 NO YAMSI 27c MBNOLEIR1LR HEEL NM musicxILLLNMRWWNLM wmm MawMm BLADE BONE our BLADE ROAST Tessie EAsY T0 CARVT rt RIB 110113113 53c ULvhitnouss CREAM STYLE GOLDEN CORN1th 14b WHOLE BEETS AYLMERFLEMISH BEAUTY 23 prints LYNN VALLEYLSTD 2sPEACHLs AYLMERIN TOMATO SAUCE PORK BEANS AYLMERCHOICE TOMATOES 5m Tin 20 Tins AYLMER TOMATO CATsu Ar LMERTOMATO JUICE Cocktail Bc PACKTFANCY Pl ALM 3t 11 oi Bottle 20 01 Tins NATURESWAY TO HEALTH 24 Oi ROMAN MEAL DOMINIONCRUSH PEANUT SPREAD GRUNCHY sorrowsLam LAIEL 02 Turk Trix so TOMATOES Cello Cm 19c VPO 10 II but 31C GUARANTEEDMIEAVTS it SIRLOINBOINELES ROUND OR WING Steak or Roost 1b 69c PEAMEALED come RpLLs lb 51c NORTH SELECT Fresh ArLMsn l7 CHILI siuce LYNN VlIALLErsro45s gum on RITZ 25c OER oziar 59o AYLMERCHDICE cl 33 CCVMIXEDPICKLES 20 01 Tlii 150x Tln 15 01 Tin Ox Bottle 20c 29 VV 1917 Iii lloz pkg ONTARIO NO WHITE BEANS CALIFORNIABABY LlMi BEANS A1L iiuNross PllilVlITY FLOUR 2112 lag so be 16 01 Lb lug EXTRA SPECIAL mums aliANOstm soi lar VALUES EFFECTIVE THURSDAY FRIDAYV SATURDAY FEBV2nd3rd4th BREAD CEREALS CANNED GOODS tltl iiiVVyVlg 17 Essa Road Phone 3214 Deliveries all Myer lown 08 19o is

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